![]() Author has written 1 story for Pokémon. Name: Avator24 (Real Name will only be given to Friends) Age: 20 Country: United Kingdom Summary: Interests including TV, Film, Music, Reading, Video Games and Internet Surfing. Fanfiction interests include Harry Potter, Pokémon, Halo, Mass Effect, Star Wars and Game of Thrones; although any other stories that interest me will be read, no matter the genre or the franchise. Storylines that Interest me: Harry Potter: Any well written deviation from Harry Potter Canon, be it manipulative Dumbledore, different powers, WBWL, whatever. Pokémon: Smarter Ash Ketchum stories, surprisingly the majority that already exist starts of in Kanto onwards, very few have actually tried to rewrite other regions. Oh well, food for thought. Mass Effect: AU First contact, there is something strangely fulfilling about reading the council get its’ collective arses whopped by Humanity. Greatly like these types with crossovers, like Halo or Star Wars. Game of Thrones: Any story that is well written with a likable storyline will do. Do think however that crossover stories with someone/something landing in Westeros are a lot more interesting than most. RWBY: Again, very similar to Game of Thrones, much prefer the someone/something that is transported to Remnant Storyline. The follow is a companion to my story, Ash's Epiphany. It is basically all of Ash's Pokemon, including abilities and moves. This Pikachu is Male and has the abilities Static and Lightening Rod. Its known moves are Thunderbolt, Thunder, Volt Tackle, Agility, Quick Attack, Iron Tail, Double Edge, Electro Ball, Slam, Brick Break, Light Screen, Magnet Rise, Signal Beam and Return. This Ivysaur is Male and has the abilities of Overgrow and Chlorophyll. Its known moves are: Vine Whip, Leech Seed, Solar Beam, Sleep Powder, Tackle, Take Down, Dig, Poison Powder, Seed Bomb, Sludge Bomb, Venoshock, Light Screen, Energy Ball, Sunny Day, Leaf Storm, Frenzy Plant and Skull Bash. This Wartortle is Male and has the abilities of Torrent and Rain Dish. Its known moves are: Water Gun, Withdraw, Hydro Pump, Skull Bash, Tackle, Rapid Spin, Bite, Water Pulse, Aqua Tail, Rain Dance, Iron Defence, Ice Beam, Brick Break, Swagger, Protect, Iron Tail, Hydro Cannon and Zen Head-Butt. This Charizard is Male, and has the abilities of Blaze and Solar Power. Its known moves are: Flamethrower, Fire Spin, Overheat, Skull Bash, Seismic Toss, Submission, Mega Punch, Slash, Steel Wing, Fly, Wing Attack, Air Slash, Dragon Claw, Shadow Claw, Dragon Pulse, Flare Blitz, Sunny Day, Brick Break, Iron Tail and Thunder Punch. This Primeape is Male, and has the abilities of Vital Spirit and Defiant. Its known moves are Thrash, Mega Kick, Seismic Toss, Low Kick, Low Sweep, Karate Chop, Assurance, Cross Chop, Close Combat, Brick Break, Earthquake, Focus Blast, Stone Edge, Rock Slide, Focus Punch, Night Slash and Ice Punch. This Pidgeot is Female and has the abilities of Keen eye and Big Pecks. Its known moves are: Quick Attack, Whirlwind, Double Edge, Wing Attack, Hurricane, Sky Attack, Twister, Air Slash, Agility, Mirror Move, Roost, Tailwind, Aerial Ace, Fly, Hyper Beam, Protect, Steel Wing, Giga Impact and Heat Wave. This Haunter is Male and has the ability of Levitate. Its known moves are: Lick, Hypnosis, Nightshade, Confuse Ray, Sucker Punch, Shadow Punch, Shadow Claw, Shadow Ball, Dream Eater, Dark Pulse, Psychic, Hex, Destiny Bond, Nightmare, Toxic, Venoshock, and Poison Jab. This Kingler is Male and has the abilities of Shell Armor and Hyper Cutter. Its known moves are: Vice Grip, Leer, Stomp, Water Gun, Bubble Beam, Crabhammer, Hyper Beam, Mud Shot, Metal Claw, Protect, Guillotine, Slam, Brine, Hone Claws, Ice Beam, Swords Dance, X-Scissor, Iron Defence and Water Pulse. This Muk is Male, and has the abilities of Stench and Poison Touch. Its known moves are: Body Slam, Poison Gas, Sludge Bomb, Sludge Wave, Mud, Bomb, Gunk Shot, Acid Armor, Screech, Minimize, Shadow Ball, Flamethrower, Protect, Toxic, Venoshock, Rock Slide, Poison Jab and Ice Punch. This Tauros is Male, and has the abilities of Anger Point and Sheer Force. Its known moves are: Fissure, Take Down, Horn Attack, Double Team, Rest, Zen Head-butt, Thrash, Giga Impact, Earthquake, Stone Edge, Rock Slide, Bulldoze, Wild Charge, Strength, Protect, Iron Head and Outrage. This Snorlax is Male, and has the abilities Thick Fat and Immunity. Its known moves are: Body Slam, Head-butt, Mega Kick, Mega Punch, Hyper Beam, Ice Punch, Tackle, Protect, Rest, Chip Away, Snore, Sleep Talk, Amnesia, Crunch, Heavy Slam, Giga Impact, Rollout, Protect, Earthquake, Rock Slide, Wild Charge, Double Edge, Zen Head-Butt and Focus Punch. This Heracross is Male, and has the abilities Guts and Moxie. Its known moves are: Tackle, Horn Attack, Endure, Take Down, Megahorn, Sleep Talk, Focus Punch, Hyper Beam, Night Slash, Aerial Ace, Counter, Brick Break, Pin Missile, Close Combat, Bulk Up, Earthquake, Stone Edge, Iron Defence, Shadow Claw and Bug Bite. This Meganium is Female, and has the abilities Overgrow and Leaf Guard. Its known moves are: Vine Whip, Tackle, Sweet Scent, Body Slam, Head-Butt, Magical Leaf, Solar Beam, Petal Blizzard, Petal Dance, Reflect, Light Screen, Aromatherapy, Earthquake, Energy Ball, and Frenzy Plant. This Quilava is Male, and has the abilities of Blaze and Flash Fire. Its known moves are: Flamethrower, Tackle, Agility, Smokescreen, Quick Attack, Swift, Flame Wheel, Aerial Ace, Defence Curl, Rollout, Double Edge, Dig, Lava Plume and Wild Charge. This Croconaw is Male, and has the abilities of Torrent and Sheer Force. Its known moves are: Crunch, Water Gun, Head-Butt, Scary Face, Slash, Ice Fang, Chip away, Aqua Tail, Ice Beam, Brick Break, Water Pulse and Iron Tail. This Noctowl is Male and has the ability of Insomnia. Its known moves are: Peck, Hypnosis, Whirlwind, Foresight, Tackle, Air Slash, Extrasensory, Sky Attack, Dream Eater, Psychic, Aerial Ace, Shadow Ball, Steel Wing and Heat Wave. This Donphan is Male, and has the ability of Sturdy. Its known moves are: Tackle, Rollout, Take Down, Defence Curl, Earthquake, Hidden Power, Hyper Beam, Fire Fang, Thunder Fang, Rapid Spin, Giga Impact, Stone Edge, Earth Power and Iron Defence. This Swellow is Male and has the Abilities of Guts and Scrappy. Its known moves are Peck, Wing Attack, Quick Attack, Aerial Ace, Double Team, Brave Bird, Air Slash, Agility, Steel Wing, Mirror Move, Ominous Wind and Sky Attack. This Sceptile is Male and has the ability Overgrow. Its known moves are: Slam, Quick Attack, Seed Bomb, Leaf Blade, Solar Beam, Agility, Leaf Storm, Frenzy Plant, X-Scissor, Screech, Hone Claws, Dragon Claws, Sunny Day, Aerial Ace, Energy Ball, Brick Break, Low Sweep, Rock Slide, Iron Tail, Night Slash, Detect, Swords Dance and Dragon Pulse. This Crawdaunt is Male and has the abilities of Adaptability and Shell Armor. Its known moves are: Crabhammer, Bubble Beam, Vice Grip, Harden, Guillotine, Night Slash, Crunch, Razor Shell, Swords Dance, Ice Beam, X-Scissor, Dark Pulse, Water Pulse and Iron Defence. This Torkoal is Male and has the abilities of White Smoke and Shell Armor. Its known moves are: Flamethrower, Overheat, Iron Defence, Body Slam, Heat Wave, Smog, Lava Plume, Amnesia, Protect, Sunny Day, Solar Beam, Earthquake, Sludge Bomb and Gyro Ball. This Glalie is Male and has the Ability Ice Body. Its Known moves are: Icy Wind, Double Team, Head-Butt, Ice Beam, Crunch, Ice Fang, Protect, Freeze-Dry, Hail, Blizzard, Shadow Ball and Water Pulse. This Aipom is Female and has the ability of Run Away. Its known moves are: Scratch, Swift, Focus Punch, Double Team, Agility, Screech, Shadow Ball, Iron Tail and Slam. Kirlia, the Emotion Pokémon. Kirlia is able to sense the feelings of its Trainer, and when it becomes happy, it will start to dance. This Kirlia is Female and has the ability of Trace. Its known moves are: Confusion, Disarming Voice, Double Team, Teleport, Magical Leaf, Draining Kiss, Calm Mind, Light Screen and Reflect. Metang, the Iron Claw Pokémon. Metang is the evolved form of Beldum. Its highly developed intellect and strong magnetic force allow it to create powerful psychic energy. This Metang is ‘Unknown’ and has the ability of Clear Body. Its known moves are: Take Down, Magnet Rise, Confusion, Metal Claw, Pursuit, Bullet Punch and Miracle Eye. Vibrava, the Vibration Pokémon. Vibrava is the evolved form of Trapinch. By flapping their wings, they create vibrations, emitting ultrasonic waves. This Vibrava is Male and has the ability of Levitate. Its known moves are: Crunch, Dig, Rock Slide, Bulldoze, Bide, Sonic Boom, Feint Attack, Supersonic, Screech, Earth Power, Bug Buzz and Dragon Breath. Vulpix, a Fox Pokémon. Its six tails are extremely beautiful. As it evolves, it grows even more tails. Vulpix uses powerful flame attacks. This Vulpix is Female and had the ability of Flash Fire. Its known moves are: Quick Attack, Confuse Ray, Payback, Will-o-wisp, Feint Attack, Hex, Flame Burst and Extrasensory. Porygon-2, the Virtual Pokémon and the evolved form of Porygon. It was upgraded to enable the exploration of other planets. However, it failed to measure up. This Porygon-2 is ‘Unknown’ and has the abilities of Trace and Analytic. Its known moves are: Conversion, Conversion 2, Tackle, Sharpen, Psybeam, Agility, Recover, Magnet Rise, Signal Beam, Discharge, Lock-on, Tri-attack and Zap Cannon. Scyther, the Mantis Pokémon. Its claws are sharp as swords, and it is a powerful flyer. This Pokémon is rarely seen by humans and almost never captured. This Scyther is Male and has the Abilities of Technician and Swarm. Its known moves are: Quick Attack, Focus Energy, Pursuit, False Swipe, Agility, Wing Attack, Fury Cutter, Slash, Double Team, X-Scissor and Night Slash. Tangela, a Vine Pokémon. Its body is wrapped in vines. The rest of its form is hidden beneath these vines. This Tangela is Female and has the ability of Chlorophyll. Its known moves are: Ingrain, Constrict, Sleep Powder, Vine Whip, Poison Powder, Growth, Stun Spore, Energy Ball, and Giga Drain. Rhyhorn, the Spike Pokémon. Rhyhorn is known for its physical power and its considerable offensive and defensive skills. This Rhyhorn is Male and has the ability of Rock Head. Its known moves are: Horn Attack, Scary Face, Smack Down, Stomp, Bulldoze, Chip Away, Rock Blast, Drill Run, Take Down, and Skull Bash. Dratini, the Dragon Pokémon. Dratini sheds its skin as it grows, often doing so while hidden behind large powerful waterfalls. This Dratini is Male and has the ability of Marvel Scale. Its known moves are: Wrap, Leer, Thunder Wave, Twister, Dragon Rage, Slam, Agility, Water Pulse and Iron Tail. Magneton, the Magnet Pokémon. The evolved form of Magnemite. Its heavy gravitational power allow it to float, and it can emit powerful magnetic and electric fields. This Magneton is ‘Unknown’ and has the Ability of Sturdy. Its known moves are: Tackle, Supersonic, Sonic Boom, Thunder Wave, Magnet Bomb, Mirror Shot, Thunderbolt, Metal Sound, Tri Attack, and Flash Cannon. Eevee, the Evolution Pokémon. Eevee is a unique Pokémon that can adapt to its environment by changing its form and abilities when evolving. This Eevee is Female and has the Ability of Adaptability. Its known moves are: Tackle, Swift, Quick Attack, Shadow Ball and Iron Tail. Lapras, the Transport Pokémon. Lapras enjoys carrying people on its back, and it understands what people are saying. This Lapras is Male and has the Ability of Shell Armour. Its known moves are: Sing, Confuse Ray, Ice Shard, Water Pulse, Body Slam, Rain Dance, Perish Song, Ice Beam, Brine, Hydro Pump and Safeguard. Larvitar, the Rock Skin Pokémon. Larvitar generally hatch deep within the earth and take a long time before coming to the surface. This Larvitar is Male and has the ability of Guts. Its known moves are: Screech, Hidden Power, Harden, Bite, Dig, Chip Away, Rock Slide and Scary Face. This Starly is Male, and has the Ability of Keen Eye. Its known moves are Whirlwind, Quick Attack, Wing Attack, and Growl. |