I do not own twilight.

This is what really happened when Bella went to see James.

I walked into my old dance studio quietly. Not like it would matter. A vampire has hearing ten times better than us. When I looked around and didn't see my mom I screamed, "James! Where is my mother?" I looked around and didn't see him. I turned the other way and there he was. Standing not even a foot apart from me. I gasped and he lifted his hand to my face. He stroked me and the slapped me.

"Stupid girl. I can't believe you fell for it. You deserver to die just because you were so stupid. But you know what? We're going to have some fun before we do anything else."

He hits my in my stomach and it sends me flying into the glass mirror. The glass breaks and comes down on me in shreds. A couple big ones cut me but mostly I was okay. I laid on the floor. I knew I had made a mistake. I was going to die and there was nothing I could do about it. So I just had to get through it. He beat me and beat me. Breaking my bones and kicking my around. I felt like my whole body was on fire and it was awful. He danced around me in glee and I promptly passed out when he stomped on my broken leg.

When I woke up it was even worse. I moaned and screamed. Oh the pain. This hurt worse than the broken bones and the hits. He was raping me. He had taken my virginity and now he was happily plowing into me as I screamed my pain. He clutched my broken legs in his hand as he used them to shove me onto his dick. I cried tears of pain and whimpered. I pleaded for death but to that he just slapped me and shoved even further into me if that was possible.

I panted and clawed at him. When he slapped me and told me to shut up, I couldn't hold my scream in anymore. It went on and then he said, "That's it. You want more pain? I'll give you more pain." And then he pulls out of me just to shove his dick up my other hole. At this my eyes grow big and I let out a blood curling scream. His huge dick tears through my unwilling flesh and rapes me bloody.

I pass out.

I awake to find him in my mouth. He holds my jaws so I can't bite him and shove his dick way down my throat. I can't breath and I feel semen dripping out of both of my holes. He growls and fucks my face fast and really rough. I'm 100% positive he damaged my throat. I feel my throat bleeding. I whimper and wait to die.

When he's done with me he masturbates several times to spray me with his semen and then he breaks my spine.

And sets the studio on fire. I couldn't move so I slowly waited for the fire to reach me to put me out of my misery.

And I waited and waited.

And waited.

I passed out from pain.


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