Disclaimer: I do not own Tsubasa, the gang or any of CLAMPs works
Pairings: Slight Syao x Syao if you take it that way
Thud thud
"Not again…Please not again." Brown eyes looked up from the book they were reading. "Fai-san hes got himself locked outside again!"
Fai looked up from his spell book then glanced across to the door, "Hes your clone you do it."
Sighing in defeat the real Syaoran rose to his feet and crossed the room to the door.
Thud thud
"Do I have to let him in?" The Syaoran asked already knowing the answer
"If you don't he'll just keep at it all night, kid." Kurogane replied not even bothering to raise his eyes.
The Real Syaoran opened the door to have his clone tackle him to the floor.
"I was so lonely don't ever leave me outside again!" The clone continued to ramble on about being lonely but no one was really listening.
The real Syaoran rose to his feet, with the clone clinging to him, shut the door and tried to return to his seat.
He ended up giving up reading and tried to make it to his bed.
Fai looked after the syaorans before returning to his book.
"Don't they go well together" He remarked before getting a sharp bang round his head.