Elemental Trinity
A Harry Potter/Pokémon Crossover
Dec 25, 1994; 7:30 PM ; Gryffindor Dorms
"Wait, do I put this on first, or what?" I stared at myself in the mirror feeling utterly confused.
"I assume you put the tie on before the dress robe, Harry." Red commented, sounding beyond amused.
"You could've said so before I wasted five minutes trying to figure it out!" My words came out harsh and uncontrolled.
It was then that Red uttered the two words I most certainly didn't want to hear at that moment.
"Calm down."
He's just trying to help, don't break the Pokédex, Potter. Don't throw the Pokédex into a pit of lava. It's not worth it.
I let out an explosive breath, and unbuttoned my… overcoat?
Over-robe? Dress robe.
"Why does this have to be so complicated? It's just a ball." I muttered, a flash of annoyance coloring my words. "Go in, dance for a bit, get out."
"A truly timeless grievance, that." Red replied. "I remember dealing with the same issues. Still, it's Luna. You don't have to be so nervous, trust me."
"But, what if I screw this up?" I asked, the anxiety building within me. So much could go wrong, here.
I never should've asked her to the Ball. I thought in a mix of trepidation and resignation.
"Then you screw this up." Red cut through my thoughts with the finality of his statement. "You've faced down that Dragon-type. Battled for countless hours in the Forest, and faced odds most people would have had trouble with— and you're worried about a date?"
"It's just important to me, all right?" I felt the heat creep up my cheeks. "I've never…"
I've never been on a date. Was what I wanted to say.
"Trust me, it'll go well!" Red insisted, and continued before I could inject my skepticism. "And, even if it doesn't, so what? Do the past few months suddenly become irrelevant to either you or her?"
I opened my mouth to answer, before closing it again.
"Besides, you two have already been going out together for a while, now." Red pointed out.
"That's different." I shook my head in disagreement. "We just look for magical creatures. It's nothing like this, and you know it."
"True, this Yule Ball of yours is different." Red allowed, frowning in the display. "But the point I was trying to make is that you shouldn't treat it any differently than you would when you're alone with Luna, updating the Postapocalyptic Index."
"I…" I swallowed and began to fiddle with the tie. "I guess you're right."
I stared at myself in the mirror as I looped the red tie around my white dress shirt's neck.
Say what you will about Neville's grandmother. I thought as I fastened the tie around my neck. But she certainly has good taste in clothes.
A white, formal shirt, a red tie, a pair of black pants and a black dress robe with red trimmings— that was the outfit she'd had me fitted for when I'd been in Diagon Alley recently.
I put the robe on and buttoned it in again. "It doesn't look half bad."
"Not at all." Came a familiar voice, making me tense.
I turned to see Ron, standing in the doorway and looking extremely hesitant.
"Ron." I kept my voice level as I addressed my once-upon-a-time friend. "How long were you standing there?"
"Long enough, ma— I mean, Harry." He replied, giving an uncomfortable wince as he corrected himself. "I wanted to speak to you, away from anyone else for once."
I shouldn't have been talking to Red. Now he knows. I stifled the sigh. I had been so careful to hide it, too.
"I won't ask about the voice around you." He said; even now, his ability to predict my thoughts and behavior was borderline ridiculous. "Merlin knows I've lost that right."
"Just let me say my piece, otherwise I'll never work up the nerve to say it again." Ron cut me off.
I opened my mouth to reply, before closing it and nodding for him to go ahead.
"All my life, I've been… unnoticed." Ron began, fiddling with his red hair. "Sure, mum fed and clothed me, and made sure I didn't get hurt. But as far as I can remember, she's never paid any real attention to me— other than scoldings or to compare me to my brothers."
She's certainly good at sending Howlers, all right. I mused in agreement.
"Everyone had something." Ron continued after a moment's hesitation. "Bill was a talented Cursebreaker. Charlie was ace at Quidditch and an even better Dragon Handler. Percy's quickly moving up in the Ministry. Fred and George— they don't care much about school, but they're brilliant at magic. I'm just Ron."
He paused to take a breath, his expression hardening in resolve. "Just Ron. Nothing remarkable. Then Ginny came along and it was like I didn't even exist, sometimes."
I frowned, remembering all sorts of little instances over the times I've spent with the Weasleys.
"Having you as my friend changed that for me." Ron said, but cut me off before I could reply. "—Let me finish. You were a legend, Harry. Kids all over the world know your story. I'd become friends with a legend, it made me feel like I was special."
I sat down on my bed and gestured for him to sit across me, on his.
With a grateful nod, he sat in front of me.
"And I had my chances to shine— I thought I did well, the few times I helped." He said, looking down at his leg, where Sirius had bitten him the year before.
"We all did what we could." I replied, still not sure where he was going with this.
"Yeah…" Ron kept looking down. "But this year, I wanted to show everyone that I wasn't your friend because you were famous— that I could stand on my own… on my own, outside of anyone's shadow."
And that wasn't exactly a bad thing, I decided. It wasn't like I wanted him to be in my shadow, either.
"I really made a mess of things, this time." Ron raised his head and met my eyes with his own. "I'm truly sorry, Harry."
I swallowed the sudden lump down my throat. "What brought this on? Why now?"
Ron didn't answer immediately. "I remembered our Christmas in first year. I remembered how much you loved the sweater mum made for you."
He paused, again. "I remembered the time in front of the Mirror."
I looked away, the memory of it still raw, no matter how many times I tried to ignore it. "My parents."
"You saw your parents." Ron repeated. "And what did I see? Myself when I was older, as Head Boy and Quidditch captain… utter tripe."
A silence spread around the room, and neither of us attempted to break it.
Finally, when I thought the tension couldn't rise any further, Ron finally continued, reaching under his bed and taking a wrapped package.
He held it in front of me. "I asked mum to send it to me, so I could hand it to you personally."
I had a feeling I knew what was in it. "A Weasley sweater?"
Ron nodded in response, still holding it up for me.
"What brought this on?" I asked again, feeling out of my depth.
"I've had time to really think, to look at myself in the mirror. If you can't find it in yourself to forgive me, then I understand. I just want you to know that—" Here, Ron's voice broke. "— that I'm grateful for everything you've done for me and my family, Harry."
The silence came back, now an expectant one.
Should I forgive him?
That was the question, wasn't it? Could I still find it in my heart to trust him again?
He never spoke about Sirius. He never sold him out. I thought. He also tried, in his stubborn and roundabout way, to warn me about the dragons.
Still, I hesitated. Could he betray me in the future, again? It was hard to tell.
His confession, just now, was genuine. I was sure of it.
However, how long would it last until he reverted back to his old ways?
Maybe you're the one being stubborn right now. Another part of me interjected.
It was right. I was being stubborn, too.
"I forgive you." I decided.
"You do?"
"...Yes." I nodded and took the sweater from him, unwrapping the packaging and admiring the present.
I smiled.
Just like that, the enormous weight that had been there for months began to lighten and slip away into the void.
"Thank you." I set the present aside and leaned forward to him.
We clasped our hands together in the universal show of masculine friendship.
"I missed you, mate." Ron admitted.
"I did too." I agreed. "Don't get any ideas, though. I already have a date to the Ball."
Ron snorted, breaking the clasp and moving towards his trunk. "I do, too."
"I'd have thought you were going stag— at least, what with Hermione—"
"Don't remind me, Harry." Ron almost wailed. "That was awful!"
"So, who then?" I asked, genuinely curious. "Lavender, maybe?"
Ron shook his head. "You wouldn't believe me, even if I told you."
"Try me." I challenged.
He looked at me for a moment before shrugging. "Tracey Davis."
I stopped whatever reply I had and stared at him, instead.
"What?" Ron shifted, an uncomfortable look spreading over his face.
"She's a Slytherin." I pointed out, incredulous.
"That doesn't mean anything." Ron quickly replied, a little heat entering his tone.
I opened my mouth to reply, and closed it again, raising my hands in a placating manner.
"...You've changed." I decided on saying.
"...I suppose I did." Came the simple reply as he pulled the ugliest looking dress robe I'd ever seen.
"What is that?" I looked aghast as I slowly realized what I was looking at. "This— these are your dress robes?"
"Yes." Ron sent a miserable look my way. "Tracey's going to be miserable."
I took a breath and pulled my wand out.
"Not if we fashion you something better. Shall we?"
"Thanks, mate."
Everything was all right, again.
It took a lot of wand waving, cursing and general wailing, but we managed to turn Ron's horrifying dress robes into something that would pass muster.
Transfiguration, color change and liberal applications of the Cutting Charm to get rid of the frills, and we were good to go.
"I can't thank you again, mate." Ron smiled as we moved through the halls of Hogwarts. "For everything."
"Don't worry about it." I nodded. "Water under the bridge, right?"
"Right." He hesitated a bit when he said that, but it was just as I expected, really. After months of ignoring each other, starting over from scratch was bound to be rocky ground. "I should go and meet up with Tracey."
"Yeah." I said. "I should find Luna, myself. See you at the Ball, Ron."
"Right. Bye." Ron gave an awkward wave, turned and left.
I watched him go.
"I didn't expect that." Red piped up from my pants pocket.
"You're telling me." I sighed as Ron disappeared from view. "I never thought he'd work up the nerve."
"Better late than never, right?" Red commented. "I've had my fair share of fights with Green in the past, myself, but when push came to shove, we always had each other's back. That's what friends do."
We fell into a contemplative silence as I continued to process today's events. It had been a long day, for sure.
Come on, Potter, you've faced down dragons. Surely an evening of dancing is easier?
It didn't matter however I tried to spin the situation. I couldn't help but feel the sheer nervousness creep up on me.
It was my very first date, and it was going to be in sight of everyone. I had to lead the dance, myself.
Do they expect me to be good at it? Part of me raged at the ridiculousness of it all. What does any of this have to do with the Tournament?
Cooperation between the nations was the Ministry's thing. I had a feeling that the Ball was just for the Minister to curry favor with the other Ministries of Europe, as well as the wizards of Britain.
It's all political, but I can't discount the possibility that I'm contractually obligated by the Goblet of Fire to attend this event.
For all I know, I could skip it and find myself unable to cast the simplest of spells the next day.
"I'm glad the two of you have made up." I jumped at the familiar voice, swivelling to see— Luna?
"Harry." She greeted me with a smile.
"Luna, you're…" I said with wide eyes. "You look…"
Luna shifted in place, looking a little nervous as she tugged at a light, yellow gown made of soft, satiny fabric, long and loose.
She's gorgeous. How have I never seen it before?
It was to be expected, if I really thought about it. Luna always had this distinct dotty air around her that she maintained almost at all times.
Of course, I knew some of it was an act— a mask to keep away the negative feelings brought about by her own experiences, as well as the unkind words her House had to offer on the regular.
So, I'd never looked at her as anything more than a little sister. But, now…
I swallowed, my nervousness growing to match hers.
"Wow." I finished lamely, scratching at the back of my head. "I feel like I'm underdressed. You're beautiful."
Luna looked away, a red tinge making itself known on her cheeks.
"Thank you, Harry." Luna struggled to say, and it was all I could do to stop myself from hugging her. "You look… really good, too."
She's so nervous. I realized, feeling myself relax in minute ways. Simply knowing that she was likely as nervous as I was helped me get my thoughts in order.
I smiled at her and held an arm out awkwardly, like I'd seen people do on those television shows Aunt Petunia loved to watch. "Ah… Shall we?"
In response, she looped her arm into mine, lightly pressing herself against me as she held onto my bicep.
It was a pleasant sensation, I decided, feeling the heat creep up my neck.
I began to lead the way to the Great Hall, only to slow down once I realized that Luna wasn't able to keep up. "Sorry!"
I was so totally out of sorts, wasn't I?
"It's all right, Harry." Luna tightened her grip and adjusted her pace as well. "The wrackspurts aren't making it easy."
"They certainly are not." I smiled, feeling like a weight was lifted off of my chest. "Thanks, Luna."
"Whatever for?" She asked as we finally came close to the entrance to the Great Hall— the sheer hustle and bustle of the crowd cutting off whatever reply I was about to utter.
"This place is packed." I commented as we reached the large group proper.
"Harry!" A voice called from our left. It was Neville.
"All right, Neville?" I greeted the fellow teen, looking around. "Ginny's not here yet?"
"No…" He mirrored my movement, looking unsure. "Maybe she's not coming..?"
I winced and shook my head. "Don't say that, mate. I'm sure she's still preparing."
"Yes." Luna agreed. "Hello, Neville Longbottom. You're looking sharp."
"Erm— thank you, ah… Luna, right?" Neville tried and sighed in relief when she nodded in confirmation.
"She always liked to take things slow. Ginny, I mean." Luna offered up with a waving gesture. "I'm sure she'll be here, soon!"
"Soon enough to save me from the Weasley Twins?" Neville gave a nervous laugh, jerking his head to the left.
I turned my head to see one of them staring right at us. He locked gazes with me, nodded towards Neville and winked.
I laughed, the sheer ridiculousness of the situation getting to me.
"What's so funny?" Neville tensed. He looked a little upset at my reaction.
"I think they're just taking the mickey, mate." I placed my hand over my mouth and got the laughter under control when the students in our immediate surroundings started staring at us. "Don't worry. Just be confident, trust me."
If only I could live by my own advice.
"Ah, Mr. Potter, you have arrived." Professor McGonagall made her way past a few students, dispersing them with her disapproving gaze alone. "And I take it that Miss Lovegood is your date?"
"Yes, Professor." I gave her a nervous look. "I'm supposed to lead the first dance, is that correct?"
"Indeed, Mr. Potter." To my dismay, McGonagall confirmed it.
I knew that she would, of course; but the fearful, illogical part of me still held out hope that I wouldn't have to embarrass myself in public.
"If you'll come this way, Mr. Potter, Miss Lovegood?"
We stared at McGonagall's directing gesture and followed it like we were heading to the execution block.
"Do you know how to dance?" Luna asked me abruptly.
"I— erm… No. Not at all, Luna." I stuttered my confession out. "You?"
"A little." Luna replied with hesitation. "My mother taught me a little before…"
Before she died.
I had never really broached this subject with the girl, but I had done a bit of research on her family when I was trying to figure out the extent of their knowledge on Magizoology.
"I'm sorry, Luna." I tried to be as sincere as I could.
She gave a gentle squeeze to my arm in response.
"I can lead the dance, if you like." Luna offered. "All you'd have to do is move with me."
"Aren't I supposed to be the one who leads?" I asked in confusion.
"Do you care?" Red's voice was low enough for others for me to hear without others picking up on it. "As long as you dance, you should be safe from the effects of the Goblet."
"He's right." Luna squeezed my arm again. "I'll help you."
I made to answer, but we were finally joined by my fellow Hogwarts Champion, Cedric Diggory, with Ravenclaw's Cho Chang by his side.
"All right, Harry?" Came the expected greeting.
"Erm— yes." I responded, focusing my eyes on him and not Chang. I felt Luna grip my arm a little tighter. "Just hoping I don't make a mess of myself tonight."
"I'm sure you'll do fine." He chuckled as the Beauxbatons champion joined us, a googly eyed Roger Davies at her side. I frowned, feeling the girl's Aura, like wispy tentacles trying to interlace with my own.
So that's what a Veela's trick is. I'll have to ask Red about it.
"Scan." I muttered in a low tone as I exercised control over my own Aura, flaring it out in such a way that made Fleur feel like she'd just been slapped.
Or so I'd hoped.
I do not appreciate having my autonomous control wrested from me, Delacour.
Judging from her instinctive flinch, I gathered that it worked.
"I felt that." Luna murmured.
"Sorry." I winced at the thought of having accidentally hurt Luna. "Did it hurt? Merlin, I'm sorry."
"No, it didn't." She shook her head. "It sort of felt… Safe? Like a blanket."
I was going to reply, when the Durmstrang Champion, Viktor Krum joined us. And at his side— "Hermione?"
First Luna, and now Hermione? This is insane. "You look great!"
And, she did.
Hermione had styled her hair to look sleek and shiny, twisting it up into an elegant knot at the back of her head. Her periwinkle robes complimented her figure well, I noted.
"Hi, Harry! Thank you." Hermione's mouth dipped into a smile, eyes glittering as they settled on Luna. "Luna. You look wonderful."
"Thank you." Luna held onto me more tightly. "You don't have as many wrackspurts as normal. Perhaps you should keep your hair styled that way?"
I snorted at Hermione's flummoxed expression, before giving Krum a nod. "Krum."
"Potter." The burly man returned the greeting, looking a little awkward as Hermione ditched her confused expression to beam at him.
We watched as everyone began entering the Great Hall, taking turns gawking at both Hermione and Luna, much to the displeasure of Fleur and Chang. I smiled encouragingly at Neville and Ginny, as well as Ron and Tracey— the latter of which were receiving baleful looks from the Slytherins.
"Ron is with… her?" Once again, Hermione looked flummoxed.
"Weird, right?" I laughed, staving off my nervousness as more and more students passed us by. "I didn't believe it when he'd told me, either."
Soon enough, it was our time to enter. I gulped and fell in line with the other three couples, feeling strangely reassured by Luna's grip and smooth Aura.
The Great Hall looked completely different— the walls were covered with sparkling silver frost. The enchanted ceiling now featured an uncountable number of garlands, mistletoe and ivy. The House tables were gone, replaced by much smaller ones.
I held onto Luna as we matched paces. Dumbledore was smiling at us, Karkaroff looked like he'd eaten something sour when he gazed upon Krum and Hermione. Madame Maxime was, as always, the epitome of cold politeness.
No wonder where Fleur gets it from, if she's mentored by someone like this.
Crouch, to my relief, was not there— replaced by Percy, of all people. I briefly wondered if his name on the office log was 'Weatherby'. Still, better Percy than Crouch.
It would have been a bit awkward sitting at the same table as the man I'd told to 'polish off my wand', as it were.
As everyone began to get seated, Percy sent me an expectant look as he pulled out the chair beside him— an obvious invitation from the pompous lad.
Presumptuous shit, isn't he?
I ignored him and pulled up a seat at the edge of the table, giving Diggory a dangerous glance. "D'you mind? I need another space."
The Hufflepuff Seeker looked like he wanted to argue, but the look in my eyes held the promise of unpleasant intent. He acquiesced.
"Thank you." Luna made sure to add, in an attempt to soften the blow.
Cedric smiled and waved it off, seating himself on the adjacent chair.
"Nicely done." I complimented as we both got seated. "Thanks for the assist. I most certainly did not want to be subject to more discussions about the standards regarding cauldron bottoms."
Luna nodded in agreement. "Percy's mind is a hive of Nargles, at the moment. He must have been too close to the mistletoes above."
"Scans?" Red piped up once again.
"Scans— you know what? You don't even need to ask. Scan to your heart's content." I snorted.
"Who are you talking to, Harry?" Hermione asked as she got settled across from us.
"...Just a friend in a red box." I decided to answer with, knowing she'd quickly pick up on that.
Luna hummed and picked up the menu. I mirrored her movement and began to read through it as well, faintly noting that Dumbledore simply had to speak his choice, and food appeared.
House elf delivery, has to be.
Soon, I was digging into a fine plateful of steak and mash, mostly ignoring Bagman's attempts at getting my attention. Fortunately, Krum's displeased expression was keeping the grubby man at bay.
"What're you having?" I asked my date, who was still staring at the menu, trying to figure out what she wanted.
"Sunday Roast." And like that, her plate was full of roasted meat, potatoes, vegetables and gravy.
I now regret ordering steak and mash.
"Um, may I have some gravy as well?" I asked the air. A small bowl of gravy appeared beside my plate. "Thank you!"
After a few minutes of eating, I leaned back in my chair with a satisfied sigh. "I needed that."
I turned to Luna. She was taking her time with her plate, I noted as she locked eyes with me and smiled.
I smiled back in reflex.
"You two look great together." Hermione commented, catching my attention. I swivelled my head to see her and Krum look oddly amused, though the older boy quickly schooled his expression into a mask of ice.
I snorted. "Thanks, Hermione."
Before long, Dumbledore declared that the meal was at an end, and waved his wand, sending all the tables back along the walls, leaving the floor clear.
Time to face the music— literally.
I licked suddenly dry lips as I felt Luna's gentle tug on my arm. I followed her to the center, idly noting the Weird Sisters stomping their way onto the stage, much to the enthusiasm of the attendants.
The Weird Sisters began their first song— a slow, mournful tune that made me want to get on my knees and thank them for the mercy.
Slow was good. I could do slow.
"Just focus on me, all right?" Luna said and guided my hand to her waist, while keeping the other hand in her own. She pulled close enough to me that I could smell her perfume— a rich, lavender aroma— as we rotated on the spot.
I would say I held my own quite well on the dance floor, but there had already been a few close calls with me almost stepping on Luna's feet.
Luna, bless her, was able to dodge my accidental stomps, smiling as she did so.
"You really are bad at this." She said, her smile widening.
A snort burst out of me, and I relaxed into her rhythm, focusing onto her as she'd requested. I felt our Auras mingle and intertwine as she slowly picked up speed, matching the steadily increasing tempo of the Weird Sisters.
Being so close to Luna, touching her, feeling her essence mingle with mine— it was intoxicating.
I'd never had a drink in my life, but I decided that this was likely better.
My grip on her waist tightened a little as I began to follow her movements more closely, my movements flowing more naturally than they ever had done before.
"Much better." Luna smiled, her eyes glittering with an emotion I couldn't quite place. "Shall we keep going?"
I finally noticed that the Sisters had switched to a faster paced song— watching as people began to join in on the dance floor.
Before I'd entered the Great Hall, I had hoped to do the bare minimum and get out of there as quickly as I could.
Now, on the other hand?
"Yes." I said and continued to dance with the girl. "I'm really glad you said yes, Luna."
Luna pulled a little closer to me, whispering. "I'm glad you asked me."
Before we knew it, we were both tired and sweaty from the activities. We moved away from the dance floor, over to where Ron and Tracey were seated.
Tracey seemed nervous as we approached, I noticed.
Why wouldn't she be? You aren't exactly on friendly terms with the girl.
"Harry, Luna." Ron greeted, looking as tired as I was feeling. "Taking a break?"
"Yeah. Luna and I are getting knackered." I confirmed as Luna took a seat, sighing in relief.
"Hermione's getting drinks for us." He said and cursed. "I'll get some for you."
"Much appreciated, mate." I nodded in acknowledgement, before turning to Tracey. "Tracey."
"... Harry." She greeted back in hesitation.
Was I really that intimidating?
"You are." Luna confirmed. "No, you didn't say it out loud, but I can tell from your face. Plus, your head's swarming with wrackspurts."
"What are wrackspurts?" Tracey blurted out, nervousness forgotten— if only temporarily.
"Well, you see, wrackspurts are…" I tuned the rest out, having memorized her explanation, as well as the Pokédex entry Red had come up with for the creatures in question.
It was amazing that the Pokémon from his era had somehow managed to survive the calamity that had destroyed Red's world and adapt to the new one that rose from the ashes.
Minutes later, Hermione, Krum and Ron came back, carrying various drinks and chatting with each other.
When Ron sat next to Tracey and handed her his drink, he honestly looked happier than I'd ever seen him.
I smiled, and quietly wished him good fortune.
Luna and I sat with the group for a while, chatting about anything and everything before, eventually, the others decided to get back to the dance floor.
Watching them go, I then turned to Luna. "Would you like to dance some more?"
"Hmm… no." Luna shook her head and took my hand in her own, dragging the chair she sat on closer so she could lean against me. "I'm quite happy where I am."
I smiled as I felt her weight against me. "I feel the same—"
Luna kissed my cheek.
"—way." I finished, my neck flushing with heat at the affectionate gesture.
We stayed there for a while, entertaining our friends as they took breaks from dancing to sit with us— or in the Twins' case, make inappropriate comments like the utter berks they were.
We'd gone on the dance floor a few more times at Hermione's insistence, pairing myself with her and Luna with Krum, much to the chagrin of the Bulgarian Seeker's fan club.
Before long, though, the pace of the music slowed to a crawl, signifying that it was time to pack everything up and head to bed.
"Accompany me to the dorms?" Luna asked as the remaining students began to file out of the Great Hall, looking tired but satisfied with the night's activities.
"Of course!" I smiled and let her loop her arm around mine, exulting in the girl's warmth.
Was this how my dad felt all the time with mum?
They'd always looked so happy in the album Hagrid had given me. Maybe they really weren't faking it like my aunt Petunia did at all times.
The trip to Ravenclaw dorms was spent in a pleasant quiet, broken only by the sight and sounds of students sneaking around unsupervised, in varied ways of getting intimate with their dates.
Eventually, we made it.
I felt the strangest thing— I didn't want to let Luna go.
She tugged at my arm, smiling up at me. "Harry?"
"Huh?" I was startled out of my thoughts, realizing that she couldn't pull her arm away from me. "Oh. Sorry, Luna."
She giggled and gently extricated herself from my grasp. "It's all right."
"Um…" I said as she moved to stand in front of me. "I had a good time."
"I did, too." Luna agreed, her eyes meeting mine, as if she was searching for something.
And then she kissed me— not on the cheeks, this time.
It was a soft, hesitant kiss, but it quickly gained some steam as I returned it, our Auras writhing in an embrace of their own.
Seconds later, Luna pulled away from me, a mad smile on her face. "Let's go out again, sometime."
"Yeah. Definitely." I said, feeling breathless as she turned and walked into the dorms without another word.
She's insane. I thought, an equally mad grin settling on my face as well. And I love it.
Link to my book: mybook,to/TheDregOfBellmead (Replace comma with period)
OR look up "The Dreg of Bellmead" on Amazon/Kindle.
Link to my discord: discord,gg/Pq5J8dX (Replace comma with period)
Come and hang out, we like to meme and talk about shows/movies/fanfics/games! Always nice to make new friends.