Author has written 12 stories for Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Roswell, Harry Potter, Angel, and Defiance. Update - April 20th, 2016 stuck to your screen, you find a new post-it. It reads; Sorry about the absence everyone. ATM I'm trying to get back into the grove of things so please bear with me. The following is a chapter status list; Every story is on hold for review/revision/remake
Here is a big THANKS is for all who left a message or review Possible Future stories on the backburner: "From Bad To Worse" - Btvs( Angelus, Xander - Season 2 ) The Bond Between Two Opposites - Btvs ( Xander/Drusilla - friendship? Long Fic - Post season 3 ) A Wizard's Tribute - HP ( AU 7th year/Future fic ) Realization - Btvs ( Ensemble - Shoki follow-up ) Watch out for falling Writer's Blocks These darn things threaten to fall on and crush any muse or plot bunny that comes within five feet of me. |
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