A/N:- SM never actually said if Corin was male or female, the films picked female, but the name denotes male so I'm going with that. Well here we are last chapter hope you enjoy it xx Alexis

The non-struggling, 'Edward' was now decidedly bored, he knew nothing of these people in front of him, except that they were strange Dracula wannabe's, who did not care for the people surrounding them. "Much as this is riveting fun!" he said sarcastically, "Who the hell are you and why am I here? I do not appreciate being ignored or treated this callously!" he continued, thus bringing all eyes back to him as he felt was his due. "Ah yes, Carlisle, my old friend!" Aro started, but was cut off by the arrogant fool, "My name is Edward Masen, I know of no one called Carlisle!" he said imperiously. Aro nodded "Quite so, I am Aro Volturi, one of the three vampire rulers!" he said holding out his hand and was shocked when the self-acclaimed Edward Masen took it.

There was no lifetime of memories, only three days of captivity, but with that was one overriding command to kill the Cullens, kill the Whitlock's, kill the wolves, kill Bella Swan and kill Aro himself. As he looked into the eyes of the man before him he felt recognition dawn and saw the moment clearly as the proffered hand was snatched back. Bella saw the moment too, the instant he began his strike at Aro she froze him, all of the Volturi entourage gasped, "Not for your benefit you understand, but we can't have you killing him, depriving us of the pleasure!" she said calmly. "Oh, you are special, my dear one!" exclaimed Aro giddily, smiling at her with an evil gleam in his eye. "Special and highly dangerous, I'd say" hissed Caius, "She too must be destroyed, we can't have an unknown danger left unchecked, hell let's not beat about the bush, we all know we came to destroy the whole coven, so let's get on with it!" he finished and all the Whitlock's growled in unison.

"Damn it, Caius, you fool! Your impatience will be the death of us one day!" snarled Aro, he turned back to Jasper as if nothing had happened, "We will be taking 'Edward' with us to study, it's quite fascinating! Unparalleled you know!" he wittered on in his overtly happy, overconfident voice, "I think not, Aro! You've read him, that's all we have been waitin' on, now he is goin' to die at the hands of his old coven!" drawled the Major smirking as if he knew something they did not, he had been monitoring Bella's emotions and as soon as he felt the mischief and smugness, he knew they were protected. Aro ordered two guards forward to take 'Edward', but they were unable to touch him, he was surrounded by a solid bubble, he was also still frozen in place.

Bella now has form fitting shields around all of her coven, like a second skin, as a guard makes a grab for Kate, he couldn't touch her but was shocked, through the shield by her for his trouble, but the real fun begins when Jane attempts to inflict pain on Bella, she herself dropped to the ground screaming in agony, until she realises she doing it to herself, Bella has encased the gifted enemy also in bubbles like 'Edward's'. Alec looked like he was about to send out his power when Demetri tells him to not be so stupid, asking could he recover from his own gift? that stops him in his tracks. Marcus holds up his hands, asking or quiet and both Aro and Caius start to argue, Marcus looks at Bella meaningfully, so she froze them both. The guard started to get restless and soon they too were frozen. The only ones not under Bella's power were Marcus, Demetri, the two wives and Felix. Marcus thanked her and commented how peaceful it was when Aro and Caius weren't arguing all the time.

He smiled and told her he has seen one other vampire with eyes like her, many, many years ago, she too had had the power to freeze people, but was not a shield and had ultimately died by the hand of those who were scared of her, he nodded to Aro. "Before his collecting days obviously!" he informed them. "Could I suggest someone gets a pitcher of water to try a little experiment?" he enquired and Jasper nodded, Esme rushed into the ranch house bringing back a large jug and handed it to Marcus, he told Bella to touch the water as it was poured, doing so, it immediately froze at her touch. "As I thought, organics will now be affected by you at the molecular level, the change had enhanced this for you! If you now retouch it, it will return to its previous state" he informed her and as he said, as soon as she retouched the frozen suspended water it turned liquid and fell to the earth at his feet.

He explained that if she touched a vampire, meaning to freeze them it would also freeze the brain, rendering the totally incapacitated, unlike the though freezing she had done to 'Edward', Aro and Caius which left the brain working. But if whoever was frozen was struck in that state, they would shatter. Unable to reassemble due to no brain function. "I think for sanity's sake you're coven should dispose of Carlisle now, while Aro And Caius are frozen, then I wish to talk with you all privately, is this agreeable?" he asked quietly and Jasper nodded. So with the shield removed and him still frozen the five males of the coven pulled Carlisle's body apart, piled it up and Esme dropped her lighter on to the venom soaked clothing and within seconds he was no more, the covens relief was palpable.

As the now coven, of ten and their five guests entered the house, Peter grabbed Bella to him and kissed her fiercely, "You, my sweet are magnificent, I love the eyes, but most of all I just love you, little bit!" he said passionately and Bella was overjoyed. When she had awoken and found herself alone she had had a moment of panic, praying he hadn't left her, but when she heard all the voices outside, she realised what was happening and had taken the time to look at herself in the mirror, shocked by the eyes of course, but happy with the eternal changes to herself. But she did notice she had no bloodlust and was thankful for that, not once in the last thirty minutes had she felt the need to feed, hopefully, this would continue and maybe she would only have to do it once a week or even less.

Once inside Marcus introduced the wives to everyone, explaining that they were not the other two kings mates or even their wives, but for thousands of years their concubines, tied to them by Chelsea. Sulpicia and Athenodora themselves were mates and only a very few in Volterra knew this. They only wanted like Marcus to be free, Demetri had been stolen from Amun's originally coven and wished to return to his sire. Felix only had one tie holding him in Volterra, Caius, he was his grandson. Aro had found it amusing, turning him and as a way to punish Caius for a minor transgression. Marcus himself wanted nothing more than the ability to avenge his mate Didyme, Aro's sister, killed by Aro's own hand. So he wanted the Whitlock's to kill Chelsea, thus breaking all false bonds, of which there were many. They themselves were unable to do it or she would have died long ago, everyone was stunned they knew Aro was a nasty piece of work, but this went beyond that and over the edge of downright evil.

Marcus suggested if they would not outright kill her, then if Bella froze her by touch it would weaken the bonds as she was constantly reaffirming them, over the years many had learned to shake it off slightly so she had to constantly keep enforcing them, they would break free first and no doubt would kill her as soon as they could. So as soon as the bonds broke the wives would be running, Bella gave them the address of her apartment in Seattle, telling them to use it as a base until they got everything settled. As they returned outside, Bella, Demetri and Felix skirted around the outside till they found Chelsea who always hung back, she was no fighter. They took up position either side of her and Bella removed the shield bubble and froze her with a touch, slowly she unfroze everyone else, but kept Jane and Alec secure until their loyalties were proven. Right away Aro was shouting about them killing Carlisle, they had no right, they had acted against the Volturi, they would all be sentenced to death for this atrocity.

Several things happen then, Renata stepped away from Aro, a place she'd been for more years than she could believe, Demetri and Felix shattered Chelsea and burned the pieces, Marcus turned to Aro and punched him in the face, then as Aro staggered in a daze, he took his head off. "We will be having a trial when we return to Volterra! Aro will definitely be held accountable for everything from the murder of Didyme, right up until today's debacle. Once we return any who wish to leave may do so, things will be changing in Italy, for the better. Caius was a little confused but with Felix explaining to him what had been going on he agreed fully with Marcus and let him take charge. He had never wanted to be a king who just sat there doing nothing as Aro had, had Chelsea make him, he wanted to train his men and lead the battles not sit locked away in Volterra, depending on the powers of others.

When the dust settled and the Volturi were ready to leave, Caius asked Jasper if one day they might visit and give the guard a workout, some new ideas and styles of fighting were much needed. Corin was wandering about totally confused, but removing his gift from anyone he'd been ordered to keep complacent over the years, he had thought Chelsea was his friend for so long but she had just tied him to Aro, to look after the wives, but why? It wasn't long until he found his answer, sitting alone with her head in her hands was Renata, shocked and confused by all that had happened, desperate to return home to her beloved Malta, to her family, they only needed one look at each other, to know just how cruel Chelsea and Aro really were.

As the Volturi departed, Marcus told them he would send word of the trail, but as there were thousands of years to work through, finding out just what Aro had been doing behind their backs it would be a few months before they got to that part, they all shook hands with the now only two kings. Jane and Alec had sworn their allegiance to them and were actually looking forward, to learning how to fight without their powers. They had been used by Aro ask a stick to beat the other guards with and had hated it, they had no friends except each other, they wanted to be as normal as vampires could be if that was possible. So a new era was dawning at last in Volterra, maybe they could even be pulled into the 21st century now.

Esme and Alistair would be heading off to his home in England, they would stay tied to the Whitlock's but as extended coven members now. Rose, Emmett, Garrett and Charlotte were returning to the house in Ashland, using this time to get to know each other. Jasper and Kate would go to Seattle to help Athenodora and Sulpicia, they needed to build a new life and also to learn skills to help them survive here in the real world, again they would be part of the coven, but from a distance, they longed for a life where it was just the two of them. As for Peter and Bella, well they disappeared the minute the Volturi left, Peter had grabbed his mate's hand and they just started running, all they ever wanted was to be alone, so now with all the time in the world they were. They stopped in Seattle only to get new documents, clothes and tell Jasper they would be gone for a while. He nodded and shook Peter's hand and hugged Bella telling them to be safe.

Peter loved his mate's eyes, they would swirl with excitement when she saw new things, when she fed they would infuse to a pale silvery pink, but mostly he loved them when they turned a dark liquid ebony when her lust for him was evident. They laughed, loved and played across all the surface of the world, held down by no one and hunted by no one. Bella's powers grew as she learned to use them, her shield could be one large one or many individual small ones , this they already knew, but she could make it so that it was just a solid sheet in front of her like a wall, turn it opaque, or even black, so day looked like night from within, but when it was clear, she could hide Peter and herself inside, making them invisible to the human eye, vampire might catch a glint from the corner of their eye but never know they had passed by, as no scent was left behind either, Peter was extremely partial to doing this naked, always taking the opportunity to make love to his mate in the unlikeliest of places.

But it had not all been fun and games, as they wandered the world they had also been acting as envoys for Marcus and Caius, every race on the planet except the humans had been contacted, informed of the impending trial of Aro Volturi and asked to send a single representative, who would be shielded and protected by Bella if they attended the trial. So on that day, as Marcus informed Aro he was being tried by his peers and fellow vampires, Aro laughed "I have no peers, least you count yourself and that fool Caius!" Bella turned her shield translucent and all present gasped as they saw standing behind the two kings every supernatural being they had ever heard of and some they didn't even recognise. As each ambassador gave his name and race, then thanked the two Volturi brothers for the chance to bear witness here today. Aro dropped his head, Marcus had managed the one thing he had always wanted, to bring together the world of the supernatural, granted he had wanted them all to bend the knee to him, not be his equal. He had known there was no way out of this, but to have all his sins aired in full view of their world was deliberate on Marcus' part and it pushed home to him finally, this really was to be his end.

A/N:- Next story will be a little one-shot called 'They Just Couldn't Help Themselves!'. Then the short story I gave you the summary for called 'Decisions, Decisions!' Still, haven't finished the original 3, I was working on lol xx Alexis