Poll: Would you like to see Blood of Life, Blood of Love solely be a Jasper/Bella pairing or would you like me to add a third mate to their pairing? Vote Now!
Author has written 2 stories for Twilight. Please let me introduce myself, my name is Crystal and I am TwilightSurvivor or SarMomEmt on all writing sites, feel free to look me up or add me. I came very late to the FanFiction game as I only discovered it in 2015. My favorite Twilight character is Jasper and most of what I write is Bella/Jasper, although occasionally ill weite Bella/Peter or Bella/Jasper/Peter or Jasper/Peter. (basically, I only write the Whitlock’s) Originally I started writing FF as a form of personal therapy as a way to write down my own experiences with multiple types of childhood abuse and the healing process after struggling to write it out as myself. In 2015, I discovered that if I assigned my own experiences to a character, it became much easier to get out. Yes, I’m a survivor and after many years of therapy I’m at a point in my life where I can discuss my experiences openly so anyone who needs help with survivor stories, I’m more then happy to pre-read or give suggestions to help make it more authentic and to help anyone focus the story on the aftermath, the emotional struggle and healing which can be difficult to write. I worked EMS in NYC until 9/11/01 when I became injured at the World Trade Center and I not only was very good at my job but I had felt like I found my place in the world as I loved it so much. When I could no longer work after 9/11/01, having fractured & dislocated my hip which caused major back problems as well and the PTSD I already had from my childhood abuse was compounded dramatically and became “complicated PTSD”, I was a shell of myself... no longer knowing who I was or where I belonged as EMS had been such a huge part of what made up who I was. I struggled physically and mentally and still do. I have chronic pain issues stemming from my 9/11 injuries which were made much worse by fusing my spine in 2009. I got married 11/5/2001 and my husband and I had 5 babies, but lost our third daughter, Ava Grace whom died the day she was born due go extreme prematurity. 17 years later we divorced and I have 4 amazing children, 3 girls and 1 boy, ranging in ages from 16 to A year and a half old. I love my kids more then life itself and they ARE my happy place! I went back to school for photography and graphic design but my physical disabilities make it nearly impossible to work so for now at least, I stay home with my kids, enjoying them, being a mom, reading, writing, photography and art. My physical and mental issues are very isolating so I’m always thrilled to talk to others online. I ONLY read & write Twilight FanFiction’s. My #1 favorite story ever, FanFiction or otherwise is "One Day at a Time by Hisuiko so if you haven't read it–do so, as her depiction of Jasper is the best, most complicated and interesting I've ever read. Other favorite authors of mine are Spudzmom, GeezerWench, RavenLightDragon, Xo Bella Italiana oX, Dobbyrockssocks, EmilyF.6, knueu21 and there are many others as well. Thank you for taking the time to read my first ever shared story, Blood of Life, Blood of Love and please remember to review and give constructive criticism. |