Reviews for Sesquipedalian
x-rayLady chapter 31 . 5/10
Nice collection of stories! The tickling spell sounds interesting, but it's been so long since the last update that you might not plan on writing it anymore...
linz1haley chapter 8 . 1/6/2019
Only one word ALMOST qualified to subscribe this, HILARIOUS... DUDE I LOLED
Guest chapter 3 . 11/8/2018
Bradley and Colin reference caught!
trekmel chapter 13 . 9/30/2018
Cathartic -yes, that was what this was. Merlin always had so much on his shoulders so its nice to read something like this on how it could have been.
trekmel chapter 7 . 9/30/2018
I found myself riveted by the conversation between these two beloved characters. I think you captured the characters brilliantly. Thank you for this.
IWouldGetUpButNah chapter 3 . 11/28/2017
I got it! The spider! They are so cute together, lol. That spider was blooddy massive too haha
kyuzi4869 chapter 7 . 9/18/2017
I am definitely crying! I HAVE WATERFALL IN MY FACE! This is incredibly wonderful and heartbreaking
This IS great
Thank you very much
FreyaMyth10 chapter 31 . 9/3/2017
Yay! This was very good
PurpleFlyingBird chapter 27 . 8/17/2017
Oh Gwaine! Hahaha XD
PurpleFlyingBird chapter 21 . 8/17/2017
I absolutely loved the conversation between Merlin's horse and Merlin once his mare had forgiven him. :D

Sleep-spelling! Wow.
Guest chapter 8 . 4/8/2017
Speaking of cruel phobia names (like hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia), did you know that aibohphobia is the fear of palindromes?
Guest chapter 31 . 1/3/2017
Helloooooo? R u still there? COME BACK! (please) ;P
fireicewriter42 chapter 27 . 11/25/2016
Love. It. So. Much.
csarbani14 chapter 21 . 9/6/2016
I was eating during your last chapter. I was eating during this one too.
NoteTo Self: Never eat while reading emanichescat crack
Lya200 chapter 11 . 9/1/2016
Hobbledehoy is probably my favorite word. We placed Balderdash, and that was the word. I remembered that gawky was a part of the real definition, but my family remembers my amazing definition, and we still use it to this day.
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