Bella (Midnight Revelations!)

I pottered around that evening with random thoughts swirling in and out of focus in my head. This was quite normal for me, it was really my brain's way of sorting the relevant from the drivel and eventually, I would have a satisfactory answer to whatever conundrum was bothering me.

But it was being a little more elusive than normal, ah, well I'll just sleep on it and maybe the morning will shed some light on it all. I sat bolt upright in my bed, I looked groggily at my clock it was only 2:30 am, with what could only be described as a Eureka moment. I had dreamt of Wolf Men and Cold Ones and Quileute legends.

That was the best kept, most widely known secret in Washington State. As every generation learnt their tribe's history they passed it on to their friends and the townspeople as anecdotes or to frighten them, therefore everyone knew but never relayed it outside of the community.

I had learnt it from Rebecca and Rachel Black, the Chief's twins who I played with every summer I stayed with my dad, while he fished with their father. But I wasn't laughing now, the facts and legends all fitted:-

Inhumanly Beautiful - Cold Skinned - Don't Eat or Drink Human Food - Immensely Strong - Don't Age - Speaking As If From Olden Times - Some Had Extra Abilities -Excellent Hearing/Sense Of Smell - Red eyes!

The only thing that didn't tally was the eyes. I fired up my laptop as I was sifting through this information, found a Myths & Legends site and typed in Cold Ones. There it was in black and white:

'Cold Ones or Vampires, the enemy of the Shape Shifter or Spirit Walkers'.

I got up and made some coffee and pondered the eye discrepancy and once again a remembered legend came to my rescue, three generations previously a coven of vampires had moved to forks, but a treaty was made with them as they fed on animals and had golden eyes to denote the difference. They still were not allowed on tribal lands but were not attacked either.

So that was it then Jasper and his family were Vampires who fed on animals, except for Peter and Charlotte going by the contacts. They must have red eyes, but obviously, don't kill indiscriminately or the others wouldn't have let them be around when I visited, well I hope so.

Do I confront him with this? He said it was a death sentence to know their secret. But who enforced that rule? It was now 4:00 am and I needed to get some more sleep if I was going to entertain a vampire tomorrow. I laughed to myself, suddenly it dawned on me if the Cold Ones are real then so are the Shifters, well damn, I was living in the twilight zone and didn't even know.

Oh hell, was that why they left? Was my profiling to close for comfort. I think maybe it was, another thing to ask Jasper when I get up the nerve to mention it. Sleep came easily this time almost as if in relief for having worked out the problem and of course my total lack of fear about seeing Jasper in the morning.

When my alarm woke me at my later than normal time I reserved for a Sunday of 8:30 am, I was actually refreshed and quite calm all things considered. I had a long hot shower and dried my hair down for once, usually, I either had a ponytail or a plait to keep it tidy. I loved having long hair but it could be a pain sometimes and I often thought of cutting it all off, but usually chickened out.

I had a decent breakfast as I knew I would be the only one eating today and settled down with a book to wait for Jasper's arrival. Bang on 10:00 am, he knocked on the door and I rushed to let him in. He was all in blue today and it did take the dangerous edge of off him, I wonder if Esme or Charlotte had a word with him? He had his helmet in his hand as he entered and set it down in the hallway.

I had just turned to ask if he wanted to watch a movie when he scooped me up into his embrace and kissed the living daylights out of me. Not that I minded, but the human needs to breathe and I had to pull away first. I sighed and he did too,

"Did you miss me darlin', cause I sure missed you?" he purred at me and I told him yes and took his hand and led him into the living room.

He looked around and then at me and said it complimented me, without a doubt this was my home, warm, casual and totally arranged to make life easy for me and he was right, that was my plan when I moved in. It wasn't pristine and tidy but had books and writing stuff lying a hand. I loved it and I think it reflected my personality well.

He asked what I had been reading before he arrived as he saw the book lying open on the coffee table.

"Oh, just some poetry by 'Henry Timrod', we had been covering civil war poetry in one of my fill classes and I really liked his stuff",

as he sat he asked if he could look and he started to recite a couple of the shorter poems and I was mesmerised. His voice just brought it all to life, as if he knew intimately what he was reading about and I felt myself fall just a little for this blond-haired god in my living room.

He leant back and held out an arm and I snuggled up to him, listening intently to every inflexion and tenor of his voice, it was smooth as silk and so gut-wrenching at the same time, I was transported into the past with every line. As I lay there leaning on his chest, feeling his voice vibrating through me, I realised his heart was silent and that made me sad. He paused "Why so sad sugar?" he enquired raising an eyebrow at me,

so he could read emotions and now I am sure he was projecting his before.

"What's it like, Really honestly like? being a vampire!" I whispered into the quiet and felt him stiffen and attempt to move away,

but I held on tightly, drawing soothing patterns on his chest until he relaxed.

"Wow darlin' that didn't take you long at all, what solidified it for you?" he asked.

"Aha! it was a dream really and a couple of buried memories popping to the surface" I said and told him all about my evening.

He just smiled and shook his head, asking was I not afraid? I said no, should I be, did he want me to be afraid of him?

"No darlin' that's the last thing I want from you" he answered with a cryptic edge to it,

I will address that later. So we chatted for hours about his past and how much he'd changed in the last fifty years or so. We only stopped to move to the kitchen so I could eat and he told me everything, holding nothing back about himself since he was changed.

I ask about who would not be happy with me knowing and he told me about the Volturi and the rules. It was well into the wee small hours that I started to yawn and he said he would go, but I didn't want him to leave me, so I shook my head and lead him into my bedroom.

"Please stay with me, I don't expect you to do anything, but hold me," I said,

adding on and keep me safe in my own head. he smiled and nodded sitting on the bed as I went into the bathroom to change and get ready for bed. He was leaning on the headboard as I returned and raised his eyebrows at my shorts and cropped top, I shrugged and climbed into the other side and scooted over to him wrapping my arms around his waist, asking if it was okay.

He growled quietly and tightened his grip on me, and as I started to slip into sleep while he recited more poems to me. I random thought popped into my head 'I loved this glorious man' oh god I was in love with Jasper Whitlock.

(If This Is A Dream, Don't Wake Me)

I awoke the next morning to the feel of lips on my skin and hands caressing my upper body, Oh I'm still dreaming I thought to myself. Then a deep growling voice said,

" Good morning my Isabella" and I shivered at its lust filled undertone,

I opened my eyes to see Jasper's head hovering over my navel and his tongue flicking out to lick my skin. He glanced up and his eyes were jet black, he was breathing heavily and his body was practically on top of mine.

"Morning" I answered stretching languorously, then remembering my dream, I blushed causing more growling and a deep moan.

"Did you have a good dream darlin'?" he asked smirking,

"Yes!" I was a little embarrassed by the erotic dream of him I'd had and knowing that he had felt every emotion.

"Did I say anything?" I enquired, thinking I was about to die of shame.

"Not a lot at first, then my name, but I'm afraid the last part got me a little worked up sugar!" he purred at me,

"Oh! what was that?" I squeaked as he nipped at my skin,

"Something like 'No Major leave the hat and boots on!" he said,

imitating my lust filled voice and I was truly squirming and blushing exuding mortification, he gently lowered his body onto mine and whispered

"I liked that a lot darlin', don't be self-conscious please", and I could now feel just how much he had liked hearing me say this.

I sighed and stroked his hair as he continued to pepper my torso with kisses and little nips, his hands slid up until they were just under my crop top and he looked at me with smouldering eyes and I could do nothing other than nod.

He raised it up and over my head gently, then lowered his mouth to one of my nipples and I groaned deeply and arched my back as his cool mouth engulfed me and started circling the tip until it had hardened into a rock hard nub. he alternated from sucking to nipping and then soothing licks and I was going insane, I needed more.

I gripped the back of his head and pulled his hair and felt the resulting growl vibrate through me, by now I was hauling his shirt off him and he seemed a little reluctant. I looked at him as I firmly pulled it off and then sat up slightly when I saw all the scars on his chest, neck and lower abdomen. My Major was scarred brutally, but no less gorgeous to me.

I kissed the largest above his heart and worked my way up and down his body licking them as if to soothe them away and he was vibrating now, a cross between a growl and a purr that made me rub my thighs together with undeniable need.

"I need you now Major!" I told him,

and he instantly flipped me onto my back and started to work his way done my body, he gently slide my sleep shorts off and I lay totally naked before him and he groaned loudly and buried his head between my thighs and I was in heaven or hell, I didn't care as long as he didn't stop.

This was unlike any other sexual encounter I'd had, not that there were that many but I'd had two longish term boyfriends over the years and neither made me feel like this it was electrifying and mind-blowing.

Going from slow and powerful to vampire quick and I barely caught my breath as the first orgasm hit me and had me clamping my whole body around his head in ecstasy, thank god he didn't need to breathe or I would have suffocated him. I flopped back as he prowled up my body claiming my mouth and kissing me with a passion I could not only feel inside me but it was rolling over me in waves.

I lowered my hands and undid his jeans pushing them down with my toes, which were hooked onto the sides. His erection sprung free as he had gone commando, although I couldn't see him I could feel him against my body and I was impressed and a little thankful too.

He was looking tenderly into my eyes and said if I didn't mind he would feel better if I was on top for the first time, as he had never had sex with a human before and was a little afraid he would hurt me. So we flipped over and I was astride his thighs and his large and extremely hard erection was against my belly, I gently stroked it and upon realising I would never get my little hand all the way around, I used both to bring him as much pleasure as I could, he stopped me after a few minutes saying he wanted to cum inside me the first time.

He lifted me bodily up in the air and lowered me slowly on to him, he stopped every couple of inches to let me adjust and it was torture, so I grabbed his hands and he let go of me as I slammed myself down onto him and he roared out his pleasure as I started to build a rhythm.

It soon became hard for me to maintain this as my own pleasure spiked through my body, so he lifted up onto his knees without breaking contact or even losing our tempo. We were now, chest to chest and he was sucking my collarbone and I was literally biting his earlobe as we rocked together in the time honoured dance that was sex, amazing, soul-consuming and brain-melting sex.

I knew I was almost there and I sped up my movements a little and he followed suit, we were thrusting and grinding and the sweat was running down my neck, into the valley between my breasts where Jasper was catching it on his tongue and groaning and growling and I was just getting more and more turned on by his animalistic noises, this was raw, pure, unadulterated and I was about to explode into a million tiny fragments and I would be dying ecstatically happy.

As I felt my orgasm hit I roared out

"Oh god Major!" and then as my whole body shook with the intensity of it,

"Jasper, baby, cum with me!" and I felt myself clamping down hard on him,

and he grunted out my name and followed me over the top into our own little part of oblivion. I know I passed out for a few seconds and that was definitely a first for me, Jasper seemed worried that he'd hurt me and I hugged him to me and assured him it was the exact opposite. He had given me the most intense orgasm of my life and I was hoping to repeat that again and again.

(My Major, My Eternity)

My life had taken a very unusual and unexpected turn, since meeting Jasper again. We had decided we wanted to be together forever, he told me,

"We are mates darlin' and I can't survive without you now!" so I needed to know all that, that entailed and what it meant for us in the future.

I moved onto his ranch soon after that, because being away from him was literally painful and finished out my exams from there. Jasper had just asked me to marry him and soon we were going to move to Alaska, as Major & Mrs Jasper Whitlock.

Jasper had surprised me with the most stunningly understated ring,

"It was my mother's, I hope you like it?" he said nervously and I loved it, even more for knowing this.

I don't like over the top things, I never had, but the best thing was our new bedroom furniture, Jasper and Peter had hand carved it all themselves and it was so beautiful, it made me cry when I saw it. This needless to say confused them no end, but the other women explained my reaction to them, as I was so overwhelmed at the time.

Alaska was to be for my first year as a vampire, away from civilisation, for their and my safety. Emmett and Rose along with Esme were going with us and Peter said they'd check in now and then. So now I had to get him together with my family, they were all coming for my graduation, so that was going to be perfect timing.

We told them we were engaged and we're going to Borneo for a year to work, as Jasper was a freelance photographer and he'd been commissioned by the National Geographic to do a piece on tribes in the remote areas. Charlie was worried I was going to give up my career, but I told him I'd be doing some much-needed stuff online and would be then better placed on our return.

This seemed like a good cover story and I was able to defer my placement till after I got back, they had not met me personally so would not notice any changes in my appearance. I still intended to be a profiler and could do this anywhere once I was totally qualified.

We were having a quiet wedding here in Texas, I didn't need any of the people, back in Forks knowing about who the groom was till after the event. The Quileute's from the Rez have a tendency to butt in where they have no business as if my life had anything to do with them.

They had an overinflated opinion of their importance in the grand scheme of things and if there was a pack, I really didn't want them anywhere near us. So although Charlie was telling everyone I was getting married, no one connected Jasper Whitlock to the Jasper Hale who had lived with the Cullens.

"Do we invite the others?" I had asked him one day,

"I'll phone Carlisle and Edward, but I doubt you would want Alice here?" he said and he was right,

but a couple of days later a gift arrived and a note saying that she was sorry she wouldn't be able to come as she was in Europe just now. She had sent us matching his and hers Prada luggage, I was scared to touch it, it looked so expensive. Carlisle and Edward accepted, as long as Esme was okay with this and she said:

"That's fine you two, I don't hold any ill will for either of them, anyway I have missed them both so it will be nice to see them again after all this time".

So it was now the beginning of March and the wedding was two days away, my family were arriving tomorrow and I was having a nice long soak in the bath, Jasper had come in to wash my back he said, but ended up washing every inch of me thoroughly.

He had just gone to turn on the electric blanket on our bed. I bet, the maker's would never have thought their invention would be a godsend for vampires! When I opened the bedroom door, Jasper said:

"I thought I might fulfil one of your fantasies darlin'". He was lying on the bed in only his Stetson and Cowboy boots,

and he looked awfully pleased to see me too! Several hours later, I was now wearing the hat and was exhausted,

"It can't get better than this can it Major?" I mused.

"Darlin' it will not only get better but last a whole lot longer once you're changed and less breakable, I won't have to hold back then" he laughed.

We lay entwined talking when it became apparent that we had both spent the last seven years fantasising about each other, so we had a lot of them to get through once I was like him and personally, I can't wait. Eternity with your soul mate, who would turn that down, Not me!

Disclaimer: Twilight and its characters belong to S. Meyer. Otherwise, the rest is my musings on an AU.