Disclaimer. All publicly recognizable characters, settings etc., are the property of their respective owners. The original characters, ideas and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended. I only do this for fun.
Fear Doesn't Rule You
A/N: This story is written as a collaboration by both Xo BellaItalia oX and MichelleRae. We hope that you enjoy the story and look forward to reading your reviews. - Bella'Xo
Chapter 13
(Isabella's POV)
"Are you hungry, darlin'?" Jasper asked me as my stomach growled.
I looked at him and gave him a small smile, nodding gratefully. "Yes, as a matter of fact, I am." I told him.
He returned my smile, running his fingertips over the skin on my cheek. "I'll run out and get you something from the vending machine. In the meantime, why don't you pick something out from this menu and you can snack on whatever I bring back for you until your take out gets here." He suggested.
I pulled my lip in between my teeth and nodded, taking the Season's Pizza menu from his hand and collapsed back against the head board as I started to flip through the pages. Jasper, in the meantime, left the hotel room that we now were staying in just outside of Forks.
After deciding to go with the mushroom ravioli, I turned to Peter and Char and sighed. "What are we going to do?"
"We'll figure something out, sugar." Char tried to encourage me.
"Well, actually… my knower has been going off like crazy since we had spoken to Maria and Edward." Peter interjected.
"What is it telling you?" I asked eagerly, sitting up straighter against the headboard of the bed.
"I will let y'all know as soon as the Major gets back with your snack, Lil Bit. I have a feeling that this is something that he would want input on." He supplied anxiously.
"I'm sure I will either way." Jasper smirked as he walked through the door and into the room. He made his way over to the bed and collapsed down next to me and took me in his arms as he handed me a bag of Herr's rippled potato chips.
"Thanks," I said as I smiled somewhat shyly at him.
He nodded at me and kissed my temple before turning his attention back to Peter. "Now, are you gonna tell me what you've been getting from yer gift?"
"It's not a gift," Peter uttered quietly as he sighed. Jasper just rolled his eyes and waited for Peter to continue. "Well, I've been getting a couple things of significance. First, is that Maria and Edward only have your friend, Sam. Any ideas why?"
I gasped as everything clicked into place the second I heard that. "It's because Sam's the Alpha."
"And that has to do with anything, why?" Char asked in confusion.
"It's because of the Alpha's voice." I explained before continuing on. "It's actually one of their trade secrets, so I'm not sure how Maria and Edward found this out."
"What do you mean 'the Alpha's voice', darlin'?" Jasper inquired from is spot next to me.
I took in a deep breath before letting it out as I began to let them in on one of the pack's most hidden secrets. "In each pack, there is one Alpha male that is bigger than the rest of the group. They are chosen by who their ancestors were and Sam is the Alpha right now.
"Now, the first thing that you need to know in order for any of this to make sense is that when the wolves are in their wolf form, they are able to communicate telepathically to each other. This way, they can coordinate their attacks easier and talk to each other without having to phase back into a human." I told them and took in each of their fascinated reactions before continuing. "In order for the pack's Alpha to keep control of his members, he has something called the Alpha tone. When he uses it and commands a member in the pack to do something, the member that he uses it on can't help but to bow to the Alpha's wises. It's like mind control almost; they have no choice but to follow the Alpha's orders."
"So, with the Alpha under their thumb, they have control of the entire pack." Jasper concluded.
"Exactly," I nodded.
"And their base isn't far outside of the reservation." Peter added in.
"But if they only have Sam, they why did Edward say that the rest of the pack was beat up?" Char asked.
"It's because they obviously had to fight the pack in order to capture the Alpha. They would never willingly give up someone with that much power over them, not to mention a pack brother." I supplied.
"Shit," Jasper mumbled. "So, with the Alpha under their thumb, they have control of the entire pack and they could use them to do whatever they want and they would have no say in the matter."
"Exactly," Peter agreed.
"Unless…" I trailed off thoughtfully.
"Unless?" Char prodded.
I continued to think out loud as to fill them in. "Sam isn't the rightful Alpha. He was given the position by Ephraim Black's air, Jacob Black. Jacob is the rightful Alpha, but he turned down the position and gave it to Sam. If we can somehow talk him into taking his position back, then Maria and Edward would have no control over the pack and we could help them rescue Sam. I'm sure that they will also want to help with their destruction, as well."
"That's brilliant, Lil Bit," Peter praised me.
"My mate's one perceptive little genius." Jasper kissed my head, giving me a light squeeze.
"But how did they know about the Alpha's voice?" Char wondered.
Jasper answered that immediately, though I think that we all had the same inkling. "Edward," he concluded. "He can hear their thoughts, even when they are in their wolf form. He must have learned about it when he was listening in on their conversation at some point in time."
"Fuckin' mind rapist," I muttered irritably.
"I'll say," Peter snorted. "Also, you should know that Victoria is in league with that mind rapist and the Hispanic whore."
Jasper growled, pulling me tighter to him at the mention to the red headed she-devil that caused me so much grief and pain. "I should have known."
"But why is she acting as though she is on her own? Why is she trying so hard to kill Bella if that is the case? Wouldn't Edward want her for himself?" Char asked only serving to agitate Jasper further as he growled louder.
"I don't know?!" I shrugged from within Jasper's arms.
"Maybe the Hispanic slut promised both the mind rapist and the she-devil the same thing in order to get them both to bend to her whims?" Peter shrugged.
"That's a possibility," Jasper agreed.
"But then why wouldn't Victoria be with them instead of following us around the country?" I asked.
"She is probably actin' as a spy, darlin'." Jasper said.
"But then why would she try to attack me?" I questioned him as I leaned away slightly so that I could look up and see his face as I spoke to him.
"Maybe the opportunity arose and she went for it thinking that she was promised you anyway?" Char supplied.
"But what I don't understand about these solutions is that the reason Victoria said she is after me is to kill Edward's mate because he killed James; a mate for a mate. If that is the case, then why is she actually working with Edward?" I continued to ask.
The three vampires exchanged a glance before one of them answered.
"I think that Edward admitted to Victoria about not being your mate and how Jasper was the one who really killed her mate." Peter suggested. "Despite being a douchebag and a know-it-all, he is a cleaver mother fucker."
We all looked at each other, nodding as we agreed with Peter that that would be the most logical explanation, though we probably wouldn't know unless we asked them. Though, we highly doubted that we would ever have the chance to sit down and hash things out.
"What else did your 'knower' tell you?" Char asked her mate from the corner of the bed.
Peter looked around at everyone anxiously before he finally uttered the words that would determine my fate. "Bella needs to be changed into a vampire before any confrontations are made and sooner rather than later, especially if we want to have any chance of success against Maria."
A/N: Cliff Hanger! Well, there you have it! I'm sorry that it's on the shorter side of things. Will Jasper agree or be opposed to Bella's change? What about Bella? Will she want to be changed? Either way, we hope that you enjoyed it! What do you think will happen next? Either way, we hope you enjoyed the chapter! Review!
If you have any questions or comments, post them in my reviews and I will answer them in my next Author's Note!
To see more, go to either page: Xo BellaItalia oX or Xo Bella's Collaborations oX
Check out my other stories!
'Attempting to Covet' (REVISED)
'Dhampir' COMPLETED!
'Far Fetched Realities'
'Mirror Image'
'Other Worldly Beauty'
'Dhampir: Broken Moonlight' (SEQUEL)
'Perplexing Revelations'
'Unimaginable Outcomes'
'You Promised Me Forever'
'Intricate Beauty'
'Never What It Seems'
'The Major'
'Twilight ReVAMPed'
Check out my Collaboration's as well!
'Unbreakable Faith'
'The Heart's Desire'
'Elemental Bella'
'Overwhelming Darkness' NEW!
'The Alpha's Mate, Crystal'
'The Chronicles of the Fallen'
'Death is Only the Beginning'
'Instinctual Reactions'
'How You Make Me Feel'
'Undisclosed Desires'
If you enjoyed this story so far, check out some of my other stories on my FanFiction page! Also, I am still accepting Twilight stories that involve Jasper/any female leads or Bella/selected male leads if anyone is looking for a Beta Reader. I will make exceptions on the characters depending on the plot. I am also now accepting Phantom of the Opera FanFictions that include Erik! I will also be accepting Bones featuring Agent Seeley Booth, Dawson's Creek, Titanic FanFictions featuring Jack, Snow White and the Huntsman featuring Snow White or Eric (the huntsman), The Ghost Whisperer that feature Melinda and Law and Order SVU that feature Elliot. I will accept OC characters as well depending on the other lead character. PM me for details!
- Bella'Xo
Xo BellaItalia oX