Vader's Folly
Author's notes: Thank you for the feedback! :) Glad everyone enjoyed the last chapter. Hope u enjoy this one as well. As always don't forget to review! :D
Canon: I will be a using a mix of both the Disney and Legends canon. Mainly Legends.
Summary: An ancient site filled with ancient technologies, of course Dr Aphra can't resist playing around. The result, one Sith Lord with a lot of options.
Chapter 6
Jiliac Desilijic Tirob was nervous. Truly nervous for the first time in a very long time. He had demanded this gathering in the aftermath of Jabba's death. This was not the smaller council with just the heads of the Cartels. No, he had summoned the greater council of Hutts, a gathering of the clan leaders big and small. It was a much more far ranging group, but in light of the degree of the attack, nothing less than this was appropriate.
What they didn't know was just how badly Clan Desilijic had been mauled by the attack. Or that it had not been a single attack. The physical attack on Jabba's palace on Tatooine had only been the start.
The attacks on their accounts was ongoing, passwords and secrets accounts of the clan that only he and Jabba had known were drying up, transferred away though the Banking Clan, all on the surface legitimate, but his own accountants and aides were rushing to curtail the damage done and prevent any further loss. And there would be a reckoning for those the Banking Clan that had aided the Trade Federation.
But what it all amounted to was weakness.
The weakness of Clan Desilijic. A weakness that made them vulnerable. Very vulnerable.
Jiliac's eyes strayed towards the assembled Hutts before him. Specifically, to one Hutt in particular.
Aruk Besadii Aora, the head of Clan Besadii, an old and canny Hutt nearly a thousand years old. He lounged surrounded only by his bodyguards and the only Hutt next to him was that young scarred offspring of his, Durga.
Jiliac hid his distaste masterfully as he slithered forward towards the center of the large Clan Hall. Aruk should have smothered that creature once it was born.
He mentally shook himself, now was not the time to get distracted.
He came to the center of the chamber and looked around at all the Hutt Lords present. It was a thing of pride to see so many powerful members gathered here to listen to him.
If only they and he had been here for any other reason.
He raised his arms high, "I come before you my fellow Hutts, demanding Vengeance!" Jiliac roared mightily as he began his speech, "My dear nephew Jabba has been murdered!"
Angry shouts and the sounds of tails slapping the floor echoed through the council chambers.
"...My clan has been treacherously attacked!"
There were more angry shouts. More tail slapping. Less than he wanted, he could already see the beginning of glee at his misfortune on the faces of a number of the Hutt. Damnable Aruk remained unreadable, even as Durga sneered in glee.
"Some of you think this is a good thing! I tell you this is a blow to all Hutts! This was not some rival clan!" he gestured and Ephant Mon approached.
The loyal Chevin came forward and cast the battered remains of Trade Federation Battle droid into the center of the room.
"The Trade Federation dared to attack us!" he spat in a fury.
The wave of anger he had been expected, hit him, at the thought of those lesser creatures daring to attack a Hutt. The sound of it was a living thing that crested across the room, curses were spat, incoherent roars of derision, the rage was universal.
He wasn't finished, he spent the next hour talking himself hoarse, speaking of all he knew, he summoned loyal Ephant Mon to give his own testimony, even as datapads beeped across the room as his aide transmitted all the evidence to everyone.
"Too long has the Trade Federation dared to rival us! Them must be made to PAY!" he shouted, filling his words with all of his wrath, "this must not go unanswered!" he finished.
He felt spent after the final word was said. He'd channeled so much into the words, gambled so much on this. His clan needed this.
He saw movement from the corner of his eye, Aruk was slithering forward to be heard.
A cold fury gripped Jiliac, that damnable creature!
Aruk raised one hand and looked Jiliac in the eye as he spoke.
"Lord Jiliac is right."
Jiliac blinked.
"Lord Jiliac is right!" Aruk repeated louder.
What is happening? Jiliac thought in trepidation
"It is not Clan Desilijic that has been attacked. We have ALL been attacked!" Aruk exclaimed bristling fiercely with passion, "How many of us have been insulted before by the Trade Federation?" he paused and spat in disgust, "Far too many. They do not fear us!"
Cries of dismay and disbelief echoed in response to Aruk's tirade.
"We are Hutts! We are the greatest of all beings in the galaxy! And these lesser creatures dare to insult us? To attack us?!" he continued unabated in his fury, "Some may question what Lord Jiliac has presented to us, but I do not!" He cast looks around the room staring down any defiant looks that he met his. Finally, he pointed to Ephant Mon, "I believe there are few here who haven't tried to bribe him over the years," he pause for a deep breath, "And we have all been rebuffed. We are aware of just how loyal and true you are to the departed Jabba. We should all be so lucky to have just a devoted servant."
Jiliac frowned, Aruk was laying it on rather think. He cast a look at the conflicted Ephant Mon, the Chevin was standing tall and proud before the Clans, he was still angry, but Jiliac could see the way he preened at the compliments.
"This loyal servant of the Hutts stands before us crying out for vengeance for his master! And I will not deny him that honor!"
Aruk slapped his tail down on the ground with a resounding thud, "We are Hutts! We crushed Xim the Despot when the galaxy couldn't! They have forgotten us! It is time to remind the galaxy remember our true power!" boomed Aruk wrathfully, "Let them tremble at our might!"
Cheers and cries for vengeance echoed through the chamber at Aruk's charismatic call, a rising call to action, even Jiliac twisted uneasily inside, this was surly only the first move in some intricate plan of Aruk's.
Things progressed quickly after that.
Jiliac was astounded and amazed at just how quickly things progressed. The Hutt Lords were decided on their course of action and the Trade Federation would pay in blood for all their insults.
As things began to winded down, a protocol droid approached, "All mighty Jiliac Desilijic Tirob , my master Aruk Besadii Aora invites you to join him, he asks your indulgence in this, he wishes to speak quietly with you and your servant Ephant Mon."
Jiliac eyed it with distaste and suspicion, what else was that canny old Hutt up to?
He cast an eye towards the distant Hutt who was sitting peacefully with his deformed offspring next to him. Whatever Aruk was up to, it seemed for now that their goals aligned.
"Tell your master, I will hear what he has to say."
Aruk's office was simplistic much like it's master. The old Hutt was not one to lean towards extravagance. Functionally, it was perfect, up to any Hutt clan leader's standards, but it did befit the splendor that should embody a Hutt Clan Leader's private office.
It was also the very first time that Jiliac had ever been here or in such close proximity to his long time rival. Even with everything that was going wrong, this was still a chance to better understand his rival, to prepare for whatever double-cross would come along later.
Aruk and Jiliac had no guards here. Durga reclined next to his father and Ephant Mon stood obediently next to Jiliac.
"Lord Aruk," he managed to say the name civilly, "Lord Durga," the second name lacked the first's civility.
Durga bristled at the tone.
"Lord Jiliac," the old Hutt even sounded welcoming, as he placed a calming hand on his son's shoulder, "We are all friends here." His son settled even as he glared daggers silently at Jiliac.
Jiliac couldn't help himself, he scoffed at the words.
Aruk wasn't insulted, he smiled back at Jiliac, "Fate has made us friends...for a time at least."
Jiliac winced and growled unhappily, that statement held more truth than he wanted to admit, "You wished to speak."
"I wished to speak about the motives behind the Trade Federation's bold actions," he specified plainly.
Jiliac's eyes narrowed, that was the one strangeness that stood out to him as well. Nute Gunray and the Neimoidians were weaklings and cowards. This- Jabba's blatant murder, was very out of character for them. But then again the invasion of Naboo had also been out of character as well.
"And?" he prompted.
Aruk's eyes darkened and he asked gravely."Tell me, have you heard the name Darth Sidious?"
Jiliac flicked his tongue in annoyance, "Yes. Nate Gunray claimed he was backing him during the Naboo incident."
Aruk nodded, "A Sith Lord."
Jiliac sneered, "It was a rather stupid excuse, even by Neimoidian standards. The Sith are gone to dust, the Jedi saw to that."
"Did they?" asked Aruk quizzically.
Jiliac frowned, "You believe they survived?" he asked wondering where Aruk was going with this, "You believe they are involved as well? To what purpose?"
"My father believed. And his father before him always believed they survived, that they went into hiding," Aruk admitted, "As to their plans, destroying the Jedi is a good bet considering History- how they will go about that...that still escapes me. I only know what has been done. Not what will happen."
"And? What does it matter to us if the Sith have survived? Or if they manage to destroy the Jedi?" Jiliac asked waving away the issue.
"Ah yes, you would think that the Sith would be good for business, but in practice, Jedi are better than Sith," Aruk admitted with much surprise.
Jiliac gave him a startled look, "Surely you're joking." Sith were far more understandable creatures than those self-righteous and pious Jedi.
"Heh, no," Aruk said in an amused tone, "The Jedi are predictable. You will always know where you stand with them- predictability. It is good to have predictable adversaries, that's just good business."
Aruk had a point, but he didn't have to like it, "And the Sith aren't?" Jiliac asked in distaste.
Aruk stilled and narrowed his eyes, "The their nature are unpredictable to an extreme. Offer them hospitality and honor them, and for the most part they can be civil. You just never know what will set them off."
Jiliac shifted uneasily, he didn't like where Aruk was going with this, "You believe that the Sith are controlling the Trade Federation?"
"It is a possibility. They may also be a catspaw. The Sith much like the Jedi should not be underestimated. For lesser creatures, they can be quite cunning."
"And you think they are a threat?" Jiliac asked pointedly.
"A grave threat indeed...I will tell you a story that my father once told me," Aruk began gravely, "My father and his father before him, lived though the last war between the Jed and the Sith. And they remembered the old stories," he took a deep breath, "Once, the Sith were an Empire to rival the Republic. War was inevitable and prolonged when it came. But the war was good for us, for Nar Shaddaa, for our enterprises, the arms trade was always booming like nothing you could imagine. I've seen my Clan's the ledgers from that time and I am awed and envious of their profit margins."
Jiliac listened and watched as greed, envy and awe crossed the face of the old Hutt.
"...Business with the Sith Empire continued and a Sith was sent to Nar Shaddaa to negotiate with the Hutt Cartels of that time," Aruk grunted and flicked his tongue in disquiet, "The Negotiations began well enough, the deal was concluded and then..."
"And then?" Jiliac demanded.
"And then a second Sith appeared, a rival to the first Sith and murdered everyone, including two Hutts," he finished in disgust.
Jiliac balked.
"That same Sith rose to join their Dark Council, to rule the Sith Empire. Sith do not care about consequences. When there actually are any consequences. For us, Hutt mortality was much higher during the height of the Sith power," Aruk huffed angrily, "That is something in both our interests to work against."
Jiliac eyed Aruk, the old Hutt seemed upfront about his qualms and unease. Jiliac's own knowledge about the Sith was lacking compared to Aruk's. That was something he'd have to rectify soon. And what Aruk brought up was truly disturbing.
"What do you want then? What do you suggest?" he began cautiously.
"We must strike at the Trade Federation. Our hand has been forced there...granted that hurting or crushing them will still help us in the long run, but we must keep a close eye out for the Sith. Or whatever other pawns may be thrown into our path," Aruk explained.
Jiliac mulled over his options carefully. It was a disturbing picture that Aruk had drawn him. He shared a look with Ephant Mon, who looked equally intrigued and infuriated by this theory, "So be it. Let us be wary. Together."
A frightening think happened next.
Aruk's face twisted in malicious smile, "Good. Then let us plan how we will crush these upstart Neimoidians..."
Aphra wrinkled her nose, "I'm never getting the smell out am I?" she complained aloud as she ordered the cleaning droids to start again, before replacing her mask.
The smell in Triple Zero's newly vacated temporary torture chamber was still unbearable. She'd always thought that Hutt slime smelled horrid. Well apparently, they smelled worse inside...
She sighed unhappily, they'd probably have to air out the whole ship sometime soon. The smell was still spreading!
Or at least try to. She was the only one that had any issues with the smell. The droids were...droids. And Vader's mask dealt with the smell. Not that she expected a Dark Lord of the Sith to complain about as lowly as a rotten smell.
She sighed again. Thankfully, it had been a very illuminating interrogation. All the money they had siphoned off from Desilijic- and were still siphoning, she mentally added with a gleeful smile, was going to good cause now.
Them. And whatever fun plan Vader had concocted.
Vader had finished dealing with this Maul character- whoever he had been. Vader had even seemed to be in a good mood when he returned to the ship with the broken...well thing dragged behind him.
He'd tossed it to Triple Zero and told the droid to dispose of it.
Afterwards Vader hadn't said anything else before going off to his part of the ship, leaving her alone with the droids...again.
That had been nearly two hours ago.
Aphra found herself sitting picking at a preheated meal in the galley as she waited for Vader to do something.
Unfortunately, she was only halfway though her meal when he emerged again. His rhythmic breathing echoing in the ship.
He entered the galley and stared at her, as she did her best not to squirm. She, slowly and awkwardly, continued putting food in her mouth. She did her best to chew quietly. She didn't want to offend the Sith Lord with her loud chewing.
Thankfully, Triple Zero chose that time to interrupt them.
Triple Zero approached and held up a large box covered with a sheet to Vader, "My Lord I thought you would appreciate my skills." Without waiting for Vader's acknowledgment, the protocol droid removed the sheet from over the box. Underneath, was a large transparent box, and inside it was the mounted head of the creature Vader had dragged back. It had been cleaned up and the thing had obviously once been a Zabrak, with magnificent and intricate red and black facial tattoos.
Only the sound of Vader's hard vesicular breathing could be heard in the ship. He stared at the head for a long time, leaving Triple Zero standing there holding the box with the head. She used the time to quickly finish her meal.
Then Vader laughed.
It was a booming sinister thing that made Aphra's spine tingle. And not just her spine tingled.
"I do enjoy it when my efforts are appreciated," Triple Zero chimed in contented.
"Excellent work, find a place for it. A prominent place," Vader commanded.
"That's What's our next step?" Aphra asked with a smile and skip in her step. A Happy Sith Lord was a Happy Aphra. He was less likely to kill her when he was happy.
"Dooku," she could feel the anger and venom in his voice as he spoke the name, "We go after him," Vader stated unequivocally.
Aphra knew of the Separatist Leader, apparently Vader wasn't pulling his punches...not that he ever did, "Awesome. So where are we going then?"
Author's Notes: Anyway, more ripples in the making, or rather crashing waves ;) ;P Cookie for the person that gets the rather blatant Old Republic game reference ;D As always, don't forget to review! :D