Well we come to the end of another journey. I hope you enjoyed it enoiugh to join me in a new adventure in the next few days. Thanks as always for reading and reviewing. Love Jules xx

Chapter Seventy


I saw Jasper and Charlie appear as the young guy stopped talking and he held up a hand to stay his companions and the remaining wolves, or guys as they now were. It was obvious he didn't want a fight, at least not yet.

"Major Whitlock, we meet at last."

Jasper stepped forward while Charlie came to stand beside me and as he reached out and took my hand I realised Bella had dropped her shield.

"I'm afraid you have the advantage but I'd guess by the situation that I'm addressing Johnny H. If so I'd like to point out that Bella there is my mate and it looks like the Quileutes tried to ambush her and Tanya."

The young man nodded and I gasped, I'd thought Johnny H was a myth but here he stood large as life.

"True and I was just getting to the bottom of the situation when you arrived. May I go on?"

"Please do but I warn you that if this isn't concluded to my satisfaction then I intend seeking my own kind of justice."

Johnny H stared at Jasper for a few seconds as if measuring him before turning back to the leader of the wolves.

"You told me the treaty clearly stated that The Cullens wouldn't bite any humans, either hunting or to turn them, or come on to the Quileute's land and we wouldn't attack them or reveal their presence to the humans. So I ask again what reason do you have for being here? On my land attacking these two?"


I saw Jared shrug,

"We spoke about it and decided the treaty had been broken and when we heard from friends that Chief Swan's attacker was in Denali we decided to act."

"So you came all this way, off your reservation lands and onto mine to avenge the treaty you say was being broken?"

"Yes, its still guardian land."

"True, but you see from what you tell me the treaty was never broken."

There was a shout of anger from the Quileutes which stopped when he looked at them.

"Is this woman a Cullen?

"No but they are friends of the CUllens and you can see that Charlie is now a vampire. What more do you need?

"The truth, you came here because you felt aggrieved, the treaty is still intact, the Cullens did not attack or turn this man, by your own admission. In fact you have broken MY laws. The guardians are here to protect their individual tribes, they are not a police force to save the humans. That isn't our remit and it's not possible, there are not enough of us to start a war with the vampires and you have brought us closer than we have been in centuries. If you had succeeded in killing these two women you would have started a blood bath that could have resulted in hundreds of guardians losing their lives and tribes left vulnerable. Is that really what you wanted?"


Seeing Jasper calmed me and I walked to his side grasping his hand tightly but still watching the Quileutes closely, I didn't trust them as far as I could spit. I had no idea who this Johnny H was but everyone seemed to hold him in high regard, the Quileutes were looking nervous at his words.

"Well? I'm waiting for an answer? Is that what your intentions were?"

They all shook their heads and looked uncomfortable.

"Then I suggest you return to your tribal lands and tell your elders that I will be sending someone to speak to them about your actions."

"Thats it? They get a slap on the wrist? THey tried to kill me and my father's mate."

He turned cool eyes on me,

"But they didn't. What would you see me do?"

I didn't know but it hardly seemed fair,

"The only reason they failed was my shield. If not for that they would have probably killed both of us."

"I ask again, what would you have me do?"

"They need to learn your laws it would seem. Take them back with you until you are sure they can be trusted, either that or let us fight it out here, now the odds are a little more even."


Bella was still volatile but Johnny H could hardly accuse her of asking more than was just. I wondered how he would answer her.

"No, we stay here we leave our tribe unprotected. You might go and attack as punishment."


The wolves muttered their agreement with Paul's words and I saw Johnny H's two companions shimmer into their guardian form, huge white bears. Were they joining the wolves or showing their strength to the Quileutes? I wasn't at all sure myself and I tensed but then Johnny H nodded,

"It seems a reasonable request but I must ask for your word that you will not attack the Quileutes while they are vulnerable.

"Unlike you, we do not make war on innocents, the Quileutes already know this, we've lived in close proximity to them on and off for years and not once has a tribal member been attacked but yes, I give my word."

"And you speak for both the Cullens and the Denali coven Major?"

"I do."

"What about nomads? He doesn't speak for them and they are a greater threat."

Johnny H turned back to a red faced Paul,

"Perhaps you should have thought about that before you left the tribe unprotected to chase these people."

"And what about our Alpha? Bella killed him. or doesn't that count?"

"He attacked, she defended herself, he lost. Or do you see it another way?"

Much as he wanted to argue Paul could see it wasn't going to get him anywhere.

"If it is agreeable to you I will send two of my tribe with Sam's body back to Forks. His family need to bury him."

"We have no quarrel with that."

He nodded soberly,

"I take it this is the end of the matter for all concerned Major? After all it is your mate who was harmed."

I looked at her and smiled,

"Oh, I think she stood up for herself so yes its over as far as we are concerned but if any of the Quileutes comes looking for us or the Denali's it will be a declaration of war as far as I am concerned and next time there will be no talking."

Johnny H nodded and gestured for the Quileutes to follow him which they did carrying their Alpha's dead body between them

slowly and unhappily to be followed up in turn by the two bears.

As soon as they were out of sight Bella collapsed into my arms and I checked her over. The wounds would heal but would leave scars on her arms. She smiled at the direction of my gaze,

"We both have our scars Jasper but we have each other too."

Then she turned to look at Charlie and Tanya and I tensed but she smiled,

"You know I wanted to rip her throat out but when it came down to it I protected her. How's that for crazy?"

"You saved her for your father because you love him Bella. Just remember rage is a vampire's greatest weakness and try to control it at all times."

"Like you? That's what you mean isn't it?

"Maybe but then I've had a long time to work on it, I was ready to rip the throats from all those wolves and I could probably have done it with Charlie's help but it would have caused more bloodshed and all we want is to live, all of us."

"Why didn't dad use his shield?"

"Because I calmed him down, we needed to use diplomacy here Bella. Johnny H may hate vampires as much as the Quileutes but he understands that peace is necessary for all our sakes. Now come on, lets go home, the others should be back soon."

She clutched my hand and we walked over to Charlie and Tanya where she took Tanya's hand too.

"You're dad's mate, I'll get used to it I guess."

"Thank you, and for protecting me, for a minute there I didn't think you would."

"For a minute neither did I."