AN hi guys this is a trial story will only continue if i get enough feedback asking me too also very dark deals with mature themes also implied rape Evil aEdward and Alice read at your own risk.
"Bella Bella Bella" he stalked towards me and I was terrified "How could you ever think that I love you it was so easy to convince a stupid bitch" He sneered as he picked me up his hands holding my arms tightly "It was all a set up, you see Alice and I are very close and would do anything for one another, so when she had a vision of you messing up her plans she enlisted me to help."
"Why?" was my retort the feeling of betrayal ran through me like fire.
"Why what Bella be more specific" He chuckled his eyes dark
"Why pretend to love me" he laughed then and it hurt more than his hands on my arms did .
"That was for the families benefit you see to be able to kill you without anyone being the wiser to who you are they had to believe you and I are mates , so when the time came they would have no argument on leaving as you are my mate I decide what happens, the birthday party served two purposes one a reason to leave and two to make sure Jasper is filled with guilt ." my brows furrowed at this and I didn't need to ask "Jasper and Alice are not mates but she doesn't want to lose what is hers at leas not until her actual mate comes along and by then he will be so consumed with guilt he won't put up any fight and even if he did with you dead he wouldn't have anything left to live for."
"I don't understand" he chuckled darkly
"it's ok I didn't expect you too I just wanted to share our ingenious plan with someone as I won't be seeing the family for a few months the red eyes would give me away" he let go of me for a moment before I was forced up against a tree brushing my hair away from my neck I would snap your neck but its so much better when the heart is still beating, if its any consolation this was always going to happen and I want to thank you for you part" he chuckled again leaning in I felt his lips on my neck tears ran down my face "goodbye Bella" he murmured and then I felt his teeth I screamed until his hand came over my mouth his other arm around my waste it seemed to take forever and I could feel him growling against me I started to feel light headed and my arms fell limply at my sides my heart strained in my chest as more and more blood was pulled from my body and then something snapped. A second later he pulled away and dropped me to the ground I was still aware my eyes frozen open my chest still but I could feel my heart beating weakly I didn't know how he couldn't hear it. I watched as I looked at me and he was smiling his phone rang and he answered it
"Yes she's dead my god she tasted good...yeah tell them I was devastated and need time I'll go somewhere and hunt animals again, you just need to make sure they don't go looking for her not that they will find her I will dig a hole and bury the body" He laughed at something "I wonder if its worse because she's dead what do you see?" he listened "Well we always knew it was a risk but without her he won't ever be happy take solace in that you think he will go to Texas to the Whitlock's? Good at least there he will be out of the way." He rang off a moment later and looked at me again I hadn't moved I couldn't even as the pain of his venom started to make its way through me I couldn't even breath and wondered if I needed oxygen for the change. I wish I had passed out I would have been unaware what he did next the sick fuck but still I couldn't move or breath and my heart thudded away taking the venom through my veins and still he didn't hear it or feel it when he was on top of me he looked me in my cold dead eyes as they too refused to moved and he kissed me tenderly and liked at the wound on my neck I may not be able to move but I could feel it, feel him had he not done enough after all he had killed me why did he have to defile my body. By the time he was done I wanted to tell him I was alive so he could kill me but still I couldn't move. He buried me in a hole in the roots of a tree he simply tossed me in and covered me and that's where I burned I don't know when my lungs once again started working again but there was a small pocket of damp air under the tree and my lungs took it in as the burning took over fully. My eyes closed at some point and my hearing increased that I could hear the worms and other critters in the ground when the fire was only in my heart I was aware of something more it was like an energy surrounding me and I knew I could control it when the fire doubled I screamed for the first time and the energy blew out and I felt things fall on my body but I couldn't open my eyes to see what my heart beat twenty three more times and then stopped I was finally dead well undead. When I opened my eyes I was in a crater in the ground bits of wood lay around me and I was confused wasn't I under a tree before had I moved? It didn't take long for me to realise I hadn't that something had happened to the tree and the logical side of my brain realised that it had to me and then linked it to the strange energy I had felt and realised I could still feel although it was background noise now. I was horrified when I realised I was naked apart from the remnants of my bra and then I remembered what he had done to my dead body Rage burned hot within me I would kill him and I would kill her as well but for some reason it was not the top of my list of things to do, I couldn't shake the feeling I should find someone first but for some reason I couldn't come up with a name so instead I ran. I ran until the burn in my throat demanded attention two days later I took down a herd of deer and felt much better apart from having no clothes.
"Shit" I screamed kicking a rock I didn't want to run around fucking naked but I knew I had no way of getting any clothes and I was more and more pissed. The rock had splintered and a piece flew through the air, and then I was on the ground sobbing. That was my new reality get really angry break something and then sob tearlessly for a few hours. I found I now could keep time perfectly apart from not knowing what day it was or the actual time I knew how much time had passed. When I reached two and a half months I found clothes, I had travelled way to close to civilisation and someone had hung their washing out so I stole it and ran back into the forest holding my breath knowing if I caught their scent I wouldn't be able to handle it after all if I couldn't even stop myself killing bambi how could I stop doing it to a human.
Four months three days and nine hours after I awoke I knew I was lonely I had come up with the plan of improving my control so I could work my way into being around people after all I couldn't seek revenge if I couldn't control myself. So far it had not gone well I wish I had someone anyone at this point but all the vampires I knew were Cullens and I wasn't going to be going there unless it was to kill someone and they would probably try and stop me not that they could I had my shield and it was awesome but I tried not to think of it, that always led to wondering why it hadn't worked before. I knew I was in the south now the landscape was different the sun was always out and I had passed a sign telling me I was entering Texas why I was here I had no idea just some part of me was telling me this was where I needed to be.
Six months and I needed new clothes apparently living rough didn't go well with clothes so I worked up the courage to go find some I decided on a house out of the way, just in case I didn't want to hurt anyone but if it happened at least I would be keeping the death toll to a minimum. The house or rather Ranch was large and there was not another around for miles . I'd been holding my breath as I approached there were no heartbeats in the house and yet I heard movement as soon as I saw the door open I bolted, I'm not sure if he had seen me but he was big and he had red eyes and I knew he could hurt me I didn't trust my shield. I hid in a tree my shield flexing and hoped it would stop him from finding me. He had come after me I had heard him yell and his feet on wood I couldn't let him find me I would have kept running but I knew there was a town up a head and I didn't want anyone else hurt.
"I'm not going to hurt you little one" he called he was to close and I stopped even breathing, He sighed "I'm not leaving until you at least talk to me" he moved closer to the tree "I know you have a gift for hiding yourself but I also have a gift it lets me know things like I know you are able to hear me" he was closer to my tree than I liked "Listen let me introduce myself the names Peter Whitlock I'd like to at least know who I am talking to." Whitlock I knew that name but how? Then I remembered Edward had said it someone was going to go to the Whitlock's in texas but who I felt like I know but I just couldn't think of the answer.
"Bella" I finally said dropping my shield I stayed in the tree looking down on the Peter now that I was getting a good look I Could tell he was handsome he smiled deviously at me but it wasn't threatening and I could tell he was a trouble maker. And then he saw my eyes and the smile faded and a look of concern came over his face.
"Shit your a newborn." he hissed and I look at him confused "Have you fed recently?" I could hear the slight panic in his voice and wondered why
"I had a couple of Coyote yesterday" I told him and he looked surprised
"You feed from animals?" I nodded "what brought you to the Ranch little bit?" he drawled I bit my lip but I could tell he wasn't going to let it go.
"I was going to steal some clothes" I told him and he bursts out laughing.
"And you thought it be a good idea to steal from another Vampire?" he found it really funny
"I didn't know, I just chose a house far out just in case I couldn't..."I felt horrid admitting it but he stopped laughing.
"Didn't you catch our scent trails?" his voice again concerned "And where the hell is your sire"
"I didn't realise that they were vampire and I held my breath when I came close to the house" I told him hoping he would drop the other subject.
"And your Sire where the hell are they?" I swallowed "Did you kill them?" I shook my head "then you should be with your sire for the first year its the rules"
"I don't think he knows, he buried me" He swore then and I jumped he uttered an apology
"So you've been on your own" I nodded "How long?"
"Six months" he swore again
"And you've always drank from animals" I nodded
"stayed away from people don't think it would go well" and I saw him nod in agreement
"do you think you could come down here little bit so I can see you better" I decided I had nothing left to lose and jumped down "Fucking hell how old are you?" He said after looking me over
"Eighteen" he ran his hand through his dark blonde hair I flinched when he moved closer and he backed off, hands raised palms forward "Not going to hurt you little bit" he told me
"Sorry can't help it" I told him although I wouldn't tell him my fear had more to do with the fact he was male that a vampire.
"Hey how about we head back to the house you can freshen up and steal those clothes you wanted and we can talk more." he sighed "I'm afraid I won't be able to let you leave at least not for another six months your a newborn and I found ya so you going to have to stick around till you can control yourself around humans." I was already shaking my head "Sorry little bit its the law I have to take responsibility for you if your sires not around If I could find them I could send you..." Panic my eyes went wide
"I'll stay just don't send me to him please." He looked me over
"You know who turned you?" it wasn't so much a question as a statement but I nodded I planned my escape as he mulled it over "Well as long as you agree to stay here I see no reason to involve them" and suddenly I wasn't afraid of Peter I flung myself at him wrapping my arms round him thanking him "Hey its ok its ok" I was sobbing now When did I start sobbing, He patted my back gently and when I moved to leave his embrace he didn't hold me to him. "Now how about we head back?" I nodded and we walked together until we reached the house "There's a Bedroom first door to the right top of the stairs there's clothes in the wardrobe that should fit if a bit baggy and there's a bathroom in there too, take your time I'll be down here when your ready." I nodded and went inside to look for some clean clothes and a shower I felt like I had won the lottery.