A/N I wanted to give a more detailed summary here. Like I said this is a dark story, with a dark theme. It starts out dark, and will get much darker. There will be a HEA in the end, but that will be awhile. There will be lemons, but again, it will be awhile. This is a story that will have rape as the main story line, and it won't be just a one time thing. There will be times that we will hear what Bella is thinking, and feeling. Those thoughts and feelings will be my own. While I will not go into details, of exactly what all happens during the rape, I will be telling some of what she is forced to do. Some of the medical and legal stuff will be stuff that I learned through different outlets and so if I get something wrong please don't bash me. With my own experience, I was never seen by a doctor, and the guy was never arrested, or caught. There will be a web site listed at the end of each chapter. Please, if you are in this situation, or know someone who is, call or look up the web site and get help. Don't let someone else get away with hurting others. Please know that this was adopted from I'mABitchI'mALiar. One last thing, this is the only warning I will give for the whole story. If you can't handle this subject then please do not read. I neither want or need reviews bashing me for writing this. I will put warnings in when I'm going to be telling what either the rapist does, or makes Bella do, it will say something like "references to rape". Please be aware, this is not a gentle story. I need to say thanks to my beta KareBear1965, and my pre readers sinfulroad69, and I'mABitchI'mALiar. They helped make this chapter much better than it was. Love ya girls.
Renee POV
I was at the sink washing dishes and watching the kids play outside in our yard. Well, I say kids because they will always be kids to me, but a couple of them only had a couple of years before they would be legally adults.
There are Charlie's and mine kids. Emmett, who was sixteen, and our daughter Bella, who was fourteen. Her birthday was coming up and would be here in three months. I was so proud of them.
Emmett was close to his sister and practically worshiped the ground she walked on. He was extremely protective of her, and had scared a few admirers away already, and it only took him glaring at the would-be boyfriends. He was huge.
Even before he turned sixteen, he was tall. He stood right now at six foot, four inches, and I think he was still growing. He was very muscular, as he played just about every sport that had a ball in it, and worked out in the gym room over at the Cullen's.
Actually, all of the boys worked out over there. They were all becoming muscular, and almost every one of them had girls flocking around wanting their attention.
Then, there were Edward and Alice, they were twins and were also close to each other. They were the same age as my Bella, fourteen. Their parents were the richest ones here, and were also the nicest people. They actually encouraged the teenagers to come and hang out at their place, which they did often.
Then, there was Charlotte, but she preferred to be called Char. Poor baby, her father had passed away a couple of years ago, and since she was an only child she was alone most of the time. She too was fourteen, and Bella had made sure that she was made to feel like a sister to her. Her mother's name was Helen and while she had to work way too much in order to make ends meet, she loved her daughter dearly and was grateful that she had friends and other parents who were willing to help.
Though now, Helen may be able to quit her extra job because her sister and niece have moved in. Rose, the niece is such a beautiful young lady; she is also fourteen. I think that Edward has a thing for her, but hasn't made any moves on her. He is such a gentleman.
Rose's mom Sarah is going through a really hard time right now. Apparently, Rose's dad Jeremy left them for a younger woman. Now, they are divorced, and since Sarah never had to work before, she's finding it hard to get a good-paying job. I think that them moving in with Helen, and Char will be good for all of them. I can tell that the girls have bonded.
Last, but definitely not least there are Peter, and Jasper. They are the nicest boys. Very respectful, as well as, very protective of the girls in the group. They are both older than all of the others, but that doesn't stop them from being friends with them. He is sixteen and Jasper is fifteen.
I happen to know for a fact that out of all of the kids, Jasper, is mine and Charlie's favorite. He comes over often just to sit and talk with us. I actually thought he came over to talk just because he wanted to. Oh, he did want to talk to us, but it was Charlie that pointed out the real reason he wanted to spend so much time with us.
Once he told me the real reason, I paid more attention to what went on when he came over. It seems that while he was there, our daughter would spend more time down here with us, instead of in her room, and Jasper spent more time staring at her.
Charlie didn't know really how to act, but me; I thought it was cute. I couldn't imagine a nicer young man, than him to be my daughter's first boyfriend. Which reminds me, I really should have that talk with her. I would really hate for her to come up pregnant because I didn't warn her to be safe.
Then there are Jasper's parents, Jennie and Ryan. They are richer than even Carlisle and Esme Cullen. They are also the youngest parents on this block. They often would help out with different things. They actually had a small house built for the kids to make into their own clubhouse, or whatever else; they wanted to do with it.
They even had keys to the locks on the door. It was their special place; adults were not invited, or welcome. For us parents, we felt good about it because we knew where they were, and they could go there and not have to worry about parents overhearing, or getting on to them for being too loud.
Charlie was off today and came up behind me and kissed my neck. He looked out the window and then said that the kids looked so happy. They were playing softball, and were all into the game.
When he started to move his hands up and down my sides, while kissing my neck and shoulders, I knew what he was wanting. I giggled like a teenager myself at him, when he whispered to me that he wanted to spend some time showing me how much he loved my body.
I knew it would be alright, as the kids knew that if we weren't down here, we wanted to be alone. They had never come and knocked, but I had a feeling that Emmett knew what was going on and had explained to his sister. The only thing was that whenever we finally came out, Emmett would spend the next few minutes snickering, like he knew something.
A short time later, we come downstairs to find all the kids in the kitchen. It was hot outside, and they were raiding the freezer getting ice cream. All of the kids were in there except for Bella. I asked Emmett where she was, and he told me he didn't know.
I asked him when was the last time he had seen her, and he told me that was right after she had struck out. She got mad because, according to her, Emmett wasn't pitching the ball right and made her strike out. She had walked away.
Char told me that Bella had told her she was going to go for a walk to try to calm down before she beat up Emmett for cheating. That wasn't unusual for her, Emmett was often caught cheating, and it always made his sister really mad at him. I had tried to talk to him, but you know what they say, "Boys will be boys."
I asked Char how long ago that was, and she told me that maybe an hour ago. That was right after Charlie, and I had gone upstairs. Now, I was starting to worry. She had never been gone this long, not without someone knowing where she was, or whom she was with.
The only place that I knew of where she might have gone was the clubhouse. Charlie told me to calm down because I was starting to get really upset. Something wasn't right; I could feel it. My baby needed me, and I wasn't there. I knew I had to get to the clubhouse right away.
Charlie thought I was over reacting and told me just to send Emmett, or one of the girls after her. I somehow knew that I shouldn't do that, she needed me. Besides, the clubhouse was only three doors down from our house, in Peter's and Jasper's backyard. There was even a gate put there, close to the house, for the kids to be able to get to it anytime they wanted to go.
I was now mad at Charlie because I kept trying to tell him that something wasn't right, but he just laughed at me, telling me I was an over-protective mother, and I should let our daughter have her private time.
I just left, heading straight for the clubhouse. I went quickly through the gate, and was frozen in my tracks at the sound I heard coming from the clubhouse. I was right; my baby needed me.
She was quietly sobbing. I quickly pushed open the door, which wasn't shut all the way. What I saw shocked me. I couldn't really see much as she was in a fetal position, but the blue sundress she was wearing, was now stained with blood.
I turned and ran back to the gate, screaming for someone to call 911. Fortunately, the kids were all outside eating their ice cream and heard me. I heard Emmett yell for Charlie, and so I went back in, so I could sit with my baby girl. Right now, she needed me to be there for her. Why had this happened? I was supposed to protect her. The tears were falling so hard I could barely see, who would do this to my baby?
I tried to talk to her, but I got no response out of her. It was like I wasn't even there. I was afraid to touch her for fear of hurting her even more than she already was. I did move her hair out of her face, and I couldn't stop the gasp that came out, or the sobbing.
She had been badly beaten. You could hardly recognize her face. One eye was swollen shut, and the other was barely open. Blood was seeping out of her nose, and mouth. Her lips were split in several places, including the corners of her mouth. Bruises were covering her arms, cheeks, and throat.
Someone tried to strangle my baby girl. Blood wasn't the only thing on her, apparently; she had vomited at one point, and it landed on her beautiful dress. I looked down at her legs and what I could see were scratches, and more bruises. I was going to kill the bastard that had done this.
Charlie came rushing in at this point. The kids had followed him, but he told them to stay outside until he knew what was going on. An ambulance had been called and was on its way. Some of Charlie's co-workers were also on their way.
Charlie didn't know what had happened, but he was smart enough to know that even if it had been an accident, there would still need to be a police report, for the insurance to cover the hospital stay and any other treatments she might need.
I quickly told him what I knew and also told him that she wasn't responding to me at all. He looked at her and tried to call her name, but he didn't get a response either. When he finally saw her face, two things happened, first he began to cry, and he also became angry.
We could hear the siren heading this way and knew that they would be here in a minute. Charlie went and told the kids to go and direct the paramedics to the clubhouse. Jasper was standing close to the door asking what had happened.
Charlie told him that someone had hurt our baby, badly. Jasper wanted to come in, to see her, but with the paramedics about to come in, it wouldn't be a good idea. He was able to peek in and see a little of her face.
I heard him suck in a breath, and then he was on the ground, sick. Emmett was next to him, asking what was going on, but Jasper was crying too hard. I felt bad for the boy; he was always the emotional one. His dad had taught him that it takes a real man to cry, and show his emotions.
The paramedics came and quickly got her ready to transport. Charlie's friends had shown up, and because she wasn't responsive had to question the paramedics. It didn't help though as they didn't know the extent of her injuries, and therefore, couldn't really tell them much.
By this time, all of the parents were here, and everyone was being questioned by the police. This was all being done while, they were putting my baby into the ambulance. They told us that only one of us could ride with her, and suggested that maybe one of the other parents could drive the other one to the hospital.
Even through all of this, I was pissed at Charlie. If only he had taken me seriously, maybe our daughter wouldn't have gotten hurt. At least maybe we could have caught the bastard who did this in the act. However, I had to put it all aside to take care of Bella.
Ryan, Jasper's father said that he would drive Charlie and Emmett to the hospital. Once Bella had been assessed, and we knew what was going on, then Emmett could call Jasper, and let her friends know.
In the meantime, the police had called forensics to come and see if they could find any evidence. They asked the kids to go inside and stay there. The police needed them to stay out of the way, and still be close, in case they had more questions for them. They would all be staying at Carlisle and Esme's.
Once we got to the hospital, they wouldn't let me go in with Bella to the exam room. I had to sit outside and fill out paperwork. Part of it was giving the doctors permission to run tests, and start treatments, if any were necessary.
A few minutes later, Charlie, Jennie, Ryan, and Emmett came in. I told them there wasn't any news yet. Emmett was beyond angry, and yet he was hurting for his baby sister. He hugged me, apologizing for not protecting her better.
I told him it wasn't his fault. I told him that if anyone was at fault it was me. I should have gone to the clubhouse the second I knew something was wrong. Instead, I had wasted time arguing with her father, who was convinced that she was fine.
I said nothing else, and neither did anyone else. We all just sat down and waited for them to come and tell us what was going on. Carlisle, being a doctor had come in to help with the assessment. He couldn't actually treat her, at least at this point because he was too close to her. It was his choice.
We were all close to each others kids, and to each other. We often got together, having cookouts. Carlisle was our family doctor, but he was so upset that he didn't feel like he could separate his emotions while treating her. He was angry, and hurting about what we knew so far.
At least, he was in the room with her, and she would have a familiar face in there. He promised that as soon as he had all of the details he would come and tell us. All we could do at this point was wait.
After a few minutes, two of Charlie's deputies came in. They were there to try to get a statement from Bella. They told us that so far they hadn't found anything to give them any clues as to who had done this to Bella.
I hated that they had to question her, but at least they had sent a female deputy. Her name was Susan and she, and Bella were friends. At least as much as an adult can be friends with a teenager. They joined us in our waiting to hear what was going on.
Emmett wanted to stay, so that he could be there when we found out what was going on. I am a mother and my first instinct is to protect my babies, no matter what. Not knowing everything, I felt it would be better if he wasn't here when the doctor gave their report.
I asked Jennie if she would mind taking Emmett to the cafeteria and waiting there. He didn't want to go, but Ryan promised him that he would come a get them, as soon as we knew something. He would be able to go and see her once she could have visitors.
We waited for another thirty minutes before Carlisle came out. He looked more tired than I had ever seen him, and he was pale. I knew the news wasn't good. Another doctor had come out with him and was standing there; I'm guessing as the doctor on record as the one treating her.
"How is she? Can I go see her?" I asked.
Carlisle opened his mouth to say something and then whispered, "I.I can't do this. Please Mark, can you tell them?" Then he just walked off.
"Its going to be awhile before you can see her. We actually had to sedate her before we could exam her. As soon as one of the other doctor's touched her, she went ballistic. Screaming, and trying to get away from us. She is still being patched up, so it will probably be later this evening before she can be questioned," he said while looking at the deputies.
"Please, tell us what's wrong with her." I pleaded.
"As you know, she was badly beaten in the face, as well as her torso. She has multiple bruises everywhere. Her nose was broken, and she has a few cracked ribs. We had to run a couple of extra tests, as soon as we have the results back we'll make sure the police have copies," he explained.
"What kind of tests?" I asked.
"Mrs. Swan, there is no easy way to say this, so I'm just going to say it. We had to do a rape kit, and a pregnancy test. The latter will come back negative, because it's really too soon, still we have to run it. The rape kit won't show anything either, as there was no semen inside of her. To be blunt, your daughter was beaten, raped, and then strangled. She was probably left for dead. The guy used a condom, so we can't get anything this way. Her vagina was badly ripped up; we are still working, to sew up the tears."
My baby had been raped? Why? How? What had she done to deserve this? She was a good girl; she was kind, thoughtful, always putting others first. She didn't have a bad thought in her. Her heart was pure, as well as her body.
I could see that Charlie was talking to the doctor, but I couldn't hear what they were saying, my whole body was numb. For the first time in my life, I felt an overwhelming hatred for someone; I actually wanted to see someone die; I wanted to be the one to kill them.
I could feel that my body wanted to shut down, and I felt dizzy and knew I was about to pass out. Ryan, who had been standing next to me, caught me before I hit the floor. Never before had I been grateful for another man's arms to be around me. I lost it then.
I didn't even realize that I was sobbing. I looked over at my husband who had just finished talking to the doctor and was now speaking with the deputies. He too had tears on his face, and he looked older. It was as if he had aged twenty years in the span of a couple of hours. I wanted to go and comfort him, but there was something stopping me.
I cried for a very long time. The thought that my baby had suffered unspeakable things at the hands of a monster, was like daggers stabbing me over and over. Every time I went back over what the doctor had said, the sobs would come back full force.
After a while, I realized that Ryan had been holding me while I cried. I was embarrassed to say the least. I had never been held by any man other than Charlie, and he was too fucking busy to have to deal with me.
Oh my, now I'm cussing in my head. But it was true. After he had spoken with the deputies, he got on the phone, and was talking to someone. I couldn't hear what he was saying, but I didn't really fucking give a shit. Especially now that he was on like his third or fourth phone call. I wasn't really sure how many he had made.
When he went to dial another number, I lost it. I ran over to him and started hitting him in the chest and screaming at him, "Our baby is in there, after almost being killed, and you are on your fucking phone, talking to your fucking friends! This is your fucking fault, if you had just listened to me and let me go right away; she could have been saved. How dare you, talking to your stupid friends, instead of being there for me, for your daughter!"
He just stood there for a minute staring at me. I guess he couldn't believe that I would cuss at him. Finally, he spoke up, "Renee; I'm sorry if you think this is my fault; I'm also sorry if you feel like I have let you down, but I was on the phone trying to find out if they had found anything. Then I was on the phone to another police chief to find out if there had been any attacks similar to this in his area. Then I called the office to have them fax all surrounding towns to see if they had any attacks in their areas. Then, I called a close friend of mine who just happens to work for the FBI. I asked if he could send some of their forensics agents down here to check out the area, so that we could find the bastard that did this. He gave me the number of a friend of his that could bring a team down to do a profile and possibly find out who the person is that way. Of course, you think you are more important than finding the monster that could do this to a child!" his anger clear in his voice.
He wasn't done, "Of course I know that all of that is probably a waste of time and phone calls. I'm sure that once Bella has woken up, and feeling better she can either tell us who it was, or she can describe him."
Ryan cleared his throat and reminded us that since we would probably be able to go see her shortly that we needed to tell Emmett. He would want to see her. He then took off to go find his wife and Emmett.
I had forgotten about him. It wasn't that I didn't care. It's just that with everything going on right now, he was in the back of my mind. I dreaded telling him. He had always been extremely protective of his sister, and him knowing what had happened to her, well, I had no clue as to how he was going to react.
Charlie spoke up and told me that he would go and find Emmett. He said that as his father, he should be the one to explain what had happened. I knew that he was right that it should be a man to explain to him, what's going on. Maybe, I'm just a coward, and didn't want to tell him.
He left hoping to catch up to Ryan, and I was now left alone. I paced the waiting room, and waited. After about fifteen minutes, Emmett came busting through the door. I could tell that he wasn't sure what to feel. His face was wet with tears, yet; his eyes held such an intense anger, that it scared even me.
Part of me was worried about him, yet; another part of me really wanted him to be the one to find out who did this to her. The man would end up dying a very slow, torturous death. That thought actually made me want to giggle.
As soon as he saw me, he came up and grabbed me. He was hugging me tightly, and usually I have to remind him that he's bigger, and I really needed to breathe. I couldn't do it this time; I needed this, and he needed this as well.
We stayed like this for a long time. He was hurting for his baby sister, and it was then that I realized that even though Bella was the actual victim, she wasn't the only one that could be called a victim. The doctor came in at this point and told us we could go in and see her.
They had tried to talk to her, get her to open up and talk to them, but she hadn't said a word. They were hoping that maybe she would talk to us. The police really needed to get a statement from her.
We told Emmett please wait outside until we had a chance to see if she would talk to us. The doctor actually wanted just me to go in and talk to her first. He felt she might open up to me better.
When I went in she was laying down. She had her face turned away from the door, and seemed to be staring at nothing, in particular. I went over and asked how she was feeling, and got no response at all. She was the same way as she had been when I first found her.
I went around to the other side, and I saw that her one good eye did move to look at me, other than that, no reaction. It was as if she was dead inside. Maybe this was her way of dealing with what had happened to her, just shutting down.
I talked to her for a few minutes, hoping that she would start to respond but got nothing from her. Finally, I asked if she wanted to see her daddy, and big brother. Nothing.
I went and got them hoping that maybe one of them could get through to her and get her to talking. Both Charlie and Emmett were unsure of how to act, but the doctor told us to just be ourselves around her. He went on to tell us that if we act different around her than we normally do, she might take it as there is now something wrong with her.
Charlie went over and hugged her. At first, she flinched, then it was like she realized who it was and relaxed. She still had no reaction other than that, and she never put her arms around her dad, to hug him back.
He talked to her telling her how much he loved her, and that when she was feeling better he wanted to take her on that trip that he had promised to take her on. She had always wanted to go to Hawaii. Still nothing.
He kissed her forehead, and then pulled away so that Emmett could have his turn. He looked afraid to touch her, but I gave him the warning look that told him to act natural. He gently pulled her into a hug, but his emotions got to him, and he broke down, sobbing.
He continued to cry for a few minutes, and then surprisingly there was a reaction from her. She slowly brought her arms up and put them around Emmett's huge shoulders. She then started rubbing circles on his back, or at least what she could reach. She was trying to comfort him.
Over the next few days, more tests were run. She was still not talking to anyone. They ran tests to make sure that her vocal cords hadn't been damaged when she was strangled. While they were bruised, they were fine, she could physically talk, she just wasn't doing it.
The police or I should say Susan came in several times, hoping that Bella would finally break her silence and tell the police what had happened. They even had one of those artists standing by, in case she didn't know the attacker, then she could have the lady draw a picture from her description.
They finally brought in a psychologist hoping that if she was afraid to tell what she knew, then the doctor could assure her that she would be safe. They had decided to hypnotize her but backed off when she again went ballistic.
After a few days, she was starting to eat. It wasn't much, and they were having to feed her through a tube because she needed calories in order to heal. We also decided to allow the other kids to visit, just one at a time.
Jasper came first. My heart broke all over again as I watched him fight back the tears that wanted to come. He went over to her and like Emmett, gently took her in his arms and hugged her. That was when the damn burst!
The tears came fast, and hard. Not from him, no, they were coming from her. Her sobs quickly turned into screams as well as sobbing. I was frightened and called for a doctor. I also tried to get Jasper away from Bella, but she wouldn't let go of him.
He got up on the side of the bed so that he could hold her better and just rocked her while she screamed and sobbed. The doctor came in and said that it was a good thing, and just let Jasper hold her for as long as she wanted him to. The cries, and screams according to him were also good; she was letting it out.
Charlie got a phone call late that night. Jasper had to stay as she wouldn't let go of him. Her screams had finally died down after almost thirty minutes of it, but the sobs kept up for awhile longer. While Charlie was out in the hall talking to whoever had called, the doctor came in and told Jasper that he must have a magic touch, and gave permission for him to stay with her.
When Charlie came back into the room, he was looking grim. He tried once again to get Bella to talk, but she just clung tighter to Jasper's shirt. After realizing that our daughter was not going to talk right now, he pulled me aside to tell me what he had learned.
All that they had found had told them the basics but not the who, or why of it. They could tell by the drag marks in the grass that Bella had been grabbed while walking to the clubhouse. She was then, drugged into an area that had a thicker growth of trees. It was there on the floor of the forest where she was beaten, raped, and then (they are only guessing at this point), strangled, and left for dead.
She had apparently come to after the attacker left, and managed somehow to get herself to the clubhouse where we found her. Her underwear were missing, and it was assumed that the man took them with him. I felt really sick at that thought.
They had learned from talking with the kids that she had her hair up in a pony tail when she left the game. I remembered that her hair had been down when I found her. They had not found the ribbon that she had used to tie her hair back; they thought that maybe the attacker had also taken that.
"We have absolutely nothing to go on, and unless she starts talking and tells us what happened, and at least gives us a description, well, it looks as if he just might get away with it." Charlie explained.
We heard what could only be described as an angry growl. It came from our son, who had walked up just as Charlie had spoken the last part. He just stood there staring at his dad. I could tell just by looking at his eyes, that he was angry, and he was hurting all at the same time. We all were, for that matter.
The doors opened, and we saw Susan walking towards us with two others we had never seen before. Susan introduced us, and they were deputies from the state police, who had been assigned to Bella's case. Their faces looked grim; I knew then the news wouldn't be good.
A/N Review and let me know what you think, even if its to tell me you won't be able to read this. Like I said, here is the information I promised. Rainn (dot) com there is also a phone number if you want it please PM me and I will give it to you. Please don't let someone else get away with sexual abuse.