![]() Author has written 11 stories for Mortal Instruments, Forbidden, Tabitha Suzuma, and Twilight. UPDATE 3/18/16: Hello, all! I know it's been awhile. :( I'm sorry to say that I have not been working on any more fanfiction, but I am still making a go of writing some original work! I just wanted to let those of you who had expressed interest in reading some that I have decided to post a WIP of mine on Wattpad. If you want to check it out, you can visit my profile here. If that link for some reason doesn't work, you can search me out by my screen name AJoyWrites. If you'd like to follow my "author account" on Twitter, I go under @FluffQueen1. Thanks! I hope you visit, and if you do, drop me a note there to let me know you're there! :) TMI STORIES
Things you should know about me before you read anything I write: 1. Fluff. I love it. I write an excessive amount of it. 2. Lemons. You will not find any vulgarity or cussing during my love scenes. You won't find vulgar terms for body parts. You won't find excessive description about what each partner is doing, feeling (physically), etc. This just isn't how I write a love scene. I prefer presenting the emotional side to sex rather than the physical, so this is what I focus on. Much of the physicality is only hinted at and you will have to use your imagination to fill in the rest. I know this isn't enough for some, but I just don't write that way. 3. Angst. All of my stories will include angst and a certain amount of heart fail. I believe that the only way characters can grow is to go through a whole lot of crap first. Besides, how much is the 'good' worth without the 'bad'? 4. I have feelings. Please remember this before you're rude in your comments. If you have CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM, fine. I use tact in my reviews and I expect the same in return. If you decide you don't like my story, or my fluff, or . . . me, just stop reading. You don't need to tell me, I really don't want to know. Just go and I will never be any the wiser. CC Ch.19 Drawings of DJ's tats (I'm not an artist so...) |