All seemed to be going well in the Amazon Rainforest. Didyme and Marcus are rekindling their bond. Marcus is getting to know his son, Kristoff and his mate Edward.
Edward's and Kristoff's mating bond is a strong one. They are rarely seen apart from one another. They have even adopted one of the children from the compound, a six-month-old little girl named Analise. The only thing Edward missed from his old life was his piano, however, Kristoff surprised him with a keyboard on their six-month anniversary. They all live together in Kristoff's treehouse. Any of the women in the compound were eager to babysit little Analise whenever the two needed special time together. Especially Grandma Esme and Auntie Rosie.
Carlisle and Esme were doing fantastic. Esme designed an elaborate treehouse and have adopted five children; two babies, one each a boy and girl and three older children. Carlisle has opened a hospital on the compound, as well. While hybrids need little treatment, since depending on their level of vampirism, they heal nearly as fast as full vampires, he also works at the clinic that was established by Marcus and Didyme long ago for blood donations from the locals to feed the children that require blood. He also set up a free clinic for the locals to tend to their healthcare needs.
While everyone thought Rosalie would have been the first to adopt a child, she was just happy helping out all of the children in the compound. She does, however, spend most of her time in the nursery, and caring for the new arrivals, although, they haven't been many recently. Emmett works happily by his wife's side.
Emmett also works alongside Nahuel, who works tirelessly trying to bring down his father. He's been in the shadows for far too long, and now that the tracker he employed is no longer…available, he's been spotted on a few occasions. He's still a slippery fucker, though.
Charlie hasn't been seen at the compound since Huilen carried him off to her hut she and Nahuel lived in before the compound was set up. Nahuel, Didyme, and Carlisle, however, did go and make sure his change took place successfully. Charlie would not allow Carlisle nor Nahuel close enough to the hut because of his feral snarls and growls, in the protection of his new mate, but did catch glimpse of both Charlie and Huilen to know they were both safe. The same could be said with Didyme when she approached, however, Didyme was able to speak with Huilen. The hut seemed to be in relatively decent condition, even though there was some structural damage. Though, there is little doubt how the hut became damaged if you go by the moans of pleasure that could be heard deep in the forest while approaching the hut.
Bella was ecstatic for her father. Not only had he finally found happiness, but he wasn't around to continue the feud with Emmett over who was the best father. Which meant she got to spend more time really getting to know her new family and her new mate.
She and Jasper, much like Edward and Kristoff were rarely seen apart from one another. They could be spotted in the early mornings, just inside the clearing, practicing Tai-Chi and other meditation exercises to help center her and so she was better able to control her gift. Her Uncles Kristoff and Eddie often joined in as it immensely helped Edward as well.
Both Bella and Edward were now able to close off their gifts to only be used when needed. Many of the gifts of the vampires in the compound were integral to the safety and security of the children that resided there. Especially Zafrina's illusion projection, which helped cloak the entire area in case they received unwanted visitors.
Emmett established an internet connection via satellite so that Bella could finish High School online, as well as enroll in college courses through the University of Brazil. However, Bella was really looking forward to going back to the states to further her degree and live the regular college experience. She and Jasper even spoke of enrolling together at a University in South America so they could still be close to the rest of the family.
At first, Felix felt like the odd man out, with all the mated couples around. However, though they weren't true mates, he and Zafrina seem to really hit it off and would often spend time alone together.
Neither Felix nor Marcus had any concerns about returning to Volterra at the moment. However, they knew eventually, they would have to account for their time away to the brothers.
All in all, everything seemed to be going well for the group and all were extremely happy.
Aro was now leading an all-out manhunt for this mystery person the tracker, James was working for. After continuing to search through his memories, he decided to pay a visit to Maria to see what she knew of the tracker and if she had any knowledge of this man
"Libishomen!" Maria spat. "You dare come to me for help in finding this monster when one of your very own is one as well? Has he been punished for what he did to me?"
"Who is it you speak of, Maria? I give you my word, I have no knowledge of any of this. But I vow to see to it that whoever wronged you shall be brought to justice." Maria narrowed her eyes and looked at Aro. Whatever she was looking for, she obviously found, as the look of resolution appeared on her face.
"Come, sit with me. I will tell you a tale of a young innocent human girl, hiding to save her life. And how she became the meanest and deadliest Vampire Warlord Mexico has ever seen."
"Do you mind, Maria? I'd much rather glimpse it from your memories," Aro cunningly held out his hand for Maria to take. Maria indulged him. By the time Aro was done, he was flabbergasted. A child, born of a human woman and a vampire? This child was no monster as Maria's mind wanted to portray him. He could clearly see the resemblance to Marcus and the man seen with his sister Didyme.
But that was not all Aro knew. While Maria tried to tuck this information way back into the recesses of her mind, she knew long ago, Marcus gave that 'thing' to his wife to raise. However, nothing escapes the tendrils of Aro's gift.
Aro, however, wasn't sure how to proceed with this information. The child obviously was not an immortal child, as he as grown into a young man. And the other two? Were they the same species as Marcus's bastard child? And if so, how many more were there out there if there was a name for the men that preyed on young human women?
As Aro contemplated all of this, his phone rang.
"Jane my dear, do you have news for me?" he asked his favorite and most trusted guard.
"Master, the Cullens haven't been in their residence in Forks for a long time, however the guardian tribe that Carlisle made a treaty with was more than forthcoming of some interesting information regarding a certain Chief of Police, that vanished at the same time as the Cullens. Taking with them the girl we witnessed in the mountain range. The girl bears the same Surname as the Police Official, however, it seems to be common knowledge that she is, in fact, the 'demon spawn' of one of the Cullens. Their words, Master, not mine."
"I see, so it seems Carlisle or one of his progenies seems to be a disciple of my dear Brother," Aro mused out loud, but more to himself.
"Master?" Jane questioned.
"Is there anything else, Jane?"
"Yes, Master. The Jet is being housed in a hanger in Seattle. According to flight logs, it arrived on the same day and was housed in the same hanger as a much larger jet that arrived from Guyana, South America. However, both passenger and pilot boarded the jet headed back to South America two days later."
"Excellent work, my dear Jane. Gather your subordinates and head to Guyana. I gather Demetri is staying in line as your subordinate?"
"Yes, Master."
"Good. I will meet you there within a day or two. We will scour every part of the continent until we find them."
Thank you to all that read, reviewed and followed this story. I promise I have much more to write as we are not quite finished yet, however I have other projects at the moment that take precedence. Please look for the sequel sometime in the New Year. Also, please. if you are able to donate to the Babies at the Borders Fanfiction , Please do so. We really want to do something to end their suffering. I promised two stories towards this years compilation.
Until then. Take care, my lovelies and thanks for your readership.