Reviews for Broken
Nrrdgrrl87 chapter 6 . 8/2
Loved this story!
celajwhitney chapter 6 . 6/19
this was a really great story! there was a lot of ass kicking but every thing turned out , i really, really wanted to see Eddie and Alice burn. wasn't it against the law to keep mates apart?
celajwhitney chapter 5 . 6/19
about damn time!
celajwhitney chapter 3 . 6/18
i don't think the Cullen's senior and Eeddie boy get it yet, and i don't think Eddie will give up.
celajwhitney chapter 1 . 6/18
hmmmm, what are the gruesome twosome up to?
Wolvie26 chapter 6 . 3/11
Love it!
NazaKaos chapter 6 . 3/8
OMG that was such an amazing and interesting take of a twilight fan fiction. Thank you sooo much for writing this, it was a pure joy to read!
celajwhitney chapter 2 . 10/30/2019
so Alice lied to everyone, are we going to find out why soon?
ObsidianDraconis chapter 6 . 6/19/2019
At least she could admit to her mistakes, he made some too but at least he sorta tried. I’m just glad they’re happy now and have learned to balance themselves, each other, and all the ones that they love. A shield and a sword.
ObsidianDraconis chapter 5 . 6/19/2019
Finally. Idk why someone didn’t do it long before how. He had to be pushed and granted, the only ones that wouldn’t be killed did it, but she should have done it too. Good thing she has so many that love her.
ObsidianDraconis chapter 4 . 6/19/2019
That’s my issue here. She was so focused on what she felt was wrong with him she didn’t even try to get him to understand, or to understand his side. How many times did Charlotte have to tell her how Jasper feels about himself before she realizes that maybe, just maybe she can stop being a bitch and actually talk to him? Maybe had she tried that she could have understood the actual issue and tried to help him see that he’s wrong but all she did was just further cement the fact that he’s not worthy. That he’s nothing. Sorry, but this Bella is a bitch and frankly I feel like Jasper deserves better. It isn’t up to us to heal those we love, but it up to us to at least try to help them heal themselves and she didn’t do anything but disparage him and bring him down further. She’s no better than Alice.
ObsidianDraconis chapter 3 . 6/19/2019
Let’s hope she actually takes her own advice and tries to get to know him, the continued insults aren’t necessary and only serve to hurt instead of heal.
ObsidianDraconis chapter 2 . 6/19/2019
I’m a little disappointed here. He’s not weak, he changed because he didn’t want to be a monster, because he thought it was the best thing for him and the woman he thought was his mate manipulated him into it. I feel like Bella’s being rather harsh here. She hasn’t even gotten to know him, she’s only heard stories. Biased stories from people who didn’t even actually ever meet him or know him personally like Char and Peter. How can she base her knowledge on assumptions like that? I hope she realizes this and allows herself to know him, and him to know her. If she beats him down anymore frankly, she’ll be no better than Edward.
ObsidianDraconis chapter 1 . 6/18/2019
I have a feeling now that he’s found her, Jasper will not be able to stay away. I wonder how many times they came close only for Vic’s gift to tell her to move? The question remains, what was Alice planning and is Edward in on it and how did Jasper not feel their deception, or did he? I think if he did, he wasn’t in on it but perhaps sticking close to protect her? Perhaps that’s why he’s so ready to take her back to James and Victoria, it allows him to continue whatever he’s doing without having to worry about protecting Bella too. Though he’s good enough to do both. Still, better his focus not be divided. Yes, I’m convinced he’s known all along the terrible twosome was up to something and had been playing his own game, trying to keep Bella safe. But then why look for her with the others? Why not go off on his own? So much needs to be answered.

Also, this bit confused me. “James and Vicky were changed in the South." I told him, "in Texas."
Then you go on to say that James was changed in the wilds and then traveled south and found Maria and Vicky. So was he changed in Texas long before her and then traveling south means he went into Mexico?
kinnik chapter 4 . 6/14/2019
At least she has acknowledged her part in him not getting any better. She has only driven home his own insecurities. He should be there. It would make them both feel better, even if there are many unresolved feelings and issues. He should be demanding to be the one who changes her. I hope he shows up and does just that. Though, it will be tough as she has made it clear to him that she has respect for him and doesn't want to be mated to him.
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