A/N Thanks to my special friend OoJasper'sAngeloO for her beta work. As usual, I didn't have enough space to really do the summery justice so here's a little more info. Jasper is the Major for the most part, and he's not a nice vampire. You will get most of his background in this chapter. I'm hoping I put enough info in this chapter that you won't have to ask the obvious questions like is he with Alice etc. I'm really excited about this story and hope you will enjoy taking this journey with me.

I do not own Twilight or any of the characters.

Jasper's POV

I had just finished takin' care of my kill, you know hidin' the evidence of the fact that this killer had been killed by a fuckin' vampire. This was one of those rare times when the emotions comin' from my prey didn't bother me. He deserved to feel the fear, the horror of what was happenin' to him.

He tried to use a fuckin' knife on me. When it broke on my hard skin, he knew he was in trouble. The fear always makes the blood sweeter. Although in some cases the blood is still tainted by drugs or alcohol. His was the latter. Still it was good, and I'm stronger, and now there's one less criminal in the world.

The thought of how human blood makes me stronger made me remember the strange vampire I had met at the turn of the century. He was a vampire, but he refused to accept the fact that he needed to kill humans in order to survive. His name was Carlisle Cullen and he was a fuckin' doctor. He took care of our food source for us.

I remember he had tried his best to get not only myself but Peter and Char to change our diet to animals. He was a strange vampire but there was somethin' about him that made me respect him enough to at least try animals. All I can say is that was the nastiest shit I have ever tasted. There was no fuckin' way I was changin'.

We spent a month with him, and I found that I really liked him. He was honest, intelligent, and soft spoken. His emotions were always concern about others. Normally, I would have just killed his ass but I found that I liked bein' around his positive emotions. I actually felt like I had taken one of those vacations that humans are always doin'. I felt rested for lack of a better word.

The only thing we took away with us when we left him was the decision to hunt criminals instead of what he referred to as "innocents". It actually helped me to be less affected by their emotions. He had become a friend to all three of us because although he felt huntin' humans was wrong, he never judged us or thought less of us. Although, he was afraid of me, I never gave him a reason to be.

All vampires are afraid of me except maybe newborns. Anyone who has heard of me, and know my reputation feel fear around me. They should, I'm known as the Major, or by some I'm called "The God of War". I have killed more vampires than even the Volturi, and I have scars all over my body to prove to other vampires I'm not someone you want to mess around with.

Although Carlisle did feel the fear, he also felt respect for me and that's what saved his life. It was refreshin' to meet him and get to know his reasons for what he did. It was shortly after we left him that we found out later he had taken something from us as well. He had taken some of my advice, and I was proud that I could give him somethin' in return for helpin' me with my problem of huntin' humans.

He had turned a human for companionship. Although I had meant for it to be a female for sex and shit he had turned a boy who was dyin' from some disease. A couple of years later I heard he had found his mate and turned her. I was pleased that he was no longer alone as I had found him to be a friend, even if I didn't agree on his choices.

I had been invited to visit anytime I wanted and he kept in touch through a human lawyer named Jenks. If I wanted to visit I just called and got his address, or if he wanted to just touch base with me he would call Jenks and either get an address or a phone number. Later, when cell phones came out we just kept in touch via phones.

He had actually called Jenks when he had turned Emmett, as the man was huge and none of them could control him. I was more than happy to help out as like I said I really liked Carlisle. He was right to call as Emmett had run to the nearest town and killed several humans before he could be stopped. It took some doin' to get that mess cleaned up so it didn't appear to be vampires doin' the killin'.

We stayed a few months until Emmett was better able to control himself. Unfortunately, I never got along with the boy he had turned, Edward. Apparently, I was a fuckin' monster, and couldn't be controlled or trusted. He was arrogant, and spoiled. He thought he was better because he could read fuckin' minds.

Now I have to be honest here, I'm an arrogant motherfucker but at least I'm not spoiled. At least not by money or havin' shit. Although I do usually take what I want, I have to. No one is gonna fuckin' give me anythin' so I just have to take it whatever it is. When I found out somethin' about Eddie boy I must admit that I fuckin' laughed. Haven't done that in years, laughed that is.

He was a fuckin' virgin. He would cringe when I would think of one of the times I fucked Maria or one of the other female vampires. Usually after cringin' he would walk away disgusted at my thoughts. Maybe he should fuckin' stay out of my head!

Most female vampires would feel fear once I removed my shirt and wanted to run away. It was always too late by that time and I would just send them my lust and they would let me fuck them as long as I needed to in order to take care of my needs. That's all they were good for, a way to make me feel better, until the next female vampire came along.

Crass, yeah it is but no one has ever wanted me for just me and why should they. I'm mean, arrogant, and I just don't fuckin' give a shit about anyone else except maybe for Peter, Char, and Carlisle. Alright, I need to be honest here and say that I truly liked Emmett and his mate Rose.

Emmett was always just fuckin' funny and Rose is a bitch just like I'm a bastard. She felt fear, but like Carlisle she also felt respect for me. She finally told me her story, and I could understand why she was such a bitch to everyone. I found that I could call her a friend, as she always stood up for me when Edward would go on one of his rants about me.

I didn't fuckin' care what he thought about me. Emmett on the other hand felt no fear of me but he had huge amounts of respect. I think it had something to do with his size, and the fact that he felt no danger from me. He was easy goin' and I found it easy to call him a friend as well.

As for the matin' shit, thanks but no thanks. I've seen how it weakens the males. Makes them vulnerable and distracted. It messes with their minds, and once they have bonded with their mates they only have one thing one their minds and its always about keepin' the female happy. There is love there, and while I love feelin' it from Peter and Char I have to say that sometimes it just makes me want to run away.

Naw, I'm happy just gittin' a good fuck in whenever I feel the need. Of course I usually end up havin' to hunt down a female that is unmated and willin' to give me what I want. That is until I remove my shirt, then they see the scars and want to run. That's when I release my gift and then fuck them until I'm satisfied.

Maria taught me very well in the art of how to please a female and sometimes if the female is really pretty I will make sure to give them some pleasure as well. It rarely happens though as most of the time I just want relief and so I don't bother to find out if they even get off. As long as I get what I need I don't really fuckin' care if they get off or not. It's not my problem.

Maria taught me that for me there can be no love. So why should I care as long as I get what I want. Maria also taught me that. To take what I want, whenever I want, and fuck the consequences.

I must say that when I met Alice I became an even bigger asshole. I met her in a diner in Philadelphia when it started rainin' and I ducked in there to stay dry. She told me I had kept her waitin' a long time. Turns out she was a seer and had seen me comin'.

She was pretty I must admit. She told me we were mates and that we would be goin' to the Cullens to live. I said nothin' to her but I knew that we definitely were NOT mates and since I already knew the Cullens it wouldn't be hard to fuck her and then drop her off. I wasn't about to stay with her fuckin' tiny ass.

It turns out that she was a good fuck and was more than willin' to let me fuck her whenever and where ever I wanted. She was also good at givin' me hand jobs and blow jobs so I decided to just travel awhile with her and get as much fuckin' as I could from her. She even believed that I loved her, the stupid girl.

How she didn't "see" it I have no clue. As long as I got to fuck her I didn't care. It was right after we finally got to the Cullens that the shit hit the fan. Of course she wasn't really surprised that I knew them, but it turns out that the coven from Denali was visitin' and one of the sisters decided that she wanted to fuck the God of War and we got caught.

It was meant to be nothin' but a quick fuck and so I had just pulled my pants down and raised her dress. We had just finished but I was wantin' another round and so we were just about to start round two when Alice walked in. I must say that even bein' a quick fuck Tanya was much better fuck than Alice.

I left with Peter and Char immediately after that. They had never really gotten along with Alice and so while I traveled with her they had gone their own way. I had called them at their place and told them to meet me at the Cullens. I would be leavin' shortly after gittin' there.

That was sixty years ago. While I have kept in touch with Carlisle I haven't been back there. They have moved several times and it was just a few years ago that they moved to a tiny town in Washington state called Forks.

Its been a couple of years since I actually talked to Carlisle. I kind of missed talkin' to him but he seemed to be a little more distant the last few times we spoke. It seems that I really upset Alice by my actions of fuckin' Tanya, and then leavin' her. Ask me if I fuckin' care. I don't.

Although I do miss talkin' to Carlisle as I always enjoy the challenges he gave me as we talked of vampire life in general. He was upset about my actions towards Alice and even more upset with my words about it. I told him, "Carlisle, I never told her that I loved her or even agreed that we were mates. She was just someone who was willin' to fuck me although I always had to keep my shirt on. Its not my fuckin' fault that she fell in love with me. And it not my fuckin' responsibility to make her happy. She was just someone to fuck and then walk away from when I was done."

We haven't spoken since then. I think I might have upset him with that last statement. I still talk to Emmett and Rose occasionally. I found it very interestin' that apparently Edward had finally found his mate, in a human girl no less.

I was told that she was a teenager and would trip over her own feet. Rose didn't seem to like her because she was wantin' to be turned by Edward who was refusin' to do just that. She felt it was a waste of her life especially since it was Edward who had made sure to never go beyond a chaste kiss with the girl.

I would have fucked her as soon as I could. I had never fucked a human and so of course my mind started to take off about what it would be like to fuck Edward's human. I knew that to fuck a human would mean death by fuckin'. I just wouldn't be able to be gentle. The last I had heard he had asked her to marry him. He had left the girl to try to give her a normal life as a human.

Apparently, he had been given information that she had killed herself so the asshole had gone to the Volturi to ask them to kill him. She ended up runnin' with Alice to save his fuckin' life. Once back he proposed and they are now gittin' ready to get married.

I let my mind drift back to the idea of fuckin' Edward's human and of course I had a hard on somethin' fierce. It's been awhile since I had a good fuck. What I couldn't understand was why the thought of a human girl was such a turn on for me. I had never had this kind of reaction to ANY human before.

I was just about to go and take care of my "problem" when my cell phone went off. It turns out it was Carlisle if I had known then what I know now I probably wouldn't have answered the fuckin' phone. He spoke quietly, "Major, we have a problem and we need your help". . .

A/N Please tell me what you think. As you can see he's a Major asshole, and the next chapter we hear from Bella. I'll try to post at least once a week. Thanks for reading.