As Roland continued his war against the faith, it became clear that the sparrows were fighting a loosing battle. Roland watchmen were renamed the City Patrol. Eventually Roland switched their equipment to less fatal arms. Their round shields were replaced by large rectangular ones and while they still had swords, ther Patrol's first weapon was a truncheon. Unlike the standard design, these new truncheons were 3 feet long with a short side handle at the center. One end of the Shaft ended in a spike while the other end had a slight bulge for clubbing. The reason for this was not because Roland was squeamish, but for a more spiteful purpose. Roland took note that the Sparrows were willing to die for their cause. So Roland decided to rob them of such a previledge. His city patrol often used the spiked ends of their truncheons to stab at the feet of the fanatics often at the ankle or the knee joints thus crippling them and leaving them unable to continue their services to the faith.
The High Sparrow was in the ancient sept praying for guidence in this crusade. In only two weeks Roland was unraveling everything he had worked months to build.
He had been pleased with himself after the arrest of Lady Margaery. The new power and authority given to him by Queen Cersei allowed him to make real change in westeros, to bring those who break the sacred laws to justice. The arrest of the Tyrells was only the first step. When Brother Lancel told him the tale about Cersei, the High Sparrow understood what his next step would be the arrest of Queen Cersei.
Despite this progress, the High Sparrow could tell that brother Lancel was becoming tense. "Why are you troubled my son," the High Sparrow asked one day.
Lancel sighed, "Roland is returning to Kings Landing." he paused not wanting to say the next part. "Once he learns of what is happening here, it won't be long before he comes here and makes us release the Tyrells."
The High Sparrow smiled, "you have no need to fear brother Lancel. Cersei will soon reside in a cell next to the Tyrells. If Roland defies us he would defy the gods."
Lancel seemed uncinvinced. "Roland cares not for gods let alone the faith, if he wants something, or needs things toget done, He won't let anyone stop him, least of all the gods. One way or another Roland always gets things to go his way."
The High Sparrow smiled, "we have the people on our side. Should he prove to be cut from the same cloth as his older brother, than we shall despose of him."
"Do we have the many?" Lancel asked. "While it is true that the people have nothing but contempt for Cersei and Joffrey, the same cannot be said of Roland. When Joffrey fled from the battle at the Blackwater, Roland rallied the men to fight against the invaders. it was Roland that ended the Ironborn's reign of terror permanently. Lastly it was Roland that delivered justice for the Red Wedding. Roland had been well liked during his father's reign, but now after all he has done-"
The High Sparrow need not hear the rest. Roland seemed like a reasonable young man though. The High Sparrow believed that he could convince the King to permit their actions. "I'm sure he will be swayed to our side, once he sees our cause was virtuous."
Lancel shook his head, "You don't know him, Roland may be reasonable, but he is dedicated to his family first and foremost. Roland won't care, he would burn the city to the ground to protect his loved ones."
The High Sparrow was unconvinced, "I'm sure he will allow it once he learns that his mother killed his father."
Lancel shook his head. "Roland already knows and has long forgiven her for it, murderer or no that woman is still his mother. The woman who cared for him when he was ill, who slept by his side as a babe. Roland loves her for better or worse and he won't let us have her."
Alas Lancel's fears came true. On their first meeting The High Sparrow was shocked at Roland's contempt for the seven and his apparent 'Death Worship.' He didn't expect such an attitude from the king. It was almost like Joffrey albiet more reserved, nor did he expect for Roland to act so decisively. While the High Sparrow anticipated an attack but he didn't expect it to be during the hour of the wolf. Not only were many of his sparrows butchered and their corpses treated so horrifically, but he was ably to do it without spilling blood in the holy sept.
The High Sparrow later tried to appeal to his good nature, playing on his mother's love and how it flowed through the seven themselves. Instead Roland dismissed everything the High Sparrow said as ramblings of a lunatic. When that failed, he hoped to rouse the people of King's Landing against him. But once again Lancel was right. Turning the people against Cersei was one thing, but he found that the people were much less willing to fight against Roland.
Before Roland returned to the Capitol the Faith militant had 3,000 Poor Fellows and 500 Warrior's Sons. Now their numbers had dwindled to 200 Poor Fellows and 10 Warrior's sons. The High Sparrow had badly underestimated Roland and it had cost him dearly. Now that same boy was closing in on the sept itself, all the faith militant were now held up in the temple along with 490 of the High Sparrows noncombatant followers Septons, septas, silent sisters and begging brothers. It's won't be long before they had to make a last stand.
His fears came true when Roland finally marched on the great sept, he brought with him not soldiers but masons. The Sparrows bolted the door and the Stag and the Sparrow had their last conversation through the Septs great doors
"Looks like somebody doesn't have you're back anymore," Roland said.
"I fear for you Roland Baratheon," the high Sparrow replied, "I fear for your Mind, Body and Eternal Soul."
"The only mind body and soul you should fear for is that of those who followed you," Roland replied. "You led them into hell but neglected to learn how to find your way out."
"To die in the service of the gods would please all of us," The High Sparrow said happily, "we yearn for it."
"This could have been avoided, if you had accepted my offer of peace we could have found a way to resolve this. What kind of man of the Gods would choose war over peace."
"The kind that will fight to see justice done."
"Through violence and torture? You are no better than the ones you have the nerve to judge." Roland sneered. "Regardless I have no intention on storming the sept, I will not spill blood on holy ground. Let us see if the Gods you love so much can get you out of this. Good-Bye High Sparrow, you fought faithfully but I fear this little game we have played has come to an end. This Sept is your Temple, This Sept is your Tomb"
With that Roland descended down the steps and ordered the masons to come up. Stones and mortar was broght up as Roland ordered the Great Sept to be walled up. The doors, the windows, every crack and crevise sealed away to be forgotten. Archers were positioned to make sure the sparrows could not stop the work. Ladders were brought up so the higher windows could be sealed as well. By the next day the work was completed. Thus the Temple of the Seven became a Tomb for the Sparrows.
Olenna was pleased at how things were turning out, With her grandson safe in Highgarden and Margeary back with Tommen, House Tyrell's position in the royal court was now firmly in place. Olenna admitted disappointment that she was unable to secure a marraige between Roland and her granddaughter, but now thinking on it, Olenna decided it was for the best.
Joffrey was easy to manipulate, and Tommen easier. But Roland Baratheon was a different matter entirely, his sigil may have been a stag but it was clear he was nobody's prey. Sharp witted and sensible with a touch of sadism. He was the type of person who could speak so gently to an enemy that they wouldn't notice the dagger he was slipping through their ribcage. Margaery would have had a painstaking time swaying him to her. It was clear to Olenna that while Roland was no player, he understood the game. He understood perfectly, and he didn't care. It was this quality that made him dangerous.
'That is probably why he chose Sansa as his queen,' she thought. Sansa was a beautiful, sweet and innocent. She would not manipulate Roland as Margaery would do and she was unlikely to turn on him.
While they would not have as much influnce over affair as they would have hoped, Roland hard demeanor was useful as shown when he dealt with the High Sparrow. Perhaps they could work through Tommen to achieve their ends. But for now the rose would rest until spring arrived.
Myrcells and Trystane were having a casual walk in the Godswood, though they didn't have Water Gardens in the red keep, but the Godswood provided tranquility in it's own way and a place for the two to have some alone time.
"My brother seems to like you," Myrcella said.
Trystane smiled nervously, when he arrieved to the Capitol Roland had pulled him aside. "You seem like a decent young man, but be warned, if you hurt my sister, I will be hurting you." Trystane agreed to Roland's threat, while harsh it was understandable.
"I hope to gain his trust in the future," Trystane replied after a moment. "I also hope I can serve him well in my new position." He then plucked a flower from a nearby tree and put it in her hair. Myrcella smiled and her lips met his own."
"Awww, isn't that sweet," a voice said from behind.
Myrcella's eyes widened as Trystane whirled around to see his cousind Obara and Nymeria behind him with weapons drawn.
"What are you doing here?" he asked nervously.
Obara smirked, "we're here to kill you," she said in an obvious tone. "and your little princess too."
"So who do you choose?" Nymeria asked. "Obara, or me."
Tystane looked around for guards but no one seemed to be around, "My father will not let this go unanswered."
The Sand Snakes laughed, your father is weak and he won't be able to help you now or ever again."
Trystane's eyes widened and Myrcella gasped in shock, NNymeris smiled and drew her dagger, draw your sword prince, lets see if you can take us."
Trystane put his hand to his sword but shook his head. Regardless of what they had done he would not dishonor his father by sinking to their level. "You're my family," he pleaded. "I don't want to hurt you, please don't do this. Go home and I'll forget this happened."
The sand snakes scoffed and advanced further. Trystane finally drew his sword. "Now which one of you wants to die first?"
"How about you."
The two sand snakes turned and saw Roland standing there as calm as grass, smiling mischievously, he came forward and made no move to draw his sword. He chuckled, "you bitches and tate Viper's whore are so pathetically predictable."
The sand snakes glared at him for the insult and turned their weapons on him, "For that we'll kill you first," Obara snarled.
Roland's hands remained behind his back, "I must say I confess that I'm most disappointed, I expected you here days ago."
"How did you know?" Trystane asked.
Roland grinned, "because women never give up."
"It matter's not," Nymeria sneered. "Draw your sword and defend yourself king."
"I'm not going to do a thing," He replied for you see I won't need to." As he said this his dog Shadow came up behind him snarling at the two girls and baring his teeth.
Nymeria laughed, "you think your little pup is going to be enough to save you?"
Roland laughed, "No but I'm sure they will," Roland let out a shrill whistle and soon over a dozen large dogs revealed themselves behind the trees and encircled the sand snakes. Shadow came closer and two large direwolves flanked him. The larger direwolf was accompanied by Arya Stark who's hand was buried deep in the larger one's fur. Roland looked at Trystane and his sister, "go back to your chambers 'Cella', you don't need to see this." The couple hastened to obey leaving Roland alone with the sand snakes.
The Sand snakes looked aroundf fearfully, Obara turned to Roland, "Dorne will answer for this in blood if you harm us."
Roland scoffed, "dornishmen are strong in Dorne, but not so much any further north, the Battle of the Trident is proof of that. Besides before I'm done no one will believe you were ever here."
Roland then raised a hand and snapped his fingers, instantly the dogs lunged, a few whines could be heard from the dogs thatbthey had slain but what followed was the sreams of agony and terror from the two girls, the screams turned to squeals like a pig, then a gargle than nothing. The Dogs had their fill some starting to drag the larger bones away. Roland suspected that their ridiculous armour was adding to their misery but it didn't stop their deaths only prolonged it.
Satisfied with the spectacle, Roland turned around with Shadow in tow and a grin on his face.