Author has written 17 stories for Legend of Zelda, DC Superheroes, Ultimate Marvel, Ben 10, X-Men: Evolution, Transformers, 6teen, Stoked, Marvel, and Mario. Hi, I'm The Writer with No Name. Odd pen-name, I know, but I thought it sounded cool, so I figured, what the heck. These days, I mostly write comic-based stories, most notably my "Last Son" saga, but I occasionally get ideas from video games and TV-shows. Maybe after I get Last Son finished, I can use some of them. In any case, I hope you enjoy reading my stories as much as I enjoy writing them. Update (30 Aug 15): Hey, everyone! I'm not dead! I know it's been a while, but I'm still plugging away at Last Son and Hanging Ten! My problem is that Navy training leaves me super-busy during the day, and mostly wiped afterwards...leaving me about 1 hour of writing time per day, and THAT'S just assuming there are no tests or assignments next day. I'm committed to finishing my projects, but it is going to take a while. Thank you for your continued support and patience! Catch you on the flip side! Update: I just received this news: a fan of my work, Ranitagoyle, has just created three fanart covers for Last Son, Books 1-3! I feel so honoured! If you're interested, check them out on Deviantart! I won't post the link, since this site doesn't show them properly; just search "Ranitagoyle" on Deviantart, and you'll find them! Links: My Twitter Page: I'll be using this to post progress updates about upcoming chapters. In the meantime, feel free to Tweet me about my stories, or anything on your mind; just don't spam me, okay? My Facebook Page: Well, I did it: I took the plunge and signed up on Facebook. If any of you are ever on there, feel free to add me as a Friend; like with Twitter, I'll be using it to make periodic updates. My Last Son Series' TvTropes page: http:///pmwiki/pmwiki.php/FanFic/TheLastSon I was amazed and flattered when I saw this, the first time. Feel free to check it out! My Hanging Ten Saga's Wiki page: http:///wiki/The_Hanging_Ten_Saga_Wiki Like Last Son's TvTropes page, this completely flabbergasted me when I saw it! Kudos to CMR Rosa for creating it! I'll do my best to help add to it when I can, and I invite my readers to do the same! My Last Son Series' Wiki page: http:///wiki/The_Last_Son_Wiki Again, I'm astonished and flattered at this. Feel free to add to it! Vital Stats: Age: 28 Birthplace: Newfoundland (AKA: The Rock), Canada Sex: Frequently (Male, actually; I'll give a shout-out to anyone who catches that joke. lol) Marital Status: Terminally Single Occupation: Fanfic author, Officer-in-training Favorite TV Shows: Stargate SG-1, Stargate Atlantis, Stargate Universe, House, M.D., Justice, Lie to Me, CSI, CSI; Miami, CSI: NY, Navy NCIS, That 70's Show,Two and a Half Men, Malcolm in the Middle, MASH Favorite Games: The Legend of Zelda series, Metroid Prime (1, 2, 3, and Trilogy), Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, Brutal Legend (never played it, but love the idea), Skies of Arcadia Legends, Super Smash Bros. Brawl Favorite Movies: Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, The Dark Knight Rises, Avengers, 300, V For Vendetta, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, The Life of Brian, Super Troopers, The Lord of the Rings series Completed projects: The Legend of Zelda: Legacies The Legend of Zelda: Wrath of Majora The Last Son, Book One: Gatherings (August 17, 2012: edited for chapter-titles and minor continuity flaws.) The Last Son, Book Two: Reckonings (August 24, 2012: Chapters 1-10 edited for minor continuity flaws.) A Hero Among Us (Last Son/6Teen x-over; hey, it could happen!) A Day at the Mall with Superman The Last Son, Book Three: Changes Optimal Advice More Than Meets the Eye Hanging Ten Hanging Ten: It Came From Room 1313 Hanging Ten: Witchy Woman Current Projects: The Last Son, Book Four: Destinies - In the wake of General Zod's betrayal, Superman, the Justice League, and the X-Men find their world threatened again, by evils more terrible than anything they have ever faced. It all comes down to this... Hanging Ten: My Cyber-Sweet Sixteen - With her sweet sixteen just around the corner, Lo is officially stoked about her upcoming birthday-bash. Struggling to keep up with preparing for his girlfriend's party, Ben isn't quite as thrilled, especially when an old acquiantance drops by...with her pet. Future Projects: Crusade (Updated: Approx. 50% ready for posting) - His family killed before his eyes, his perfect world in tatters, young Bruce Wayne swears an oath of vengeance, and dedicates his life to hunting the evil that destroyed his life. After years of training, he returns home, to begin a one-man quest against crime...which will change Gotham City forever. The Smallville Chronicles (Updated: Approx. 75% ready for posting) - Arriving on Earth in a hailstorm of green fire, young Clark Kent is raised with love, destined to become the greatest hero Earth will ever know. But before he flew high amongst the clouds, he walked the Earth as an ordinary a little town called Smallville. The Hanging Ten Saga: Hanging Ten: Music Lovers - While Ben, Gwen, and Kevin are off-world for a series of missions, the groms feel a bit left-behind, until they get hit with a series of mysteries. Who keeps singing at late hours of the night? Where is the mysterious piano-music coming from? Why does Reef freak out every time he sees a piano? And, most mind-boggling of Reef's real name actually LESLIE? Hanging Ten: In The Nick of Time - In the wake of a major revelation, Lo and Ben's relationship hangs in the balance, but this pales in comparison to a major power-play by some of Ben's old foes. With her beau on the job, Lo is left to ponder things, until she is sent on a desperate mission...six years before she and Ben ever meet. Hanging Ten: Go Hero and Go Home - As the summer begins to fade away, and Gromfest comes to Sunset Beach, our favourite groms are set for one last epic sesh before heading home. For Ben and Lo, this is bittersweet, but it quickly becomes Ben's oldest nightmare comes back from the Void. Ben 10: Ultimate Hero - teaser coming soon! |