
Mature readers 18+ only. This story has mentions of rape and abuse. You have been warned!


A/N: This is the end. Last chapter! I hope you enjoyed the story!




After the battle, things got quiet for a little while. Jasper and Bella got married. The Cullen's forager, Jenks, set Bella and Olivia up with papers. The two ladies now had last names. Isabella Whitlock, and Olivia Lillian Whitlock. Olivia begged her mom to let her go to school. She was old enough. Bella and Jasper had been unsure at first. With Olivia's aging and her powers. So, they compromised. They would homeschool her until she was old enough for high school, and stopped growing so fast. Olivia knew her parents were right.

By the time Olivia was able to go to high school, she looked 17. She had stopped growing. They started her as a freshmen at 14 years old on paper. Paul was too old for high school. He hated that he couldn't go with his imprint. However, he knew that she wanted this experience. The younger wolves- Seth, Colin, and Brady went with her. She loved school. She became a cheerleader, as long as she watched her strength she did fine with it. Bella and Jasper were very proud of their daughter.

Bella and Angela spent their time with their mates or making new weapons that could kill vampires. They realized that while vampires did need blood to survive, that didn't mean that some vampires didn't deserve to be killed.

Edward changed Angela two years after the battle. Like Bella, Angela was able to keep her witch powers. They got married right before she was changed.

After Olivia graduated high school, Jasper and Bella realized that she didn't really need them around all the time anymore. She spent most nights with Paul anyway. That meant, that Jasper could finally show his mate the world, and that's exactly what he did. He bought a private jet, and they traveled all over the world. They even visited Marcus. He had promoted Demetri and Felix to rule with him. Bella finally caved and told Marcus the compounds for making the weapons that they did. She did remind him though that some humans or beings that were a little weaker than vampires deserved to be able to defend themselves. Marcus agreed, so did Demetri and Felix.

Jasper and Bella just returned to Forks a month ago. The other vampires had scattered to travel over the last 10 years, now they were all back in the same area. Jasper and Bella kept their cabin on the beach.

Everyone had come home to Fork about 5 years ago for Paul and Olivia's wedding. Then they had left again to resume their travels. Now, they were back again for good this time.

Olivia was pregnant with their first child and almost due. Bella wanted to be there for her daughter.


Bella, Angela, Olivia, Alice, Rosalie, Esme, Emily, Leah, Kim, and Claire were all sitting around the cabin for Olivia's baby shower. The men were God knows where doing God knows what.

Olivia had just opened another present, containing a cute little ladybug outfit for her little girl, when she dropped the outfit, and her hands flew to her stomach as she yelped in pain, doubling over.

Bella hopped up out of her seat and ran to her daughter, kneeling in front of her just as Olivia felt a pop, and her water broke.

"I'm sorry, mama. I peed on you!" Olivia cried.

Bella chuckled softly. "You didn't pee on me, baby. Your water broke. None of it got on me. Let's get you changed into a hospital dress that Grandpa Carlisle left here for you, and get you into the delivery room."

When they found out that Olivia was pregnant, they added a new room on to the cabin. It was a hospital delivery room. They couldn't exactly give birth in the hospital because of what Olivia was.

"Esme, call Carlisle. He's with the guys, and we need him here." Bella ordered her mother in law.

Esme nodded and quickly did as she was asked, as Bella, and Alice led a crying Olivia into the delivery room and helped her change. They got her set up on the bed, feet in the stirrups with a blanket over her lap, covering her. Carlisle had taught all of the women how to set up and had taught Bella and Angela how to give birth if needed.

Olivia screamed as another contraction hit her hard. Bella and Alice were on either side of her, holding her hands, letting her squeeze them as hard as she needed.

"Breathe, baby. You're doing so good." Bella encouraged.

"Mama, where's Paul and Daddy? I want Paul and Daddy!" Olivia cried as soon as the contraction was over.

"They're on their way sweetheart. I just got off the phone with Grandpa Carlisle. All of them are coming back now." Esme said through the door.

2 minutes later the door opened, and Paul came inside. Alice slipped out of the room, while Paul took her place. Carlisle came in all suited up to deliver the baby.

"Grandpa, can I have Mama, Daddy, and Paul in here with me, please?" Olivia begged, wanting both her husband and her parents with her.

In a hospital, the woman giving birth was only allowed to have 2 people in the room with her, but this wasn't a hospital, so he allowed it.

"Of course, sweetheart." He replied. No sooner had he said that Jasper came into the room, shut the door, making sure not to look under the blanket, as he made his way to Bella. Bella kept petting her daughter's head, running her fingers through Olivia's hair, as Jasper took hold of Olivia's hand, while Paul had the other. All three of them encouraged her and helped her breathe through contractions.

Carlisle, unfortunately, couldn't give her an epidural because it would wear off too fast. She had to just tough it out.

"You're only 3 centimeters dilated right now, sweetheart. You still have a ways to go. I'll come back in an hour to check again, okay?" Carlisle told her, patting her leg gently.

"Okay, Grandpa, can I have some ice chips?" Olivia asked.

Seconds later, there was a quiet knock on the door. "I have ice chips for you, honey," Esme called through the door. Carlisle opened the door a little and took the ice chips.

"Thank you, Grandma," Olivia replied.

Carlisle handed them to Paul, then left the room, shutting the door behind him. He updated the large group that was in the living room.

Paul fed her some ice chips. "You're doing great, babe. I love you so much. I can't wait to meet our ladybug." He told her softly. Olivia smiled at him.


It was now 6 hours later. Carlisle was doing another check to see how dilated she was. He had been checking every hour.

"Okay, baby, you're ready to start pushing. On the next contract, buckle and push, okay?" Carlisle coached her.

Olivia panted, "Okay, Grandpa."

Seconds later, Olivia screamed as another contraction hit her. She did as her Grandpa told her, and buckled down and pushed with all her might.

"Push, baby, push." Jasper coached his daughter through it.

Olivia fell back onto the bed after the contraction. "Ok, stop pushing for just a second, dear," Carlisle said.

Olivia nodded, too tired to say anything.

It took a few more pushes, but finally, the whole cabin heard it. "It's a girl!" Carlisle cheered. They heard the first cries from the baby. Wow, She have a powerful set of lungs.

The whole cabin cheered.

Everyone in the delivery room had tears in their eyes. Jasper was hugging Bella to his side, as she cried happy tears silently. Her baby had done it. She had given birth to her first child.

Paul cut the umbilical cord, and Carlisle showed him how to bathe her to clean her up. After that, he checked her out before wrapping her in a pink blanket and put her on Olivia's chest.

"What is her name?" Carlisle asked. He was going to call Jenks to get papers made for the baby.

"Isabella." Olivia smiled at her mother, who gasped and put a hand to her mouth. "Isabella Maria Lahote."

"We wanted her to have her Grandmother's name. One of the strongest women we know, with the biggest heart." Paul told Bella, walking over to her and hugging her tight.

Bella hugged Paul tightly, sobbing into his chest.

Everyone else in the living room of the cabin smiled at each other. Some of them had known what they were going to name the baby. Other's weren't surprised. Olivia had always seen Bella as not only her mother but also her best friend. She looked up to her mother. Strived to be like her.

After Paul had held his daughter for a little while, he smiled at Bella before placing the baby in her arms. Bella looked down at her Grand-daughter, as her Grand-daughter looked up at her with a look of awe on her little face.

"Hi, Isabella. I'm your Grandma Bella. This is your Grandpa Jasper." Bella said quietly, with Jasper looking over her shoulder. He reached over and gently ran the back of his index finger over her little cheek. She reached out and grabbed his finger.

Life couldn't get much better than this.



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