A/N: So, an epilogue. Here it be! I'll admit, I struggled a bit with this so it took me longer to get it done than it should have and for that, I'm sorry.
Thanks to everyone that has read this, reviewed, favorited, etc. I really appreciate it and am glad you stuck with me on it and enjoyed it so much. It gives me hope for any future fics I have in the works and gives me encouragement to get them written, which I have been fighting to find in recent times. So, thank you. I hope you're all being safe during this crazy, troubling time.
And They Lived Happily Ever After
The remnants of the Volturi returned to Volterra posthaste. There was much to do and little time in which to do it if they wished to retain command of the vampire world. The remaining two kings began discussing solutions on the plane ride home.
Caius closed his eyes, leaning back in his seat with teeth worrying his bottom lip and fingers clenching and unclenching. "So, what now, Marcus? Without Aro, the twins, and Felix, how do we maintain control? The Romanians won't be the only ones looking to take advantage, I'm sure. Once word gets out that we are in disorder, more will step forward looking to rule."
Marcus crossed his legs, fingertips pressed together as he sagged back into his seat and contemplated Caius's questions. He wouldn't lie and say they'd be fine. It would take some time and some doing to remember what it was like before they'd come to rely so heavily on the twin's powers.
The Volturi were as bad as Carlisle in that regard.
Still, the loss created a vacuum that they must fill in some way, same with Aro's seat. It would be a while before they were okay. But the twins weren't there in the beginning, or when they fought the Romanians and Egyptians for power.
They didn't need them back then; they needed them not now. "Prendiamo le cose come vengono. We take things as they come. We plan, we recruit, we change; grow. We cannot only depend on gifted vampires. That's not to say we don't find more, of course, but we need others like Felix and Santiago as well. Brute strength to counterbalance, make us more solid a force.
"But we cannot build in the way we used to. If we are to show the world getting rid of Aro was the right thing, we must cease to rule the way he did. No more stealing, no more threats, no more enslavement using Chelsea. Continuing to use her to keep us unified is necessary, but we must stop forcing others to our will when they are outside our influence like we did Demetri and Heidi. They come to us of their own volition or not at all. Do you agree?"
Caius scowled for a moment, uncomfortable with the idea, but eventually, his shoulders slumped, and he nodded. "I suppose it's a fair thing to do."
"Eccellente. We must also think about turning more people. It might be a good idea to seek those who show extreme interest in vampires. Those are the most likely to agree to be turned, and it would put them to better use than murdering them as we have. We'll vet, obviously, make sure they're not insane, thus presenting a potential threat to exposure. Cosa dici?"
Caius's head lolled, eyes rolling as he huffed in annoyance. "I suppose it's a shrewd thing to do. Zeus knows most of those idioti would literally die for a chance at immortality. We should contact Eleazar, see if he'll agree to help us locate those with the potential for gifts. If we tell him our plans and agree to any of his terms I'm sure it'll work."
Marcus nodded. "Yes, that is a good idea as well. We can even offer him more than that don't you think? Such as Aro's empty throne?"
Caius leaned forward. "Now that is an intriguing idea, Fratello…"
The two continued their conversation all the way home. Once there, they dismissed the guard and went in search of the wives. Athenadora and Sulpicia were in the tower, per usual, delicate fingers flying over a tapestry to adorn their sitting room, adding a little color to the drab gray stone walls.
Athena was waifish and fair, from her straight, shoulder-length platinum hair to her powdery skin, with a face that was all angles. Prominent forehead, sharp cheekbones, defined jaw. Her brows were thin, nose long and aristocratic. The only thing that softened her visage was her full lips.
She was one of the oldest vampires in existence. Scythian, to be exact. A nomadic neighbor to the Dacian people that birthed the Dacian, now known as the Romanian, coven. No one knew who turned her, only that it was around the mortal age of thirty and Athena had seen millennia come and go.
Thanks to all her years walking the earth, she held a vast amount of knowledge. She bore no special powers but was quick-witted and clever, good-natured unless provoked. Then she would become hardened, immovable, deadly. A perfect compliment to Caius's marauding ways.
Woe to anyone that angered Athenadora Volturi. Marcus always felt it was foolish to shove her aside and not use her experience.
Her bond with Caius was one of a mated pair, and Marcus understood it was Caius's fear of losing her that led him to agree with Aro. To imprison Athena in the tower, using Corin's gift to keep her and Sulpicia content, but it stopped now. Today. They'd have to wean the women from Corin, but by gods, it would be done.
It wasn't fair to lock them up as Aro had, especially since it was Aro's own actions that caused the reaction to begin with.
Sulpicia was the direct opposite of Athena. Both women were taller than average, around ten inches above five feet, but where Athena was fair, Sulpicia was dark. Messy black hair fell in waves to her slim waist. She had an ample bosom, and what they'd known back in the olden days as childbearing hips.
She was stunning, as most immortal women were. High cheekbones, tall forehead, a long, thin nose, supple lips, and a soft jaw. Her elongated, elegant neck swiveled when they came into the room, her dark brows furrowing at Marcus's intrusion—a rare thing since he did not need to be there.
She was a young orphan when Aro found her and determined she was the ideal woman to be his mate. He courted her for a few years, and she came to love the idiot. They came to an agreement, spoke marriage vows, and that was that. She became one of them not long after her twenty-first birthday when she reached her majority.
By the time the poor woman learned how wrong she'd been to become Aro's, it was too late for her. Marcus wasn't lying when he'd told Aro that it would please 'Picia to learn Aro was dead.
As intelligent as her sister, Sulpicia took one look at the two men and knew something was wrong immediately. Lips curled down, her gaze flit back and forth between them. "Where is Aro, Marcus? Why is he not with you?"
Marcus gestured towards a chair. "Please take a seat, le signore. We have news."
He told them all. Leaving nothing out. When he finished, both women were beaming.
"So, he's gone in truth," Athena queried.
Caius clutched her tiny, feminine hand in his and drew her to his lap. "Why does this news please you so, mia cara moglie?"
"Because, il mio cuore, it means my dearest sister is finally avenged; the other free. 'Picia and I have awaited this moment for a very long time."
Caius's brows furrowed, mouth edging into a frown. "Why am I the only one that did not know of Aro's deception? Did no one think to tell me? Did you not trust me with the knowledge?"
Sulpicia laid a hand on his knee. "We didn't want you to become enraged and do something foolish. You loved Didyme as much as the rest of us, and with the twins on Aro's side, it was a danger for anyone to attempt vengeance against him. It would have broken Athena's heart and killed her to lose you, Caius. I could not do that to her.
"Marcus, especially, could not. He knows firsthand how it feels to lose your mate. Losing Aro does not harm me because we were not more than companions. So, what now? Is there a plan in place yet? Do you wish to fill his seat? It would be a good idea to do so, that way there's someone to break ties when needed."
Marcus's gaze met Caius's and the latter inclined his head. This had been something they'd discussed on the plane. "We would like you and Athena to join us as rulers, with an outside party as our fifth. Someone that lives amongst the people and would have a better perspective of things on that end."
Sulpicia's mouth curved into a smile. "You mean Eleazar? I agree, he would be the perfect candidate. He knows how the old ways worked and what we could do to change some of them, and he's a friend to many of the North American vampires. He'd bring a fresh perspective and be a fantastic mediator between us and those we rule over. I wholeheartedly agree with this choice."
Athenadora nodded. "I also agree. While some may consider Carlisle an excellent choice as well, we all know he would not wish the responsibility. If he had, he'd have stayed all those decades ago. How about we head down to Aro's office and discuss things further?"
Marcus knew he and Caius had made the correct decision including the women on a new council. Both were sensible and would be an asset. Executing changes would take time, but it was a beginning, and that's all one needed.
The Denali home emptied in stages, everyone heading back to their lives from before. Riley's coven was the first to go.
Fred pulled Bella into a hug, chin resting on the top of her head. They'd become very close in the passing weeks, and Bella almost felt as if a piece of her was breaking away. He was like a brother to her now, and she would miss him fiercely.
"Don't worry, Bells, it'll be easy to keep in touch in this age of technology. I'll call you every other week or something, okay? And I promise I'll get back into my schooling. We all will. Right guys," Fred twisted to ask of his coven.
They all nodded their agreement.
Bella squeezed Fred tighter before letting him go to embrace the others one by one. His promise would have to do. She would miss them all, but they had lives of their own and she wasn't an integral part. She was glad they agreed to go back to school, though. She wanted them to get their degrees or diplomas.
Bella hated the idea of them continuing through the life thrust upon them without ever realizing the dreams Victoria stole because of her. No matter what they said, Bella would always feel some measure of guilt for what the bitch had done to them.
They ran back to Vancouver with repeated promises to keep in touch and an added one that they would come to visit once she and Jasper were settled.
Mary and Randall were the next to leave. Mary still wasn't one hundred percent on board with a relationship, but Bella got her to agree to travel with the younger vampire for a bit. Bella knew there was more there than what Mary would admit and wanted to shake the older woman into reality, but also knew you couldn't force something into existence.
Bella would have to hold out hope that the time spent together with only the two of them would help Mary see she and Randall were meant for one another.
Surprisingly, the Cullens were the next to leave. "I want to start anew, Bella. Put into place a few of those fresh ideas you gave us. We'll keep in contact. After all, Esme and Rose have every intention of helping you with your wedding and none of us ever want you to feel you aren't a part of this family again, you understand?"
"Yeah, I get it, Carlisle. I'll miss you guys, but we can visit back and forth all the time and there's Skype, emails, and phone calls. I'm sure Em will text me every second of every day," Bella said with a laugh.
Carlisle grinned and nodded. "I'm sure he will. Until next time."
He tugged her forward, enclosing her in his arms for a lingering embrace before fobbing her off to the rest of the family, each with a whispered promise to call sometime soon. Then they were gone, off to Rochester to start again as a family of only four.
Bella and Jasper lingered for about a week after the mass exodus before they too decided it was time to get a move on. Bella considered returning to life in Boston with Jasper, picking up where they left off, but decided she'd prefer to start their next chapter instead.
She called her mother on the road, explained as much as she could without giving too much away. "Have you contacted the police? I can't believe Edward would take to stalking you, Bella. He seemed like such a nice boy. I guess jealousy over his foster brother gaining your favor will do that. I understand your desire to get away from him. I hope it works."
"I hope so too, Mom. I hate having to drop out and uproot my life, but you know as well as I do that the police can only do so much. Maybe once Jasper and I get settled, I can transfer my credits and get back to it, okay? Besides, Carlisle promised to take matters in hand. That should help."
Renee sighed, and Bella heard some shuffling before she spoke again. "That's all I ask, I don't want you to throw away all that money and work because Edward is an asshole. And yes, your father warned us often enough about crazy stalkers and what we should do. I miss him so much sometimes. So, tell me more. What else has happened in your life?"
Bella bit her lip, peeking in Jasper's direction to see the corner of his mouth tipped up and his brow raised. Here went nothing. "Jasper proposed on Valentine's Day."
In usual Renee fashion, she worried Bella was marrying too young or hadn't seen enough of the world yet. But Renee still offered her support.
"You're an adult and you've always had a good head on your shoulders, so if this is what you want then I'll support you. But I doubt I'll be able to make it to your wedding. You see, Phil got a job offer."
Then she dropped a bombshell. Phil got a job offer to coach in Japan and they would move in a month's time, which explained the shuffling noises. Renee was packing.
"Oh Mom, that's wonderful. Go on your big adventure and don't worry about me. I have Jasper and his friends, as well as my own. I won't be alone. I'll miss you, but there's emails as usual and Skype on occasion. We'll keep in touch as much as we can, okay?"
"Okay, Baby. I'll send you a huge box of souvenirs, yeah?"
Bella nodded. "That sounds great, Mom. I look forward to it. Call me before you guys get on your flight and when you get in, alright? So I know you made it safe."
"Alright, Bella. I will. Love you."
Bella smiled wistfully. "Love you, too, Mom."
She'd miss her scatterbrained mother, but little did Renee know, this actually helped Bella a lot. It meant no declining trips to Florida with lame-ass excuses because Bella could no longer go to crowded, sunny beaches.
It would also give her time to ease Renee into Bella's new life and get her used to any changes Renee might observe in Bella via Skype and phone calls.
She did feel a little bad for lying about Edward; using him as an excuse for why she'd left Boston and dropped out of college. But he was dead now, so who was she hurting? She'd just pretend the move worked next time she talked to Renee and all would be back to normal.
After grabbing their things from Garrett's place, they drove down to Denver for the time being but began looking for a new home right away.
Peter and Charlotte stayed with them a couple days before they decided it was time to skedaddle. Jasper shrugged it off; wasn't like it was the first time they'd left, and it wouldn't be the last. The couple enjoyed being on their own and always on the move while Jasper was ready to set down roots again. That was the way it always would be.
What he didn't know wouldn't hurt him.
In reality, the two were on a mission for Bella. Part of that surprise she'd been planning. They were also on the hunt for property. Something isolated, yet close to larger cities for hunting, with a lot of land that would provide the capacity to house and raise horses. It was one of Bella's favorite stories of her mate's past. It fell in line with the story of Buck in one of those letters that led to them coming together.
Ever since Jasper was a child back in Texas on his daddy's farm, he'd dreamed of being a horseman. Once old enough, Jasper's job became tending the farm animals. His preference was always the horses. He'd sworn he'd save up his allowance and buy some land, but then the war came. He earned as a soldier but being Confederate it was few and far between and once the war was over his money was pretty much worthless.
Not that it mattered, given he never saw the end of the war thanks to that bitch Maria. Once he became a vampire, all his dreams died. Bella was determined to help him realize them now, now he had the money and a life all his own. They would build his dream together, as it should be.
"This is it, Pete. This is what Bella's lookin' for. What do ya say?" Peter grinned at his wife, tossing an arm over her shoulder.
"I believe yer right, Char. This is it. Can't you just fuckin' see it?" He stood there on the dirt track that led to the property set fifteen miles outside of Buena Vista, Colorado with a vacant look as if seeing something in his mind's eye. "We can build a large main house and several smaller cabins to accommodate anyone what wants to visit. Stables, a paddock, buildings to house farmin' equipment. We can stock that pond over there with all sorts o' fuckin' fish. There's plenty of huntin' for the animal eaters, and it ain't but two hours from Denver. It's damn well perfect. Just want Sugar's lookin' for."
Charlotte wrapped her arm around her mate and smiled. "Should we call her n' tell her, or buy it ourselves as a weddin' present?"
Peter's grin broadened. "I love the way you fuckin' think, Char. She won't like it none, but I don't give a fuck. Let's buy it as a gift."
The couple drove back to Buena Vista to the broker and settled cash on the property then and there. It had only been a few days since they'd left the Major and Bella in the city, and Peter was mighty proud they'd accomplished their first task so fast.
Bella, determined to find a stallion as close a replica as possible to the horse the Major painted on one of the ornaments he'd given her that first Christmas, enlisted Peter to find it for her. He followed his gift to a ranch north of Dallas and there the fucker was.
He was a magnificent beast and he knew it. On the medium side of the buckskin color, not too dark but not that light cream you sometimes saw, with four white stockings on his lower legs; the typical black markings above them to the knee and hock joints.
When Peter saw him, the stud was trotting around a paddock, his pitch-black mane and tail flowing behind him.
Peter haggled the price down a couple grand by agreeing to take a trailer the old man had been trying to sell for a while. Peter rented a pickup truck, and they drove the stud back to the ranch where Peter built up a makeshift shelter until they could get the barn built. Then he called Bella.
"I found ya a property, Sugar. Bought and paid for already, so don't worry 'bout that. Got the stud too. All you need to do is get your pretty ass down here and start buildin' that life you're wantin'." She started to protest, but Peter shut her down. "Shut yer mouth, Bella. I don't want to hear one fuckin' word about it. This is me n' Char's weddin' gift to you. You have other shit you need to worry about, like curbin' Esme and Rose's materialistic tendencies when it comes to the nuptials. Now grab that sorry excuse of a mate and get your asses down here."
He hung up on her, laughing at the reluctant way she gave in to his demands.
When his brother and Bella arrived a few hours later, it was all made worth it to see the look of joy on the Major's face. It had been a long damn time coming, and Peter clasped Bella hard for putting that look there. She was the best fucking thing to ever happen to them, and Peter would feel grateful to her for the rest of his existence.
Jasper couldn't believe how lucky he was. He'd won the mate lottery and he would never forget it. As long as he lived, he'd make sure to well love and care for Bella. The fact she thought of him when it came time to settle back down was amazing. She could have insisted they go back to their old life in Boston so she could complete her nursing degree, but she'd chosen to move on to the life he'd wanted since he was a human child.
She was astounding.
Peter called in reinforcements in the form of the Vancouver coven and Garrett, who brought along Kate, and together they helped Jasper build a large log house in the middle of the property with plans to erect several outbuildings and other, smaller houses for anyone that wished to visit from time to time.
After the main house, they built the stable and Jasper moved his new stallion, Cash, into it.
With so many hands, they got all the buildings up by the end of the month and Jasper got started on constructing his herd. While Cash was an exquisite piece of horseflesh, Jasper wanted one more stallion. He left Bella at the ranch, dubbed the Black-Eyed Phoenix in honor of not only both their home states but also the place that brought them together one evening when a man told a girl she was worth it.
On the lookout for mares, Jasper caught wind of an ad for a black quarter horse stud in New Mexico he decided to look at.
Powerfully built, the stallion stood tall and proud gazing out at the desert, ears forward and on high alert. He was pitch black except for the white circle on his forehead and a half pastern marking. It had been a long time since Jasper had been in the saddle, but it was like riding a bike. He was just glad it was a cloudy day, otherwise, the rancher might have passed out.
The horse took direction well and wasn't afraid of Jasper in the slightest.
He couldn't say the same for the next equine he looked at. The poor mare was so skittish, Jasper feared she might have a heart attack. It went like that for the next couple of weeks as he moved from place to place looking for the best stock. For every five frightened mares, there was one that didn't care a lick about what he was.
He wound up with nine mares to take back to the ranch. Two palominos, a chestnut, two medicine hat paints, an appaloosa, a sorrel, a strawberry roan, and a blue roan all loaded into the trailer with the stud as he drove home.
Peter was there to help him offload. "Damn, Major. Took you long enough. Sugar's wantin' to throw a house warmin' party, invite everyone. I thought we'd finally get some peace."
Jasper clapped Pete on the back and laughed. "Now where'd you get a fool idea like that? If you thought for a second there wouldn't be vampires comin' and goin' from this ranch as long as we're here, you've been an idiot. Bella made too many damn friends durin' all that mess to give them up now she has them. Don't worry, I'm sure most of 'em won't stick around long."
As it was, everyone that wasn't already there showed up at Bella's invitation. The rest of the Denali coven were the first to arrive, the girls immediately swept up making suggestions for the wedding. Hell, they hadn't even chosen a date yet.
Eleazar had news from the Volturi but opted to wait until everyone else arrived to dole it out so he wouldn't have to repeat half a dozen times. Jasper asked Peter if he knew what was coming. "Yeah, but it wasn't as fuckin' important as gettin' the ranch set up and I knew Eleazar would have more info than me."
Mary and Randall showed up next, hand in hand at that. Peter pulled Randall aside and asked what was up with that. Randall shrugged with a smirk on his face. "She finally gave into my innumerable charms, that's all."
Peter chuckled. "You mean she finally got her head outta her ass and agreed y'all were mates, right?"
High-pitched squeals interrupted them as Mary told the girls the splendid news. Bella came sweeping into the den where the boys had hidden and tugged Randall into an embrace. "I'm so happy for you, Randy! I knew she'd figure things out, eventually."
She was gone as fast as she came, leaving Jasper and the guys shaking their heads in her wake.
The Cullens arrived last, having the farthest to travel. Jasper knew at once that they were much happier than before. He could feel it. There weren't any underlying negative emotions where there once were. They all looked and felt more at ease with themselves.
Now everyone had arrived, they all gathered in the over large living room Jasper designed to accommodate guests and Eleazar got down to business. "So, I'm sure you all are wondering what has been happening amongst the Volturi since February and I'm pleased to tell you that they have offered me a place on the new council. They considered Carlisle but dismissed the idea as they were sure he wouldn't want the responsibility."
Heads twisted towards the man in question, and Carlisle nodded.
Eleazar continued. "The wives have joined this council. It is the five of us. The four members of the Volturi will maintain order throughout the world but I will be the liaison between them and all North America. They're recruiting as of now, anyone that wishes to join may do so.
"You're to be given two options regarding Chelsea's ability. If you seek a permanent place, she will bond you to the council in order to maintain a cohesive unit. If you only want a temporary position, she will leave you be and you may leave whenever you wish."
Steve spoke up then. "What kind of vampires are they after? Don't they rely a lot on gifted ones?"
Eleazar bobbed his head. "Yes, but they're also looking for brute strength. They've tasked me with helping them locate abilities once more, but the same principle applies. No one will use force, they will be asked to join. If they decline, the brothers will allow them to go about their lives without interference. They're turning humans as well, anyone that desires it."
Before Jasper had the chance to ask, Bella leaned forward, brows furrowed, lips curved down. "How do they determine who to let in on the secret?"
Eleazar smiled. "They got the idea from you, my dear. Jasper told them you figured out what we are on your own, remember? As they track situations that arise in a similar vein, they know there are mortals out there that get a little too curious for their own good and come close to figuring out our kind are real. They've chosen to closer monitor those such as that to see if they'd be viable candidates for the change."
Jasper frowned, he knew all too well what happened to humans like that. "And if they aren't?"
"Times are changing. Sometimes killing them was necessary, but these days people are so skeptical all that's needed is an excellent lie to explain the unexplainable. They trick them with misinformation, leading them down the wrong path and away from the truth. They will not approach any human unless they are at least ninety percent sure they're a suitable candidate. I know what your concern is here, Jasper. Innocents being killed because of the Volturi's own mistakes. I hope I have reassured you?"
Jasper inclined his head. "You have, Eleazar. So, what else can you tell us?"
They learned that the queens were being weaned off Corin and had moved into rooms within the citadel and allowed to come and go as they pleased as long as a guard attended them. That they were implementing changes not only within the Volturi themselves but the stronghold itself. Things were being made more welcoming.
Eleazar paused, glancing between Peter and Jasper himself. "They asked me to tell you that they're looking for a new Felix. Someone with experience in handling newborns and armies. A warrior to help train new recruits, if either you or Peter wish to join, Jasper."
Jasper declined at once. "Not me. I left that life behind a long time ago and have no intention goin' back to it. I hope you understand?"
"Of course," Eleazar said.
Peter scowled. "Don't fuckin' look at me. I ain't gettin' back into that shit life neither."
Eleazar nodded his acceptance, and they ended the discussion.
As predicted, most didn't stay long. They were there about a week before everyone started trickling home. Soon it was just the foursome once more until Peter announced a desire to do some traveling. Jasper knew it was coming. They'd stuck around as long as they needed them, but with the threat over and Bella and Jasper settled, Peter was getting antsy.
The couple said their goodbyes, promising to keep in touch when they could, before disappearing into the setting sun. It was mid-April now, and Jasper couldn't believe how fast the time had flown by.
Bella came sidling up behind him, wrapping her arms around his waist and laying her cheek against his back. "I don't know what I will do with all this quiet. We've been in the company of others for so long, it's odd to be alone again."
Turning so he could encircle her; Jasper rested his head on hers. "I know, Darlin', but we'll get used to it again. Not like we didn't spend an entire year prior to all this all by our lonesome."
She sighed, tilting her head back to look him in the eye. "I know. So, what should we do with all this time alone, Cowboy?"
The corner of his mouth curved up as he gave her a smug smile. "I'm sure I can think of a few things."
Gripping her thighs, he lifted her up and carried her to their bedroom where they spent the rest of the day, and all the next entwined in a lover's embrace. They made love slowly and fucked hard; lost themselves in each other.
The days moved by at a fast pace. Bella kept in touch with everyone as promised, but Esme and Rose more so as they helped her plan the wedding. They still hadn't been able to agree on a date, but Jasper wasn't in any great hurry. He thought to have it on New Year's was a grand idea, but she wanted it sooner. She suggested some time in the summer, but there weren't any dates during those months that meant a thing to either of them.
It was when they were discussing what he wanted for his birthday come July that an idea came to Bella. "What about my birthday?"
Jasper's brows furrowed in confusion at the random question. "What about it?"
Bella shifted so she was facing him on the couch. They'd been watching some cooking show, heaven only knew why since neither of them needed to cook anymore, when she'd asked him about gift ideas. He brushed her off, not caring what she got him since all he needed was right there in his arms. Then the random, out of the blue, question about her own.
"For the wedding. What about my birthday? It's only three months away, and the date is significant for both of us."
Jasper frowned, shifting with discomfort at the idea. "You mean because I tried to eat you and it was the worst day of both our lives?"
Bella shook her head, rolling her eyes. "I forgave you for that a long time ago, and it wasn't the worst day. Think about it. If not for what happened that day, Edward and Alice might have won. It was the day everything changed for us, the day that set in motion all that was to come. It was the beginning. Bad things might have happened between it and that Christmas, but it was still the start of this."
She gestured to the surrounding room. But he knew she meant more than that. "We wouldn't be where we are right now, if not for that day. So, what do you think?"
Jasper took a moment to ponder it. She wasn't wrong. As she'd said, bad things happened after that day, but it started something bigger. Led to something better for both of them. "Okay, your birthday it is then, Darlin'."
"Excellent," she exclaimed, shifting to lean back against his chest as she lifted the remote to continue the show.
With the date decided, things moved into full gear. Jasper couldn't think of a moment where Bella wasn't on the phone with Esme, Rose, Charlotte, or Kate making plans for things. They sent her emails full of fabric samples for her dress, ideas for color schemes, images of hairstyles and flowers.
Before he knew it, September was upon them, and the hordes descended. It was often he escaped with the men for a ride in the mountains. He even got Carlisle on a horse occasionally as the days went by. The family was doing even better than they were all those months ago when they came for the housewarming party.
Carlisle was employed at a teaching hospital this go 'round, Esme working from home as an interior designer. Rose and Emmett had opted to enter the workforce this time, rather than high school, and Rose was working as a mechanic at a local garage while Emmett worked as one of those Geek Squad people. He'd always been computer savvy and was just happy to put his skills to work.
They'd all made friends amongst the humans, too. Rose went out for drinks with the guys from work every Friday, suffering through the discomfort of drinking mortal drinks without complaint. Emmett had lunch with his coworkers, though he could fob off eating most of the time. An apple here, a sandwich there, his only hill to climb.
Esme had joined a book club and spent every Saturday with her group. They'd even thrown their own welcome party and invited their neighbors over for dinner on occasion.
While most people remained wary around them, that instinct kicking in even if they didn't understand why, there was one person in Esme's group that accepted them the same way Bella had all those years ago. She was an older woman, in her late forties, named Carol, who'd joined the club after her divorce.
She and Esme had become fast friends, though the woman remained in blissful unawareness of what Esme was.
Finding friends outside the family did wonders. Even in such a tightknit unit, Jasper knew all too well that sometimes you had to get away from one another. Finding their own pursuits helped with this and it led to bonds that were that much stronger.
It was why often Jasper went riding while Bella went into Denver to shop. To give each other some space sometimes. Bella even talked to the Denver College of Nursing to see if she could transfer her credits from Northeastern. She was determined to earn her degree whether she'd have to start over or not because she felt she was being hypocritical to ask such a thing of Fred and them and not do so herself.
She wanted to wait until after the wedding, though. Jasper didn't care what she did, he'd support whatever she decided.
Soon enough, the big day arrived, and they shunted Jasper out of the main house so the girls could get Bella ready. Not wanting the day to belong only to their nuptials, Jasper left Bella's birthday gift and card in the capable hands of a laughing Rose before she shoved him out the door.
The morning dawned cloudless and warm, a true Indian summer type of day.
The girls kicked the boys out to get dressed in one of the guesthouses so they could help Bella get prepped. All that planning was coming to fruition and Bella was more than ready to get it over with. For so many emails and calls, Esme kept things simpler than Bella expected.
Fall colors, little decoration, two bridesmaids and a maid of honor. Nothing grand at all, for which she was thankful.
Peter got ordained and would officiate. Garrett would be a groomsman alongside Carlisle, and Emmett was to be the best man in place of Peter. Fred asked to walk her down the aisle, and Emmett asked if he could give her away. Bella worried Carlisle would feel left out, but he explained that as long as he got the father/daughter dance he'd be fine.
Bella was closer to the family, not quite where they were back in Forks, but friendly enough that she was comfortable granting their requests.
Her dress was a simple two-piece ensemble. A skirt created from three layers of deep mauve gathered tulle with an added two layers of soft white to give it dimension. The bodysuit was long-sleeved, corded lace, with a deep V-neck and backline that showed off her bare skin. Bella knew Jasper would love her back exposed. It would drive him wild.
They purchased it offline from some as yet unknown little up-and-coming shop; Esme and Rose had laughed about how much that would have upset Alice.
"It's nice to be able to wear what we like now while supporting small businesses. I never thought I'd be so glad to get out of those itchy designer duds Alice was always forcing on us, but I am," Esme exclaimed. "I can be myself now, dress in the things I like."
Bella concurred, taking stock of the dark mauve tulle cocktail dress with ruched bodice Esme wore. It was less matronly than the stuff Alice used to dress the woman in, more like something a twenty-six-year-old would wear.
Rose, one of Bella's bridesmaids, also took advantage of their newfound freedom, wearing a simple rust-colored maxi dress made from polyester. It had spaghetti straps with a draped neckline and a split that opened up to mid-thigh. Plain as it may have been, Rose made it gloriously sexy. The two vampiresses looked so much happier than when Bella first met them.
Charlotte as maid of honor was in a long chiffon maxi dress of mustard yellow with spaghetti straps that crisscrossed the open back with an apron neckline and fitted waist. Like Rose's dress, it had a split up one side all the way to the top of her thigh and Bella figured Char would disappear with Peter sometime after the ceremony as he wouldn't be able to keep his hands off his mate much longer than that once he got a load of her.
Kate was Bella's other bridesmaid. She had on an A-line chiffon dress in burgundy with a fitted waist and cap sleeves. It was minus the split but had a V-neck like Bella's with an open back as well. Garrett would go gaga when he spotted her.
While Rose painted her fingernails and Kate her toenails in a color similar to her skirt, Tanya did her hair; loose waves down her back, half pulled back and adorned with a floral headband and matching flowers throughout. Her makeup was light, neutral, and she bore nothing more than the sparkle of her skin in the sunlight filtering through the window and her engagement ring on her right ring finger, waiting for the moment she could join it with her wedding band.
Right before noon, Rose handed Bella a small box and a card. "These are from Jasper, your birthday gifts, as I understand. Why don't you open them and then meet us downstairs?"
The girls left Bella alone then.
She opened the card first. The cover read, 'You are my today and all of my tomorrows'. On the inside was a short handwritten note.
Happy Birthday. I can't wait to marry you.
All my love,
P.S.—This necklace is a symbol of my love for you. You are my northern star, always there to guide me home if ever I get lost as it guided the Wisemen all those centuries ago. I love you.
Lifting the lid from the box, Bella found a pendant inside. A silver North Star adorned with diamonds and a single sapphire, her birthstone, in the middle. It was pretty, yet simple, and she loved it. Putting it on, she lay the box and card on her dresser before making her way down the stairs to join the others.
They trooped out to the barn closest to the house where everything was set up. The doors were open and draped with two sizeable pieces of white chiffon on either side and the huge flower wreath Bella chose. Fred stood in front of them, dressed in black jeans, a white button-down, and a black floral tie with dark brown leather suspenders and matching belt.
A simple boutonnière of tiny roses in various shades adorned his chest above the pocket in his shirt. It complemented the mauve, blush, and cream rose bouquet she held; her bridesmaids bearing similar, smaller bouquets.
He smiled at Bella, offering his arm as the others filed passed them and into the building's interior. "You ready, Bells?"
For a moment, Bella thought of her father standing there instead. He'd fuss with his tie, give her a half smile, and pretend there weren't tears in his eyes. He'd have nothing to say, being the man of few words that he was, but would offer her strength in his silent support.
Damn how she missed him at times.
A deep breath in through her nose, Bella released it gradually and nodded. "Yeah, Fred. I'm more than ready."
Kenny Chesney's "Me and You" filtered out, and Bella knew the moment had come. If it still beat, Bella knew her heart would be racing in anticipation.
Ordinary no, really don't think so
Not a love this true
Common destiny
We were meant to be
Me and you
Alice and Edward may have tried to keep them apart, but you couldn't stop destiny.
Esme flashed a wink at Carlisle, whose mouth was hanging open in awe, before leading the procession forward on her own. Bella couldn't stifle the giggle that burst forth at the sight. Carlisle looked all his twenty-three years in a replica of Fred's outfit as he offered his arm to Rose and they followed Esme to their places.
Then it was Kate and Garrett, followed by Charlotte with Emmett, who was so busy ogling his wife's backside he almost ran into one of the barn's support beams. This drew a snicker from everyone, and he waved and bowed in normal Emmett fashion.
When her time came, Bella stepped forward and glanced around at the décor. She'd had no say in this part, Esme taking over since she was the interior designer.
If what Bella saw was any indication, she'd made the right choice in giving up that part of the planning. Wooden benches lined the sides of the aisle in between the supports, tumbler candles of various sizes lit the way. Ropes of lights and more gauzy white chiffon strung from one side of the barn to the other above her head added even more light.
Like a perfect scene from a movie screen
Where every dream comes true
Suited perfectly for eternity
Me and you
Ahead of her, Jasper stood before a large arch covered with more fall flowers to match her hair and the wreath. He took Bella's breath away, and she was glad she no longer needed it. He was so handsome standing there in those same black jeans and floral tie as Fred with Emmett, Garrett, and Carlisle at his side.
Seeing him there made everything much more real, and Bella was overcome with a need to get down the aisle as fast as possible. She was more than ready to start her life as Mrs. Jasper Whitlock. Fred chuckled beside her. "Slow down, girl. He's not going anywhere, you have him for eternity no matter what."
Every day, I need you even more
At the nighttime too
There's no way
I could ever let you go
Even if I wanted to
Every day I live
I try my best to give
All I have to you
I thank the stars above
That we share this love
Me and you
Bella would never take a single day of that eternity for granted. She didn't know what she'd done to get so lucky, but she would always be grateful for minor miracles.
Every day, I need you even more
At the nighttime too
There's no way
I could ever let you go
Even if I wanted to
They'd been together a little over a year, yet it felt more like a lifetime already. She'd never let him go. It didn't matter where they went wherever he was, she was home.
Ordinary no, I really don't think so
Just a precious few
Ever make it last
Get as lucky as
Me and you
Me and you
As the song closed, Bella came to a halt in front of him. He was beaming, his smile matching her own. If they could cry, she was sure tears would stream down both their faces. They'd been through so much, all of it leading them to each other.
Peter cleared his throat, drawing them from their bubble. "Alright, you two. Stop starin' inta one another's fuckin' eyes and let's get this show on the damn road."
He let them all laugh for a moment before glaring at them and straightening his posture. In a sober tone, he began his recitation. "Friends, we have been invited here today to share with Sugar and the Major a very important moment in their lives. In the year they have been together, their love and understanding of each other has grown and matured, and now they have decided to live their lives together as wife and husband."
He paused, looking to Emmett, who was too busy mouthing something naughty at Rose to notice it was his moment. Peter cleared his throat once more, scowling at Em.
"Hey, asshole, if I have ta keep my dick in my pants for the time bein', so does your ass, okay? Pay attention, ya idiot." Emmett looked sheepish as he whispered an apology, and Peter continued. "Now, who gives this woman to be wedded to this man?"
Emmett's lips curled up into a wide grin as he pointed at himself, "that would be Moi!"
Bella caught Peter roll his eyes and stifled another giggle. She should have known her wedding wouldn't go without some comedic entertainment when things involved Emmett and Peter. She tuned out all the rest of Peter's words, regaining focus as he recited the vows that would tie her to Jasper by name for the rest of eternity.
"Do you Bella, take Jasper to be your lawfully wedded husband. To have and to hold, from this moment forward, as long as you both shall live?"
Bella's fingers squeezed Jasper's as her lips formed the words. "I do."
"And do you Jasper, take Bella to be your lawfully wedded wife. To have and to hold, from this moment forward, as long as you both shall live?"
She watched his lips move, his melodic baritone loud and clear for all. "I do."
The exchanging of the rings came next. Bella only glanced at the circle of diamonds set in white gold as Jasper slid it onto her finger, kissing her knuckles once it was in place. She'd taken her time finding the perfect ring for him. Simple, yet elegant.
None of the newer styles felt right to her and she was losing hope when she entered an antique jewelry shop in Denver and there it was. The man that sold it to her told her some sweet love story about the previous owner, but she couldn't be sure he was telling the truth or trying to make the sale by assuming her being a woman would make her more sentimental.
Either way, the filigreed platinum art deco band was just what she'd been looking for. It fit Jasper to a T, and the look of pride on his face as she slid it on was more than enough for her.
Peter announced them man and wife, reciting the one line she'd waited on the most. "You may now kiss the bride."
Reminiscent of their kiss back on New Year's Eve, Jasper wrapped an arm around her back, dipping her into a fierce melding of lips as he sealed their lives together symbolically. Her hand cupped his neck, fingers tangling in the strands of hair there.
Somewhere in the background noise, she heard Emmett catcalling, Garrett letting out a shrill whistle, and applause, but she didn't care. It wasn't until Peter spoke up that the two came up for air, as it were. "Alright, alright, alright, we get it. Y'all are so in love you don't know how to detach yer fuckin' lips but there's still a party to get to and I want to get outta this damned tie."
That made them all laugh. Peter hated ties. Jasper hauled Bella into an upright position without letting her go. They accepted congratulations and then headed back to the house for a moment of privacy while Esme got things ready for the reception.
When they returned to the barn, everyone threw birdseed as Emmett announced them and a new song played. Their first dance as husband and wife was to "You Won't Ever Be Lonely" by Andy Griggs. It was the one contribution Jasper made, insisting the tune was perfect.
He was right. As Bella focused on her husband, the words flowed over her. The starting lyric, in particular, struck a chord with her.
Life may not always go your way
And every once in awhile you might have a bad day
But I promise you now you won't ever be lonely
The sky turns dark and everything goes wrong
Run to me and I'll leave the light on
And I promise you now you won't ever be lonely
Everything that could go wrong went wrong for them. Two manipulative bastards got between them, nearly getting Bella killed in the process. An arrogant, greedy dick tried to take her from Jasper and failed. Victoria almost murdered her, her father died, which turned her life upside down, but despite all of that, Jasper was there. Mostly.
He was her light, her port in the storm, and she knew that no matter what trials might come their way over the years, he would always be there for her as she would be for him.
After the first dance came the father/daughter dance. Carlisle picked the song and Bella's eyes filled with tears as she heard the first words. It was a song Charlie once told her he would choose for this moment. "How did you know, Carlisle?"
"You forget, Bella. Charlie and I were friends of a sort before you arrived in Forks. We talked about a lot of things. You can't know how sorry I am we caused his untimely demise. If only we'd…"
Bella placed a finger against his lips, stopping him. "I accepted months ago that what happened was not your fault. You believed Edward when he told you guys Victoria was not a threat. You had no reason to think he might lie. I was angry at the lot of you for a long time, but after the confrontation, I've come to realize it wasn't in any way your fault. All the blame lies on Edward and Alice. All of it. Understand?"
Carlisle nodded, kissing her forehead as he twirled her around the makeshift dance floor. Bella lay her head on his shoulder, humming along with the song as the lyrics washed over her. They were perfect for the moment as her mind conjured another blurry image of her father.
She would take the advice and never look back at what couldn't be changed. She'd never forget him, though. Already she'd forgiven and faced the regrets and let them go. Now to help people. She would earn that nursing degree, by god, and help people the way Carlisle did. She would give back more than she took in all the ways she could.
And yeah, she knew somebody loved her. Jasper, their friends, their families. There was a vast amount of love in their lives and she would never take it for granted.
The mother/son dance came next and Bella watched as Jasper whirled Esme around in a reenactment of the one and only time Bella had been to Prom. Randy Travis belted out the words to his song, "Angels", something Bella had thought to be a strange choice at first, but once she listened to it she understood why Jasper had picked it.
Esme may not have brought him into the world, but she was the one that helped birth the man he was now. She took someone terrified of the monster he thought he'd become and loved him with motherly devotion, reminding him who he really was. She was Jasper's angel.
The reception went well into the evening. Dancing, laughing, reminiscing. They ended with the garter and bouquet tosses, Emmett and Rose caught both, and there were plenty of jokes about how it must be time for them to marry again; they hadn't done it enough times yet.
Then everyone bid Jasper and Bella farewell as they drove to Denver to catch a plane for their honeymoon. Esme and Carlisle gave them the use of Isle Esme for a month, and they planned to enjoy every minute. Starting with sex in the ocean.
Jasper watched his wife as she gazed out the window towards Denver International as the plane began its descent. His wife. Fuck if that word didn't make him feel like the luckiest son of a bitch on the planet.
They spent all the rest of September and half of October in Brazil, hopping back and forth from Isle Esme and its vast array of things to do to Rio and the rest of South America. They even visited the Amazon coven to introduce Bella as the newest addition to their world.
Now they were heading home, much to his dismay. Back to reality, he guessed.
No one was there when they arrived back at the Phoenix, but Peter left a note. 'Y'all lazy asses better buy me the most extravagant thank you gift of all time. I have fed the horses, mucked the stalls, and all that shit. Char and I are headin' southeast to see what we can get into. Don't know what's in the package. Catch ya on the flip side.'
Peter'd tucked the note underneath a substantial package wrapped in brown paper with Volterra as the return address.
"What in the hell do you think they sent, Jasper," Bella asked as she wrapped an arm around his waist.
He could feel the anxiety radiating off her, so he pulled her closer and kissed the side of her head. "Only one way to find out, Darlin'. Why don't you open it?"
She reached forward, pulling the thing towards her. Ripping off the paper revealed a plain taped cardboard box. Bella broke the tape, opening the flaps. Jasper watched her eyes light up as she reached inside.
"Oh my fucking god, Cowboy! Do you know what these are?" The anxiety was gone, replaced by an infectious glee. He smiled indulgently at her as she held up the first of many books in pristine condition. She flipped open the cover on the first and squealed. "They're first edition, Jasper! First goddamned edition. Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god."
She twirled in a circle, clutching the books to her chest. Amused, Jasper reached into the box once more and pulled out what was left. A folded handwoven tapestry he shook out to reveal three galloping horses, and a note at the bottom.
It read,
To Bella and the Major,
We hope this letter finds you well. We wanted to thank you personally for what you helped us achieve back in February and bringing peace to our world. The four of us searched through Aro's office after Caius and I returned and discovered some notes he'd taken about Bella.
Things he saw from Edward and Alice's thoughts, no doubt.
Her likes and dislikes, her hopes and dreams, and more such things. Athena and Sulpicia felt it prudent to send a gift to both of you in thanks. So here it is. The women wove the tapestry themselves and I scoured the archives myself for the perfect books to grace the shelves of your new home.
Eleazar told us you are now living on a horse ranch in Colorado, in case you were wondering how we knew where to find you.
Besides these items in the box, we have sent one more. They were specially ordered from a place in your native Texas and should arrive within the week. There is no reason for you to thank us, we are only showing our own gratitude and wish you to accept these gifts for what they are. There is no ulterior motive to them. Promise.
Con sincere piacere,
Marcus Volturi
Jasper set the letter down with a smile. He couldn't help but wonder what the other gifts were.
Bella slipped behind him, enclosing her arms around his waist, brushing a kiss to his shoulder blade. "So, what do they want?"
Turning to face her, he lifted her and carried her to the living room. She straddled him on the couch as he leaned into the plush cushions. "Nothin'. Their gifts of thanks, nothing else. Or so Marcus says. I believe him. He said there's something more comin'. It'll be here by week's end. I take it you liked the books?"
She smacked his shoulder with a grin. "More like loved! My three favorite Jane Austen books in first edition? Do you know how expensive those are? Not to mention the first edition of Peter and Wendy by J. M. Barrie, Charles Dickens' Oliver Twist, The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame, Bram Stoker's Dracula, and Louisa M. Alcott's Little Women. It amazes me they would part with such treasures, Cowboy. We have to send them a thank you note."
The note would have to wait, however. Bella's enthusiasm was arousing, and Jasper's little Major chose that moment to make his presence known as she wiggled against him. Jasper grinned widely as she giggled while grinding against him. "Someone wants attention. Didn't you get enough of me on Isle Esme, Cowboy?"
Jasper's fingers traced Bella's spine, hands splaying across her back as he pulled her forward so he could reach those petal-soft lips that were currently smirking at him. "I won't ever get enough of you, Darlin'."
He had them flipped before she could blink, trapping her beneath his body on the couch as he trailed kisses along her jaw, down her neck, and across her exposed collarbone. Her shirt got in his way then, and he sat up so he could help her out of it.
Rosy peaks taunted him behind a coral-colored, see-through bra, and he shifted so he could lave a nipple through the lace. Her back arched, pressing her breast into his face as he tugged and teased the other taut bud with his fingers.
Reaching behind her, he undid the snaps with deft precision and that article of clothing joined her shirt in parts unknown. He sucked, licked, and nibbled until she was begging. His shirt joined hers, their jeans next, as well as the matching lacy underwear and his boxer briefs before he sheathed himself in his favorite place.
Pausing, he eyed his mate. She was lovely in the throes of passion. Did he miss the way her skin would flush in exertion? Sometimes, but it was worth losing to have her by his side forever. She watched him, softly smiling as he took a moment to revel in her.
"See something you like, Cowboy?"
His lips twitched, one brow rising in amusement. "Always, Darlin'. Always."
Her head rose and she brushed her lips against his. "Me too, Jasper. Me too."
Her breathy sigh as he moved wafted her delicious scent across his face and he breathed it in deeply. He moved with painstaking slowness, in no hurry to finish despite her pleas for him to move faster, love her harder.
Jasper shifted for a better angle, knowing he'd hit his mark as her breathing changed, quickened the closer she moved towards completion. His thrusts turned erratic the nearer he got to his own.
Reaching between them, he pressed his thumb against that bundle of nerves, circling it hard as he clamped down on a nipple with his teeth and she screamed his name, clutching his shoulders as she came.
Her walls clenched around him, milking everything he had to offer. She slumped into the couch as he fell against her, replete. Bella's arms came around him, fingers playing with the strands of hair at the nape of his neck, and he pressed his mouth wherever he could reach.
They lay there content for a good long while, making love over and over before rising to tend to their duties some hours later. They had to bring in the horses, feed, and water them, and bed them down for the night.
The last day of the week brought a special delivery, the final gift from the Volturi. Two custom made western trail saddles. One black leather with tan embroidery and silver studding the cantle, stirrups, and front rigging. The other dark brown leather with silver studding the same locations. They were beautiful, and Jasper couldn't wait to get Bella into one of them.
She'd been learning to ride but hadn't gone as far out on the trail with him yet. Maybe they could go out before she started back to school.
Life moved forward. Before they knew it, the Christmas season was upon them and Bella was dragging the ornaments down from the attic as Jasper set up the tree he'd cut. They placed them together as they thought back on that Christmas two years prior. Jasper sometimes couldn't believe how much things had changed since then for them both.
As they rang in the new year a week later with all their friends around them once more, Jasper counted himself fortunate. Had he known all those decades ago what his future would hold, he'd have scoffed. Now, well now he couldn't imagine anything different.
The countdown began, and Bella left Rose and Emmett's company to come stand alongside him.
Five… she snuggled into his side, one arm wrapped around his waist, the other hand on his chest.
Four… her head tilted, eyes shining bright with all the love she held for him.
Three… he shifted, twisting to face her head-on. Her other arm came up to match the first, fingers lacing at the base of his spine as she leaned into his chest.
Two… he cupped her neck, fingers tangling in her hair as he tugged her still closer so there was nary a space between them and smiled. One arm rose to encircle his neck, pulling him down.
One… she rose as he fell, and he kissed her hard, determined to show her all he promised for their future in that melding of lips. How he'd love her for all of eternity. Until the sun stopped shining, the moon fell from the sky, and the world went black.
A/N: For anyone wondering what the father/daughter song was, it was "My Wish" by Rascal Flatts. This is it. There won't be any more to 12 Nights. I hope you all enjoyed the journey as much as I did, thank you for joining me on it and sticking with me.
Italian words I used: (as usual, I checked with Google Translate to ensure they were as correct as possible.)
Prendiamo le cose come vengono—we take things as they come
Cosa Dici?—what do you say?
Le signore—ladies (I checked this several times just to be sure)
Mia cara moglie—my dear wife
Il mio cuore—my heart
Con sincere piacere—with sincere pleasure