A/N:- Well here we go new story, will update every 3 days this time cause it's not finished ... shock horror lol, but it will be xx Alexis
They contacted me, askin' for my help, of all people, Why them? Why me? Technically I didn't know them from a hole in the ground! Was this another of her attempts? I was truly gettin' real sick of Mary-Alice, well Alice Cullen now. When I think back on what might have been I get so damned angry...
When Peter and Charlotte came back to Maria's camp for me I was a wreck, I know it and so do they, I was one step away from burnin' myself alive. But they rescued me from the jaws of oblivion, helpin' me to put myself back together mentally and it was good at first, but even freedom couldn't stop the pain of feelin' my prey's emotions. I tried to feed less and stay away from humans as much as possible but it was a bad time for me, I stayed a few years with them, but it was their love for each other that finally drove me away. I wanted that! I wanted to be loved just like any other man, but I wasn't like other men or vampires for that matter, I was a trained killer, I was the 'God Of War'. The most feared vampire out there, a ruthless killin' machine, to those who didn't know me.
I was wanderin' aimlessly, trying to find god alone knows what! When she made her first attempt. Peter just appeared out of nowhere, as I reached the outskirts of Philadelphia, for once he didn't go all cryptic on me, he just told me straight there was a vampire waitin' in Philly for me. I laughed then sayin' I wasn't afraid to fight anyone. Then he sat down with me and told me the tale of Mary-Alice, a schemin', crazy and selfish bitch if ever there was one. She was waiting to ensnare me for her own ends, but not to help me, oh no! It was never to help me, she wanted to chain me to her, control and own the uncontrollable Major, like a pet. Peter had a gift, he always denied it sayin' "I just know shit, brother!" but he was never wrong, whatever it was he saw, was set in stone, it was the future.
She, on the other hand, had to deal with decisions made, but they changed all the time, how could anyone rely on a weak gift like that, there were too many chances of it bein' derailed, fuck even the humans, makin' a decision could throw it off. So he informed me that she was goin' to tell me she was my mate, knowin' that was the one thing I wanted above all else. "What if she is Peter?" I had asked genuinely scared, could my mate be another controlling bitch like Maria? "She ain't, cause your mate ain't even been born yet, Major!" he had told me and I believed him, he had never lied or steered me wrong before. "Mary-Alice has an agenda, I don't know quite what yet, you're just a tool she wants, for her to get it, she can't do it without you!" Peter then said, "But, I did find somethin' out that will be the makin' of you Jasper!" He then told me about the Cullens and their lifestyle, animals, they feed on animals, well damn, I had thought at the time, fuck, it was so flamin' obvious!
I knew then that was it, the answer to my biggest problem. So I made a decision, to head south down to Mississippi, just to fuck with her, Peter knew she came from there but not much else. But I headed west towards Colorado, there were lots of forested areas there and that meant animals, I sure as fuck won't be eating any damn deer and such like shit, I needed predators like myself, if I was doing this I might as well enjoy the thrill of the chase. But at least we got the idea how to fed myself painlessly from her, probably the best damn gift she never meant to give me, without her being there to act as my god damn saviour.
We had then made it a priority to find out all we could about the Cullens, well Peter did so I didn't need to make any decisions she'd see, she wasn't with them yet that we knew, we also found out we had friends in common with them. As luck would have it, Garrett had known Carlisle Cullen for a while, although he found his way of feeding strange he liked the man he had met during the 'War of Independence'. Through him, we learned about his coven which had started in 1918 when he had made a companion called Edward, a mind reader, just surface thoughts, though. Followed by Carlisle's mate, Esme in 1921 and then another female Rosalie in 1933 and her mate Emmett in 1935, although he doesn't have a gift he never lost his newborn strength.
Then we heard that the Cullens knew Eleazar and Carmen, therefore also the Denali sisters, they were notorious, for their love of all things male. We had run into them in Dallas about three years ago, they were insatiable, not above sharin' either and I had spent a week of, if I'd been human exhaustin' passion and sex, but since I wasn't it was a very pleasant interlude. One I'd have been more than happy to repeat if the occasion arose. After Peter's revelation, I spent my time purposely thinkin' about decidin' to kill humans for food and all the female vampires I would be havin' the pleasure of beddin', I didn't want her to know I'd changed my diet and wasn't above bein' petty and lettin' her see what she was missin' out on.
This went on over the next approximately sixty years, every so often Peter would appear and tell me she was nearby or comin' to the area we or I were in. I often joined back up with Peter and Char for a few months or more, now that I was feedin' from animals I was findin' it so much easier to be around then for longer. I would wait to the very last minute to make the decision to move on before she could stop me, once doin' it thirty minutes before she was going to be in the same area huntin' with the Cullens, that I was at the time livin' in. Stupid bitch, tryin' to beat me, I was the master of plannin' and tactic's who was she tryin' to kid. I loved the knowledge of knowin' I had once again thwarted her plans, whatever the hell they were and she had no Idea I knew her game.
I had also mastered not makin' a direct decision about anythin' when I did it was premeditated, or very sudden. Not that I spent all my time stayin' one step ahead of Alice Cullen, oh no, I travelled abroad, wrote a couple of books, amassed a large collection of civil war memorabilia and made a fortune, the latter due entirely to her. as Peter became more attuned to her, he also got extra information, like when she bought stocks and shares in small companies and the likes, the best two being 'Microsoft' in 1975 and 'Apple' in 1976, though there have been many others. So without having to deal with her, I managed to use her knowledge to my advantage.
Hell, I even spent time in Volterra, that put the fear of god up her Peter said, but we never knew why! The brothers wanted me to join the guard, but I declined but said if they ever needed my assistance in the America's then I would be only too willin' to help out, but I'd had a belly full of fightin', for now, they had called upon me a couple of times to sort out various problems and I was glad to arrange it for them. So that brings me back to the call from Carlisle Cullen five minutes ago, they needed help with a totally out of control newborn.
Seems the mind reader Edward lost the plot and tried to attack his singer when she wasn't alone, fuckin' idiot. Her friend got in the way and he nearly drained her. His sire managed to stop him and changed the girl, but she is so enraged every time Edward comes near her that she attacks, meanwhile the singer is threatenin' to expose them all for the monsters they are, but they can't stop her as she's being held on the nearby reservation by the local shapeshifters who are gearin' up to kill them all includin' the newborn, for breakin' an old treaty they have with each other. The Volturi told them to ask me to sort out the newborn for them, while they tried to sort out the other mess, or they would come and sort it out for them and that would mean genocide.
"So why the fuck is the mind reader still there?" I asked and was told that unfortunately the girl he bit turns out to be his mate and he won't leave her or stop tryin' to apologise which just sets her off again, that seems unlikely but I held my tongue for now. Fuck my life, if it wasn't that the brothers suggested I help, I'd have told them to go to hell. I told him I call back in one hour, so I pressed my speed dial and got hold of Peter, he just burst out laughing when he picked up, "Fuck Jazzman, sixty years and they call you for help, via the Volturi, that's just fucked up brother!" he chortled, "Yeah! yeah! Fucker get packed I need both of you, in fact, call 'the Patriot', he can play mediator between the Cullens and us!" I told him, that shut him up right away.
I was packed and movin' out without actually makin' the decision thirty minutes later, Peter was organisin' everythin' so I just called Carlisle Cullen said I'd be there tomorrow and headed towards Washington. I loved my Ducati, it was fast and purred like a big cat, next to a horse this was the best mode of transport out there for me, the eternal cowboy. Twelve hours later I was sittin' astride my baby watchin' the Cullen house, once I'd changed my diet and got my sense of self back, I reverted to wearing my signature outfit of Stetson, jeans and cowboy boots, all in black of course, later addin' shades to the ensemble, I'm a poser, so sue me! I was listenin' to all the goin's on, in the large white house, fuck they were loud and not very careful. I had been sittin' for three hours, fourteen minutes and twenty-five seconds, not hidden or anythin', just at the edge of the trees in full view.
So when the front door opened and a woman came out I didn't move and waited, she automatically scanned the vista and actually screamed when her gaze landed on me, fuck, she was a vampire, but screamed at the sight of another! That got them all runnin', suddenly the porch was covered in growlin' vampires, includin' the newborn, Jesus Christ, are they wired up right. I just dropped them all where they stood with a cocktail of fear, revulsion and insecurity. "Well, you all are dead! How the fuck have any of you lived this long?" I drawled, layin' my accent on thick while wheelin' my ebony bike towards them, I started to ease back on the feelin's as I reached the driveway. "What the fuck man! How long have you been there?" the biggest of the coven demanded, I raised an eyebrow and sent him a shot of terror, he staggered back "Sorry man! Sorry!" he mumbled.
Their leader was looking between the red-haired boy and the little boy-like girl, obviously talkin' in one's head and expectin' the other to see his question, they both shook their heads, while he held the newborn tightly against his body. "Out loud please Dr Cullen! For the uninitiated amongst us!" I said with a touch of disdain colourin' my words. He cleared his throat in a very human manner and looked at me "I apologise Major Whitlock! I was asking how they neither saw or heard you out here!" he said just a little aggrieved. "Well, hell! I can answer that, I wasn't thinkin' about anythin' or makin' a decision, so that rendered their very meagre talents void!" I told him, everyone else gasped in shock as if I'd just run over the dog on my way in.
"As to how long I've been sittin' listenin' to you all, bicker and argue with each other! Your mind reader had just asked you 'Where exactly is the bloodthirsty monster going to stay? Because he is not living in the house with civilised people!' " I told them in an exact imitation of his pompous voice. He at least had the decency to drop his head in shame, more for bein' caught than for what he said, his leader sighed " I apologise on Edward's behalf Major, he doesn't always think first!". I laughed and nodded to the newborn sayin' "Clearly! He seems more bother than he's worth!" This had the big guy laughin' "You've no idea man!" he announced and Edward growled at him but it was anythin' but intimidatin', all that happened was the newborn launched herself at him bitin' his arms as he tried and failed to fend her off.