
Well, I've done it now and I only pray he tells me the truth, I so want to trust him. But I'm just not sure, I think he's so used to lying to get his own way that it's an integral part of him and that I can't accept. I also have the feeling Edward has a temper and I don't want to see that at all. I need a mediator, but who?

Ah ha! The calm one what's his name? Jasper that's who we need. Well, no time like the present to test my Alice theory, so I make the decision to ask for Jasper's help and as I'm leaving the gym and heading home she appears by my side, "Jasper will be there as well, Edward is not happy about it, though!" she says smiling.

"Oh, and does Edward always get his own way in everything? Well, it's about time he learned he's not the most important thing in this world or the next!" I said. That rattled loose something at the back of my mind, about the supernatural and the Quileute's? I'll need to ponder that some more, later.

So when 4:30 pm came, my door went exactly to the second, oh my, a little anal. I answered and they both stood there looking unsure and Edward did not look very happy. I laughed and told them both we'd go out back as it was at least dry.

"I know you guys don't like being in close proximity to other students so I hope this helps? Also, I won't waste my time offering you anything to eat or drink as I know you don't at school, so I'm assuming you don't anywhere but at home?" I say and they stare at me as if I was an alien!


Well dang, she's just full of surprises, has she missed anythin' that's happened since she arrived in Forks? I really doubt it, way to perspective for her own good. She 's anxious but not in the least afraid about this meetin'. She's also hopeful, I fear she'll be devastated because he's not goin' to tell her the truth, well not the real truth. He's so rigid in everythin' that he just doesn't know how to bend, not break rules.

"Thank you darlin', that's real kind of you," I say as we head out the back door. Edward is givin' off all sorts of emotions, fear, anxiety, hope, lust! wait what was that, lust! well well well!


I'm wound up so tight, I feel like I'm going to spin out of control, thank god we're going outside, her scent is overpowering here in her home. She's only been here a short time but the place is saturated, it's intoxicating. I know she's my singer, but it's more than that I feel lighter around her, happier believe it or not. Wait what was that Jasper thought I'm giving off lust...?


"Okay, guys, I'm going to make it easier for you, I'll tell you what I know and then you tell me if I'm right or wrong," I say as we all sit-down.

1) You don't eat or drink normal food.

2) You don't show at school on sunny days.

3) You're eyes change colour! I have a theory about that.

4) Edward at least is impossibly fast and strong.

5) You're cold to the touch and your skin it excessively pale and firm.

6) Alice see's decisions made! I tested that today.

7) Edward reads minds, but not mine I think?

8) Jasper, I know you do something? Is it to do with emotions maybe? You're very calming to be around.

As I reel off the facts as I see them, their jaws drop lower and lower and I know without them saying I'm right on all counts. "Shit!" was all Jasper could say and Edward looked proud of me for some reason and just said "Well, damn!"

"I have been racking my brain all day to put those clues together into something I know, I Know! Somewhere in the past, I've heard some of those descriptions being relayed to me! But I can't place it just yet" Just then the house phone rang and I excused myself to go and answer it.

"Hey Bells, won't be in till late, I'm going to meet Billy and Harry for a drink okay kiddo?" Charlie told me, "Yeah dad, that's fine I'll leave you something to warm up in the fridge. Don't drink too much okay?" I laugh and so does he. As I put the phone down it hits me Quileute Legends.

Shape-shifters and Cold Ones, I remembered from years ago sneaking to the bonfire with Rachel and Rebecca, hiding just far enough back as to hear and not be seen. That was the year before the last year I came to Forks on the holidays. Everything fits but the eye colour! They're not red! Shit, their Vampires!


"How the hell did she work all that out in a few weeks?" I asked Jasper he just shook his head and pulled out his phone, after a quick call to Carlisle we thought it best to reconvene at our house. Just then Bella came back outside and looked at us both closely and then said: "You're all Vampires?" We just stared at her.

"Why the hell would you want to repeat high school? That's unnecessary torture don't you think? Or are you all masochists as well?" Jasper and I looked at each other, then her, then back at each other. Then the three of us all burst out laughing it was so ludicrous and I felt so free and happy it was an immense relief.


Who was this girl? She just worked out we were Vampires and the thing that bothered her most was us redoin' fuckin' high school! She was the strangest human I've ever met, but god I liked her. When we'd calmed down and asked if she would come to the house, she agreed right away. Not one bit of hesitation, did she have no fear at all.


I was right about them and I was so happy, in my heart of hearts, I knew he would have lied to me if I hadn't guessed. We would have to address that at a later time. We set off in my truck, I realised then neither of them had come by car. Well, that must save on the gas bills!

I knew we would have to talk about their eating habits, I'm not stupid. But as their father figure works in a hospital and they all had gold eyes of differing shades, I guessed they did not eat humans but had another food source, I wonder if that might be animals? I must ask the Doctor and about their eyes turning black too.


I'm so glad I didn't have to lie to her, but I would have and that didn't sit too well with me. I also think she knows this too and will no doubt take me to task for it. I was surprisingly calm about this whole thing, her knowing and wanting to talk about it. Was it because I had feelings for her, I could admit that now, I was so busy trying to stop her finding out about us I didn't realise that I was becoming attached.

Carlisle was going to shocked, we were obviously becoming too predictable if she noticed all of those things. But maybe it was just her as everyone else avoids us, they never see anything we do or don't do. But what now? Now she knows what happens? I'm not letting anything happen to her, so Rose can just drop dead, well deader!


Well my word, this was not the conclusion to the talk I was expecting. She is a most unusual girl, Edwards inability to read her mind, threw a spanner in the works and then she calmly works it all out. Mind you her involvement with the Quileutes seems to have been the reason it was so easy for her. I am really looking forward to meeting her and Esme is the most excited I've seen her in years. Ah, here they come now, goodness her truck sounds a little rough.


A human girl coming to visit, this is a first for us. I hope she isn't scared, I want her to be comfortable here. I wonder if she really is the one for Edward, Alice thinks so, but Bella hasn't made a decision yet so she's not 100% sure yet. God, I hope Edward doesn't spoil it for himself, he can be so self-deprecating sometimes. maybe she can pull him out of his wallowing.


What the Fuck! I am so angry, why are they bringing a human here, how could they tell her about us? Why don't they just kill her before she exposes us all for what we are? I don't see the problem she's just a stupid human, nobody of any importance to us, just get rid of her and we go back to normal.


Rose is so selfish and self-centred because Bella means nothing to her, she thinks she has no value to the family. She's possibly Edward's mate and she wants us to kill her, so she's not inconvenienced. Edward's in for a bumpy ride, Bella will not accept him lying to her or evading issues. Also sorry just won't cut it with her, he's not going to know what hit him, I'm so excited for them both. I'm getting a real friend at last.


I hope she likes games and has some new jokes, I need new jokes! Rosie's bound to come around, I don't understand why she wants to kill her, especially as she might be Eddie's mate? Doesn't she want him to be happy? I know she never really accepted that Eddie didn't fall for her, so she said he was gay to make herself feel better, but if he falls for Bella that proves her wrong and Rosie hates to be wrong!


"Are you sure they won't mind me coming over?" I was really worried I don't want to be a bother. "No it's fine Carlisle asked us to ask you, don't worry," Edward said. "Rose is the only one to watch out for, she doesn't like change much" Jasper warned me. I was a little concerned about this, but well if I was invited it would have been rude not to accept. I would just have to remember to watch my P's and Q's, after all, they were I assumed a lot older than me.

"Okay then, so how old are you both and I don't mean the human age you're playing?" I ask both Jasper and Edward. Jasper answers right away that he's One hundred and sixty-one if including the years he was alive and Edward says, therefore, he's One hundred and three. Wow just wow.

Jasper is driving my truck, he said the turn off's tricky the first time and I didn't mind. So as we pull into their drive I get my first glimpse of the house and it's simply stunning, all-glass and modern. Not what I was expecting at all. I whistle and say "Well shit! money talks, huh!" Jasper laughs and Edward looks embarrassed.


"Let's not swamp her, okay? Just let them bring her in" I tell everyone and Rose roll's her eyes. Esme's bustling about in the kitchen making coffee and cutting a bit of cake she bought for Bella. Just at that the door opens and Edward ushers her in, Jasper quickly goes over to Alice and hugs her "Missed you Darlin'" he whispers, but we all except Bella hear him anyway. Yes, there is no privacy in a vampire household.

Edward reintroduces her to me and she's so polite, calling me Dr Cullen, I tell her to call me Carlisle and I in turn introduce Esme as Bella has seen if not spoken to everyone else. Emmett waves and Alice says "Hi Bella". Rose huffs and flicks through the magazine she has in her hand. Esme asks if she'd like coffee and Bella says "Yes please, can I help you?" Esme smiles and says to Emmett "There you go, Emmett, that's what manners look like!" we all laugh and sit down in the lounge.

I start the main topic of conversation by saying how remarkable a human she is to have worked out in such a short space of time what we are. I then tell her the reason why we keep it a secret and how dangerous it was to her to know. Bella turns to Edward and demands "Why the hell didn't you say that? Instead of behaving like a five-year-old and ignoring me as if I would disappear. I'm a cop's kid remember! I know the rule 'If I tell you I'd have to kill you!' geez, Edward you make everything harder than it needs to be!"


Oh, I like her she's not going to take any of Edward's nonsense, she's so right he makes life far harder for himself than it has to be. She sees his flaws so easily, I really think they were made for each other. He looks abashed and hangs his head, but I catch a little smile lurking around the edges of his mouth.

Carlisle goes on to tell Bella that she is actually Edward's singer and what that means, she looks sadly at him and then at me, "Do you have a zip lock bag anywhere I could use?" I rush off to find one and when I hand it to her she removes her shrug and places it in the bag. "I'll change it out every day, It might help to ease the problem if you don't have to start fresh every morning!" she looks to Carlisle asking "Will it work?" he nods and says that it would be a great help.

I am ecstatic, this is a large step in the right direction, Bella is already trying to protect him, although it is, from herself this time. Edward is taken aback that she not only worked that out but by her concern for him.


Well, this was going so much better than I thought and they are all so kind and happy to meet me. Well except for Rosalie, I'm not calling her Rose till she says I can. I think I'll have to have a woman to woman chat with her soon. Ah, that reminds me, I turn to Carlisle and smile.

"I wanted to ask a question about your eyes, I broached it before with Edward and he off course lied and walked away, this seems to be the norm for him, I think?" I enquire and the others laugh and he hangs his head. "Yes, well, Edward is having a little difficulty coming to terms with having to react to what you're saying rather than thinking and I fear it's throwing him for a loop" Carlisle informs me.

"Okay, anyhow, I'm guessing your eyes are at their lightest when you have eaten or drunk recently, whichever it is and darken as you get hungry? The gold I take it denotes your food source is not human, so animal I was thinking? and the black I saw Edwards turn the first day, would be an extreme reaction due to me being his singer yes? It was definitely not gradual at all" I say and give an involuntary shiver.

"My goodness Bella, you saw and worked that out all on the first day?" Esme asks me quite surprised, I laugh and tell them "Well yes, it's really strange but you know how people say everything happens in slow motion in times of stress? But for me it's the totally opposite, my mind seems to speed up so I can process many things at the same time, I've always been a bit of a freak compared to other people!"


"You were born to be a vampire Bella-Boo, simple as that," I tell her and Eddie growls at me and gets all defensive and she turns to him and says "What the hell was that for? Are you so rigid in your views your own family aren't allowed to make comments? God, you're life must be boring and lonely with all the restraints you have in place for yourself, lighten up! Can vampires get ulcers Carlisle?" she asks and Jasper and I are killing ourselves laughing, she's a riot I love her already.


I can't win, she keeps calling me out on my faults, but at the same time, she does something to ease my bloodlust around her. When Emmett made that comment, I ignored Alice's warning and as usual made it worse for myself, Bella really tore a strip off me and I feel so stupid, am I that rigid and anal? Do I refuse to allow others to contradict me, Shit! yes, I do!

I'm sitting hanging my head after that and the fact my brothers find it so funny. I'm flabbergasted when she reaches across to me and rubs her fingers on the back of my hand and says "I'm sorry, Edward, that was cruel of me, will you forgive me?" and I feel the buzz of electricity again and instantly relax, god I almost start to purr. What the hell!

"Thank you, Bella, of course, I forgive you, Love," I say, shit did I say that out loud? No one reacts out loud, but in my head, it's a different matter. Bella just smiles at me, her hand slips into mine and tightens on me a little and I don't care what they all think, only her, only she matters now.


She has to be the most amazing human I have ever met. So perceptive, so aware of what goes on around her and no fear, just a curiousness to learn more. "Yes on all counts, we drink the blood of animals only, extreme emotions change our eyes black. Pain, intense hunger and lust to mention but a few" I confirm for her, I don't think that either of them realises they are still holding hands and Edward looks the most relaxed I have ever seen him. He appears to be almost blocking everyone out.

I go on to tell her about us, I say the other will give her more in depth facts about themselves if she wishes later, she nods at this and then asks "So what now? It's obvious to a blind man, Edward and I have a connection, but is it viable? Do vampires date humans? How likely is it to last, before he gets bored with me? I don't want to start something he isn't prepared to finish!" She turns to Edward, looks him right in the eye and says:

"Please remember Edward, Swans mate for life!"