
Seven years later

I stood in front of the full body mirror and gazed at my reflection. The woman in the mirror was a stranger. I didn't know her.

Her hair was in soft curls. The top part was pinned back, while the bottom cascaded down her back. Her eyes were huge with excitement and framed with long, thick lashes. Her skin was cream and roses.

The narrow sheath of the shimmering white dress flared out subtly at the train almost like an inverted calla lily. But the woman in the mirror wasn't a stranger. The woman was me. A new refurnished and pure version of myself.

It was beyond looking different, acting different, and appearing different. I felt different. I didn't feel like the broken abused girl that I was when I arrived in Forks seven years ago. I wasn't the fragile little girl that lost her mother, and father. I felt good. I wasn't healed. I doubted if I'd ever recover fully, but I felt good. I'd go as far to say that I felt great.

I wasn't the girl dealing with an eating disorder, the girl struggling to stop cutting, the girl who was broken by a poor excuse of a man. I found no traces of my former self as I gazed at my reflection. I couldn't see the scars, there were no more tears, for the first time in years I had a genuine smile.

"Bella it's time!" I was brought out of my thoughts by Alice's high-pitched squeal. I sucked in a deep breath.

"Bells, you look beautiful." Emmet whispered. He smiled sadly at me. He knew that I would've wanted Charlie here to walk me down the aisle, but I couldn't be happier to share this special moment with my brother.

Tia, Angie, Jess, Emily, Rose and Alice stood right in front of me. They all looked stunning. Tia linked arms with Ben, Angie linked arms with Erick, Jess linked arms with Mike, Emily linked arms with Sam, and Alice linked arms with Jasper. Rose was the only one with out a man, because I had Emmett on my arm.

"Deep breaths," Tia said.

"Edward's waiting for you down there," Rose, piped in.

"You can do this Bells," Angie added.

"When the music starts Tia, and Ben you guys go then Angela, and Erick, Jessica and Mike, Emily, and Sam. Then Jasper and I will go then Rose." Alice instructed.

Pachelbel's Canon started to play threw out the house, the soft piano tune was making me hyperventilate.

"Tia, Ben go!" Alice commanded. Tia and Ben began a slow graceful walk down the Cullen's winding stairwell.

"Angela, Ben count to five and then go!" Alice said. They nodded. Alice was commanding all of the bridesmaids and groomsmen, before she made her way down the staircase. She winked at me before walking out of my eyesight.

Rose stood in front of me, and grabbed my wrists.

"Don't be afraid. You've come so far." Rose whispered.

I smiled whole-heartedly at her. "I know,"

"Take a deep breath, and count to five before following me."

I nodded. Rose kissed me on the cheek and Emmett passionately on the lips before beginning a slow graceful dance just like the others. The music slowly morphed into a new song. Em nudged me. "Bells, we're up to bat."

I nodded. "Okay…" I said breathlessly.

"I know Dad would have wanted to be here." He whispered, pulling my hand through his arm grasping it tightly. I nodded curtly. "I'm happy that I have you Emmett. Thank you for everything. I love you so much. You're the best brother a girl could ask for."

He kissed my forehead. "I love you too, Jingle Bells."

You can do this, I told myself as we began to descend to the slow tempo of the march. I was only twenty-four, but I had already been through so much. It was truly a miracle that I made it out alive. I could feel the presence of both my mother and father as I walked down the aisle.

As soon as my feet were past the stairs, my eyes started searching for him. I was barely conscious of my brother on my arm. I had to stop myself from sprinting headlong down the aisle.

Carlisle, Sam, Ben, Mike, Erick and Jasper stood by his side and Pastor Webber was right behind them. Tia smiled widely at me. I winked at her.

The march was agonizingly slow, as I struggled to keep my steady pace with the music. Then I was finally there. Edward held out his hand. Emmett took my hand and placed it in Edward's.

"Take care of her; I won't hesitate to kick your ass." He whispered. Edward smirked, and nodded. I touched the warm miracle of his skin and I was home.

"We are gathered here today for the binding of Isabella Swan and Edward Cullen, in holy matrimony," Pastor Webber began.

"The couple has decided to recite their own vows, Mr. Cullen if you please."

Edward nodded, and he took my hands in his. He took a deep breath.

"Bella, I remember the first time that I saw you. I knew you were different. I wanted to know you, and be with you. I was an ass to you in an attempt to push you away, but I couldn't. Everywhere I turned, you were there. That night in your kitchen, that's when I knew I couldn't help myself. Things had to change. I love you so much, and I'll always be here for you. I'll always protect you, love you, miss you, and love you even when I hate you. You'll always have a shoulder to cry on, and somebody to lean on. You're my everything."

I didn't realize that I was crying until it was time for me to say my vows.

"Miss Swan, you may recite your vows."

I nodded, and looked up at Edward threw my lashes. His green orbs were huge with excitement, and they glistened with un-shed tears.

"Edward, before I met you I didn't like you. I assumed you were an ass, a complete disrespectful ass." Everybody laughed at that, and I smiled.

"Then I saw you sitting at the lunch table in all your perfection. I remember thinking: "wow, he's beautiful." I loved your eyes. They were the deepest and brightest shade of green I had ever seen, I could've gotten lost in them eyes for ever." He smiled at me, and kissed my hand.

"You were my first crush, you have my butterflies, and tingly girly feelings that I had never felt before. I'll never forget that night in my kitchen, when you begged me to trust you, and I did. For some unknown reason I opened up to you, and you paid me back by being there for me." Edward smiled radiantly at me. I took a deep breath, before finishing my vows.

"Standing here right now, I can say that you are the love of my life. I don't need anybody else, or anything else. I love you for everything that I am, and I trust you with my heart and soul. I promise to love you, every single day, and to have and to hold you. I love you no matter what; I will be your best friend, your lover and your companion. I know I can always count on you to be there for me. You have seen me at my best, and loved me at my worst. I'm not sure what I would've done without you when Charlie died. I am in love with you; so deep in love with you that it hurts."

"The rings please!" Pastor Webber commanded. Tia handed Pastor Webber my wedding band, and Sam handed over Edward's.

"Now, say 'with this ring I thee wed' and slide it all the way up her finger." Pastor Webber instructed Edward.

Edward took my left hand in his, and he slid the wedding band up my left ring finger. "With this ring I thee wed," He said with a smile.

"Slide the ring all the way up his finger, and say 'with this ring I thee wed'." Pastor Webber told me and handed me Edward's wedding band.

I took the sliver ring, and slid it all the way up Edward's left ring finger. "With this ring I the wed."

"You may kiss your bride!"

Edward swept me up in his arms and lifted me off the ground. I threw my arms around his neck. He pressed his lips against mine, in a hard urgent kiss full of love and passion.

"With the power vested in me, and the state of Washington I give you Mr. and Mrs. Cullen."

I pulled away from Edward, and I kissed him on the cheek. "I love you Mr. Cullen."

"I love you, Mrs. Cullen."