Reviews for Colliding Meteors
Nrrdgrrl87 chapter 19 . 15h
I loved this story! Your writing was great and the plot is well thought out! I wish you had continued it!
Twilight-Survivor chapter 16 . 8/18
“ I told Carlisle to go ahead and buy the Suburban. Emmett and I would gladly point and laugh and call him a stupid motherfucker when he and Esme went tumbling over the mountain.” every single time I read that line, I burst out into Belly aching laughter. I probably shouldn’t find it THAT funny, but I do and no matter how many years it’s been since I originally read this, I think of this line EVERYTIME I read a story where they are driving on mountain roads (and oddly enough there are lots of stories that do). So thank you for this story, thank you for your epic version of Peter that became “THE Peter” to so many fanfic authors & thank you for this line!
TomRiddlesTwin chapter 19 . 7/22
Fantastic fic!
EJ 12212012 chapter 19 . 7/19
I never did get to read this back in the day before you started your edit. idk if it was a finished story back then, but I would love to read an ending. thanks for adding so much to our twilight lexicon, you fucking legend, you.
EverFlawless chapter 13 . 7/9
'If I would go to hell, at least I will have a friend' such a beautiful out look. I believe with such a thought might actually be the opposite. for friends lead you to heaven. with no one. that's what hell is a about. isolation and pain and torment. with friends you have hope and potential love and peace. that is the feeling of heaven. love hope and peace I mean.

great job with writing still feeling connected to the characters.
EverFlawless chapter 2 . 7/8
1) how can someone just say, "you are not meant for me as I'm not meant for you" so casually. As if he or anyone was a speck of dust

2) Thank you for still sticking with the great descriptions. You make us feel for Jasper just as much as Bella..
EverFlawless chapter 1 . 7/8
1) I highly doubt Alice forgot he was there. The entire cullens are there. And she miraculously forgets edward when she fake gags?

2) your descriptions are off the charts so far. It's like we experience everything bella is going through with her.

3) I just wish there was more in this chapter. It ended too soon for a cliff hanger.
Kmpcarter chapter 8 . 7/2
I don't know what Midnight Sun is, but I like this.
Alixa Cullen chapter 19 . 7/2
Hola me encantó tu historia aunque al principio no entendí mucho y me decepcionó que no la hayas terminado, espero que la termines
Sashapowers chapter 19 . 4/26
Update please
SnarkBait24 chapter 19 . 3/22
this is still so amazing years later! this lockdown has me re-discovering all sorts of things. I hope eventually you back back to writing because your stories are so wonderful. thanks so much for sharing!
NUCGIRL72 chapter 19 . 3/1
Update please
Roxhall1 chapter 19 . 11/13/2019
please please please update
twimama77 chapter 19 . 10/23/2019
I really hope you repost it all again
AleLinda22 chapter 19 . 10/2/2019
great story! i hope u update soon
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