The North had become a dreary place for Queen Daenerys Targaryen. Snow, ice, and demons were all that flashed through her mind as she rode with her Dothraki guard through the villages close to Winterfell. Sansa Stark, Queen in the North, had invited Daenerys to attend a feast held in the honor of her first born, a True Stark. A baby boy with raven hair and brown eyes. Sansa had taken on the position of Queen in the North after the War of the Dawn, as Arya had decided to go back to Storm's end with Gendry and Bran going beyond the wall with Meera Reed. Daenerys hadn't even dared to think of the other Stark, well Targaryen(but he would always say "I'm not a Targaryen"), after he had disappeared from her life and her heart three years ago.

As Daenerys rode through the village, she was reminded of all the things she had wanted to forget. After a sword of fire was plunged through the Night King's heart and Drogon and Rhaegal had fallen from the sky, she wanted to be nowhere near this dreary land again, but Sansa Stark had always been a formidable ally in the siege on King's Landing after the defeat of the dead. Daenerys had watched the life be choked out of Cersei Lannister by her own brother, Jamie Lannister, after he decided to ride north when Cersei refused to send Lannister troops to help defeat the dead. It seemed Jamie Lannister, who was at one time her worst enemy, had become one of her most formidable allies. It also didn't help that him and her other closest ally, Sansa, were married after the War of the Dawn, truly uniting all kingdoms. All houses sworn fealty to House Targaryen after the war. The Seven Kingdoms were once again a peaceful place, yet Daenerys felt no peace.

She had everything she ever dreamed of. Daenerys was the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms after all, the most powerful woman in the world. The Seven Kingdoms have never seen the kind of peace and prosperity that Daenerys had brought when she rode Drogon over the burnt down ashes of the Red Keep and brought with her a new hope. Daenerys had King's Landing rebuilt and more majestic than ever, and a new castle was born with a new throne. Done were the centuries of ruthless and dreadful Iron throne, a new throne made of shining Dragonglass had taken its place. Flea Bottom has become a hub for world trade and travel, as Daenerys saw fit to clean up the city and give pride back to her people. Daenerys was proud of what she had and all she accomplished, but she never was truly happy.

Daenerys was snapped out of her thoughts when they reached the gates of Winterfell, looking more green than she had ever seen it since Spring had arrived. Sansa and Jamie were there to greet her, as well as Arya and Gendry. He was nowhere to been seen. She didn't dare hope he would be there, after all it had been three years. Sansa guided Daenerys through the long winding halls of the castle, which seemed to shine with new light. Gone were the dreary black decorations, now filled with vibrant grey, red , and gold decorations resembling the merging off House Stark and House Lannister.

"Tyrion would have loved to be here." She thought mindlessly making her way through the castle. She always left Tyrion in charge whenever she needed to travel out of King's Landing. Tyrion was happy his former wife and brother found love after all that had happened to them. He always seemed to remind her that it was also time to move on with her life.

Daenerys couldn't help but be plunged back into memories again, as she hadn't been to Winterfell in years.

Heatful arguments in the Great Hall. Informal council meetings in the dining area. The chill of the winter air that never seemed to go away no matter how high the fire. Hours long discussions with Bran in the Godswood. Sparring lessons with Arya in the courtyard. Tyrion drinking himself in oblivion. Tormund and the Wildings eating their body weight In meat. Ser Davos telling stories of Shireen Baratheon to anyone that would hear. Lyanna Mormont laughing during a conversation with Ser Jorah. Drinking wine and talking with Sansa until morning light. Drogon and Rhaegal flying over Winterfell's walls. White Direwolf steps coming into her room quietly in the night. The fire framing his face when he learned he lost more of his men. Screaming matches of what to do when the Dead reach Winterfell. The feeling in the pit of her stomach at the thought of ever losing him. The fire in his gaze when they had stopped arguing from exhaustion. The desire looming in her when he touched her cheek. The world melting away when he finally kissed her after all those months ago, on the ship sailing from Dragonstone, which he never wanted to talk about. The soft gasp that came from him when she touched his scars, and kissed her way down his body not missing one. The way his hand entwined with hers when they finally came together again. The way he whispered "Dany" when they had reached their peak. The way he held her the entire night and kept her warm from the northern chill. The way he looked at her when they woke in the morning, and realized this was their last day on earth.

Bittersweet memories.

"Daenerys?", Sansa asked.

Daenerys was once again lost in thought for the second time that day.

"I apologize, Lady Sansa, I got lost in thought." Sansa gave her an empathetic look, as she knew what was running through Dany's mind as they had passed by his old room.

They had reached the Queen's chambers when Sansa finally said what she had wanted to say Dany since she arrived. Sansa said it every time she saw her friend.

"He will come back."

Daenerys entered the room.

"Thank you for your kindness, Sansa. I am quite tired from the journey. I'd like to rest now."

Sansa gave her an understanding nod and ordered all remaining guards out of the room.

Daenerys looked out of the large window in her room, and Winterfell had never looked so green. She wondered where he was after all these years, if he ever returned to Winterfell. She made sure his siblings never spoke of his whereabouts to her. She didn't want to know, and she was sure he didn't want her to know either.

He never wanted to wear the crown. She knew that from the beginning. He wasn't meant to be a King. He only accepted the role to help protect his people. She always admired him for that, as she was the same way. She wondered if he had traveled to Essos, as they would always talk about doing if they survived the long night. She wondered if he had a woman to warm his bed at night, as she had taken no other man after him. She wondered if he ever thought of her, as she always thought of him.

"I'm not a Targaryen", he said.

The war for the dead had been over for a week now. King's landing lie in ash, but Winterfell still stood tall. Daenerys had been named Queen of the Seven Kingdoms that day, and held the coronation in the Great Hall of Winterfell, as King's Landing was burnt to the ground. Cersei Lannister had kept her promise to burn down all she had tried to build. She had at least kept one promise before her death.

Bran Stark had returned to Winterfell the same day as the coronation. He had some starling news.

He stared awestruck and dumbfounded at Bran when he showed him the vision in the Weirwood.

He didn't say a word to her when he reentered Winterfell that night. Daenerys knew that he would never accept his true lineage. He always was a Stark, even if he never had the name. She never thought that this revelation would spell doom for him.

He never gave her a reason when he left in the middle of the night. She had been fast asleep in her chambers when she heard footsteps come in the door.

"I love you." It was she could say to him. She was a queen. A Queen didn't need to beg for a man to stay.

"I love you too." It was all he said to her that night and kissed her on the forehead and left.

She never thought he would come back to her. He was too stubborn for that. She could blame Lyanna Stark's blood for that she supposed. Daenerys would never love another like she loved him.

A knock on the door.

Missandei entered the room with another.

"Mother, what time is the feast?", a small voice crossed the room.

"In an hour, Rhayella. Go with Missandei and get ready. I want you to look your best."

She gave her daughter a kiss on the forehead and sent her on her way.

It was a month after he had left when she realized that life had sprouted in her womb. She had nearly fainted when the maester at the Keep told her she was with child. Hadn't she been cursed when the witch had taken her sun and stars from her? She didn't know if she wanted to cry of joy or sadness. All she knew is that no one would ever know it was his. Sansa and Tyrion the only ones who ever truly found out. They had kept their relationship a secret during the war. She touched her growing stomach, and cried.

As Rhayella exited the chamber, she thought of a black-haired man bouncing a baby girl with blonde hair and grey eyes on his knees. She thought of a house with a red door with a lemon tree growing outside the window.

She signed and turned back to the window, overlooking the spring that had just arrived.

If you think this story has a happy ending, you'd be wrong.