Chapter One


I'd just about come to the end of my tether with The Major and had no idea where to turn next. It had taken years and more than a few dangerous trips to Mexico to persuade him to leave Maria before she had him executed. She had led him around by the bollocks for years and he just couldn't bring himself to make that final break despite the fact she was busy screwing Nathan to death at every opportunity. What would it take for him to see the truth before his eyes? I really began to think she had some kind of spell over him to keep him loyal while she did everything bar physically emasculating him and then it happened. He finally woke up, smelled the horseshit, and ran.

I knew it wouldn't be easy helping him start over but I owed him, as did Charlotte, he had quite literally saved our lives at great danger to his own and we heard he paid dearly for his actions that day. Living your own life after having every facet of it organized for you for years wasn't going to be easy but we were there to help him every step of the way. Hunting was his biggest problem in the end. He learned to do all the things he had enjoyed as a human like riding and reading again as a vampire but killing humans for food was never going to be easy for an empath, his gift was also his curse. I couldn't imagine what it must be like to feel the fear and pain of your prey and because of that I didn't understand his problem but he became more and more depressed and Charlotte was really beginning to worry for his sanity.

When Garrett arrived and offered to take The Major on a trek through the Rockies, on horseback for part of the trip, and he agreed, I was relieved. Charlotte and I could do with a break and I arranged to take her to Paris France, somewhere she'd been nagging me to take her for years. While there we met up with Rosalie Hale and Emmett Cullen and made a foursome to go out to the theater and to sight see. It had been a fluke that we rented suites at the same hotel, not usually my style but I decided to push the boat out for Char, after all, she'd put up with recently, and we found we got along. One evening when I suggested we go hunting together they told us about their vegetarian diet and yes, I hold my hands up, I took the piss, but Charlotte realized this could be the answer to a maiden's prayer or The Major's anyway.

We explained the problem and they agreed to speak to Carlisle about it but then had a better idea and we flew back via Chicago where they were now living. The idea of a family set up made me nervous at first but we were welcomed warmly and I liked both Carlisle and his mate Esme. The other member of the family Edward gave me the creeps but then so would anyone who could read your mind across a room! Once I made it perfectly clear to him that I would personally rip his head off and shove it right up his ass we got along fine.

Charlotte explained The Major's situation and Emmett explained what he and Rose had suggested then we waited to hear what he thought.

"It seems to me that The Major has two very good friends in you and Peter. You've tried your hardest to help him but as an empath I can see how hard it must be to hunt. Maybe hunting animals for food would suit him better. He would certainly find it more peaceful and as long as Esme and the others all agree then he is welcome if he wants to try our way of life here where we can help him."

We were relieved when no one raised any objection and left to break the news to him as soon as he got back.

Garrett had the same general idea and had persuaded The Major to try hunting animals in the mountains even going so far as to indulge himself but animal blood just didn't do it for him,

"I can't get rid of the burn in my throat Peter. Animal blood is like drinking watered down human blood, it's disgusting but the peace was good if only fleeting."

We explained about the Cullens and Garrett said that's where he'd gotten the idea although he'd never met them personally.

"I've tried, it doesn't work Peter."

Charlotte sat him down and explained how trying it with Carlisle and the family to support him would be different.

"They are willing to help you, Major."

"Yeah? And do they know who I am? My reputation? Do they really want someone like me in their midst?"


We had talked about The Major joining us for a long time and I explained that his past was influenced by his sire Maria and I was pleased to find that Rosalie had done some research on her and could show the others that it was she who forged the killer known as "The Major".

"We should help him to see that there is as much love as violence in our world, that people do care for him and will gladly help him to learn a new way to live, a way that doesn't torture him and if he makes mistakes we understand and we'll help him over those too."

I was proud of Rosalie because normally she took little interest in anyone outside the family. It had taken her years to become comfortable with Eleazar and the others in Denali but she seemed to be taking this man to heart. She continued,

"I think we should start by calling him by his real name. The Major is gone and it won't do him any good to be reminded of his past all the time."

And that is how Jasper Whitlock became a part of the family.

It wasn't all plain sailing although it was certainly easier than I feared it might be. He was so determined to stick to our diet and way of life that he took every slip hard, even when we explained that we understood. It was a part of his character, he hated failure, saw it as a weakness and was even harder on himself as a result. I think Rosalie was his saving grace, she became as close as a sister, closer than any of us, and she talked to him for hours when he needed to talk, hunted with him when he was ready to slip into depression and made him laugh when he wanted to curl up in a ball and hide from his frustration.

Slowly the soldier faded to be replaced by a young man who knew little about being a young man. He had joined the Confederate army way too young and been turned by Maria before he had a chance to experience his youth. Now he watched and learned, mainly from Emmett who would never be more than an over sized teenager unless danger threatened. His mind was razor keen and he loved to read and learn. School was paradise to a youngster who had never experienced more than learning to read, write, and add up. He learned rapidly, devouring anything put before him although his passion was historical warfare. He had the mind of a warrior yet the heart of a poet. He learned to play the guitar and Edward taught him the piano. Rosalie introduced him to the sciences and Esme, well she showed him the love of a mother, something he had lacked for many years.

We delayed our move back to Forks Washington, to allow him time to adjust to his new life in rural Missouri where he taught Rosalie and Esme to ride, it was something he excelled at, riding, and horses seemed to recognize that. They would come to him without being called and even the most highly strung stallions seemed to recognize him as their master. He had conquered his taste for human blood although hunting animals instead would never be as easy as for the rest of us. I admired him for that and I trusted his resolve and that was when we finally came back to our favorite place.