Chapter 5| Peter

Oh yeah, this is way better than my knower told me it would be. Damn, baby sis looks ready to kill that bitch. I reach over to the table and grab my bottle of whiskey, taking a big ole swig before passing it to Char. "Hey baby, do we have any popcorn? This is the best entertainment I have ever had and…" I stop at the look my woman is currently giving me but I give her a mega watt smile and continue. "That is not including the entertainment you give me baby; nothing can top that!" Nice save Peter! The woman just rolls her eyes so I remind her about the popcorn!

"Peter" she closes her eyes and shakes her head. "We're vampires, numb nuts. Even if we had human food in the house; you can't eat it you big dummy!"

Well I wasn't gonna eat it I just wanted to make it look like I was thoroughly entertained, Duh! "Fine, ruin my fun and give me back my whiskey woman!" I tune back into the drama unfolding.

I see Jasper giving me the stink eye so I raise the bottle of Jack to him with a big ole smile on my face. "Want some major?" He starts to tell me to fuck off; I just know it, but the tall. Leggy, and big boobed blonde snatches to bottle out of my hand and just chugs the remains; which is more than half a fifth. Holy shit that was hot! I look to my mate and yep, she found that shit hot as well! Oh the possibilities!

"Rose, I raised you better than that!" Oh shit, tall hot and blonde is gonna kill that dummy bitch dead. This is better than a blockbuster movie!

"You didn't raise me bitch. I was a grown ass woman when you met me and why are you still here? You need to go get your little bitch fairy and hide under a rock because the Major is not known for his patience!" Mine and Char's new drinking buddy just shrug's her shoulders nonchalantly. "It's your Pyre then…dumbass!"

"I've had enough" Oh shit I know that tone of voice; Major's about to kill someone! He turns to Lola abruptly and smiles evilly. "If those two are not gone in the next five seconds, I want you to go to the cabin with Peter and Char and burn Alice's body but bring me back her head" I look up just in time to see the doc throw his mate over his shoulder and high tail it the fuck out of the dodge.

I laugh at the man's speed. Damn you'd think someone set his ass on fire! "Looks like they didn't want to lose all their children in one day, huh Major?" I continue to laugh.


I need drink, "Peter, Lola and I are raiding your stash!" I point my finger at him when he looks ready to run and hide all his liquor. "Don't even think about it fucker; Lola has Esme's gift and you know how creative my little darlin' can get!" I grab Lola's ass and wink at her.

"Fine, how many bottles you want asshole?" Peter grumbles looking as if he's about to cry.

"Four, top shelf and with out the worm!" I smile a toothy smile when he lets out a little whimper.

Two minutes later Peter comes back caring a sealed box of top shelf Tequila "There's four to a box; enjoy yourself Major!" He shoves the box in my arms and I nod to Lola to follow me to our room.

"Now don't you worry about that boy; I intend to have a fucking blast with this shit! I plan to get my mate drunk and naked, maybe project a little for you!" I laugh and nudge Lola towards the stairs. "Lets go down and dirty woman!"

"Baby" I crawl on top of my woman with a lazy ass grin on my face. "I want to do a body shot!" This causes Lola to moan loudly. I can smell her arousal and I whimper when she rips all her sexy bra and thong off and get to her knees on the bed in front of me with her back to me.

She turns her head in my direction and winks. "Lay down with your head between my leg and open your mouth baby!" Holy fucking shit my mate is the best drunk ever!

I lie on my back and position my head between her legs and lock eyes with the devil woman with a wicked smile on my face. "Lick my pussy Major!" Fuck me ten ways to Sunday.

I do as I'm told as I grab her ass and begin to devour her aggressively. She lifts the last bottle of Tequila to her lips and begins to pour it into her mouth letting it over flow and pour down the front of her body and into my mouth. Fucking hell I'm so goddamn hard right now. Once the bottle is empty and we're both covered in Tequila, my woman as had three explosive orgasms and I'm drunk as shit from the best body shot in history; I flip her on her back and shove my throbbing cock into her as hard and fast as I can in my inebriated state; fucking the shit out of her and causing her to moan and scream in ecstasy.

"Oh god… fuck me Major…Harder, oh goddamn baby!" Lola screams right before I flip her over to her hands and knees and spank her hard as I fuck her even harder.

"Louder Lola, let the whole fucking world know what I do to you baby!" I growl as I begin to move in and out of her at a blurring speed causing the both of us to cum hard and fast but I don't dare fucking stop; fuck that, I don't ever intend to stop. "You like that Lola, do you like it when I beat the fuck out of that beautiful pussy…Oh fuck baby I love you!" I roar as I cum again.

"Fuck yeah Jasper, don't you dare fucking stop until I say you can!" She growls as she pushes her sexy ass into me, rolling her hips hard. Shit I love the way she can fuck me when I'm the one in the controlling position.

Lola releases once more before she shoves me on all fours controlling me violently; I fucking love it! "Close your eyes baby and hold on tight!" Lola smacks my ass before blurring into the closet quickly. "We haven't done this in a while Major!" She purrs in my ear a second later. "Are you ready for me to fuck you baby?" She smacks my ass right as she shoves her lube coated strap on into my ass hard then reaches around grabbing my twitching cock as she fucks me nice and slow.

"Shit baby!" I moan as she pulls me up so that my back is pressed into her chest. "Harder Lola…fuck woman; fuck me like you know I want you to!" I growl just as she begins to fuck me hard and faster and stroking my dick just and violently. God, I love it when she dominates me!

We don't do this often but I fucking love it when we do. Shit this pain and pleasure feel so fucking good!

"You are mine Jasper!" Bella purrs before she sinks her teeth into my neck just as I release into her hand with a defining roar, shattering the fucking windows in the process.

I fall to the bed breathing heavily as I roll onto my back just in time to for my girl to lose the strap on and collapse on my chest with the biggest smile on her beautiful face. "I fucking love you Lola!" I kiss her lips softly just as I hear two loud as fuck roars coming from down stares.

"I love you too major and I think we were both projecting again baby!" Lola giggles as she nibbles at my nipple causing me to squirm beneath her and slap her tight little ass.

"Yes you were Major; you fucking caused a goddamn orgy down here asshole!" Rose yells out.

"You weren't complaining when my Char was eating that pussy now were you blondie?" Peter laughs loudly.

"Babe?" Lola sets her sexy ass up and straddles my hips; grinning down at me. "You shattered the windows again!"

Every time I let Lola fuck me like that something end up broken or shattered; whether it be the bed, the wall, the windows; hell, we fell through the fucking floor the first time she took me from behind like this.

I just love my kinky little mate!

"And I love my kinky major!" Lola rolls her hips into me causing my dick to become steel once more.

God this woman will be the true death of me.

Short chapter, sorry! But hey, I gave you guys a kinky lemon now didn't I?

You guys know what to do…so do it!