Reviews for Hanging Ten: My Cyber-Sweet Sixteen
StarFirePie123 chapter 3 . 6/30
I’d you can
SuperMegaNerd2 chapter 3 . 5/25
Please keep the story going! I wanna see Lo in her very own Galvanic Mecha suit, if thats what the ending leads to
Jss2141 chapter 3 . 5/7
So, Ship had a baby. Nice, Lo is gonna get her own mechamorph if this continues.
Zak saturday 1 chapter 3 . 3/12
Update soon please
Da-Awesom-One chapter 3 . 12/25/2019
Manged to reread the entire Hanging Ten Saga, and am still glad just how much of an enjoyment I get out of the dialogue, interactions, and action scenes.

Hope you're doing well, and that you update soon!
Guest chapter 1 . 10/31/2019
I will say this I love this fic franchise. Every character's personality is on point. There where many moments I laughed at. I hope you can continue this id love to see more but from what iv read I know life can be hard at times. Just take it easy and if you can get around to this continue.
Majinbuu7985 chapter 3 . 9/8/2019
Hello, I’ve been reading your hanging ten series and hoping you will continue it. While life is uncertain I am hoping for things to go well for you and can’t wait to see more of your work, especially since you pretty much nail all the characters personality in this- every time you write something for the Vreedles or Rath I burst out laughing and it isn’t easy to make me laugh.

Not sure how far into the future you have written for this story, but maybe at some point in it have another kind of “Omnitrix pulse” kind of Scenario where the grind are affected by the Omnitrix and gain slight physical changes and abilities from aliens in the Omnitrix, leading to them eventually becoming Jr Plumbers- like Reef being able to turn his body as hard as coral (Diamondhead/Chromastone), Broseph hair containing a pocket storage space dimension (Upchuck), Finn getting super swimming and sharp, unbreakable teeth (Ripjaws), etc.

Maybe having Mr.R house a Plumber base on the island so Ben and all don’t have to be separated after the summer. Also would like to see a scene where the Vreedles make Ben so mad (by threatening Lo) that he gives off another “Look that would make Vilgax wet himself”, before going Rath on them. Looking forward to more soon.
Guest chapter 1 . 8/26/2019
Hope you continue with this series. I love your work and I think it's amazing, your amazing
Guest chapter 1 . 7/25/2019
I hope you make more. U rock! )
Guest chapter 1 . 6/24/2019
I hope you are still making more because you are really good at these
allfictions chapter 3 . 3/5/2019
Greetings from Québec!

Wow, it's been a while. I do hope your life has been getting better since your last author's note. I have always been of the opinion that personal life takes precedence over my enjoyment of a fanfic, because the authors do not really owe me anything and I don't want them to burn out over stressing about the lack of updates. So take care, alright?

It's been so long, I'm almost tempted to ask you about what you think of the Ben10 reboot that happened in the meantime. Or even Omniverse, because I don't recall you ever expressing an opinion on that, though I myself had my...reservations about it.

Talking about the story itself, Cyber Sweet Sixteen is in a weird place for me in the Hanging Ten series. I could (and can) more or less guess the plot or at least some plot elements from your Upcoming Works on your page (which is not a bad thing! It builds up the hype, especially for "In The Nick of Time" and "Go Hero and Go Home" for me), but CSS has been a blank for me. At first I thought that, based on the title and the summary, it would involve Elena Validus, but this seems incorrect. As it is, I don't know what to expect, so I'm somewhat excited.

The only criticism I would give with the chapter was people ganging up on Julie. Not that I thought it was OOC of Lo or that Ben/Gwen wouldn't confront her over the heartbreak, but re-reading the previous installments make a lot of the disputes It's a weird feeling that is hard to explain, because it is clear you are not bashing the characters (and considering how you presented Julie both here and in previous flashbacks, she isn't a caricature either), yet sometimes in the Hanging Ten series, when people are confronted by others over their wrongs, perceived or otherwise, it feels to me like one-sided beatdowns where one side isn't able to mount an effective defense (Lo about Ben in the first story, Emma about Johnny in Witchy Woman) while the other side, sometimes consisting of multiple people, get the final word. I get that one side is in the wrong, but disputes are mostly about people thinking they are right and trying to prove their point. I'm not sure I am at all convinced that one person would just back down under an angry tirade instead of replying in kind.

Gwen tends to be part of those situations often when they concern Ben's love life, so she tends to come off as...kinda bad to me.

Well, that's just how I see it anyway.

In any case, love the story, I hope you can continue writing it if you can!
Blobking chapter 3 . 2/9/2019
i like to read next chapter to find out what gonna happen. also, what the hell did ship do in the bathroom?
Codecrash chapter 3 . 2/1/2019
YES! Another chapter, and as always it's freaking AWESOME!
I think my favorite part though has got to be the end. Seriously, I did NOT see that coming. It should be interesting to see where that goes.

Can't wait for more.

Codecrash out.
Love, peace and chicken grease.
Dungeons27 chapter 3 . 1/31/2019
I really like the way you capture the voice of the vreedle brothers. It is really easy to hear their voice when I read your lines.
That Guy chapter 3 . 1/28/2019
Did Ship just... um, 'blorp' as Ben once put it?
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