Point-in-Time: X777-780

It was a bright, sunny day when Natsu Dragneel came to Fairy Tail. The pink-haired boy was clad in beige shorts, a red long-sleeved shirt, and a white scarf wrapped around his neck. He carried a small bag over his shoulder that had the few worldly belongings that he owned; a kindly old man had found him as he was looking for his father, Igneel, and invited him to come join their family since he had nowhere else to go.

"Whoa! This place is huge!" Young Natsu yelled excitedly as he and the old man that was about his height stood outside of the Fairy Tail Guild. "So this is a Wizard Guild, huh?"

"Yep, it's called Fairy Tail." The old man, Makarov, confirmed for the boy.

"That's a weird name." Natsu muttered bluntly, earning a hearty chuckle from Makarov.

"Yes, well… Nobody knows whether or not fairies have tails, or if they even exist! So it'll forever be a mystery. Unless we try to find out, which could become an amazing adventure. And our members are the ones who want to find out." Makarov stated with a wide grin. The grin must've been infectious, because Natsu was soon mirroring it.

"I don't get it, but it sounds awesome!"

It didn't take long for Natsu to get his accommodations and living quarters worked out; Makarov would take the boy in until he was ready to move into an apartment after earning some money. Well, truthfully, Natsu was planning to build his own house outside Magnolia, as he just wasn't used to living in a town. All he had known was living out in a cave with Igneel, away from civilization, so of course the transition was going to be overwhelming at first.

Of course Makarov wasn't going to let the boy struggle on his own. Building a house wasn't any kind of work for a boy, and to tell the truth, well… Makarov was already seeing Natsu as one of his many grandchildren. That's what Fairy Tail was, a family.

"Hey, what's your deal? You got a problem with me or somethin'?" A raven-haired boy, clad in nothing but boxers, was lounging at a table, glaring moodily back at Natsu.

"So what if I do?!" Natsu replied flippantly.

… Yep. Family.

"Oh? They gonna fight?" A blue-haired man asked from another table a little bit away. The brunet smoking next to him snorted.

"No way!"

A girl in a yellow dress popped up at the raven-haired boy's table and hollered at him.

"Gray, your clothes!"

Gray panicked as he looked down and apparently noticed that, indeed, he was in nothing but boxers.

"Aw man!"

Natsu's interest in Gray seemed to wane at that moment as he turned away with a bored expression.

"Jeez, what a pervert!" The pink-haired boy grinned when Gray got up in his face with a scowl.

"Who you callin' a pervert, Pinky?!"

"You, ya loudmouth streaker!"

A dust cloud was kicked up from there as the boys started to brawl in the Guild Hall, uncaring of who may be watching them. Makarov smiled wryly as he held a cup of beer.

"Well, a feisty one, eh?"

"They'll fit right in!" An orange-haired man with a witch-like hat chuckled good-naturedly at the same table Makarov was at.

It didn't take long for the brawl to be broken up. A red-headed girl wearing a white skirt and light gray armor with a red bow got between the squabbling boys and pushed them apart. Irritated at the interference, Natsu glared at the redhead when she turned towards Gray first.

"What?! You want some of this, too?!"

"Don't do it…" Gray tried to warn the pink-haired boy as their audience collectively winced.

The redhead promptly sent them both careening into a wall, leaving sizeable crater marks.

"What total idiots." The redhead huffed.

"But why me toooo…?" Gray whined pitifully. This garnered a stern glare from the redhead.

"You're not to fight, are we clear…?" She asked both boys intimidatingly. Gray immediately acquiesced.

"Yes, ma'am!"

"Scaaary!" Natsu rocked back and forth on the ground, clutching his head where it most hurt. The redhead stared at Natsu curiously as she seemed to realize that he was new.

"Hey, kid, what's your name?"

"Natsu…" The pink-haired boy looked to the side with a pout and his cheeks heated up a little. The girl nodded her head.

"Natsu, huh…? Let's get one thing straight. Everyone at Fairy Tail treats each other like family, and this Guild Hall is like our home. It's not a place for fighting. Understand?"

Natsu took a moment before replying, but at her expectant stare, he released a sigh.


"Welcome to Fairy Tail, I'm Erza." The girl said with a smirk and her hands on her hips.

"She's mean…" Natsu muttered under his breath and dipped his head somewhat.

"For real…" Gray agreed just as quietly. Both boys smirked at each other for having similar thoughts, but then realized what they were doing and looked away from one another stubbornly.

Erza Scarlet was not particularly known for getting close to anyone that wasn't the Guild Master. She constantly preached that the members of Fairy Tail were a family, but then she turned right around and started disciplining anyone and everyone for the slightest infractions. When she wasn't doing that, Erza usually secluded herself and was wary of others approaching her.

For about a year after Natsu joined the Guild, that's all he was – a new face. A hardheaded boy that couldn't seem to get that when she said "no fighting", she meant no fighting. He was overly rambunctious and always off doing something. Her attitude toward the boy started to change when the Strauss Siblings joined the Guild in the year X778. The eldest sibling was about her age, and seemed to have a real mean streak on her, not caring who she taunted or belittled.

To be frank, it pissed Erza off, and a rivalry was soon established that mirrored Natsu and Gray's. … Though Erza would never admit to that.

Around the time Natsu tried selecting his first job to take by himself, that was when Erza took it upon herself to teach the boy how to properly read and write. Oh, he dreaded those three days she kept him studying nonstop, but he couldn't argue with the results. What bothered Erza somewhat is that Natsu seemed to single her out of all the Guild, basically saying she was "scary" while "everyone else is cool".

What did they have that she didn't?

"You are scary," Natsu flatly told her over lunch one day, a scowl on his face. "You always come up with these dumb rules and get in the way of fights and stuff. First time I tried to go up the stairs without Gramps, you nearly gave me a concussion! I'm not takin' it back. You're scary."

Erza huffed at the reminder, her arms crossed exasperatedly. That was the first day he had come to the Guild; how was she supposed to know he left his stuff in Makarov's Office upstairs while he got to know his new Guildmates? The rules said no one but S-Rank Mages or the Master were allowed up there. He could have at least waited for Makarov and she wouldn't have made a fuss. Probably.

"Fine." She growled out bitterly. It wasn't as if he was the first one to be scared of her. Why should she care?

Natsu raised an eyebrow at her clear agitation. Being scary wasn't always a bad thing. A lot of the time it was, but it could be a symbol of strength, too. Growing up with a dragon might've been 'normal' for him, but even Igneel could have his scary moments. How could he not as a fire-breathing dragon?!

"Look," Natsu said awkwardly as he rubbed the back of his head. "You're uptight. And mean. And scary. All of that's true. But I don't think you understand totally what I mean by that. To scare me, you hafta be strong and, uh… imposing, I think? I dunno how to rate you 'cause I haven't fought everybody here, but you're definitely one of the strongest."

Erza seemed to perk up at that, having not considered that Natsu might have a personal definition of what 'scary' is. She allowed a small smile to slip onto her face when she posed her next question and leaned forward expectantly.

"Then… You keep picking fights with everybody in my presence because…?"

"'Cause one day I'm gonna beat you!" He smirked when Erza's eye twitched at his bluntness. He crossed his arms and puffed out his chest defiantly. "Maybe not today, maybe not next week, but I'm gonna catch up to ya! You'll see! Then I can fight with whoever I want!"

"Even if you surpass me one day, you'll still have the Master to contend with." Erza remarked dryly. She twitched again at his obvious response.

"I'll beat Gramps, too!" Natsu said as a fire-like aura encompassed his person. "I'm never gonna back down from a fight! Knock me down and I'll get back up!"

Erza dropped her scowl as she considered everything Natsu said. She'd pegged him as a reckless kid from the beginning, but who knew he had heart to match his cockiness? Of course he would have to learn restraint, but if he could properly channel that spirit when it counted… Yes. Erza could work with someone like this. She'd daresay it would be a lot of fun.

"I see." Erza responded calmly before briefly closing her eyes as if to mull something over. When she reopened them, there was a glint that Natsu shied away from somewhat. In the next moment, Erza stood up firmly and marched over to Natsu's side of the table before picking him up by the collar and then dragging him away by the scarf. "Come, we have much to work on. From this day on we will be a team."

"N-Not again…" Natsu wheezed and valiantly struggled to escape. To no avail.

Before they were just mentor and reluctant vocabulary student. Now it looked like Erza was set on them being a team. When they passed Gray on their way out the door, the raven-haired boy did a double-take and then pointed and laughed at Natsu's earnest pleas for help. Yeah, like he was suicidal to get in-between Erza and something she wanted.

"Poor Flamebrain. I hardly knew ya." Gray calmed down after the pair were no longer in view. When he turned to head into the Guild, he froze when he saw Mira standing there with a mischievous smirk. He took a couple steps back fearfully. "Oh… crap…"

"If Tincan is taking on a protégé, I should probably do the same." Mira casually remarked with a saccharine grin. "I mean, obviously my first choices would be Elfman or Lisanna, but you fight enough with that pink-headed moron as it is. You'll be perfect."

Gray comically made a run for the doors with an exaggerated panicked face, but was dragged back in by his legs before he could even reach the door handle.

He was so screwed.

Two more years passed. It came time for the S-Class Trials of X780, and as usual the Guild was filled with energy because of the suspense of the picking of the candidates to run the gauntlet. Despite the hell Erza put him through, Natsu only proved to be a solid A-Class Mage. He was not on the list of candidates for the X780 Trials. Neither was Gray, but that had more to do with the fact that Mirajane focused less on her 'protégé' and more on her own personal training when the Trials grew closer.

Both Erza and Mirajane made the cut as candidates. Only one of them would be accepting of the offer, however.

"Waddya mean you're gonna decline?!" Natsu cried after Erza announced her decision after dragging him out to their usual training ground. He pointed at her accusingly. "Don'tcha know what you're missin'?!"

Erza heaved a sigh, but stuck to her guns. This was very important to her.

"I know, Natsu." She closed her eyes and crossed her arms in front of her chest patiently. "Believe me, I would take these Trials in a heartbeat. But you weren't nominated; I won't move ahead without you."

Natsu cocked his head to the side at that. She would throw away her first chance at becoming S-Class? For him?

"What do I hafta do with it?" Natsu asked incredulously, scratching his head. He flailed his arms eccentrically. "You're totally ready for promotion! Go for it, girl!"

Erza's eyes flashed like steel when she reopened them.

"Not. Without. You." Her tone left no room for argument, so as usual… Natsu conceded. For now. Seeing her teammate compartmentalizing his frustrations, Erza sighed again and tried to find the right words to explain herself. "Natsu, when you think of S-Class, what comes to mind?"

Natsu blinked and tried to think it over before answering with what first came to mind.

"Uh… Kickass missions? Tons of respect from your Guildmates? Right to go to the Second Floor without Gramps? Money?" He drooled a little just thinking about the last item. S-Class missions shelled out so much money. Just think of all the food he could buy with just one S-Class mission…

Erza snapped her fingers to break Natsu out of his mini-daydream. He scowled at it being disrupted. She pinched the bridge of her nose.

"Yes, S-Class brings all of that, Natsu. But what I was referring to was responsibility. You have so many more expectations riding on your shoulders!" Erza developed a tick mark on her forehead when Natsu's face gave a 'so what?' expression. "We would grow distant, Natsu. I likely wouldn't be able to go on as many missions with you anymore!"

Natsu grew silent as Erza got that off her chest. He wasn't going to lie – the last two years had been hell. Erza was possibly more intense and strict than she was with that three-day vocabulary lesson. But. He could feel how stronger he had become because of Erza's efforts. They'd grown closer as friends, not just as teammates. He'd attempted at one point to ask about her past, but steered the topic of discussion onto something else when it clearly brought her pain to think about it.

Natsu wanted to say that this was like that time. Their team clearly meant a lot to her, just like it meant a lot to him. Two years ago when their team was formed, Erza took it upon herself to help restructure his house, which he'd constructed behind Gramps's back 'cause the old man had done more than enough by bringing him to Fairy Tail and putting up room and board for him because he was a kid. That, and all those fights he got into with Laxus… Boy, did the old man grumble over those.

More than the house, though, Erza also helped him hatch Happy's egg. Well, not 'help' help, 'cause she did say he was the best person to be hatching an egg with his Fire Dragon Slayer abilities. But she vouched for him and Lisanna when they were absent from the Guild for a while, letting everyone else know where they were and what they were doing.

Sure, it was a pain to ride transportation with Erza because she tended to knock him out on her lap, but it stopped him from getting sick, didn't it? She didn't belittle him for his motion sickness. And she was totally the best teammate ever 'cause she got caught up in the moment and wrecked everything, too. That tendency to ask him to hit her for being so reckless was a bit weird, though…

All of that taken into account, Natsu knew he couldn't treat Erza's feelings about this like a trifle. Erza kinda obsessed with 'responsibility' and 'expectations' enough as-is; if she was worried some rank would get in the way of their awesome team, then he was gonna cheer her up. It was the least he could do.

"Okay." Natsu grinned at Erza's stunned look. He adopted a serious look a moment later, though. "I still think we'd be able to stick together even after you became S-Class, but if you're that worried, then all that's left to do is become S-Class together. That sound good?"

Erza smiled wryly at the proposal.

"That is what I wanted to do from the beginning. Even if I have to force the Master to make an exception… we will be promoted together. I won't have it any other way."

Natsu nodded shakily at the intense, imposing aura that surrounded Erza in that moment. When Erza says something is gonna happen, it's gonna happen. End of story.

"A-Aye!" Natsu squeaked out, knowing full well how the day was going to end… with Erza carrying him home and spending the night.

Author's Note: This came out much more smoothly. This short is very likely to be continued/expanded on (I know I glossed over some stuff). For accuracy's sake, I consulted the Fairy Tail Wiki and its timeline for years when members joined/got promoted. Again, if I botched anything up, just let me know.

And yes, I am aware the two I did not name are Macao and Wakaba. Seeing as their role was decidedly minor, I didn't name them, so apologies.

Edit 1/27/2017: For those who wanted a separation... there ya go. Renamed the 'main AU', while starting a new fic with the same name from before. Going to systematically go through these chapters, too, and remove the 'glimpes' info... except for the 'Point-in-Time', because that can be useful for the timeskips that happen on occasion.