Hello readers,

To all those who have remained with me, my sincerest apologies health issues kept me away, serious enough that I lost my muse for anything. I am back and updating ALL stories as I go. Please bear with me as I continue their journey and mine. Happy Reading.


Make Me Believe Again - Nickelback

Alice POV

"Why didn't I see this happening? I thought we had everything under control. This isn't supposed to be happening. It was supposed to be easy to get Jasper back to the family. Oh God, if he gets to Jasper and tells him the truth we'll all be dead. Come on Rose, we have to get back to the house and find a way to stop Emmett."

Rose POV

Rose looks in the direction that Emmett ran longingly before getting up and following after Alice. Hoping against hope that Carlisle will help her get Emmett back under control, because something happened to the control she had over his mind. Carlisle was the only one who knew about her mind control power or at least she thinks he's the only one who knows.

Carlisle POV

I glance up as Alice and Rose rush into my office both shouting "Emmett knows" before glancing at each other in confusion.

Dread fills me as I wonder what exactly he knows so I ask, "Where is Emmett now Rose? What does he think he knows?"

Rose looks lost for a moment before gathering her thoughts saying quietly, "I don't know, I attacked him in my rage and he was able to get the better of me each time. He's never been able to do that EVER."

Turning to Alice I ask, "Can you see him? Anything about him? Do you know where he's going?"

Closing her eyes tightly Alice concentrates but after a few minutes she signs quietly, "I still can't see Emmett at all, none of his decisions, nothing about him unless he's with us. I used to get glimpses before but nothing since last we visited the Denali's in Alaska about 50 years ago."

I look at both of them and ask, "HOW has he been able to escape your visions?" "Rose, how was he able to break the mate bond?"

Emmett POV

After running all the way to Seattle, I head to my secret warehouse that I purchased around the time I started finding out the truth. That Rose was NEVER my mate, when I was in the final moments of my changed I heard someone speaking to me telling me that I would be the perfect mate for her. That she would be everything I ever wanted a mate to be. Right when I opened my eyes I remember a pair of swirling golden eyes flashing before mine then blinking and they were gone. I remember looking a her and thinking gorgeous but not my type, then someone whispering that she was my mate so I glanced at her and she touched my cheek then me and her are out hunting. They told me as a newborn that I would lose time the first three months, however that was the only time it happened. I never lost time again.

Thinking about all the other times things didn't make sense as they were supposed to. Times where their actions have spoken louder than words and NONE of their actions spoke the same as their words. Times where their actions didn't make sense to me compared to everything I was told it should be like.

Entering the code and passing the other scanners of heavy security, I chuckle gazing at the braid of shifter hair wrapped around the building remembering how I started collecting it and how long it took. I laugh since I know they can't find me now until I am ready for them to. I have never thought of the location of my secret lair or anything about it knowing Alice would see and Edward would tell. I needed a place I could go to to escape and start making plans.

When I first heard Alice mention about blank spots in her visions I started researching what could possibly cause it and when I found out I was so excited. She would always complain of "not being able to see anything" whenever we vacationed with our cousins in Alaska. That and her jealousy of the sisters prevented us from staying too long. When things got too tense I would slip out to go "hunting" and as long as I only thought about that, it's all Alice would see.

While out hunting once I came across some scents I didn't recognize, jumping up high in a tree downwind I watched as several horse-sized wolves and bears meet under the tree I was previously standing in front of. I was amazed that the two animals could be in the same vicinity as each other without fighting, but shocked into almost falling when all of them transformed into men before my eyes.

"The scent stops here and disappears," I hear one of them say as the others look around.

"Perhaps it was just passing through since we haven't marked this area as part of our territory often," another stated.

"Mark the territory and let's move on" the shortest on commands before transforming into one of the bears and rubbing his side on the tree before clawing it.

The others shift and start marking all the trees as they go.

After they are long gone I climbed down and pocketed some of the hair in a torn off piece of my shirt, then headed home thinking nothing of it. Getting halfway there I am accosted by both families in hysterics because I "disappeared" while hunting and they thought I was dead. I grinned widely stated I was fine and moved to wrap my arm around Rose for some comfort.

She shoved me away told me, "You stink to high heaven, I'll comfort you after you shower."

Stunned silence greeted her statement as I felt my heart break and whatever hold she had on me shattered completely. I ignored everyone and walked slowly in the direction of the house, not even stopping as Alice called shrieked behind me, "I can't see Emmett!"

I ignore the conversation between them as they discuss why they can't see me and take off at a run for the house leaving them behind. It's not until I am getting undressed to shower that I remember the shifter hair's. I hide them quickly before hopping in the shower whistling a happy tune.

Animal shifter tribes of ANY KIND block her visions and cause them to go black, she can't see around them. So those times the blond bitch complained about getting her hair dirty I started hunting by myself, A LOT.

It's during those first few solo hunts that my mind was the clearest and little snippets of conversations started floating through my mind. I also started collecting shifter hairs whenever and wherever I could while visiting. Glad I got those conversations recorded and stored digitally here, they are going to wish they had not underestimated me all those years. Especially when they discover everything I own has already been moved out of the house, a little at a time when they weren't looking or not paying attention to me.

I have to find a way of getting in touch with Jasper ASAFP, he needs to know everything that I know. I need to get down on my knees and beg him to allow me the time to explain things.