Hello everyone new chapter up! Notes down below. Enjoy!

Forest of Grimm

Light from the morning sun slipped into the hull of the airship. Corvo welcomed the slight warmth that it brought over his body and uncovered face as he sat against the ships metal frame. The cargo that was to his right near the front rocked against itself as it was stacked and strapped securely in place. No doubt prepared in advance by the crew, so that it would not be sucked out when the doors opened.

Earlier, Corvo had a few concerns trusting the crew that Junior hired. But after sneaking into the hanger he found that they had followed the instructions to the letter. Leaving the loading doors open after the final crate was in place, and then starting an argument with the deck crew to draw the attention of the guards. Allowing Corvo to slip in with ease and shut the loading doors with no one the wiser.

Inside, the Bullhead rumbled as its engines came to life. They were soon in the air flying out of the city. The ship was scheduled to fly to Atlas, with a slight detour over Forever Falls.

In front of him now was his various arsenals of weapons and gear laid out for a final check. He had time to spare in the flight and took to using it to prepare. Heeding the advice Leo had gave him, Corvo did not bring his normal flame bolts and ammo, instead carried additional timed spring traps and new piercing arrows. The piercing arrows were for breaking the bone armor of the Grimm. The traps were for when he needed to rest and any wondering Grimm would silently fall without alerting its pack. The timer was added so they would go off after he was gone to not harm any wondering Huntsman or beacon students.

Although he would stay in the Forest for a day or two, he packed light to allow for more mobility. Junior had completed his part by finding the general area that the Bullhead would be at in the Forest. But Corvo knew he would have to make his way into the target area on foot. The White Fang would notice another Bullhead in the area especially if it was flying over their camp, so he would be dropped off to the West of the area and then make his way in.

With the last of his gear in place, Corvo picked himself up and stretched his stiff limbs. A few joints cracked with the act and the discomfort of his hard seat left his body. He chuckled how he used to worry about stiff joints a lifetime ago as his eyes caught the sea of red that was outside.

He made his way to the window and looked out to see a rarity in his old life. High above the ground as far as the eye could see was nature untouched by man. He wished his family had a chance to see such a sight, but knew they were happy in his old world. He caught the reflection of his young face, a reminder that this was a new life for him.

A knock from the cockpit warned that they were approaching the drop off. Corvo turned and knocked back on the divider. He felt the Bullhead shift as it lost altitude and he readied himself standing in the center.

A red light started to blink as an alarmed buzzed, the loading doors started to open fighting the wind that battered against it.

Corvo placed his mask over his face before the first gusts of air blew in. He spared one last look to the window to see its view again.

His masked face looked back at him in the reflection and reminded him of his purpose in this new life.

Corvo felt the sudden jerk to his body, adjusting to the change in the air as his ability took effect. His hand flashed, as he fired off continuous Blinks to adjust his dissent to the ground. The momentum following his body had lessened but he still rolled with his landing to the forest floor. His Aura coming to cover his body, still feeling the force against the ground yet not so much that pain followed. Coming to a stop he dusted himself off quickly taking in his surroundings.

The Bullhead he rode on was now in the distance regaining height as the roar of its engines began to fade and was replaced with the sound of the wind and trees. Dark Vision covered his sight to see if anything had followed after the Bullhead or was stalking in the foliage. The random critter rushed about with no human or Faunus forms around him. The only Grimm was a small pack far off stirred by the loud sound inspecting for prey.

Ignoring them, Corvo brought out his scroll opening the map to see his location. He had landed on the outer edge of the delivery zone as planned. While tedious, he would sweep through the forest as he went east. Hopefully he would run into the White Fang base by chance, if not he would pause at the center and continue with the original plan.

As he moved he took in the nature around him. Giving the Forests name justice, every tree was dyed in an autumn red, even the grass beneath his feet was the same color. The only breaks were the ruins of failed settlements that sparsely dotted the land. While not necessary, he tried to keep Dark Vision active for as long as possible. The land around him varied going from hills to flat acres of forest but he should be able to pick up anything that was hidden. He only stopped to rest or recharge his aura moving to the tops of the trees to avoid anything wandering at ground level. As from his experience that was where most of the people he wanted to avoid would be searching. Thanks to Summers memories the Grimm also seem to take after this habit as well.

After a short rest Corvo reactivated Dark Vision, concerned that a pack of Grimm had wandered close to the tree he was in. While not yet aware of him the Grimm if alarmed might alert the White Fang of his presence in the forest. Staying above he worked his way through the pack moving and waiting as the beast wonder aimlessly till they were behind him.

Free of the pack and after hours of searching for the White Fang base, the sun had started to set. More at a disadvantage in the dark of night with the Faunus, Corvo looked for a place to make camp for the night. Not content to stay in the trees he looked for a better location. Luck was on his side as he came upon the dilapidated remains of a small village. Like the others he found scattered in the forest the walls around had been ripped and broken down with signs of Grimm being the cause. Scanning the village Corvo could not find a soul inside, White Fang or otherwise. A lone Grimm roamed in the village on the streets or had made a nest in the buildings.

A part of him wanted to leave the village and not risk stirring the soulless beasts, yet he paused spotting something that drew him. Approaching, he stopped at the side of a building, its wall was gone where something had crashed into it. Stepping into the room its interior was no better. Splintered remains of furniture and personal possessions of its owners lay scattered on the floor. On the wall were claw marks of a beast thrashing through the home. Following deeper in, a rusted chipped ax laid broken in the final room. The door had been smashed in with a rushed attempt of a barricade around the entrance. Forcing himself to enter what was a child's room. A heavy feeling overcame him, he then spotted something on the ground. It was a child's toy. Ripped and torn its coat now stained by time and the elements. However the red mark that covered its fur was clear. Memories flashed in his mind of scenes of horror similar to this and then to the lighthouse by the Hounds Pit, of his daughter's room mirrored where he stood again useless.

Corvo heard the clumsy beast as it entered the house, drawn by his emotions yet he did not care.

He turned to face the monster as it found him. It let out a pleased snarl stalking forward to an easy kill.

Then stopped.

The Grimm still felt the negative emotion that drew it here, but it had changed. It was no longer the same appealing source that called to its kind.

It felt hollow.

The Grimm noticed that Corvo had moved, his blade shifting in his hand as he took a step forward to it.

The beast snapped from its trance open its mouth to roar, to call the others and intimidate.

But the roar that came out was muffled with liquid. Its burning red eye opened wide in shock of being killed. Corvo felt its body twitch in shock but only twisted the blade in its body more. The red in its eye stared to fade as Corvo watched it die with his expression unchanging.

Corvo moved to another building. The Grimm in the village were dead as he killed quick and silently with blade and arrows. Around the house were the traps he set in case a Grimm from the forest entered.

There he sat, reflecting. This was not the first horror he had seen. Even in his old world he saw the Rat Plague that killed and turned people into mindless bags of flesh and disease. Even Blood Flies that nest in the dead that burst out with a sickening pop. This was different.

He had seen Grimm attacks before, through the eyes of Summer as she had to fight and protect people from them. But this was the first time he clearly saw what the Grimm have done over the land of Remnant with his own eyes.

The target and enemy was the master of these beast and she has already taken over most of the world. He would have to rethink how he would face and win against her. Corvo was just thankful that Ruby was safe in Beacon.

Ruby struggled to stay conscious, her body felt heavy as she looked to her teammates for help. Yang was already down and out, with Blake fairing not much better with her cover hiding her from view but Ruby could tell she was about to collapse. Her partner Weiss was the only one still up, too busy to even spare a glance at her. Ruby was shocked to hear a rare whispering of a curse as the Heiress fought to keep up.

Yes things looked dire for team RWBY, even their teacher Professor Port was struggling like his students. The normally energetic and confident man was stumbling over himself, back peddling from early mistakes and trying to recover. Ruby could tell he was trying to appear in control but for once he was truly out of his depth.

The world was fading to darkness around her as she gave one final attempt to get up, to stay conscious. Their salvation came with the most beautiful sound they heard.

The Bell.

Breathing energy to the room the class stired from their catatonic state, Professor Port also seemed to recover as he slammed the large folder in his hands to his desk. The label of said folder read out, "Statistics of Grimm Types and Locations of their Migrations throughout the History of Remnant. BY DOCTOR Bartholomew Oobleck. Vol II."

Port dismissed the class promising to return to the normal lectures and to return the material back to the good Doctor. He said it with a bit a heat about his co-worker. For the first time the students were glad to return to his wild stories and live demonstrations of Grimm battles.

Ruby left the classroom with her team and friends. She heard Yang yawn behind her and to her annoyance let her guard down as her older sister ruffled her hair as she passed. Ruby shot her a soft glare as she fixed her hair. She was glad to be on the same team with Yang even with the embarrassing moments it brought. After she left her at the Bullhead, Ruby had panicked, was given a lecture, and ended up in a crater. Not the best start. But she found Yang that night and let slip that she did not know anyone and prompted her sister's older sibling instincts to kick in and pay more attention to her when she could. But now she was happy she did not have to rely solely on her sister.

Ruby notice the black bow shift as its owner walked beside her sister. Blake the silent girl was at first a strange member to the team, she kept mostly to herself and her books. Avoiding interacting unless it was necessary. She seemed to guard herself about those around her, like she was hiding something. She eventually opened up after a while and started to take part in team discussions, even throwing a joke back at Yang when she deserved it. Although she still seemed to return to her reserved side now and then, almost jumping into fights about certain topics.

Ruby covered up her own yawn as they made their way to their next class. But stopped as she heard her name. "Ruby!" Weiss snapped as she came up to her. Her partner seemed at first to be at the center of her trouble at Beacon. From the literal explosion of their first meeting, the arguments that followed in the woods when they were paired up. To even ignoring her and thinking she did not deserve to be the team's leader.

Weiss had stopped in front of her, looking at her with an annoyed cold glare that earned her nickname. She let out a breath. In a calm manner she handed Ruby a book. "Please remember to take your notes with you after class, you will need them in class and to study after lunch." Her look was still stern but not as sharp.

Ruby now used to the look smiled and nodded, thanking her as they walked together to class. Weiss was difficult at first but she was not as bad as Ruby first thought. Even if Blake still sent her a strange look now and then. Weiss was just more serious about the things in her life even if her interests made her seem a bit stuffy. She still saw them as important. "Did you hear anything about Professor Peach's class?" She asked hoping Weiss would welcome a conversation about class.

"Yes, I did." Weiss smiled jumping at the topic. "In fact I heard there was a change to the schedule and the field trip."

A little cliffhanger to lead into the next chapter and we might see Corvo's presence having an effect on the RWBY story line now.

So going into this chapter I wanted to introduce the environmental threat that Corvo would be facing. As with other Dishonored games its more in the background but still I felt it should be addressed. The difference is that the Grimm is a more proactive threat then the Plague and Blood Fly infestation that still plays off of the emotional state of people. So the two concepts of Grimm being more active the more negative the people are and what Corvo does fits rather well.

I also wanted Corvo to take experiences and life moments from his past to kind of effect him too. The part in the house seeing the childs room destroyed is something that happened in the first game where his daughter was taken a second time her room was broken into. But this also shows from Summers memories of her time fighting against the Grimm and the horror of what they done. Again bringing back to the Grimm as a threat that will have a bigger role for the Breach and attack on the city.

So thats this chapter, I apologise if it seem a bit rushed but I want to get these chapters going like I used to. Thank you all for reading, please follow and leave a comment with some feed back. hearing from you lets me now if things are going good or if I need to change something.

Again thanks for reading see you all in the next chapter!