I'm back. Sorry for the delay, I'm busy with life and all. Also, I had to watch the GOT finale. I didn't know it was only 7 episodes and season 8 is on two years?

Anyways, I should have posted this yesterday, but for some reason, it didn't. Took me a while, so thank you for your patience, ENJOY! (^v^)


"Cortana and John's private chat" or "Radio communication"

#####Title/Next Scene#####

John = John-117/Spartan (GoT Char thought it was a name)/The Spartan/Master Chief/ Chief

Northman = Northerner

Eddard Stark = Ned Stark

Great War = Human-Covenant War

Milord: Addressed by smallfolks/commoners/peasants

My lord: Addressed by knights, attendants, and nobles

titanium = titan's skin

#####The Merlord#####

It was a cold midnight, almost everyone in the North was asleep, the moon reigned in the midst of silence, and the Pelican quietly descended in the middle of a dense forest. Master Chief, Eddard Stark and his sons and ward: Robb, Jon, and Theon got out from the bay door along with four horses. Once they built their campfire and tied the reins of their horses on the lowest branch of a tree nearby, they rest for the night.

By dawn, they broke camp and began their travel on a dirt path next to the river of White Knife. An hour later, they caught sight of their destination with a breathtaking view.

"We're finally here, White Harbor." Robb raised his voice in excitement. It was Master Chief, Cortana, and the boys' first time seeing one of the remarkable sights and the only city in the North, and also the seat of House Manderly.

Roughly about a thousand years ago, House Manderly were driven out from the Kingdom of Reach and were given sanctuary and lands by House Stark in exchange for their pledge of fealty. Thus, they became one of Stark's most loyal vassals. They were also the richest house in the North due to overseas commerce in White Harbor, which was why they were the first house to ask for investment.

Two days ago, Eddard received a raven from the Lord of White Harbor. He was glad that not only Lord Manderly agreed on the investment but also invited him to his city to discuss the "Year of Wolves" plan. Usually, when a lord visited his vassal, he always accompanied by his retinue and household guards, but the Master Chief offered to be his bodyguard. Knowing their otherworldly arsenal provided them protection and their destination was a safe place, Eddard accepted. He brought Jon, Robb, and Theon along for the experience, now that they were almost men.

"So what can you tell me about Lord Manderly?" the maiden of light's voice spoke out from the tall warrior's helmet.

Lord Stark blinked. "Wyman Manderly," he began. "Why, he's an amiable man. Honorable and loyal, I assure you. He fought alongside me during the Robert's Rebellion. I'm confident we can secure investment from him."

Theon said, "I heard that Lord Manderly is so fat that he no longer rides a horse, and he can only be carried in a litter. Everyone in the North called him, Lord Too-Fat-to-Sit-a-Horse." He, Jon, and Rob burst to laugh.

"I think Chief found himself a kindred spirit," Cortana remarked. "He can't ride a horse too, you know."

That shut them up and also reminding them that the tall warrior was the only one who was walking along the way. The Northmen had been informed that the Master Chief weighed a ton, so there were no horses in Westeros would able to give him a ride, but to their surprise, he could keep up the horse's pace.

The Lord of Winterfell whirled his steed around, facing the boys with a stern look and cold eyes. "I trust Master Chief knows his courtesy protocol, but I want you three to be courteous at all times once we're at Lord Manderly's hall. That includes not insulting his weight under his roof. Is that clear?"

"Yes, father." Robb and Jon complied.

"Yes, my lord." Theon followed.

Eventually, the White Harbor's walls of whitewashed stone rose before them. As they entered through the gate, they found the city was clean and well-ordered, with straight cobbled streets that made it easy to walk around. The houses built in whitewashed stone, with steeply-pitched roofs of dark gray slate.

Eddard had visited the city a few times in his life, though he almost felt like he was no longer in the North since all the structures and the Manderlys' New Castle reminiscent to the architectures of the south. The Manderlys were once Southron, after all.

"Damn, this place is bigger than I imagined," Jon remarked as the boys looked around in awe. "The streets here are stoned, and white houses rose like a forest."

"They say King's Landing is a rat's nest smell with shit," Robb said. "But this city is clean with salty air.

"But this is nothing compare to yours in your worlds," Theon said to Chief as he remembered the visages of their realm that Lady Cortana had shown them.

Chief glanced at them with a moment of pause before saying, "We do have old cities like this still preserved in our homeworld."

"Really…?" Eddard said which the tall warrior nodded to answer.

They were now passing through the cobbled square with a fountain at its center. A stone merman rose from its waters, twenty feet tall from tail to the crown. His curly beard was green and white with lichen, and one of the prongs of his trident had broken off. Old Fishfoot was what the locals called him. The square's name came from some dead lord, but no one ever called it anything but Fishfoot Yard.

"Lord Stark," Master Chief called. "Cortana asked if that's allowable." He pointed some women doing laundry in Fishfoot's fountain and hanging them off his trident to dry. The maiden of light had to keep her voice down, or else the superstitious ears in the city might hear her.

"It's normal here," he explained. "Otherwise, the city's watch would have punished them a long time ago."

The Yard was bustling with activities. Vendors, peddlers, scribes, and money changers were doing their business along with a hedge wizard and some herb women. Children were running and playing underfoot. Before long, about half of the people in the square had their eyes gazing upon the Master Chief. Of course, his towering figure and peculiar armor stood out among the crowd. Eddard advised him to ignore them, which he heeded.

Moments later, they were at the New Castle's gate. After identifying themselves to the guards, one of them scuttled their feet inside to inform their liege lord, and the rest jolted everywhere, almost in panic, knowing the Lord of Winterfell was in their presence.

"We made a quite a fuss," Jon said.

His lord father nodded. "Well, they never expect we arrived so early." Depending on the good weather, it would take a week to traverse from Winterfell to White Harbor, but their travel time shortened to a mere minutes due to their otherworldly guests' flying craft.

Before long, a group of household guards arrived to escort them inside. Eventually, they stood in front of a double door flanked by two marble mermen. They were Fishfoot's smaller cousins, and behind it was the Merman's court.

As the guards threw open the doors, a herald slammed the butt of his staff against an old plank floor. "Lord Eddard of House Stark, Lord Paramount of the North," he called in a ringing voice.

They stepped foot in the Merman's court. Its walls, floor, and ceiling made of wooden planks notched cunningly together and decorated with all the creatures of the sea. As they approached the dais, they trod on painted crabs, clams, and starfish, half-hidden amongst twisting black fronds of seaweed and the bones of drowned sailors. On the walls to either side, pale sharks prowled painted blue-green depths, and eels and octopods slithered amongst rocks and sunken ships. Shoals of herring and great codfish swam between the tall arched windows. Higher up, near where the old fishing nets drooped down from the rafters, the surface of the sea had been depicted. To their right a war galley stroked serene against the rising sun; to their left, a battered old cog raced before a storm, her sails in rags. Behind the dais, a kraken and a gray leviathan locked in battle beneath the painted waves.

"MY LORD!" Lord Wyman boomed his voice to welcome his liege. He was standing in the middle of his court with some of his retainers behind him.

Gods! Eddard bellowed inside his thoughts. He was surprised to see Wyman grew fatter the last time he saw him. His fingers were as big as sausages.

"WELCOME!" He scurried toward Eddard. Each step he took, his massive belly bounced. Eddard could hear the boys struggled to keep their laughter behind their tongues. As he was about to kneel before Lord Stark, his retainers rush to aid him, or else he might fell on the floor by his owned weight.

Eddard immediately halted him with an upraised hand. "There's no need, Lord Manderly."

"Apologies, my lord," he said as he straightened himself. "This cursed body of mine hindered me for giving my respect to the Lord of the North. And apologies that my family isn't here to welcome you. They're all visiting my ailing father-in-law."

"I understand," Eddard said.

"My," Wyman wondered while scratching his chins, "didn't I send a raven a few days ago? Or perhaps you had a head start? My family will be back in five days, so we expect you to arrive within a week or two."

"We rode as fast as the wind," Eddard answered while keeping the truth of how they magically arrived in his domain in a flying machine. "It's an urgent matter that we discuss our investment for the Year of the Wolf."

"Of course, of course," Lord Manderly swallowed with a merchant's smile, knowing there would be profit involved. He was already informed about the hidden treasures in the North. "So, who is this marvel fellow?" Wyman's attention shifted towards the tall warrior, gazing his reflection from his golden visor.

"Master Chief Petty Officer 117 of the United Nations Space Command," he greeted with his voice firmed but courteous like a well-disciplined soldier greeted his commander. He stood straight with hands rested behind his back like a marble statue, unmoved, not even a single inch.

"He's the stranded soldier I mentioned from the letter I sent you," Eddard said. However, the contents of the letter hadn't informed Lord Manderly about Cortana and their otherworldly origins. "You can call him, Master Chief or Chief, for short."

"Ah…." The Lord of White Harbor scanned the tall warrior with interest. "My, my…." He scanned the tall warrior with interest before patting Chief's arm a few times. "There's no need to be stiff, Ser. A guest of the Starks is a guest of the Manderlys as well. Now, come all of you to my table. You must be starving from your long journey."

The boys shared each other's glances and smirk that said, 'He has no idea.'

It wasn't yet lunchtime, though it was a second breakfast for the Lord of White Harbor that they all sat on the long table, the food was still prepared in the kitchen, however. After the boys' introductions, they ate fruits for appetizer and wine to wash it done their throats. Wyman dismissed the retainers to their duties in the city. They were all alone in the Merman's court except some servants standing few paces away from the long table, ready to tend their liege and his guests once called.

Normally, Master Chief couldn't sit any wooden chair due to his weight, something that Wyman boasted, "I'm no longer the heaviest man in the North!" His laughter thundered around the court. Luckily for everyone, all of the chairs were ironwood, which was said to be as hard as iron, accommodating to any man who was heavy as the Lord of White Harbor.

After some persuasion, Chief slowly took his seat, and the whole court heard a creak from the ironwood when it felt the massive soldier's weight. After a long, nervous pause, they all took a breath of relief.

Soon, they began discussing the investment and the Year of the Wolf. Lord Wyman offered to invest fifty thousand gold dragons.

"Fifty thousand!" Robb exclaimed while Theon and Jon were almost choked by the berries they swallowed. His lord father silent his eldest son with his icy glare. The unmasked Master Chief, however, his face was iced, but enjoying his third refill of his Arbor Gold.

"Is it low, my lord?"

"No, no, it's enough," Eddard replied. Fifty thousand gold dragons were sufficient to ransom a king, expected from the richest man in the North. "I also need skilled craftsmen for the industries in Winterfell."

"Which profession?"

"All of them."

"All of them!?"

"Miners, smiths, glassmakers," Eddard explained, "assure them that the Starks offer them good pay. If any of them bring their families to Winterfell, tell them we're already building homes and a large sept to accommodate them."

White Harbor was the biggest concentration of Seven worshipers. That was the reason why they built the sept in winter town, although there were reluctance and small opposition among the residents.

"I see," Wyman swallowed. "Forgive me if I ask, Lord Stark. Are there any houses have you solicited?"

"The Glovers and Cerwyns along with their respective bannermen," Eddard answered. He hadn't mentioned the Forresters since they swore allegiance to the Glovers. "But the rest like the Boltons and Karstarks were disinterested. The Umbers vexed me not to make changes. Half of them said they were all content to what they have."

"Hmph, it's their loss." Wyman shrugged.

"They'll come around eventually once they saw the changes in our domains," Eddard said.

"But we still short on funds. If it just Glovers, the Cerwyn, and me, I'm afraid the Year of Wolf would take more than a year to complete. Probably until the coming winter."

"Which is why we solicited other houses outside the North."

"I beg your pardon, my lord," Wyman said for clarification, "are you implying that we go to the South for investments." His liege answered with a nod. "Which house, my lord?"

Firstly, Eddard explained that they had received a reply from House Tully after Lady Stark sent them a raven. It was from her brother, Edmure. The letter stated that Lord Tully struck an illness and was bedridden. "…For the time being, I don't want to bother Lord Tully until he fully recovered, but we might try the other houses in Riverlands." Then he continued explaining why the Lannisters, the Baratheons, the Martells, and all the Great Houses couldn't ask for investment. Except for one —

"The Tyrells," Wyman muttered under his breath, dropping his usual jovial smile, replacing it with a grim look.

"Are you objecting, Lord Manderly?" Lord Stark cocked his brow.

"No, no, no, you've made a wise decision." The flustered Wyman fluttered his hands to calm the Wolf Lord. "But let's not forget that these are Southerners. When it comes to business between them and us, Northmen, you can't trust them without reading the whole contract." He chugged with his goblet of wine down before gesturing a serving girl for a refill. "You never know what kind of promises they placed behind our backs."

"Surely Lord Tyrell is a good man —" Eddard said.

"Aye, he is a good man," Wyman interjected. "That's what everyone in Westeros said, a flower, a man of roses. Everyone loves roses. He is almost like you, loved by people. But be aware, Lord Stark, you are a wolf while he is a rose."

"Meaning…?" Eddard raised his eyebrow.

"A rose has thorns," Master Chief spoke. "It'll prick your finger if you are not careful."

Wyman banged his palm on the table. "He speaks the truth, my lord. Remember the Battle of Ashford, the only battle we'd lost during the rebellion. Even to this day, he brags the whole Reach about it. All farce! It was Lord Tarly and his vanguards that defeated King Robert before he and his army could arrive to crush them. A flowery man, he is, but thorns he has."

The Lord of Winterfell swallowed hard with a sigh of disappointment. He slumped back in his seat and sipped his goblet of Dornish wine. "A Southerner is a Southerner," he uttered under his breath.

"We still have those bargaining chips," Master Chief stated. "She said whether the Lord of Highgarden is bad or good, the baits are too good for him to take. There's no way he could refuse it."

"I see," Eddard accepted his guest's counsel, "all it matters are the investment."

The tall warrior nodded.

"Pardon me, my lord," Wyman offered, "let me included in this negotiation with the Reach."

Lord Stark blinked. "Lord Manderly… you sure you want to go back to the land that exiled your family?"

"Hah," Wyman cackled. "The Gardeners are long dead." He was referring to the former royal house of the Reach that exiled his family. During the War of Conquest, King Aegon slew the Gardeners and their line with his three dragons. "I beg you, Lord Stark. Let me join this venture of yours, my skills in trade will prove useful."

Eddard turned his glance toward Master Chief and asked, "What do you think?"

After a moment of pause, Chief answered, "She said, we could use his mercantile expertise and political intrigue in the Reach."

"Does she want to reveal herself?" Robb finally spoke after he and the lads remained silent.

Again, after a moment of pause, he answered with a nod, "She said he seems trustworthy."

"She…?" Wyman perplexed. "Who is this she, you are referring?"

The Lord of Winterfell returned his gaze to him. "Lord Manderly, have your servants leave the court," he requested. "We would like you to meet the true architect of the Year of the Wolf."

#####Jon's POV#####

"This is incredible," Jon began.

Robb nodded to agree. "It's like Lady Cortana said, our world is round," he stated as they watched through the window, overlooking the curvature of their world. They were onboard in an Albatross, a flying craft larger than the Pelican, about a size of a merchant ship. Jon had seen it few times during his stay in their mighty vessel. Until now, he couldn't tell its shape. Was it a ship or a fish? He brushed it off from his mind as his attention focused on Lord Manderly's loud laugh.

"I'm floating! I can't believe I'm floating!" the fat lord exclaimed while swimming in the air, same for his guards, Jory, Theon, and all the Stark guards. They were all floating inside the compartment, cheering, laughing, and playing. Almost like they all reverted to children again.

The Northmen had already informed by Lady Cortana that once they left the blue sky, an invisible force that kept everything and everyone in the ground would disappear, and they would be floating in the air. It took them a while to understand everything how the world worked, though the pictures and visages emitting from the lady's crystal made things easier for everyone.

"The world's spinning, invisible forces, raging fire beneath our feet, so much heavy stuff," Robb said as his head crammed with much information and new words.

"Yeah," Jon agreed. "My brain still hurts, though."

The brothers laughed together.

Two days ago, after their unveiling of Lady Cortana to Lord Manderly, it took them until the end of their early lunch for her to reveal everything to the Lord of White Harbor: their marvelous origins, the technologies, the hidden treasures of the North, and their humanitarian aid before the coming winter.

Surprise and excitement fell upon the fat lord as if he saw something magical, steeling his conviction to the Year of the Wolf. Now that they had Lord Manderly's full backing and investment, their next destination was Reach. They would be using the Pelican to get there, but the fat lord had other thoughts.

"What is the biggest flying ship at your disposal?" he asked Lady Cortana.

"We have an Albatross," she explained further of its capabilities.

The Lord of White Harbor smiled in glee. "My lady, I have a proposal for you."

Now here they were, heading for Reach with tons and tons of costly goods like furs, fine wools, ironwood, and ice. Lord Manderly leased the Albatross's cargo spaces with the capacity similar to a merchant ship, in exchange for a share of the profit.

Master Chief refused at first as he had said, "The military dictates prohibition of personnel from using vessels for monetary gains." That was all Jon could remember.

However, Lady Cortana countered that they needed funds to purchase local supplies with Westerosi currency due to their current situation. Knowing they couldn't rely on Stark's charity forever, the tall warrior reluctantly conceded in the end.

Their flight to Reach would take about half an hour. The longest Jon had ever experienced traveling through the sky, though everyone wished this to be longer so they could enjoy themselves floating. To make things more entertaining, Lady Cortana played the liveliest song they had ever heard:

Because I'm happy
Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof
Because I'm happy
Clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth
Because I'm happy
Clap along if you know what happiness is to you
Because I'm happy
Clap along if you feel like that's what you wanna do

Jon would guess "Happy" was the title of the song. He was surprised when the maiden of light revealed the song was over five hundred years old. Damn, no wondered it still sang in their realm. The Northmen loved it, and they requested Lady Cortana to play over and over — about eight times.

"It seems everyone's enjoying themselves." Lord Stark appeared on the ninth, about a halfway of the song. He got out from ship's control room, and everyone stopped on their tracks.

"Don't forget, this is a secret business," he reminded. "You all need to keep your wits sharp once we landed in Reach."

"Father, could we at least enjoy ourselves a bit longer?" Robb pleaded.

"Your son's right, my lord," Lord Manderly said. "Come and join the fun. It's not that every day we had this kind of experience."

"Unfortunately, Lord Manderly, this fun time has to end," he explained sternly. "We will be in Reach in a few minutes." He glanced at everyone in the compartment. "The captain of this vessel said that we return to our seats immediately. Our feet will be back on the ground in any moment."

Grudgingly, they obeyed and swam toward their seats. Jon and Robb planted their feet on the wall and propelled themselves to join the others. Some of the guards headed for the horses with harnesses anchored to magnetic devices that Chief lent. Lord Stark floated back to the control room; his seat was beside Master Chief since he was the highest-ranking person aboard. Lord Manderly could have joined him, but for some reason, he said his place was among the men. Jon wondered why the fat lord declined the chance to see ship's front view.

In a moment after everyone took their seats, the ship began to tilt. Jon could feel the weight returned to his bodies and his feet pressed on the floor. There was a slight jerk around them. As Jon, Robb, and Theon sat calmly, the rest was dead silent, holding their hands and pray for the Old and New Gods they wouldn't crash. Lord Manderly was visibly tensed. Of course, it was their first time flying. Jon thanked the gods they drank their medicines for dizziness and vomiting. He couldn't imagine the look on Chief's icy face if ever the fat lord hurled his three meals on his ship's floor.

Eventually, the Albatross landed in the middle of the forest with canopies, high enough to give the flying ship a cover.

The Albatross lowered three metal ramps that held its bay, allowing the entire party of Northmen to relax their nerves before scouring the forest for any signs of the locals. Relieved, they found none. It was few hours before midnight.

To keep their existence a secret, they had to land in a remote location during the night, far from any human soul in sight, or else there would be panic like what Chief did when he first brought the Pelican in Winterfell. That incident, Lady Cortana introduced a new protocol to the tall warrior.

By dawn, they began their travel on a path they found. There were about twenty of them, all warriors, half of them mounted. The rest were driving four cargo-filled wagons. Lord Manderly sat on the lead wagon. Six of his mounted guards rode on the left while Lord Stark and the rest of the prominent warriors were on his right, including Master Chief who was the only one walking along the way.

"How's your sleep?" Robb asked Jon who was riding beside him on his right.

"It was the warmest night I have ever experience," he answered.

"Same." Robb and the rest of the Northmen were used to the chills and icy breath when sleeping outdoors in the North. The Southern night they first experience was different. It felt like they slept indoors.

"Of course, it's warm." Theon who was riding from Robb's left. "This is the South, after all. Sunbathed lands, flowers everywhere. So as girls." He grinned. "I bet they heat easily here."

"I'm looking forward on that," Robb agreed. He and Theon shared perverted smiles, but Jon didn't want to hear it.

"There it is, Highgarden!" Lord Manderly cried. Beyond the forest's borders, a stone castle with square towers and keep sitting on a hilly grove, surrounded in a vast field.

"Is that it?" Theon seemed unimpressed. "I thought it would be bigger. And grander."

Jon agreed. The Highgarden was a bit smaller than Winterfell. He expected the thousand years of the wealth of Reach and the heart of chivalry and knighthood could afford the castle to be more majestic. Utter disappointment crossed the faces of about half of the caravan.

"Dreadfort is way grander than that," Jory laughed, and third of the men followed.

"Meh, I've seen better," Lord Manderly said.

"What do you think, father?" Robb asked.

"Does it matter?" he said. "We are here for business, not for sightseeing."

Jon sighed dejectedly. He wished that his lord father could at least enjoy the scenery, smell the flowers, or something. Maybe his cold demeanor hadn't yet melted.

"Lord Stark," Chief called, "I think you need to see this." He handed a double far-eye to him. He pointed. "Half a mile on the road."

Lord Stark placed the device on his eyes. In a moment of pause, his face became grim. "Twenty-three men," he revealed. "Ten are on horses and armored, and five are archers. They just stood there. It appears to be they're all expecting us."

"Is it a welcome party?" Lord Manderly asked.

"No, Lady Cortana said this is a remote location," Lord Stark explained. "All the highways and populated areas are on the opposite side. The Tyrells would have expected to give their greetings there."

"That's not all," Chief said. "Press the blue button and check the trees on both sides."

Lord Stark did what he told. Again, in a moment of pause, he revealed, "There are twelve glowing reds on the left. And about fifteen on the right." In a second, his eyes almost burst out from his sockets. "Gods, they're preparing an ambush!"

Net Chapter: "Red Roses"

Historically, Romans and Carthaginians had built 10-story apartments out of concrete. However, the apartment in the story was supposed to be 7 stories high. Me and the beta-writers missed that, so we corrected it.

I know readers were expecting blood and gore, it'll be coming soon.

It's all thanks to Cortana and Chief's preemptive planning and supervision that they finished it in one week, plus the materials were already prepared before the construction. In real-life, the fastest construction of a modern skyscraper was 3 days, and it was done by the Chinese while Japanese can do faster on roads.

kossboss, darkfinder, carvacho12, sddc0, BrutusPrimus, Apollonir, Blacksword Zero, OBSERVER01, chase manaena, Caesar846, senpen banka, shugokage, J.F.C, StarKiller215, salanesh, The Vitruvian Woman, shadeblade10, The Sithspawn, LanzCorporalAssWipe, ICHeart, Big Brother, The Demogorgon, Meshlena, DeliciousCookie, nased0, Omegashark18, Erdrick117, and guests: Thank you for your wonderful feedback and some of your criticism. I look forward continuing this story.

ArtimuosJackson: You never know once they arrived at the Highgarden.

dark. wizard92 and Shadowwolf1997: Well, this chapter got your answers.

Nicogen: In the early chapters, Cortana believe the Forerunners had something to do with world and humans living in it, but they still looking for evidence whether it's true or not. I'm withholding the answer of your two questions because it's a major spoiler.

Timetravelviajutsu: You're the first reader to think of introducing a blood bank, though you have to wait until they get to Oldtown, so they'll introduce advance medicines and knowledge to the maesters.

SPARTAN-626: If I want someone to pair with Chief, it has to be someone worthy for him. I planned to introduce some female characters from the books that might be his suitable candidate.

k1ng43g0n: Because I found a better name, which related to the world and its historical events.

Ghost iv: Not yet.

effectivesage: Library and courthouse (forgot to put those in the last chapter), casino (ok, I give you credit on this one), stadium will be multipurpose, Iron bank branch (this was supposed to be a surprise), and the rest were already included (barns, taverns, and bar are already exist in Westeros).

Blaze1992: Places other than Free Cities or Essos countries, you'd be surprised.

helkil: Soon, very soon.

Jebest4781: Ice creams and ice treats in the North? What sorcery is this? :-p

BlackDevil1942: You're the first to come up with Ranching. A lot of readers had told me about introducing Roman-style military, but Lord Oda's military? I could only think of iron ships, and arquebusers, but never completely studied his military innovations. I am planning to have town militias and police forces in the North, especially in Winterfell.

mellra: You'll find out once they get to Reach. Cortana, Varys, Olenna, Tyrion, Littlefinger, and Tywin, that's a match that even the gods would watch.

animefan29: Insect farming, I know of its benefits in real life but Westeros isn't ready to eat those. However, Cortana could mention that in the future. For the rest of your suggestions, thanks.

Trife: I covered the apartment construction on the Author's Note. The metals came from the ship's scraps, the Northmen will implement there owned local metals later. Boiled leathered balloons, it doesn't have to be rubber. I'm not introducing cars or computers. They need to get use to the steam engines and light bulbs before they could advance. Canned foods, the Northerners can make Mason glasses or ceramic containers, not actual tin cans. I did mention this on Chapter 8 about Feudal Japan. You should also check the history of Siam (Thailand) and the Ethiopian Empire, once primitive and became strong modern nations within decades or a century.

MattKennedy: Half-yes

Dericof Diname: I already planned everything based from your three questions, so expect it in the future.

qwertypous: Well, yeah. That's the plan. Modern/Industrial Age means less war while Medieval Age means death by plague and more wars.

Law77: We'll have to find out once the canon starts.

signorUebelst: Hakka villages, thank you for suggesting that.

FireKing500: Some of your answers are covered in this chapter. Also, since ancient times up until the invention of refrigerator, people used sawdust to prolong the ice during long distance travel. You can check Wikipedia for ice trade.


1. Remember when Catelyn and Rodrik arrived in King's Landing in secret, but Littlefinger immediately found them, Varys was the one who informed him of their coming since White Harbor. Varys had little birds everywhere from Dorne up to the North. Now with Chief and Cortana arrived in Winterfell, Varys increased the numbers of his spies to watch their every move.

2. Brothels can be an inn sometimes, so two floors are for business, two converted into a motel/inn, two for employee's apartments, one for the owner and his/her family.

3. If people are against changes, I think I have it covered in the story in the future. Rounin Kenshin/Samurai X is one of the examples of Old vs New historical stories, but I'm not going to turn the North to end up like Gintama, that's way too much.

4. Love your ideas.

5. I'm a history enthusiast, military and economy are my favorites, so I know about 19th century ice trade introduced by Frederic Tudor. Also, (Your one of two people that realized how prolific that could be) who's the other guy?

6. Love your ideas.

7. Maybe I will.

8. I already planned that.

9. No steam-powered vehicles (except for ships) just yet, getting people to use to the sight of a steam engine and building heavy industries need to be prioritized first.

10. Already planned a perfect sword for Chief, but a Zabuza's Decapitating Knife is way too cumbersome with no room for rifle on his back.

11. Readers have suggested me that, so I'll think

12. I already planned that.

secret-sorrow: Thanks, though some of your suggestions already mentioned in Chapter 10. Crop rotation is also called four-system farming. Westerosi does know basic genetics from the Targaryens and the Lannister twins' brat king. Oil lamps, they already have lights, perhaps hydrogen-fueled lanterns. Sugar production, if you're talking about sugar beets not sugar cane, I think Russia does have those.

edboy4926: Um, why would Cortana created her owned Spartans? She doesn't have the authority, and Chief and the UNSC wouldn't like that either.

Nathan: That depends whether or not they get to Westeros.

Angry lil' elf: Good luck with your story.

Bella-swan11: That decision goes to Jon Snow whether he would take the Iron Throne. However, Chief and Cortana had to sit on the neutral side. They knew it'd controversial if Earth found out they interfere the politics of the primitives.

Valtek: That depends once the WoTFK starts.

MajorKO: First paragraph, already planned it. Second paragraph, joining the Night's Watch means deserting the UNSC. Training with the Stark kids, we'll get there eventually.

yesboss21: I want Chief and Cortana to have their adventures outside Westeros before the canon starts… with bloods and gore along the way.