Chapter 11: A Fated Reunion

Morning came to the Kalos region. The Ketchum family were already outside in the backyard, eating breakfast at the backyard patio. They were having Serena's famous pancakes.

All of a sudden, the gang heard a loud roar coming from above them.

"What the heck was that?!", shouted Serena.

"Mommy, was that a monster?", asked a worried June.

Ash, however, was completely unfazed the roar. In fact, it sounded familiar to him like an old memory.

'That roar...can it really be who I think it is?' though Ash in wonder and surprise.

Everyone looked up to see a strange orange object that seemed to be flying downwards at a high pace. When it started to get close enough, they could make out the shape of an orange dragon.

"It looks like a pokemon, Daddy. Which one is it?", asked June while clutching to her mother's leg in fear.

"Guys, stay right behind me. I have a feeling I know who this is.", said Ash.

The pokemon finally got close enough for everyone to see that it was a large Charizard. Charizard turned upright and flew in for a clearing in the ranch in front of the people. He stopped flapping his wings, allowing him to drop down with a gigantic thud, making the ground shake a little and making any small pokemon fall to the ground from the tremor. He gave out a blasting roar.

"RAAAAARRRRGGGHHHH!", bellowed Charizard.

Some of the pokemon were shocked or fazed from the sudden arrival, but most of them weren't affected. Instead, they were preparing to use attacks on the intruder with angry looks on their faces. Lucario ran before him with an Aura Sphere in hand.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?", asked Lucario.

"Wait, wait, everyone! Stop! Don't attack.", said Ash, quickly trying to get his pokemon to not attack Charizard.

"Master, do you know who this is?", asked a surprised Lucario.

"I think I do. I just want to see him face to face.", said Ash.

Ash walked up to the orange dragon, keeping a confident look on his face, but not smiling or frowning. The first pokemon he caught during his Kanto journey, except for Beedrill, followed their trainer behind him. Serena and June also followed Ash and stayed behind him.

Ash and Charizard stared at each other, not saying a word. Ash looked into the eyes of the arrival, seeing

"Rrrghh.", growled Charizad softly at his former trainer.

"Charizard, even after all these years, is it really you?", asked Ash.

Charizard growled again softly and nodded. But then, he shook his head.

Ash was a little confused, but Charizard took out a folded piece of paper that he somehow kept hidden in his hand. Ash took it, unfolded it and began to read it.

Ash Ketchum, Kalos Champion

If you are reading this letter, then your former Charizard seems to have made it back to you in Kalos.

In case you don't know who is the author of this letter, my name is Liza. I'm a Charizard trainer a the keeper of the Charicific Valley in the mountains of the Johto region. And for the last eighteen years, your Charizard has been training under my care with unparalleled determination and will.

Listen, it was eighteen years ago that I found Charizard battling wild pokemon at Mount Silver. I offered him a chance to train under my care if he wanted to get stronger and he accepted. But from the moment I met him, I knew that he was supposed to have a trainer since he was the final evolution of the fire Kanto starter. He revealed to me that he had you as a trainer and also about what happened between you two when you left each other.

For as long as we remember, Charizard and I have seen many battles in many leagues, but the ones that he was interested the most were ones that you participated in. Whenever he saw you win, it always motivated him to continue doing the best he can in every battle he ever partook in. And even after you took the champion title from Diantha, he took any battle after that as a reminder that he can always do better, knowing that power boundaries are limitless.

And if Charizard has found you, I ask for you to give a chance for him to prove himself worthy of being your pokemon, friend and partner again. I know this isn't in my power to ask the Kalos Champion of doing something he might not want to do, but please consider when I write that Charizard has truly changed and isn't the same as he was two decades ago. He didn't listen to you then, but I know he will listen to you now. He has been able to listen to me all these years and I guarantee he will listen to you now. And because of being obedient, he has become undoubtly one of the most powerful Charizards in existence. One worthy to be a champion's pokemon

Please give him a chance, Ash. Trust me. He has also taken a Charizardite Y with him for when the time comes. If you do accept him back, and you may have rebuilt your bond with him, then the most efficient way to test it is to Mega Evolve, in my own opinion. And just know that for all that happened between you and him all those years ago, he's truly sorry.

I hope all works well between you two. And good luck.

Kindest regards,


When ash finished reading the letter, he looked back up at Charizard. The letter spoke the truth since he saw Charizard had grown considerably and he looked stronger.

"Liza wrote that you started listening to commands. Is this true?", asked Ash.

Charizard nodded.

"Charizard, it has been many years since we have seen each other and I can tell that you've improved, but I can't take Liza's word for it that you are ready to come back to my team.", said Ash, "I want to see it for myself."

"If you truly want to be back in the team, then show me that you have what it takes. Later on, when I'm done with my duties as champion, you can have a battle with any one of my pokemon. But the only condition is that you'll have to battle under my commands while your opponent will battle in any way they want. This will prove that you are capable of listening to a trainer's commands and it'll show me your power.", said Ash.

Charizard listened to the end and didn't object to any of it, not even the part where Ash would be telling him what to do.

Charizard looked at all the pokemon in the ranch. He can choose any of them he wanted to battle to earn his place back in his former trainer's team. But he had already chosen his opponent when he pointed at Talonflame. This was a pretty obvious reason since Ash had declared Talonflame was his most powerful pokemon up to date, plus it was the pokemon that replaced him. He wanted to get even and the stronger the opponent for him, the better.

"So you've chosen Talonflame already? Alright, Talonflame will be your opponent.", said Ash.

Ash then turned to everyone in the ranch. He had forgotten to introduce Charizard to all of them because they were still confused by the whole situation.

"Everyone, I forgot. I'd like you all to meet Charizard, a former pokemon of mine and Talonflame's opponent for later.", said Ash.

Everyone was still speechless.


That afternoon…

It came time for the battle between Charizard and Talonflame.

The Ketchum family and pokemon were all sitting on either sides of the ranch, ready to watch the battle unfold. When Ash came home earlier, he told his pokemon about Charizard and they understood. There was a built battlefield in the middle of the ranch whenever there was a battle to take place in. Ash, Talonflame, Greninja and Charizard were in the middle of the battlefield, making last plans for the battle.

"Alright, the rules of the battle are simple. There will only be five minutes for the duration of the battle. Greninja will fire a Water Shuriken into the air to tell us when the five minutes will be over.", explained Ash.

Greninja nodded at his task in the battle. Ash then continued his talk.

"The battle will officially start when Talonflame makes the first move.", said Ash, looking at Charizard, "When the battle is over, I'll decide whether you can come back to the team or not, based off your performance. I expect you to give it your all."

Greninja walked to the side of the battlefield while Talonflame flew to one end of the battlefield. Charizard and Ash walked back to the other side of the battlefield. Charizard stood in the battlefield and faced Talonflame with determined eyes.

It was a few moments before Talonflame flew up in the air and came barrelling down with a Flame Charge.

"Charizard, fly up and go in with a Dragon Claw attack to intercept that Flame Charge.", said Ash.

Charizard obeyed. He spread his wings and rocketed into the air with his claws coated in a green aura. He spread them out at his opponent. When Talonflame got close enough, he lashed at her, but she stopped her Flame Charge and flew upwards even further, making the Dragon Claw miss. She coated herself in a white light of a Quick Attack and flew at a rapid pace at Charizard, slamming into him. However, it only did minimal damage to him as a result of many years of enduring strong and weak attacks.

"Charizard, give her a Flamethrower at point blank and then use a Focus Punch!", shouted Ash.

After shaking off the attack, Charizard unleashed his attack at the bird behind him. The attack did some damage, but it was minimised because of being a fire-type and from being trained by a champion. Talonflame turned his way and then released a star shaped shot of fire from her mouth.

"Charizard, cancel that Fire Blast with your Dragon Tail. Then go in with a Wing Attack.", said Ash.

Charizard's wings glowed white as he sped towards his opponent and Talonflame's wings became a silver colour with Steel Wing. The two exchanged blows and hit their wings agains one another. Talonflame got some good damage on her, but Charizard also suffered since the Steel Wing was very powerful. Once they broke it off, Talonflame repositioned herself away from Charizard.

"Charizard, use Rock Slide.", said Ash.

Charizard summoned a number of large boulders out of mid-air and they all tumbled down to the ground and Talonflame. She used her Acrobatics to skilfully dodge the incoming rocks with ease, but one struck her left wing, which made her spiral down to the ground a crash down.

"Now while she's down, use Earthquake.", said Ash.

Charizard stomped down with tremendous force, causing an earthquake of a colossal magnitude. The shockwaves hit Talonflame incredible power, dealing her super effective damage. But she seemed like she had enough because she avoided further damage by flying up away from the Earthquake. The tremor stopped. She dove in with a blue aura surrounding her.

"Charizard, match that Brave Bird with your own Flare Blitz.", said Ash.

Charizard took to the air again towards Talonflame with a similar blue aura surrounding him. The two opponents collided with each other, causing an aerial explosion and for winds to blow across the entire ranch. Serena, June covered their faces to protect themselves from the dust storm. When the smoke cleared, Talonflame and Charizard tumbled to the ground in exhaustion. They both struggled to stand up.

In each other's eyes, this battle was harder than they both anticipated. THye were getting tired and beat, but neither were willing to give up. Charizard knew that if he wanted t o be back on the team with Ash, he was going to have to defeat Talonflame and prove himself.

Finally, Charizard managed to stand up on his feet and Talonflame did the same thing. Talonfalame managed to get herself flying. She was soon coated in a purple light with yellow streaks surrounding her as she attacked Charizard once again. She was using Giga Impact.

"Charizard, use Dragon Rush to counter and then use Mega Punch.", said Ash.

Charizard nodded and covered himself with a dragon-shaped draconic energy and charged against Talonflame. When he got close, the dragon head bit down on Talonflame, causing another explosion. Talonflame came out of the smoke, but Charizard came in with his fist glowing white and socked Talonflame in the side of the face, causing her to spiral out of control to the ground. She collapsed, but she still got back up.

At that moment, Greninja shot up a water star into the air and it exploded with the contact of another.

"Alright, that battle's over. Charizard, stand down.", called Ash.

Charizard landed on his feet, covered in scratches and sweating and panting heavily in exhaustion. The audience came in from the side. Ash's shiny Trevenant and Serena's Swanna rushed to assist Talonflame. Swanna helped get Talonfame to her feet while Trevenant fed her some Oran Berries to heal her. Fletchling flew to her his mother. Ash gave Charizard some Oran Berries of his own. The two pokemon were soon replenished with energy.

"So, Ash, now that the battle's over, what happens now?", asked Serena.

"Yeah. What happens to Charizard?", asked June.

Everyone gathered around Ash and Charizard. The lizard looked down at Ash, waiting for an answer.

"Charizard, I'll say that I'm impressed with your fighting and listening skills. You have more control of your powers and emotions as well as having patience when battling. It looks like Liza was right when she said you have become more powerful and having a good tendency of listening. You've definitely grown to be a powerful member of your species.", said Ash with a smile.

Charizard forced a smile at this. He was getting praised for his hard and dedicated work. Maybe this might be the day he will get accepted back into the family.

"You do, however, have more things to learn. Over the years of my career as a trainer and Champion, my pokemon don't just rely on pure power, but also strategies and techniques andon how to manipulate moves into new combinations. You seem to have low knowledge of that. That is something that you are missing from your training.", said Ash, this time without a smile.

Charizard's smile also faded at hearing this. It wasn't completely his fault he wa n't good at that, but it was just that Liza trained him in using power in battles and taught little in techniques to manipulate the moves and body in new ways. He tried to do it in his spare time, but he didn't fare well and was hoping that Ash wouldn't notice this, but it didn't succeed. He hung his head down in sadness.

But he felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked down at Ash in surprise. And Ash was smiling.

"But that doesn't mean we can't improve together. I'll teach you what you need to know about those skills and you'll be a great pokemon during a battle.", said Ash.

Charizard was starting to get excited in the direct this was going.

"You've proven that I can battle alongside you again and win together. Right now, that is all that matters. Welcome back to the team and family, buddy.", said Ash.

Upon hearing that one word, Charizard spouted a Flamethrower in Ash's face in affection. His face was covered in soot and ashes. He wiped it off his face and chuckled. The rest of the pokemon just stood there, now knowing what to do.

"Were you meaning to do that for a while since we parted ways?", asked Ash.

Charizard growled softly and nodded. The two exchanged a fist-bump. The pokemon, Serena and June cheered for the duo. Talonflame approached Charizard and offered Charizard her wing. Charizard extended his arm and they shook it, on good terms. Greninja and Sceptile also stepped forward with grins.

"Quite the battle, pal.", said Sceptile.

"Not bad. Not bad at all, Charizard. You've proven your power and pLAce in the family and team.", said Greninja.

The End


And that is the final chapter of this story and the first story to be completed. It looks like Charizard had re-joined the family with open arms.

Also, I gave Ash the Shiny Trevenant based off the Shiny Phantump episode. It just sucks that Ash didn't catch it and he won't catch another pokemon until after the Magearna movie. I was really hoping that he will catch Phantump so that he will have another shiny pokemon and an official ghost-type pokemon. If he isn't going to get Phantump, Gogoat, Skiddo, Trevenant or have his Sceptile Mega Evolve, then what will his Kalos grass type be? Maybe Clemont will give Ash his Chespin. Or maybe the Shiny Phantump or the normal Trevenant might return sometime after the film. Overall, I hope Ash catches a grass-type soon. This is making me very uncomfortable and uneasy.

Also, the Gen 7 starters are awesome. Rowlet seems the coolest.

This is Delta signing out.