Author has written 5 stories for Twilight, and Mortal Instruments. My name is Autumn and I am the mother of three beautiful children. My daughter is 11, my son is 3, and my youngest boy was born 11-12-13. I have always enjoyed writing, whether it be stories or poetry. I apologize for being slow on updating my stories, but being a full time mother a newborn, my free time is limited. I also tend to get drawn in on other fanfics and spend more time reading than writing. =P Here are a few visuals and info for my stories. Neverending Night Bella and Edward's home in Alaska : http:///albums/i108/arianna_janae/Story/1515Broadway.jpg This is actually a historical Victorian/Edwardian home in Galveston, Texas, but the paint color is perfect, and Renesmee even has her upstairs balcony. Jarek: picture Ian Somerhalder with red eyes. Corbin: http:///albums/i108/arianna_janae/Story/CorbinFisher.jpg *A note on Neverending Night. I'm totally disappointed with the ending too. I do plan on continuing the story's two major plot lines: the Volturi aspect and Shanon's story. I've just got too much on my plate right now. To Hate Your Own Existence Below is the banner for THYOE. I decided it was about time to make one for this story. http:///albums/i108/arianna_janae/Story/eerieforest.jpg on HIATUS Candy Striping Originally a One-shot for the Seductively Sexy Contest, which won best runner-up for Lemon Cherry-poppin'. It is now being continued. My twisted mind is making it all up as it goes. Come share in the craziness. Banner: http:///albums/i108/arianna_janae/Story/candystripingbb.jpg Yup there's a lot going on in this one. It's a culmination of past, present, and future. Image of Gayward used in above banner: http:///albums/i108/arianna_janae/Story/gayedward.jpg The funny part is, I didn't edit this very much. Added a tiara and played with colors a bit, and that was it! A tender moment between Bella and Peter:http:///albums/i108/arianna_janae/Story/candystripingawe.jpg A steamy moment between Bella and Peter: http:///albums/i108/arianna_janae/Story/takeabite.jpg will start updating very SLOWLY, but this fic is almost finished. City of the Forsaken This is my first TMI fanfic, though I have many more ideas floating around in my head. |
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