Reviews for Kissed the Girls and Made Them Cry
Guest chapter 21 . 7/10
Her area was DESERTED, not DISSERTED.
Guest chapter 18 . 7/9
You wouldn't say "when Alice's eyes fell on I," so don't say "when Alice's eyes fell on Edward and I." Use ME. ("when Alice's eyes fell on Edward and ME")
Guest chapter 17 . 7/9
It's WHOA, not WOAH. Look it up if you don't believe me.
storiesrmyjam chapter 1 . 5/28
i hate alice and i hate edward, he’s so stupid and selfish and totally rushing into things, he said he loves lauren and the moment she cheats he falls out of love with her, then a few weeks later he’s in love with Bella and then humiliates her after everything she’s done w his half ass apologies, and then bella forgiving him just like that. I would have made him grovel and beg for what he did
Tan chapter 24 . 11/9/2019
I think Edward got away with that too easily.
Hristonostore Onnediel chapter 9 . 11/3/2019
I knew it was happening from the moment you mentioned Lauren kept blowing Edward off for Jessica ...
silverspiders chapter 8 . 8/17/2019
I like your writing style, and your story’s pretty interesting, but your Bella’s kind of a bitch. Lying and leaving a guy stranded at a restaurant because he was boring and quiet hence “creepy” (maybe he was nervous?) instead of just going through the date cleanly or at least being honest and leaving... and yelling at a stranger in a restaurant because she took way too long to speak up about what was bothering her and then also displaced her frustration onto him? At least she admitted she was ‘crazy’ with Demetri, but with Alec she was just a straight up bitch.
ClaceLover08 chapter 28 . 7/28/2019
i love this story it is awesome and I love this series :) & i love Bella & Edward together
Guest chapter 24 . 6/15/2019
They are rushing it . They should’ve given a little bit more time after his break up with Lauren
Guest chapter 23 . 6/13/2019
He is pushy...i hope bella doesnt give in...and this situation is all on edward and i think they are using alice as a scapegoat
AlexandraaCullen chapter 28 . 4/21/2019
I loved this story! Although I felt it ended a little abruptly. Bella and Edward relationship while it seems to be going well, Edward doesn’t really seem to have worked out all of his problems and the prospect of Bella’s job. Overall I loved this story so much, thank you for sharing
Guest chapter 20 . 2/4/2019
I'm SO GLAD Bella isn't rolling over and playing dead for Edward! He can jolly well come BACK TO HER WORK, where he embarrassed the Ever-lovin' HELL out of her, and apologize THERE! and no, I DON'T feel sorry for Alice-everything Bella said was exactly right!
Guest chapter 19 . 2/4/2019
Edward is SUCH a shit-head! And Alice! GeezLouise, girl, you DON'T call and leave such a message on someone's phone at their JOB! you couldn't have waited til he was home from school and called then!?
Guest chapter 6 . 2/3/2019
Alice is crazy...LIKE A FOX! She knows that after a steady Diet of crummy blind dates, Bella will be ripe for plucking, and by that time , Edward will know what the family has already figured out. Namely that E and B belong together!
tee4dree chapter 28 . 11/26/2018
Oh, this fic is so awesome, just perfectly romantic and with the right amount of drama. Well written too. Thank you so much for sharing!
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