Author has written 109 stories for Aliens/Predator, Stargate: SG-1, Highlander, Transformers/Beast Wars, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Angel, Warhammer, Buffy X-overs, Doctor Who, Star Wars, StarTrek: The Next Generation, Babylon 5, TV X-overs, Stargate: Atlantis, Ashes to Ashes, Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles, Book X-overs, Batman Beyond, Battlestar Galactica: 2003, Kyle XY, StarTrek: Voyager, Chuck, Sarah Jane Adventures, Smallville, Supernatural, Castle, Kim Possible, Teen Titans, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Tomorrow People, Star Wars Rebels, DC Elseworlds, StarTrek: Deep Space Nine, Battlestar Galactica, Farscape, Life on Mars, Batman, Power Rangers, Sherlock Holmes, Avatar: Last Airbender, MacGyver, Batman Begins/Dark Knight, ThunderCats, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, NCIS, Captain America, Phantom, Supergirl, and Bones.
Hello welcome to my little corner of fanfiction . net
Ten years people! Ten years since I decided to hack out my badly written fiction here. So time to look back as well as forward. I'm going to try and go back over some my old stories of mine and try to tidy them up, or at least finish them. That's my goal over this year and I hope to fire off a few more new stories as well.
Ten years and I'm not running out of ideas, hell I'm speeding up! some are really long term...
For news, updates visit my blog at
For my original fiction over on fictionpress . com fictionpress.com/mountainking
And for my Digital Art (if you're interested) here you go :- http:///
If you want to get in touch I've finally joined the ranks of Twitter. You should find my inane rantings @ThomasFishwick
If you want to drop me a line, go ahead.
Series I'm working on:-
Power Rangers Demon Wars
Written as a "Missing Season" to replace the season 8 and 9 Buffy comics. Dawn, striking out on her own, goes to College in an old mining town called Amethyst City. Once there she finds herself in the forefront of a war that spans hundreds of dimensions. With an unlikely group of friends she becomes the leader of the latest team of Power Rangers, but will it be enough to save the world? Or will their own private and personal demons prove just as deadly as real ones?
The Empty Grave Trilogy:-
My flagship multiple crossover. We follow the journey of Darth Vader as he learns the true price of the Star Wars Galactic Civil War and then across space and time to the Buffy-verse where he learns the meaning of the Force and Stargate where he discovers the secret founded in the birth of his own galaxy before returning Home…
This one ground to a halt because it didn't quite work. I'm hoping to come back eventually and have it make sense, not just more George Lucas bashing.
Chosen Destiny:-
A five part (in note form at least, might get shorter or longer) saga where Kim Possible learns that doing anything means that anything can happen to you. This one references other shows and other stand alone stories I have wrote as a back drop to what is basically a life spanning romantic drama (Just wait and see!). Part Two is on hold for the time being while I sort out my notes and put my nose to the grind stone
Generation 1.5:-
Unlike the others, instead of following one character/show and its reaction to various others, this one is aimed at different reactions to one show. Transformers. I have taken the basic story-line of the Gen 1 cartoon (the classic 80’s stuff) and wrote current shows into it. All my crossovers with Transformers currently fit into this Omni-verse they are (in chronological order, not written order);
The Awakening (in Stargate SG-1.) Work In Progress
SG-1 finds a crashed spaceship deep in a dormant Volcano. Forging a powerful alliance with the crew they are forced to restart their ancient Civil War.
Keep Driving (in Transformers Beastwars.)
Catapulted into an alternate dimension by a malfunctioning space bridge, a handful of G-1 Autobots and Decepticons damage the uneasy peace following the events of the 2007 movie.
Deceptions and Robots (in Kim Possible.)
Kim Possible supposedly can do anything, which makes her perfect for Megatron's new plan to defeat the Autobot Human alliance once and for all.
All Creatures Great and Small (in Buffy crossovers.) Improved Directors Edition.
A strange vision, odd news reports and a dire threat lead Buffy the Vampire Slayer to Oregon. Her little sister thought she was just tagging along for the ride, instead her past as the Key unlocks a whole new level in the Autobot Decepticon conflict.
Playing Dice With the Universe (in Transformers Beastwars)
A lot has happened to Dawn Summers recently; becoming the leader of the Autobot micromasters, fighting a war on the devastated planet of Cybertron those she could just about handle. But fighting in the Beast Wars was not what she volunteered for!
Help Needed (in Smallville.)
The Autobots are out in the open, same for the SGC. All this doesn't help young Clark Kent one bit when he is injured and kidnapped by an insane Starscream. Chloe Sullivan, however, is about to make some friends while trying to rescue him. Including the President of America, one Jack O'Neill.
WARZONE (in Transformers Beastwars) Work In Progress. On hold
Earth is at peace, what's left of the Decepticons are disillusioned and weak. Then, out of nowhere, the greatest Decepticon of all arises. Leaving nothing but death and destruction, worse of all it's beginning to look like no one can stop him... This one is on hold, for the time being at least. I jumped the gun posing the first couple of chapters and until The Awakening and Playing Dice are finished I'm holding the rest back