The authoress known as Demonspite is now giving all of her stories a complete overhaul! (i.e. fixing spelling/grammar mistakes, changing some of the character dialogue, etc.)

Within a couple weeks, I will be removing all of my stories from this site, and posting my new versions. I tell you all this because two of them (Po-ke-oh! GX and Silent Academy,) will no longer be considered "Yu-gi-oh! GX" stories, but crossover stories of "Yu-gi-oh! GX" with "Pokemon" and "Silent Hill" respectively. I'm not sure if these crossovers will appear under both series (like "Po-ke-oh! GX" being under both "Pokemon" AND "Yu-gi-oh! GX",) or in their own category altogether (just the "Crossover of X and Y" category.)

In any case, I do hope that you all will keep reading once I post my newly improved stories.

Thank you.
