Reviews for There are no secrets that time does not reveal
celajwhitney chapter 62 . 7/19
hmmm, Bella is either changing or pregnant?
celajwhitney chapter 42 . 7/19
oh Aro, you are going to die!
celajwhitney chapter 30 . 7/19
how sad. but that's the way it is when you don't grow up with your parents. i know.
celajwhitney chapter 13 . 7/19
how did he know her name was Bella?
celajwhitney chapter 2 . 7/19
Charlie Swan you are a spineless nincompoop.
Kristina777 chapter 68 . 4/14/2019
Thank you for sharing.
andrewpine chapter 54 . 6/10/2018
Interesting that he turned three of his so c a loved children but for some reason he miserable ass of Eddie but ignores the other needs to go on the pyre with Eddie since mates should die together.
andrewpine chapter 52 . 6/10/2018
I don't understand why she doesn't use her shield and either blow out the walks of her cell or just walk out of the castle since they can't touch her.
andrewpine chapter 47 . 6/10/2018
Cannot wait to see how strong her shield is once she is turned if it is that strong when she is still mostly human.I wonder if she was that tired from using it or just all of the crap that has been thrown at her?
andrewpine chapter 45 . 6/10/2018
If Bella is worried about money maybe they should get Darius to crack into Carlisle and Eddie's accounts and transfer them all to Bella then she will never have to worry about Carlisle is supposed to be dead he won't need the money will he.
andrewpine chapter 42 . 6/10/2018
I hope Aro has his affairs in order if he plans on going after Bella and crew.
andrewpine chapter 31 . 6/10/2018
How did the Volturi find out about this,have they been watching the squirrel munchers all of this time? do they not know where Bella is so that us why they are bringing those three in?
andrewpine chapter 30 . 6/10/2018
I gather she won't have to worry about Charlie wondering about her when she joins Jasper as a is fairy boy or dumbo her real father?
andrewpine chapter 28 . 6/10/2018
I wonder if D is trying to get rid of Bella before The Volturi find out he made a hybrid. I also wonder what fairy boy will do if Alice slips up and he finds out what she is hiding from him?
andrewpine chapter 17 . 6/10/2018
I really need to re-read the books because I don't remember her being as clumsy as everyone writes looking forward to Jasper's talk with Carlisle,should be keep it away from Eddie would be go straight to daddy and tell him the barbarian knows what he is doing concerning Bella?
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