Reading Twilight:

Summary: It is the day after Bella's 18th Birthday, and Edward has just decided that he is going to leave her for her own protection. However, when a mysterious gift is left on the front porch at the Cullen's home, will he change his mind? When cryptic letters lead the growing pack of werewolves, including those who haven't yet phased, along with the tribe elders to join the Cullens at their home, how will they react to what they hear?

Chapter 1: Letters and Preface

Bella was surprised to hear Charlie downstairs in the kitchen when she awoke on Saturday. She had thought he was going fishing with Billy today, and hadn't expected him to still be here. She wandered down the stairs, curious.

"Dad?" she asked, growing worried when she found him sitting at the table with a letter in his hand, looking distressed, "What's that? Is something wrong?"

"You tell me Bells," he replied gruffly, handing her the letter.

Isabella and Charlie Swan,

You don't know me, and it is better that way, but I have come to care about the both of you, and cannot bear to see you suffer needlessly. So I am writing to you to warn you of things to come, things which, if not averted, might threaten to tear you apart.

The Cullens will be receiving a set of books this morning with more information. Charlie, if you care about your daughter's future, please go there today, and do not leave until you have heard everything. Bella, if you value your sanity, go, and let them see the truth. You will understand what I mean when you arrive.


"I have no idea what this is supposed to mean," Bella said, not entirely lying. She had a sinking feeling she knew what this mystery person meant by 'the truth', but she wasn't about to tell Charlie that. "Should we go over to the Cullens and talk to them?"

"Yes," he answered immediately, "I want to know what the hell is going on, now."

Jacob was getting ready to leave for school. He was really growing tired of high school, but at least the reservation didn't seem to pile on too much homework.

He walked into the kitchen, and stopped surprised. Billy was sitting in his wheelchair, staring pensively at what looked like a letter. He wondered who that could be from? Maybe Rachel?

But it wasn't the letter that gave him pause; it was the expression of almost fear that was quickly becoming etched on his father's face.

"Dad?" he asked, worried, "Is everything ok?"

"I don't know son," he replied, handing Jacob the letter and rolling to the phone in the kitchen.

William and Jacob Black,

Someone you both care for very deeply has gotten themselves involved with dangerous forces which might pose a danger to her. Isabella Swan's relationship with the Cullens has brought her into a world she did not know existed, and as a result, her fate has been greatly altered. There is wonder ahead for her, but also great pain and suffering.

Jacob, If you wish to spare her horrible heartache, you will go to the Cullens' home today. You will be joined by the Cullen family, Bella, and her father Charlie, who have all received similar messages. I also suggest you call the other elders, and Sam's pack.

Billy, there is much for you to learn in the coming days, about yourselves, Bella, the Cullens, and what the future holds for all of you, but I beseech you, do not act until you have heard all that I have laid out for you. The future is not all bleak and hopeless. There is much for you to look forward to as well, if you allow yourself to be open to it.


As he finished reading the letter, he heard his father speaking to Sam on the phone. He wondered what SM meant by Sam's pack, and what the Uley kid had to do with all of this?

"So," he began uncertainly, "We're going to the Cullen's place? No school today?"


The Cullens were sitting in their living room, listening to Alice babble excitedly about her plans for the coming weekend when she suddenly stopped talking abruptly, her eyes far away, lost in a vision.

"Alice, what is it?" Jasper asked, feeling her confusion and uncertainty.

"I'm not sure," she responded, "I saw a letter, and books, and then everything just disappeared. I don't know."

"Odd," Edward mused, "Perhaps someone simply changed their mind abruptly, ending the vision?"

"I don't know," Alice repeated, and then suddenly rushed to the front door, wrenching it open, revealing a stack of books with a letter on top.

"What does it say?" Esme asked.

Emmett snatched it up and read it aloud for the family:

Carlisle, Esme, Edward, Rosalie, Emmett, Jasper, and Alice,

These books are a depiction of the thoughts and experiences of Bella Swan. Edward, I know you have always secretly desired to know how she truly thinks, and this is your chance, but I must warn you, not everything you read will be to your liking.

I have a gift, similar in many ways to Alice's. The first book is an insight into everything Bella has experienced over the last year or so, but much of the second book, and all of the third and fourth books are events in her life that have yet to transpire. I am showing you a glimpse into her future as it stands today. I pray, that given what you will learn over the next few days, you change that which causes you all so much pain.

I have sent letters to Bella, Charlie, Jacob, and Billy, and I have instructed Billy to call the pack, and the elders. I know you would prefer them not to be in your home for obvious reasons, but this is about their lives and their families as surely as it is about yours, so they have every right to read what I have written here. They are already on their way.

Secrets are going to come to light, and you need to trust that that is for the best. Do not try to stop them from being a part of this, and do not act in response to anything you read until you are finished with all four books.


"That does not sound good, at all," Jasper spoke softly, no doubt feeling all of our unrest.

"Someone's coming," Edward noted as the sound of several vehicles coming up the drive registered with everyone.