Here we are again at the end of another story. I hope you all enjoyed it and many thanks for the reviews. Jules x

Chapter Fifty Three


I got the package from Bella at the hospital and had to decide what to do about it. She knew I was involved with Edward and the wolves, after all who else would have had the money to bankroll them with a private jet. What worried me most was that if she knew had she told the others? I wasn't worried about Jasper or even the wolves, after all they were now toothless. When I heard that the Quileutes had contacted the legendary Johnny H for help I really became worried. His fighting skills were up there with Jasper's and if he had become involved in this it would have become very messy and the Volturi would have most certainly become involved. My gut told me to seek revenge for Edwards death but my head urged caution. I needed to speak to Esme, she had a cool head and was very logical in her thought processes. I finished up my clinic then picked up all that was left of my first-born and drove home with a heavy heart. Esme was waiting for me as always and as soon as she saw my face she knew I had bad news for her.

"Its Edward isn't it?"

"I'm afraid so my love. Come inside"

I put my arm around her and we walked in together to sit on the couch,

"I got a message from Bella today. She told me she had killed Edward and threatened me if I didn't stay out of her life."

"She killed Edward? Why?"

"Because he was pursuing her. He never stopped chasing after her."

"So why is she threatening you?"

"She knows I bankrolled the Quileutes."

"You did what?"

"I paid for the Quileutes to go after Bella with Edward. I couldn't see him so desperate and do nothing but I couldn't get involved any further either."

"Do the Volturi know?"

"I don't know but I haven't heard anything from them."

"What are you going to do about Edward?"

"What do you think I should do about it? I want to kill Bella and all her friends but I'm afraid."


"Yes afraid Esme. If I do anything to get revenge the Volturi will find out and Aro won't be happy. But worse than that Johnny H has become involved."


"The Quileutes wanted him to take revenge for the death of the wolf pack but he found out they were acting beyond their remit and he refused."

"But why should he care if you take revenge for Edward? He was a vampire, its nothing to do with the Guardians if you kill Bella and Jasper."

"No, but if the Volturi become involved they are going to find out he's involved and then we will have to explain why we worked with the wolves, risking exposure. Putting our kind at risk of a full-scale war."

"You think Aro will kill you for becoming involved with the wolves?"

"If he doesn't Caius will, he hates the Guardians with a vengeance."

"Then he should be pleased that you helped with the destruction of them"

"And almost started a war between the Guardian tribes and the vampire world? I don't think so Esme."

"So you are prepared to let it lie?"

"What do you think I should do?"

Before she could answer the phone rang and she picked it up absently,

"Cullen residence Esme speaking"

"Ah Esme, I wonder if I might speak to your husband if he is there"

She looked at me her hands trembling,

"Of course Aro."

Handing me the phone she got up and started pacing the room.

"Aro, its been too long"

"Yes it has Carlisle. Perhaps you can help me old friend. We have heard disturbing rumours regarding Edward. Is it true he is dead?"

"Yes I'm afraid so. Killed by Bella Swan"

"Who is Major Whitlock's mate I understand"

"Yes, so I hear."

"Can you tell me the circumstances surrounding his death"

"I wasn't there Aro"

"I'm pleased to hear that Carlisle. I would hate to think you were involved in such a stupid and dangerous game. Perhaps you know how it transpired that he was in company with a group of wolves, our enemies."

"I think he was desperate to get Bella back"

"So not only was he in league with our enemies but trying to split a mated couple? Was he crazy Carlisle?"

"No, of course not but he was very much in love with Bella and he felt Jasper had stolen her away."

"Ah, of course so he tried to kidnap her and failed, then made a pact with the wolves to try to steal her again and when that didn't work he ran away. Leaving The Major and the leader of the Guardians to pick up the pieces. To avoid an all out war"

"It wasn't quite like that Aro"

"Oh, please explain how you see it then. I have received a communication from Johnny H. You know who he is I assume?"

"Yes I've heard of him."

"Good, then you will understand why it would concern the Volturi to receive such a correspondence. He points out that the vampires wiped out a whole group of Guardians but he is prepared to accept the loss as there were special circumstances provided the killing stops here. Which makes me think he is anticipating more slaughter. Could you tell me why he should think that Carlisle?"

He waited in silence for me to reply,

"You are waiting for me to tell you I plan to kill Bella and The Major"

"No Carlisle. I am waiting for you to tell me that you were going to attempt to kill Bella and The Major. I am also waiting for you to tell me that after thinking about it you have decided it is a very bad idea and that you have discarded it, because I have to tell you that should anything happen to Bella or The Major or anything be attempted then the Volturi would be forced to take extreme measures. I'm sure I don't have to spell it out for you do I?"

"No. I understand."

"Good. I assured Caius that you would see sense although he was all for pre-emptive action. Well, perhaps we will see you and your beautiful wife in Volterra at some time. For now goodbye Carlisle"


Well it had come close to disaster for Bella and Jasper but with just a little judicial pushing the Volturi saw the sense in intervening. Now I could ring them with the good news.


"Jasper, I just thought you'd like to know that the Volturi aren't going to act on what happened. Caius wanted to, he was livid you worked with the Guardians leader, you know how he hates the guardians and especially Johnny H but both Aro and Marcus realized it was in their best interests to leave things lie, especially as there are no loose ends. Give my love to Bella and enjoy the peace for now"

"For now?"

"Jazz you know as well as I do there's always a lull before the storm and one will come eventually, but I don't see anything for a long time. Be happy both of you."

We intended to follow her advice and be happy, the four of us with a house of our own in a nice quiet place so I could finally enjoy my new life and new family, The Whitlocks, all together now.

The End