Forward notation.

I am NOT going to drop my primary story series Inheritance of Skyrim. I have every intention to continue both this story and Inheritance of Skyrim. This story will be slower in coming chapters. Because of this the Chapters will be longer most likely. I am going to be using various points of view and perspectives in the same chapters. This is the other side of the coin from Inheritance of Skyrim, where A Dragonborn, comes into Alagaesia. The Dragonborn is also at the height of his power. 35 years of age all shouts known, all DLC and such created. And been through the second Thalmor war.

For character reference

Leonde's skills are as follows and for the sake of story telling should be considered to have all perks in the following trees.

One handed dual wielding. (favor's blades)
Heavy armor

Destruction Magic

Restoration magic




Leonde does have all his other skills at 100 but very few perks in them. I was never satisfied with the 80 perks and made little sense more so when you consider that the legendary system allows you to relevel things. As a result he could be considered to have the CORE perks of them. Such as light armor's 5/5 perks for the armor to grant him double normal protection. Archery, sneak, as well as the novice through master perks for various schools of magic. More than the base 80 and less than the full 251 for every perk in the game

As for the inheritance Cycle, Galbatorix had 6 eggs from the fall of the riders. Three of them were stolen. The Blue, Green, and Red eggs. All three eggs had arrived to Eragon, and carried the remaining two with him. The Red Dragon Egg hatched for Murtagh while traveling with Eragon after Brom's death.

Rise of the Dragons

Chapter 1

The Dragon's Heart of Stone

By. R. Reichelderfer

Pain, anger and rage. All these moved through the mind and heart of Leonde Dragonheart. Everytime he looked at an elf all he could feel was the anger and hatred he held for their kind. The Second war with the Aldmeri Dominion had hardened his heart. The years had not been kind to the Dovahkiin. Destroying Alduin, defeating the Stormcloaks, defeating the plans of Harkon, and then stopping the return of Miraak. That had only been the start, The Aldmeri Dominion launched their war. For fifteen years from the day he avoided summary execution in Helgen he had been fighting.

Now as he looked down at the statue of Stalhrim containing the bones of his mentor. Paarthunax. Killed in the Summerset isles. Clutched in grip of his mentor were the Three elder scrolls. Safe, secure. The scroll of Blood in his right claw, Sun in his left, and Dragon scroll was held in his teeth. Leonde at 35 years of age was in his prime. The last Dragonborn was Tiber Septim, and he had assumed the Imperial Dragon Throne. While the Emperor Titus Mede II dead, his sole surviving Heir, his daughter extended her hand in marriage. As a way to protect her self from the ambition of the Dragonborn.

Leonde turned it down. All he could feel what intense anger and rage. The War with the Thalmor had turned him bitter. He had seen the elves do things to humans that should never have been done. So now he was looking else where. "I wish it was as easy to stop hating as it was to start." He spoke. The blue white ice tomb was carved and shaped into the form of a dragon rearing up to face the rising sun, wings spread. As he approached he recalled the vision he had beheld.

He was trying to make sense of what he saw, a man riding a black dragon slaying man, and elf, dragon, and shattering eggs. A field of dead dragons and shattered eggs. Finally a series of eggs survived held the the man's grasp. White, Yellow, Brown, Green, Red and Blue. He watched as the Red, Green, and Blue eggs escaped the grasp as he closed his fist. He could see three more people, two young men and one clearly an elven woman standing beside three dragons. The three of them stood before a bloody battlefield.

Odahviing landed beside him as the Snow at the Throat of the world blew off on the Wind the mountain trembled under the weight of the dragon landing.. "Drem Yol Lok Dovahkiin." Looking to the massive Red Dragon. Odahviing was a comfort to him as Leonde told Odahviing of his dream. As he did, the sound of cracking ice came as the jaws of Paarthunax began to open up and with it fell out the Elder scroll. The claws also opened up and released the scrolls of Sun and Blood. As they hit the ground, Leonde reached down to pick the scrolls up. Holding them he placed them in a bag.

Odahviing looked to Leonde as he reached up to remove his Daedric helmet and said, "Last night I prayed to Father Akatosh. I am so full of anger and hatred to the elves for what I saw during the war. I was sent a vision of the Time wound, and of another world." He said as he explained the vision, and Odahviing thought and said. "Perhaps a new battlefield, you said one was an elf maiden? hmmm Perhaps her kind can help you seek the peace you desire. You did what was needed for the war."

There was no doubt to that, but Leonde could only remember how the elves retreated from Skyrim, salting the land, destroying every town and city in the retreat, killing prisoners, summoning all sorts of daedric creatures to cause problems. Even attempts to burn large tracts of forest down. Skyrim was still suffering from the invasion, people were starving. and there wasn't a damn thing Leonde could do to help them all. Collapsed mines, fell mountain to block paths. Destroyed docks. They even locked large amounts of their human captives in wooden buildings and burned them down to deny both man power and domestic services. Man, Woman, and child. None were spared.

The Solitude arch collapsed. The college of Winterhold destroyed, texts on magic from the second era, all destroyed. For the elves said knowledge and history begins with them. The thing was it was the High elves, the Thalmor that had caused all this. Yet when he saw Dunmer, Bosmer, all he could see and know was his anger. Thinking on it and realized perhaps Odahviing was right. He knew how to travel to this land. But he was not going to go un prepared. "Come with me Odahviing. Come help me."

The Elder Dragon looked at Leonde as the Imperial took off his Daedric helmet. With a Simple nod The Great Dragon once more pledge himself to his friend.


Having gathered his supplies. He was glad that Odahviing did not mind carrying things up to the top of the Throat of the World. Nearly a thousand pounds of equipment, well most of it just raw materials. Leather, Ebony, Daedric hearts, fully charged grand soul gems Empty soul gems. Other forging materials including Gold ingots, gems and other materials. Leonde was not going to run out of needed supplies. And if he needed he would forge new armor and weapons. Leading his Horse up to the peak of the Throat of the World. Leonde began to approach the Time wound. The time wound that allowed him to learn Dragonrend.

Leonde also checked his weapons and made sure that Dragonrend the sword was securely wrapped. He had reforged it after the betrayal of the Blades. They had given him an ultimatum, Kill Paarthunax or they would refuse to serve him. Leonde had been enraged. He told them, they had come to him, that he would have discovered it was Alduin, and learned how to defeat him in time. With or without their help. And that they broke their oath of service. They were blades no more. And Then gave them a week to leave HIS Sky Haven Temple. After the death of Alduin, they attacked Leonde. Delphine had Stolen Dragonbane from his home and in an attack on him and Odahviing, tried to kill them both.

The resulting battle shattered Dragonbane, and now he had reforged it, making it stronger and more powerful. In fusing it with the very essence of Dragonrend. And now he had it tightly sealed in a silk wrapping. Reaching for the Dragon Elder Scroll he could feel Odahviing grow closer. At that point the sky began to darken, and rumble. And then finally he opened the scroll to read it.


Arya, Eragon and Saphira were speaking on a mound that Arya had indicated, as Arya finished explaining to Eragon the nature of her debt to him. Wind began blowing. In Farthen Dur that was all but impossible. The Caldera of the Volcano protected it from the weather. As what appeared to be Storm clouds formed over the sparing area causing the fighters to scatter and take cover. The area even from over half a mile away was subjected to gale force winds, stronger than what Eragon had encountered on the Plains. Lightning and thunder ripped and echoed through the caldera,. Repeated strokes of lightning impacted the ground and finally with a massive explosion a smoking cloud was left that filled an area that was nearly a quarter size of Tronjheim.

A massive and thunderous roar came as Eragon, Saphira, and Arya heard three words erupt. "LOK VAH KOOR" and in that one instant the Clouds and smoke moved away rapidly in wisps of Mist and vapor. Leaving Arya, Eragon and Saphira utterly speechless. Before the sparing fields was a massive Red Dragon. Wings spread as he lifted his head up and roared out as if to announce his presence. The Roar echoed through all of Farthen Dur. The sound was so loud that the massive icicles began to break and fall. The dragon roared a second time as if it was responding to his own echoed Roar. "LOK VAH KOOR" The roar echoed through Farthen Dur and as it seemed to cause the massive icicles to simply explode into a shower of snow that blew away and melted in mid air.

If Farthen Dur had not noticed the arrival of the Dragon, surely by now with such a display all of Farthen Dur was away of his arrival. Arya was almost left Speechless. The sight of such a large and ancient dragon made her both fearful and hopeful. Saphira's eyes grew wide as the massive dragon turns his head and then looked right at her. His glow red eyes bore into her. "We must go, there is a rider beside the dragon!" Arya Shouted breaking them out of their stunned silence. Eragon Fearful and unsure if he was ready to fight another Rider jumped upon Saphira's saddle as Arya joined them. With a flap of her wings she took off from the floor of the Caldera and soared to meet with or do battle with the new arrivals.


Watching Odahviing Use Clear Skies to shatter the massive Icicles, Leonde clad in his Red Daedric armor looked up at Odahviing. With the display that brought them here, followed by the roaring shouts. Leonde turned his head to Odahviing. "Subtle you are not." All it did was was elect a dark chuckle from the old dragon. By now Leonde could see a number of short stocky people with beards that reminded him of the ancient depictions of the Dwemer, or Dwarves. Then there were also humans, in armor in shock as the stocky folk had begun to take up arms. Against this many Leonde and Odahviing knew the pair of them were in trouble.

"The Blue Dovah comes." Turning his head he could see the blue dragon approach them as he could see a young man with brown hair, and behind him a sight that made his skin crawl and temper grow. An Elf maiden. To most people her beauty would have dumbfounded any one, but to Leonde, her beauty was lost on him. All it did was conjure memories of war, fire and death. He watched the Dragon land, she was small much smaller than Odahviing who was easily eight times her size. Simply by looking at her Leonde knew she was a dragoness. Her sapphire scales were beautiful, her eyes held a fierceness. He looked to the human, young, inexperienced. and wary as he held a Red Sword. It also soured his stomach as it was of Elf make. Leonde decided he would change that.

A Shout from the elf made one of the short stocky people on the field, bristle and then he issued an order which made the others of his kind hold their ground. By now they were surrounded. Armed men ready to charge. It made the situation tense, but Leonde looked at the arrows and could see that they were of minimal danger. Simple steel arrow heads, not anything special. But even a steel arrow could get lucky. Added to the face more and more people were arriving. Finally after a few tense moments Turning his eyes to the Dragoness he watched as Odahviing turned his head baring his teeth and lowered his face to the young dragoness. "A traditional greeting may be unwise Odahviing my friend."

Inhaling her scent, baring his teeth and then growled out. "Drem Yol Lok, Dovah Briinah." The fact that Odahviing spoke seemed to shock Both the blue Dovah, but also the human and the elf. The fact she did not reply seemed to surprise Odahviing. And in a deep growling voice he spoke, "Pook Joorre, you stink of mortals. You do not know the language of your own kind do you? Krosis, Sorrow." Odahviing said pulling back.

"I do not think she nor her kin can speak Odahviing. They were very surprised when they heard you speak." Leonde said as he reached up to pull off his Helmet. Leonde's black hair came down, strong features and blue eyes were piercing. A jagged scar ran down the left side of his face from an elven blade. Leonde stood almost six feet tall, with the young man a good five or six inches shorter than him. He made Leonde think of a Breton in height and general appearance. Finally the young man called out. "Are you friend or foe?"

It made Leonde smirk as Odahviing laughed, his laughing was so loud it sent tremors through the ground. When Odahviing finished his laugh Leonde said, "If I had come as a foe, do you think we would be speaking, or allow ourselves to be surrounded?" At that point Leonde could see two bald men in robes and Tattoo approach pushing their ways through the crowds, and in a commanding voice one said, "You will be silent, speak again and you will die! Now drop your weapons and remove your armor or you will die."

That made Leonde bare his teeth. and reach for one of his blades. "Let's..." and a bolt of energy was fling from one of their hands striking Leonde in the Chest. Knocking him back with a stagger. His armor shimmered and reduced the impact and effectiveness of the spell greatly. The Spell had been intended to kill him. But the resist magic enchantment on his armor protected him. The Thu'um built in his throat as he retaliated with the full force of his Thu'um.


A blast wave of energy ripped through the two men knocking them from their feet. It also knocked the men behind them off guard and down. Leonde rushed as he drew one of his Daedric swords. Odahviing roared out lashing with his tail making it impact the ground, forcing it to tremble knocking many people off guard as Leonde rushed at them. He had not intended to kill them, simply teach them a lesson. As his blade came up a deep commanding voice roared out.


Leonde's sword had come to with in inches of the face of one of the two men. Instantly they retaliated, One of them repeated the spell that hit Leonde with such force it had blown him back through the air as it left both twins utterly exhausted. The impact issued a flash of light as he hit Odahviing who bared his teeth ready to feast upon the two. Leonde felt the burn in his chest as he landed and still holding his sword, stood up. At that point a new man had joined the area. The man had skin almost as dark as ebony. He held an air of command. Both of them had their weapons drawn. He reminded of Leonde of a Redguard.

Odahviing snared making the soldiers recoil as he looked at the man with Ebony skin who did not back down. Looking at him Leonde knew that this man was the leader, standing up with the chest of his armor unphased. The enchantments on his armor already healing the minor injuries the spells had given him, "Your two mage's need to learn manners and their places." Holding his Red Daedric blade in his hand he looked to the dark man began to approach him.

"I am Ajihad Leader of the Varden." He spoke with an air of absolute authority.

Lifting his Daedric sword up over his head Leonde placed it into the scabbard on his back twisting it and clicking it into place where it would be safe until he drew it. His eyes drifted past the mages and addressed Ajihad.

"Leonde Dragonheart. I hale from a land called Skyrim, on the Continent of Tamriel" Since Leonde had come here alone, and had no additional forces planned to join him. There was no need for him to state his titles. "This is my friend and companion Odahviing." Ajihad held his sword tightly. "As I explained. If I was here as your enemy we would not be speaking."

"This does not mean we consider you friends." He said, Leonde tilted his head and gave a respectful smile to Ajihad As the two bald men had regained their composure. "Answer me this. How did you come to enter this place."

"I entered through the Power of the Elder Scroll." Reaching into his pack to pull out one of the Elder Scrolls. "They are artifacts of incredible power. They are fragments of the forces that created the world and universe." As Leonde held the scroll Ajihad could feel it's power, even Arya who approached. The Twins approached and then commanded.

"You will hand that over to us now." One of them said as Leonde moved back to his horse.

"Over my dead body."

"That can be arranged." one of them said.

Looking at Ajihad Leonde said, "If I am attacked again, there will be bloodshed." Odahviing bared his teeth as he also spoke, "And if you think the Little Dovah can stop my attacks, she will be crushed under foot as easy as she would crush a rabbit."

"Enough!" Came the voice of the elf maiden. "Ajihad I can feel the power coming from that item he has. Odahviing is not just a dragon, he is a wild dragon. He is not a rider's dragon. Leonde has no control or influance over Odahviing." Turning to address Leonde as he placed the Scroll back into his backpack. "Why have you come here?"

Looking at the elf. Her voice to Leonde was like nails on a blackboard, to Leonde at least. Turning to look over at the young man, Thus far he had remained in the saddle of his dragon, ignoring the elf and approaching the young man. "I have come to help you. I have beheld a vision, of a man riding a great black dragon, before him was a great slaughter. The bodies of dragons, men, and elves,"As Leonde spoke with some clear disdain as the word elves rolled off his tongue, "laid before him. A field of the dead that ran with blood of shattered eggs laid before him. In his hand he held six eggs. Eggs of White, Brown, Yellow, Red, Green, and Blue. The Dragon eggs of Red, Green, and blue had been torn from his hand before he closed his fist. Then I beheld warriors three, Warriors astride three dragons. Blue, Red, and Green. Two young men, one... an elf Maiden."

"I used the power of the Elder Scroll to bring myself my horse, and Odahviing here." He said explaining to the young man.

"If you are here to help then your mind will be examined." The Two twins said approaching Leonde. "Remove the barriers from around your mind, or we will rip them asunder and take what we wish." Odahviing gave a warning growl as Leonde lifted his hand up and said,

"Your wills against mine," Leonde began to laugh. "So be it!."

The two said, "Enough of this." And placed their hands on Leonde's head they began assaulting his mind. Instantly Leonde summoned his will to keep them out. And then building his strength he began to counter attack. Instantly the Twins screamed out in pain as Odahviing laughed. Leonde opened his eyes as he spoke.

"Is that it? Is that all your power? Is that all your strength?" Leonde said as waves of pain came through him, and he sent a wave of sheer anger and rage into the Twins. The Twins recoiled and tried to break the connection as he closed his eyes and did his best to force his way into their minds, they managed to sever the connection and recoil. They were sent to the ground trembling and shuddering. curled up into balls.

"If they can not breech your defenses, then I shall." The voice came to him like nails on stone scratching as the elf spoke.

"Why, Why must I submit to having my mind inspected?" Leonde demanded to know. His anger was apparent. It was the young boy who spoke.

"Because there is a traitor in the Varden. When I came here even I had to have my mind inspected by the twins. They are attempting to ferret, out who is working for Galbatorix, the Dark king on the black dragon you spoke of." Leonde looked to the young boy as he dismounted from the dragon sword still held in his hand. Leonde's mind turned to the twins. "The Varden's allies have all been destroyed with perfect accuracy."

"Are these two the only ones who are inspecting the minds of people in the Varden?" Leonde ask looking to Ajihad.

"Yes, they are the only ones strong enough to accomplish the task."

"Have they had their minds and memories inspected." Leonde asked

"They have been here since before I took leadership of the Varden."

"Since when does that mean they can't turn traitor?" Leonde said approaching Ajihad. "You have had them examine everyone's minds and yet they haven't found any traitors?" Turning to face the elven woman, then to Ajihad. "Do you trust her?"

"With out question." Was the response sharply.

"Inspect their minds." Leonde turned to face Arya. "Someone had to betray the Varden and I will consider allowing my mind to be inspected." Leonde stood at full height, staring down Ajihad.


Eragon watch this dark warrior, dark in that his armor. For once he was actually scared of fighting someone, well the fact that Saphira was scared of him for some reason. She couldn't Identify it, but something about this man frightened her. She did all she could to hold the fear down as the much larger dragon stood there far larger than anything he could have imagined. He remembered how Brom had said they could be mistaken for large hills. And wondered how old this dragon had to be.

Arya had positioned her self between them and Leonde. He wasn't sure what she could do against Odahviing. The Fact that Odahviing could speak, meant that he could work magic. And seemed to have done so. In hindsight both Eragon and Saphira realized that the Roars were spells, that cleared the air of the area around then and then shattered and spread the icicles out so they would do no harm. But the languages he spoke wasn't the Ancient language. And Saphira had said, /~Those words, they are full of power, no they are power.~/

He held Zar'roc tightly and for once wished Murtagh was here. When Leonde tried to have the Twin's mind inspected. The recollection of what happened made Eragon speak up after a little prompting by Saphira. "Why not, why haven't their minds been probed? Do the Dwarves know all the secrets of the Varden Ajihad? All their suppliers?"

Turning to look at Eragon. The tone of the young rider's was not a challenge but an honest Question. At this point The Twins had begun to regain consciousness.

"Until Arya's return no one was powerful enough to do the job." Ajihad said which prompted Leonde to ask.

"And when did your supporters and allies outside of here start to be attacked?"

Blinking at that Ajihad said. "Our Allies had begun to be persecuted with perfection shortly after we got word of Arya gone missing."

Leonde continued as the Twins were turning a bit pale. "How many people in this place know of all your allies in this place? And in all that time These two did not once point anyone out as guilty of the crime of betrayal?"

Ajihad's eyes opened wider and looked at the Twins. As if some veil had been lifted from his eyes. "The Two of you will submit to Arya inspecting your memories."

Both of the Twins had started to take steps back. At that point Eragon recalled that spell they had wanted him to invoke. The Essence of Silver, "Arya if I have invoked the essence of Silver, what would have happened?"

"If you had not been killed, you would have been incapacitated for hours, if not days." She said very firmly.

Leonde finally asked. "Have there been enemy troops marching into the areas surrounding this place? If so, Do you think the Blue Dovah would fight with her rider incapacitated?"

At that point the Twins look of fear turned into snarls, one screamed, "Damn you!", and his brother lifted his hand with at Eragon recoiling as Saphira backed away. A blast of Ice tore around them as three words came out in a roar.


At that point Both the Twins were covered in ice, seemingly frozen solid. Ice cold ice vapor drifted off of them as they did not move. Taken back as people Turned their eyes to this new warrior. Reaching into his pack he tossed out a pair of Shackles to Ajihad. "They are not dead, just stunned. Put those bindings on their Wrists, it will drain the magic from their bodies faster that they can recover it." Cold ice vapor came from his mouth.

Catching the shackles Ajihad looked at them as Leonde said, "Don't think of putting those on me. They won't work on me." Handing the shackles off to someone,

"Bind them." Ajihad said and tossed the bindings to two soldiers and with it Ajihad locked eyes to Leonde as Arya came closer.

"I will not let an elf touch my mind. I would sooner let the boy." Leonde said with some disgust.

That made Eragon blink in surprise as the Twins recovered from the spell on them and they began to try and cast spells attempting to use a handful of worlds only to have their magic fail. Looking at Leonde Eragon began to dismount Saphira as he asked. "Why do you want me to do it instead of Arya. What did she do to you?"

"It's not what she did. It what the elves did to to my lands." Making a motion to the scar on his face Eragon listened. "The Elves in the lands I come from consider themselves above humans. They did not like how humans worshiped the gods. So the Elves made war upon us. Twice. The salted our lands, killed men, women, children."

"I do not believe you. You lie No elf would do these things!" Arya said accusingly.

Coming right up and staring at Arya in her face, Leonde said. "I do not give a damn what you choose to believe."

"Enough." Ajihad said pushing Leonde to stand back. Looking up at Odahviing when the dragon growled. "You have proven your might with magic. You are powerful I will not deny that. And the Varden can surely use another strong spell caster, but also another dragon."

Walking away from them Leonde said addressing Eragon. "Let that be two lessons for you. The First elves will not hesitate to disagree with you if your opinions do not match their own points of view. And speak out against you." That got an almost rile from Arya as he said. "Second. Don't let your self be consumed with hatred, you will find it is not as easy to stop hating as it is to begin."

Finally the Twins were bound and gagged forced to their knees as Arya turned from Leonde. And approached the Twins who spat at her, finally they screamed out as Arya pushed her way into their minds. Despite their attempts they could not hide anything from her probe. Finally after a bit she recoiled. "Their orders were to incapacitate in preparation for the Urgal army to attack. They are marching now. They will be attacking within one day." Arya said firmly. "The shade Durza leads them." The words made everyone shudder. "but they have no knowledge of who this man or dragon is. They have been in contact with Galbatorix for a very long time."

"Seems you have no choice. You have to trust me. Now what is this Shade Durza?" Leonde asked.

"A Shade is sorcerer possessed by evil spirits. Granting them great strength and speed beyond a normal man." Arya explain.

"Then I will deal with him myself." Leonde said.

Arya scoffed. "You overestimate your self."

Reaching up to take hold of one of his blades as Leonde Barred his teeth. "Or perhaps it is you who underestimate me Elf."

At that point Leonde and Arya were being give room as people spread out. Clearly this was going to be a clash where no one wanted to get in between them.


With lighting fast strikes, Arya and Leonde clashed in sword play. Arya was hard pressed to actually try and strike Leonde. His body had some form of magical shielding around it. As if some sort of Barrier was deflecting the vast majority of her strikes. As a result she had to fight Leonde as if he was honestly attempting to kill her. And judging from his fighting style he was indeed attempting to kill her. With twin blades wicked and jagged he blocked and struck with speed and cunning, striking and parrying. His speed was beyond human, in fact it was boarding on the level of elven speed. At first she thought his armor would impair his ability to fight, but he was so accustomed by it that he moved around in it. She had tried to strike at him when he exposed vulnerable areas.

But the enchantments, and the armor it's self was preventing her from dealing a crippling blow. The armor was unlike anything she had ever encountered. Even at the thinnest areas it held the strength of elven forged armor, perhaps even stronger. Finally she struck across the chest of the armor as hard as she could, putting all her strength and power into the strike. She was attempting to cleave through the armor and was shocked and horrified to see that the armor was left unscratched. As she understood magic, that one blow would have cleaved through any human armor. The protective wards to protect against it damage would have required some serious power, perhaps enough to make the enchantments weaken or break. Even exhaust him.

But nothing, the most difficult part of the fight was the fact he was very used to fighting enemies who moved faster and were stronger then him. Although his strength was great, even for a human. As he struck with speed and power. His desire to win and prove himself only made him fight harder. And even though she had endurance, she was not fully recovered from the Poison Durza had given her, even as quickly as an elf recovers, Arya found her strength and endurance starting to falter, and weaken. Emboldened by her weakness Arya made one desperate gamble, acting as if she had lost her strength she allowed Leonde move in and then recover striking for his head.

Once more she underestimated Leonde because as her blade came for his unarmored head he moved his head blade and brought his blade up as hard as he could. While blunted on the back of the blade, there was enough force that Leonde broke her right arm with a sharp crack. Arya screamed out and tried to pull back. There was no pause, lifting his left leg up he brought his armor boot down on her left shin. Making her stumble as he snapped the bone clean through. A scream issued from Arya as she cast a spell to make him stop. "Jierda!" She used all her remaining strength, and to her horror it washed over him without effecting him. And with it she went to one knee as he spun around and brought his sword down at her neck and feeling the gust of wind from it and then nothing.

The Blade was held less than an inch away. Looking at Leonde, she could see the hatred in his eyes, the desire to kill. The burning rage. Finally he stepped back from her and said, "Challenge me again at your own peril." Lifting up his blades he sheathed them on his back scabbard. She watched as a golden glow enveloped his right hand and then he cast a spell at her. Instantly it filled her with energy. The energy healed her broke arm as she could feel the bones shifting and pulling back into their proper place painlessly and heal. Her shin bone straightened out as she could feel it heal and Knit.

Holding the energy she watched Eragon approach. "You are using magic with out the Ancient Language?!" She was amazed that this warrior could use magic as well, and so effectively.

"No this magic doesn't need words." Leonde said as he lifted his other hand and continued to channel healing magic into her she could feel all the aches and pains vanish. She was amazed that he could use magic to this level without showing signs of fatigue. She had sorely underestimated his power and strength. With one last healing spell she felt all her strength, and stamina return. All the weeks of torture by Durza had physically been removed. She stood up as he stopped channeling magic.

"You are truly a powerful and skilled warrior. But in order to slay Durza, you will need to pierce his heart." Arya said with some reservation but a collective gasp that she had been defeated, had left people stunned.

"I thought the spar between Eragon and Arya was impressive." Orik said.

Standing back Leonde looked to Eragon as he asked. His tone was much softer, "Now, I can't exactly go around calling you boy. So tell me, what is your name?"

Eragon was uneasy as Arya knew for some reason Saphira was scared of him. "My name is Eragon." He said.

Looking to Ajihad, Leonde asked, "Wouldn't it be a good idea to prepare this place for battle sir? Don't worry I won't keep them too long." Ajihad inhaled and nodded. He did not Like this, but now he had no choice. His hand was forced, he had to trust the stranger as well as his dragon. Ajihad however took his sword and after a look to Arya took the heads of the Twins off one at a time.

She stayed near Eragon and back ready to defend Eragon as Leonde began to walk around.

"Alright let's see what you are made of. If you would take off your shirt." Looking to Arya she gave no inclination of her opinion but watched Leonde more intently. Eragon did as he said and removed his shirt allowing Leonde to see his lean and muscular form. She also kept an eye on Odahviing who seemed to be eying Saphira.

Walking around Leonde took a look at his body and noticed a mark on his right hand. "Where did you get the mark on your Right hand?"

"It's the Gedwëy ignasia. The Rider's mark." Eragon explained.

Arya spoke up at that point explaining that it was the bond between Rider and Dragon. Odahviing snorted and expressed his disgust with the idea of binding himself with a Joore, a mortal. Until Leonde Pointed out that Odahviing has already pledged himself to him. It got more that a few chuckles out of Odahviing. Leonde doing his best to try and be cordial said, "I believe it may be worth while to understand and worth the effort to investigate this bond. It might be the key to ensuring peace between the dragons and man in our lands."

Eragon inquired about what Leonde was speaking of. Leonde's reply, "It would take much longer to explain than we have." Continuing his inspection, Leonde said. "As for you Eragon. Strong and lean, well trained. I am impressed, I am guessing correctly that your training began in less than a year's time?" When Eragon confirmed Leonde smiled. "I do not have the time to forge you a proper set of armor, or a proper sword. But I did craft these before I arrived." And reaching into his pack he pulled out two Golden Rings, an amulet, and what looked like a circlet all with bright blue Sapphires.

"He doesn't have your strength to fuel the wards." Arya said.

"Wards?" Eragon asked as Arya explained knowing that the Twins would have lied to her about Eragon's proficiencies.

"Wards are protective magic that block spells and physical attacks from harming you. They draw on power only when you are subjected to effects that would trigger them. If the spells draw too much it will kill him."

"That..." Leonde said "May be true for your magic. Not mine. The item it's self holds all the energy needed to provide enough protection without the need to draw on energy from someone's body. The Same spells on my armor are held in here. It will help shield you from all physical attacks, and help you resist most all spells cast at you. It will not make you invincible, but it will reduce the force of blows that hit you. And reduce the power of spells both hostile and friendly significantly. So be cautious in battle. And they will serve you well."

When Arya had asked to inspect them and the spells placed upon them, Leonde was more that a little annoyed. But Eragon's request that she be allowed convinced Leonde to hand her the items. Inspecting each and everyone she was very surprised. Both by the twin enchantments, but also the potency and the fact it did not draw on the wearer's strength. "These are valuable and mighty gifts. They will do as he says."

Handing them back to Leonde, he presented Eragon with the items. "I forged and enchanted them, myself."

Accepting them Eragon placed them on his fingers the amulet and the Circlet. "They are a kingly gift. Thank you."

"When time permits and I have the means. I will forge for you armor, a shield, and a sword the likes of which that have never been seen in these lands. Now time to see to your dragon." That Made Eragon a little nervous as Saphira moved back spreading her wing.

"She's... Nervous of you." Eragon Said.

"No she's scared. But does not know why. My Friend, Odahviing. Would you give voice and reason to her fear?" Leonde asked of his friend. Saphira snort when Leonde called her out on her fear. The Massive dragon began to move around now.

Lowering his massive head to the smaller dragon his jaws would have been large enough to bite her in half. Knowing she could not speak the dragon language he spoke to her in English. "You fear him for what he is, He is Dovahkiin. All Dovah... dragons fear him. He is... Dragon Killer." Saphira listened as Odahviing said Dragon Killer and then recoiled in shock and horror. Even Eragon was horrified. Arya had reached for her own blade at this point as Odahviing continued. "In our land we killed mortals, destroyed their cities, feasted on the flesh of mortals. We followed the First Born, Alduin, who ruled over mankind. They were our slaves, a time I remember with fondness. Alduin first born of Akatosh was defeated, and banished. But he returned. And so did we, as he resurrected us, we continued to slaughter and destroy. Intent to once more Rule the world of the mortals. Alduin was our leader, our Lord. And we obeyed him."

"Father Akatosh, Sent into the world The Dovahkiin. He who defeated the first born of Akatosh and freed us from the Lordship of Alduin. He has proven himself twice over, I gladly and freely follow his Thu'um, his voice."

Looking at Leonde, Eragon asked with shock and revulsion "Your a Dragon Slayer?"

"Remember what Odahviing said, Mortals were the Dragon's slaves, a time he fondly remembers. Dragons are creatures of Raw untamed power and beauty Eragon. Once I slew Alduin, Dragon attacks dropped sharply. Without him ruling the Dovah, There was a real chance for peace. Perhaps one of the reasons why I have been brought here is to find a way to replicate this bond in the lands I come from. I do not take pleasure when I am forced to kill." Slowly he approached Saphira with Odahviing moving around her stalking as if she was some small animal. The Blue Dragoness stood her ground keeping her eyes locked on Leonde at all times.

"Who is Akatosh?" Arya Asked.

"Akatosh is the Dragon God of Time. Chief of the nine divines."

"A God sent you into your lands, I have heard of nothing more ridiculous. There are no gods..." At that last statement Arya was forced to jump and evade Odahviing's attack. His tail had lifted up and slammed down into the ground leaving a Furrow as his tail swept along the ground.

"You dare doubt my word as truth, since the fall of the elves when they slaughtered and butchered men to prove their dominance I have not dined upon tender elf flesh." With drool slipping from his massive jaws. The massive dragon swung his head around snapping at Arya, "Only the Dovahkiin could have felled Alduin, his first triumph was at the Throat of the world, Facing defeat, Alduin fled to Sovngarde, to feast upon the souls of the mortal dead. A privilege he jealously guarded, The Dovah assembled and using our combined voices opened a portal to witness the battle. I was among them and watched the Dovahkiin fell Alduin." And with a deep threatening growl he asked Arya, "Do you doubt my word Elf thing?"

Staring Odahviing down Arya looked between Eragon, Saphira and Leonde who spoke up and said. "See what I mean Eragon, If your point of views do not match up with the elven belief. They will not hesitate to speak out against you."

Arya realizing that she could not argue with the Dragon said, "No I will not argue with you again." She could see clearly the contented smile on Leonde's lips as he turned to Saphira to ask.

"And what is your name Dragoness?" Eragon was the one who replied to Leonde as he started walking around her inspecting her.

"Her name is Saphira."

"Lean but strong. Claws... nicely curved and sharp. Legs strong. Wings..." And at the inspection She spread her wings wide and open as Leonde smiled. "Well defined. All in all. fine and healthy. Strong. There is only one more thing." Moving away from the group Leonde stood ready. "Come, Let me taste of your voice, your fire." Saphira blinked at him. "Come let me feel your fire." The request shocked Saphira as well as Arya and Eragon. Saphira looked to Odahviing who gave a nod of confirmation, inhaling Saphira opened her mouth and Tried to send forth a massive gout of fire, Leonde could feel the heat from her breath and while intense it was not flame. Unlike the dragons he was used to, he could see she did not speak words.

"Come now, is that it? Surely you can do more." Leonde said in an almost chiding tone. "Imagine all the anger you have felt, take it, bottle it, feel the raging fire of your slaughter kin. The smashed eggs. Take the pain, feel it in your gut, and give voice to your rage." The chiding words had struck a cord of anger as she did as he said, recalling the rage she felt when she learned of the Ra'zac, the sight of carnage at Yuzac. The Rage of her slaughtered ancestors, her kin, and the false King. Finally Leonde said, "Now Let me taste of your fire!"

And now she felt the emotions boil in her belly like a sickness and inhaling once more this time she roared opening her mouth as a massive gout of blue flame erupted from her mouth. The Fire engulfed Leonde as for a few moments all they could see was his form in the stream of fire. After a few moments the fire ended and having expected Leonde to be harmed he stood there in a middle of the scorched ground armor smouldering, but Leonde was generally unharmed other that his hair lightly singed.

"Not bad for a first time. It will only get stronger in time." Leonde said. "Now my vision beheld another male rider on a red dragon, and an elven maiden upon a green dragon. Where are these four?" Leonde asked. For now he was trying to be polite and courteous with Arya. Even though she could see in his eyes the disdain.

"The Green Dragon egg has yet to hatch, and the Rider of the red dragon. There are complications." Arya said.

Lifting an eyebrow "Indeed, then I will sort these complications out. I assume you are the only elven maiden in this place?"

With a nod of her head. Leonde spoke, "You fight like an elven noble. I assume you are the ambassador between the elven people and here."

"I was the courier of all three eggs for fifteen years. And I spoke for Queen Islanzadí for nearly seventy between the Varden elves and Dwarves."

The talk of Dwarves caught Leonde's attention but he was more focused on the fact he did get confirmation of her ambassadorial status. Approaching Arya and in very clear and cold words. "I am quiet sure that the green dragon egg will hatch for you. That you are the ambassador makes you unacceptable as the leader of the Dragon Riders. Your experience with all three groups makes you invaluable and an adviser. If the egg hatches, joins with you, I will not hesitate to use that against you. Am I perfectly clear in this regard. And if this Dark Dragon Rider is as powerful as I anticipate. You can't afford to loose my help or the help of Odahviing."

Placed in a situation not to her liking Arya felt indignant at the fact this man, as powerful as he was was forcing her into a position. Yet his argument was sound and logical, she had dealt with the Dwarves and Varden's leaders enough to know that if she assumed the leadership they would cause problems. "If the egg hatches for me as you believe, I will not attempt to assume control of the riders. But I will not allow you to do the same either." Arya said firmly.

"We shall see what fate determines the role I assume with the Riders shall be."