![]() Author has written 4 stories for Merlin. Um, hello! Welcome to my profile. :) I'm also on Tumblr with the same username as here; I primarily post about creative writing, mental health, music, geeky pop culture, and various combinations of those things. Bio/Assorted Factoids: -Christian I'm passionate about storytelling - to me, it's something that lies at the very heart of what it means to be human. I love hearing and telling stories, whether that's through music, theatre, or writing. It's a privilege to share stories with you on this site and I sincerely hope what I write brings you joy. I also hope I can learn from you so that I can become a better storyteller in all of my creative pursuits. Writing, in particular, has recently become a useful tool in my toolkit for managing bipolar disorder (I was finally diagnosed in early 2018 after 7 years of frustratingly-misdiagnosed symptoms). Writing provides a constructive, consolidated outlet for the excessive energy of elevated mood episodes. Also, creating something myself or consuming others' stories & art (whether in print, film, or music) can be a constructive outlet for some of the more intense emotions of depressive episodes. I share this here for three reasons: 1) to offer some context for the particularly long posting gap between Ch 77 & Ch 78 of "The Prophecy" Rather than focusing on the label, I'm choosing to focus on the good, meaningful, and important things in my life. I've been learning that I don't want to put my life on hold until I've "fixed" my neurotransmitter problems - because that's not how things really work, not just with bipolar disorder but with so many other kinds of challenges in life. Instead I'm doing enough of the practical things I need to do to manage it well enough that I don't have to think about it the rest of the time and can focus instead on the things in my life I'm really passionate about - because I want my life's story to be about so much more than that one subplot. |