DISCLAIMER: Twilight and its inclusive material are copyrighted to Stephenie Meyer. Original creations, including but not limited to plot and characters, are copyrighted to the respective authors of each story. No copyright infringement is intended.
My name is Isabella Swan. My father is the sheriff of a small town outside of Houston, Texas. Tonight, my mother is helping me get dressed for the spring dance being thrown in Houston.
My daddy bought me a new pair of shoes and my mother made me a new fancy party dress. I'm 17-years-old, and my parents think it's time I find a husband. The spring dance is when all the eligible bachelors find a girl suitable for courtin'. So my mamma has curled my hair and gotten me all dressed up and pretty.
Once we make it into town, we can hear the music coming from the town square. I made a blueberry pie that will be put up for auction. The bachelors will bid on the pie of the girl they would like to spend the evening with, along with a chaperone, of course.
Once we get to the dance, I stand with my parents, and several of the boys have asked me to dance. I've turned them all down because let's face it; I have two left feet.
"Isabella, how do you expect to find a husband if you don't dance with any of these nice boys?" My mamma whispers in my ear.
"What's the use mamma, I'll just trip over my own feet, or step on their toes and just embarrass myself," I said, looking down at my hand shyly.
Then I heard the most amazing voice I think I've ever heard in my life.
"Miss Isabella, I would be most honored if you'd share a dance with me." I looked up through my lashes to the most beautiful hazel eyes with gold and green flecks. The crooked half smile he gave me almost made my heart jump out of my chest. He had his hand held out for mine and then gave me a little wink that made a smile creep on my face. The smile that spread across his face when I took his hand made my heart soar.
'I'm sorry, but you have me at a disadvantage. You know my name, but I don't know yours," I said as he led me out to the dance floor.
"I'm Jasper Whitlock, Ma'am," he told me. His voice was smooth and sexy, and I swear I'd follow him anywhere he wanted to lead me.
"Well, Mr. Whitlock, I have to warn you, I am not the most graceful dancer," I told him. He gave me a little chuckle.
"Miss Isabella, I'm sure you are much better than you think. Besides, it depends on how well your partner leads you," he told me. I was undoubtedly swooning by now. "Don't worry Ma'am; I won't let you fall."
We danced around the dance floor, and I didn't stumble once. After the song was finished, he escorted me back to my parents.
"Thank you very much for the dance, Miss Isabella. I hope you will allow me to spend more time with you to get to know you better," He said as he bowed slightly and lifted my hand to his lips and lightly brushed them across my knuckles. Then my daddy cleared his throat.
"Of course, with the permission of your parents and with a chaperone present," He added looking up at my daddy.
"That would be very nice, Mr. Whitlock," I said as my cheeks flushed.
I continued to stand with my parents, or I would sit while my parents danced. Once, Jasper brought me punch but left as soon as my parents came back from the dance floor. However, we continued to smile at each other from across the room.
It was now time for the singles auction. They went in alphabetical order, so my pie was towards the end. I noticed Jasper hadn't bid on any of the other girl's pies. When It was my turn, I stepped up on stage.
"We now have a blueberry pie, by the Sheriff's daughter, Miss Isabella Swan." The auctioneer started.
"I bid two bits," Jasper said before the auctioneer could even finish his words
"I bid two bits and a dime," another boy, Beau Gilliard bid.
"Fifty cents," called Jasper.
"Fifty cents and a dime," Beau called next. Everyone laughed.
"One dollar," Jasper said. There were several gasps at his bid.
"A dollar and a dime?' Beau said, but it sounded like a question, and that hall was in a roar of laughter. I then saw Jasper digging in every pocket he had.
"That's one dollar and a dime from Beau Gilliard. Going one, going twice…" I held my breath.
"Three dollars and twenty-seven cents Going once, going twice, sold," Jasper said in one long sentence. He then ran up to the auction block and paid the auctioneer. I stepped down from the stage and picked up my pie. I waited for Jasper to come and join me, along with one of the ladies designated as a chaperone. We found an empty table, and I went and got a couple of plates and a knife from the dessert table. I cut a slice of pie for Jasper and myself, and Jasper brought us over a couple of cups of punch.
I held my breath as Jasper tasted his pie. I watched as he closed his eyes and then I heard a 'mmmm-ummm.' escape his lips.
"Miss Isabella, that has got to be the best blueberry pie I've ever eaten," He then came in close to me. I took a whiff of his scent, and he smelt like chocolate and tobacco. It was almost intoxicating.
"Don't tell my mama," he whispered softly. I giggled.
"I won't, I promise." He then gave me that award-winning smile.
"So tell me, about yourself Miss. Isabella," He asked.
"Well, what would you like to know? I mean, you already know my name. How did you know my name, by the way?"
"Well, I spotted you the minute you and your parents walked in, and I just had to know who the pretty little gal was with the beautiful chocolate eyes and mahogany hair. I asked around about you," he said sheepishly, and a blush lit up his face. My cheeks mimicked his.
"You think I'm pretty?" I asked shyly.
"Miss Isabella, I think you are about the prettiest little thang I've ever laid eyes on." He then picked up my hand again and brought it to his lips. I think I turned about as red as a tomato. My daddy took that moment to walk up behind us and clear his throat again. Jasper immediately jumped up from his seat.
"Oh, leave them alone, Charlie. You gonna scare the poor boy," my mama scolded my daddy.
"Sheriff Swan, I would like to ask permission to court your daughter, it that's alright with you?" Jasper said nervously.
"You're Sam Whitlock's boy right?" My daddy asked.
"Yes sir, I am," Jasper replied.
"Well, I suppose that will be fine. Your daddy's a mighty fine man. I've bought several horses from him. I don't recall having any problems out of you boys. How old are you son?"
"I just turned seventeen last week, sir," Jasper replied
"And do you help your daddy out on his horse ranch?" My dad asked.
"Sure do, sir. As a matter of fact, I trained the last horse you bought, Brownie, myself." Jasper added with pride.
"Good grief, Charlie, what is this the Spanish Inquisition? Mr. Whitlock, I think it will be just fine if you would like to court Isabella. Would you want to come over after Church tomorrow for dinner?" My mama finally asked after giving my daddy a somewhat irritated look.
"Yes, Ma'am, I mean if that's alright with you, Sheriff Swan, and Miss Isabella, of course," He said giving me a shy smile. My daddy just stood there looking stoic until my mama elbowed him in the back.
"Hmph, I guess that's alright," my daddy said then walked away.
"And how about you, Miss Isabella. Would it be alright with you if I came a-courtin'?" He said giving me a hopeful smile.
"I think that would be mighty fine, indeed, Mr. Whitlock," I replied.
"Come along, Isabella. I think its time we be headin' home." My daddy called out.
"Would it be too presumptuous of me to walk you to your carriage?"
"I'd like that very much," I told him. He then took my hand and wrapped it around his arm, and escorted me outside where my father was waiting. Once we got outside, he helped me up onto the carriage.
"Until, tomorrow, Miss Isabella. I bid you a goodnight." Jasper said as he closed the carriage door. As my Daddy drove us away, I looked out the back of the carriage and saw Jasper doing a little jig in the street. My Mama and I giggled until we were out of sight of him.
Over the next couple of months, Jasper came calling every Sunday after church. A few times he asked my Daddy if it was alright if I came to his house for dinner.
I got to know his Mama, Claire and Daddy, Samuel. He had four brothers. Twins Joshua and James, who were ten-years-old. Matthew, who was fourteen, and an older brother Sam, Jr who was home on leave from the war. He also had a baby sister Madelyn who was just under a year old. To my surprise, his family also owned a few slaves. That was something my Daddy didn't approve of. However, he never begrudged those who did.
"Isabella, even though it may be a way of life for some, it's just not right for a person to own another human being," my daddy always told us. "And this God forsaken war over the right to continue that way of life is appalling." I wasn't very popular with Jasper's daddy or his brother when I tried to argue this point.
"First of all, a young lady should not be speaking on such affairs," Samuel, Sr. scolded.
"Daddy! Isabella has the right to her opinions just as anyone else does," Jasper defended.
"Jasper, it's ok, I have spoken out of place. I apologize, Mr. Whitlock. My mama always said I don't know when to keep my mouth shut. I didn't mean to offend you. Jasper, I think I'd like to go home now," I was nearly in tears as I ran from the house.
"Daddy, I swear to God! I don't know what I will do if I lose Isabella over this," I heard Jasper say before running out of the house to catch up with me.
"Isabella, Darlin', I'm so sorry for the way my daddy spoke to you. I can tell you; I don't rightly agree with the slave business either. But it's the way we've always lived. They belonged to his Daddy and his Daddy's Daddy. As for the war, I do believe its worth the fight. Not just for the rights to own slaves, but for the rights to choose our own way of life.
"Isabella, Darlin' I hope ya don't hold my family's lifestyle against me. Darlin' I don't own any human being. They all belong to my Daddy. Before I take ya home, can I show ya somethin'?" Jasper asked. Tears were still rolling down my face. Jasper took the pads of his thumbs and wiped my tears away. Unable to find my voice again, I just nodded my head. He helped me up on his horse and climbed on behind me. He took me to a large piece of land about a quarter of a mile away from his parents home. In the middle, there was a small house.
"Whose house is this?" I asked him
"It's my house, Darlin'," He said as he helped me down off his horse. He walked me inside. It was empty, but it was a charming house.
"I thought this could be our bedroom, and one day this could be our kids' room," he said as I looked around.
"Jasper?" I questioned as I swung around to see him down on one knee.
"Isabella, the first time I laid eyes on you, I knew I wanted to make you my wife. Darlin' will you have me?"
"Even with you know how I feel about owning slaves?" I asked with a furrowed brow.
"Darlin', especially now that I know. As you can see, Darlin', this house isn't big enough to house slaves. I just want it to be you and me and the many, many babies I want to make with you. So how about it, honey. Will ya do me the honor of becomin' my wife?"
"Yes, Jasper. I'll marry you." Jasper then picked me up and spun me around.
"YEEE-HAWWWW!" He exclaimed. He then put me down and did the same little jig I saw him do outside of the town hall.
"Oh, Darlin' I almost forgot.." He then reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a velvet bag. In the bag was the most beautiful ring I'd ever seen.
"This belonged to my great-gran," he said as he slipped the ring on my ring finger. It was a perfect fit.
"Jasper, it's beautiful."
"You're beautiful, Darlin'. I love you, Isabella Swan.
"I love you too, Jasper Whitlock." He then brought me into his arms and gave me a passionate kiss.
"C'mon, let's get you home before your daddy comes looking for me with his shotgun," Jasper said with a chuckle.
When I returned home, my mama was so excited. It seems Jasper had already asked my Daddy for my hand, so Mama was already expecting it when I got back. She couldn't wait to start wedding planning.
Three months later, my Daddy was walking me down the aisle, to marry Jasper Whitlock.
"Despite our rocky start, Isabella, I'm delighted to have you in our family. I know you make my son happy, and that, in turn, makes me extremely happy," Samuel, Sr said to me after the ceremony.
After spending a few days near the shore on our honeymoon, we returned to the home Jasper showed me on the day he asked me to marry him. After we dismounted his horse, he picked me up bridal style and carried me over the threshold.
Once inside, he placed me on my feet. As I looked around, the entire house was now furnished. All of my things had been brought over from my parent's house.
"Jasper? How? When?"
"Our parents furnished everything for us, and your mama and daddy brought all of your things over. Welcome home, Mrs. Whitlock." I wrapped my arms around his neck, and he picked me up and spun me around.
"I love you so much, Jasper," I told him.
"I love you more, my wife."
"It's not possible," I told him. "But I like the sound of that," I said with a giggle.
"And I will say it over and over my wife. Isabella Marie Whitlock, you are my wife. Now, how about you make your husband happy?" He said as he wiggled his eyebrows. He then bent down and picked me up over his shoulder. He slapped me on my backside as I squealed and giggled all the way to our bedroom.
Over the next few months, we fell into a comfortable life. Jasper continued to work on his father's horse ranch. I started a garden on our property. Mama Claire would come and help me tend the garden. Together, we would make dinner for our hard-working men. Most nights we would have supper in our own homes. On Friday nights we'd have supper with Jasper's parents and most Sundays we'd have dinner with my parents after church.
Then the unthinkable happened. We received word the Sam, Jr. had been killed on the battlefield. It broke Mama Claire's heart. Jasper was mad enough to chew nails.
Jasper had already been talking about maybe he should join up and fight alongside his brother. After receiving word of his brother's death, I knew there was no way he would stay out of the fight now.
"Jasper, please, my love. You can't leave me. I wouldn't be able to go on without you," I would beg him every night.
"Sssh-sssh, Darlin'," he would coo.
Then one morning, I woke up to a cold bed. When I went out, his horse was gone. I jumped on my horse still in my bed clothes and rode over to the Whitlock Ranch.
"Jasper, is that you? Your Daddy's been…" Mama Claire stopped mid-sentence when she walked in and saw me.
"Where's Jasper, Isabella?" Mama Claire asked as she took in my appearance.
"He—he—he's not here? Oh, God, OH, GOD, NOOOO!" Mama Claire pulled me into her arm as I fell to my knees crying. Papa Samuel came in to see two distraught women huddled together on the sitting room floor.
Later that day Papa Samuel rode into town and went to the recruitment station. He told the recruiter that Jasper was only seventeen-years-old. They told him it didn't matter. They were taking all recruits at their word.
Two days later I received a letter in the mail.
My Dearest Isabella,
I hope you are not too angry with me. I couldn't tell you what I was about to do. I couldn't bear to see your teary eyes as I rode off to what I knew I had to do.
Please, Isabella, I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me. I love you with everything I have in me.
Tell me you will be waiting for me when I return so we can start making those babies we talked about.
Tell Mama and Daddy I love them. I hope to be able to come home for a visit in about six months.
I love you, Isabella, with all my heart
Your husband
Jasper Whitlock.
"Of course, my husband, where else would I be. Please God, send him home safe to me," I offered up in prayer.
Six months later, when I least expected it, Jasper rode up to our house while I was working in our garden.
"There's that pretty little gal that baked me that delicious blueberry pie," I heard his smooth voice.
"Jasper!" I squealed as I got up and ran over to him. He jumped down from his horse and met me half way. I jumped up into his arms, but the force of my impact caused him to fall onto his back. We were a mess of flailing limbs as we kissed with all the passion we had for each other.
"I've *kiss* missed you *kiss—kiss* so much *kiss—kiss—kiss—kiss*," I said as I peppered kisses all over his face.
"Well, Darlin', why don't you show me just how much you've missed me," Jasper said once I finally let him up off the ground. He scooped me up, bridal style, and ran with me into our bedroom.
Once he placed me on my feet next to our bed, the clothing started to fly all over the room. When we were both naked, he picked me up and placed me in the middle of our bed and in a flash, he was nestled between my legs.
He kissed me with so much passion; I thought my lips would fall off. He then started trailing kisses down my neck to my collarbone, while his hands found purchase on my breasts. He continued to nip and suck his way down until he had one of my nipples in his mouth. My back arched up off the bed as he sucked on the harden pebble. His other hand continued tweaking the nipple of the other breast. After paying equal attention to both mounds, he continued to kiss nip and suck down my torso. My hand made its way to his honey blond hair.
I moaned when he finally made his way down and his tongue swirl around my bundle of nerves.
"Yes, Jasper," I hissed. His fingers found its way into my core, and he continued to suck and swirl his tongue around my clit. His fingers plunged in and out of my core at a fervent speed. He then curled his fingers hitting my sweet spot, my walls began to clamp onto his fingers, and his name fell from my lips.
Before I could come down from my euphoric high, Jasper was lining himself up at my entrance. In one thrust, he was sheathed entirely within me.
"Home," he said before plunging his tongue into my mouth. He then began thrusting in and out of me.
"Bella, Bella, Bella, Oh my Bella," he said as almost a chant as he continued to thrust inside of me. He sat back on his haunches, bringing me to his chest, placing himself deep within me. This new position was magnificent, and I squeezed myself even closer to him. I laid my head on his shoulder as he continued to thrust.
"I'm close, my love. Cum with me, baby" he whispered in my ear.
"Oh, God, Jasper. I'm—I'm—I'm…" We both fell over the edge of ecstasy calling each other's name. Jasper laid us down, and we stayed that way, him still inside of me, just kissing and nipping each other.
"How long are you staying," I finally asked. The tears were threatening to spill, knowing he wouldn't be here long.
"I could only get the weekend off, Darlin'," He said. Sadness quickly overtook me. It was even shorter than I thought. There wasn't enough time. I knew his parents would want to see him as well, but I wanted to keep him all to myself.
"Then I suppose we should get up and make our way to your parent's house." Trying to get away from him before my tears spilled.
"Nah-uh, I don't think so Darlin'. I'll see them before I leave. Call me selfish if you want, but this leave was so I could be with you. I don't want to share this time with you with anyone else." I looked at him incredulously, before the look on my face morphed into my undying love for him. I fell back into his arms. We made love for the rest of the night and the better part of the next day.
By Saturday evening, we could no longer go without food. The almost non-stop lovemaking, depleting us of all of our energy. Jasper went out and pumped water to boil for our bath, and we soaked and bathed each other, before getting dressed and heading over to his parent's house.
When we made it inside, the squeal that came from his mama was almost deafening. His daddy ran downstairs, thinking she was injured, only to be stalled on the stairs at the sight of his now eldest son. He finally came down, placing a hand on each of his shoulders and looked him over, as if to make sure his eyes weren't deceiving him, before bringing him in for a hug.
"Son, how long are you staying?" he asked.
"Well, Daddy, I have to leave tomorrow, probably after dinner," Jasper told him. Papa Samuel furrowed his brow.
"Only one day?" Samuel questioned.
"Well, no, I've been here since yesterday," Jasper answered honestly but with hesitations. Samuel turned to me in rage.
"AND YOU KEPT MY SON AWAY FROM ME!" Jasper gripped his father by the shirt collar but spoke with a calm that didn't match his action.
"You will not raise your voice to my wife, do you understand me? That was not her choice but mine. This leave was so I could spend time with my wife. After we reconnected, she wanted me to come to visit you. I told her I would see you before I left. I wanted her all to myself." My pride in him swelled, however, I did not want to be a riff in his family.
"I'm very sorry, Isabella. I should have known. It is not in your nature to be selfish. Will you forgive me, daughter-in-law?" Papa Samuel said to me earnestly.
"Of course, I forgive you. Everyone is just anxious and glad to have him back, whatever little time we have with him," Papa then brought me in for a hug and kissed the top of my head. It was then, my stomach decided to growl, bringing everyone to laughter.
"Well, my goodness. We've got to tame that growly tiger, don't we," Mama Claire said through laughter. She then called the servants to prepare us something to eat.
Jasper and I sat at the dining table and ate. The others, already done with supper. Jasper told them stories of what it was like. How he took a test when he first enlisted and was immediately promoted to Captain.
We stayed with the family that night, sleeping in his old childhood room. The next morning, we had breakfast and dressed for Church. My parents were pleased to see him. Samuel invited everyone back to the Whitlock Ranch for dinner. My daddy was reluctant, knowing they had negro servants, but put his feelings aside and accepted. I gave him a soft 'thank you". He placed an arm around my shoulder and kissed my temple.
After dinner, Papa Samuel and Daddy went out to the stables. My Mama and Mama Claire went up to her parlor to give Jasper and me time for our goodbyes.
"This is why I left while ya were sleeping before. I can't bear to see ya crying, honey." Jasper said softly in my hair, as my tears soaked his uniform.
"Ya need to go, so ya can hurry up and come back to me. I want ya to come back to me, ya hear? Ya come back to me unharmed," I said as I buried my face in his neck, taking in his scent one more time. Once we finally broke apart, Jasper called out to his Mama that he was leaving. My Mama and his came down and walked with us out to the stable to retrieve his horse. We were met by my Daddy and his. Everyone gave their hugs and well wishes. He gave me one more passionate kiss before he hopped on his horse and was gone. Before I could collapse to the ground, I was in the arms of my Daddy. My Mama at my other side, Samuel and Claire consoling each other.