a/n; Ever since I saw the second Narnia movie yesterday, I've been itching to write this pairing; it's my current obsession. :3 They just have so much chemistry and tension! It's fabulous. This was written in only a few minutes, so if the quality kind of sucks, sorry. I just needed to submit something new.

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the blood on his lips tastes nothing like his own.

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"It's hard to face a brand new day, when you think it is your last."

The runaway prince is a presence behind him, tall and dark and predatory in a way that makes the High King shiver. Unprotected by armor and a makeshift army, Peter is exposed. He closes his eyes as the prince steps forward.

"One can often think of the things left undone. Things... left unsaid." The whisper cracks on the very last word, and the younger man is unsure what to do once he feels a chest push up against his back. Don't give into temptation, not when victory is this close. Warm breath puffs out around the shell of his ear, and a slender hand reaches to grab his shoulder.

(& though he is a noble man, the Narnian king starts to fall to pieces)

When Caspian turns Peter's chin to meet his gaze, everything just shatters -- teachings, battles, morals, values; there is nothing but the sensation of hip against hip, nothing but the scent of each other and the arch of their backs as they scramble for release.

Peter sighs to the sky with half-lidded eyes as the Telmarine exile places his mouth on the other boy's -- the last kiss they know that they will ever share, whether victorious or not. One night to live; one day to die.

He wonders what Aslan would think of him now.

- -

They die by the hundreds. Husbands, wives, friends, sons, daughters; light snuffed out in an insignificant instant as unimpressive as the wax on which it burned. Blood of the innocent spilt on soil left to rot.

Blade pierces chainmail, and the blood on his lips tastes nothing like his own. He meets a darkened gaze from across the field of clashing bodies, but it does not distract him now. He is the High King Peter, and only two words echo through the chamber of his mind.

For Narnia;
(for Caspian)