Deku the Mimic
Aight bet. So, this is my first fanfic, whether you are seeing this on or AO3. I've read quite a few MHA/BNHA fanfics and I've become so intrigued with them that I want to start writing one. I'm always looking to improve with my writing, in whatever form it may be. Such as writing fanfics or for writing papers for school. So, if you have any advice with writing these, then I'll be happy to accept the help! I already know it is probably going to be a choppy fic….considering it's my first one and I'm not use to writing fanfics and dialogue and such. Bear with me.
You know the usual.
"Big-Might Talking"
My name is Izuku Midoriya. You'll hear others call me other names such as Deku, Midori, or other things; maybe an actual endearing nickname instead of a derogatory one. As you come to learn more about me, you'll see that I don't have it the easiest.
My quirk has always been controversial, though I try to keep it hidden as best as I can like my mom said I should. Quirks have a huge role in society, as 80% of the Earth's population have one. People tend to stay away from me if they learn about mine, and if they do, either from a third-party source from gossip and what-not, they always freeze up or flinch when they see me and quickly leave. As if I never notice them doing so.
Not being able to play with the rest of the kids or hang out with anyone after school always left a bitter taste in my mouth, but as I got older, I learned to enjoy the solitude. Some of the kids went as far as to bully me and put me down, telling me 'I'll never amount to anything other than a villain'.
Not having any friends because of my quirk, I usually have a large amount of free time; time that I would use to fill up my notebooks about heroes and their quirks; learning and amassing knowledge to be a better hero when I get older.
You might be wondering what my quirk is now, seeing how people have treated me and what I did to deserve all this hatred and bullying. Well.. I can copy quirks, and if I wish it, I can even take people's quirks.
3rd Person POV
"Deku!" Bakugo shouted, using his quirk to blow away Izuku's desk as his two lackeys' smirk behind him.
While clapping his hands together, as if wiping dust or dirt off, he states smirking, "Seriously?! Trying to apply to U.A. with your quirk? You and I both know you don't have what it takes to get in. You're more suited to be a villain than anything else, you freak,"
Eyeing up the slightly taller teen, I start, "Well Bakugo, I don't see wh-, " only to be interrupted by the teacher walking back into the classroom.
"You all know that classes are over for the day. You all should be headed home,"
'Perfect timing.', Izuku thought while slowly putting upright his toppled desk back up to its four-legged standing position.
"Tch, whatever. Deku, don't you even think about applying, I'm the only one from this piece of shit school that's going to be accepted, and I don't need you getting underfoot," Bakugo says, sneering at Izuku.
"C'mon you extras," Bakugo says as he begins walking away exiting the classroom, the two behind him slowly following suit.
Izuku, his eyes remaining glued to their backs as he quickly finished packing up his things, left the classroom in the opposite direction as the teacher locked the door shortly after he left. Hoping to miss the three that had become known as his bullies over the years, he opted to take a different route than normal to get home.
Passing under the bridge he has seen many times from coming this way whenever he wanted to avoid Bakugo, he starts thinking what it would be like if he was quirkless like 20% of the population was. At first, he thinks being quirkless would be better than this, being treated like a villain really stung and though he ignores and gets past most of the things thrown his way, some get through and manage to stick to his small, fragile heart. Spending more time on that thought, he realizes that it would most likely be the same.
Quirkless aren't even really treated much like human beings at all. The suicide rate for quirkless amount to a high 62%, as most of them either get bullied so hard that they end up killing themselves, or they can't support themselves because they can't get a job. Most jobs these days, people are largely judged for what quirks they have, and if they didn't have one, then most companies won't hire you.
When he became a Pro like All-Might, he was going to do something to change the prejudice against those with no quirks.
Lost in thought about what would be the worse situation for him to be in, he fails to notice the loud clang and the sloshing of liquid behind him. Before he could even think about turning around, he found himself surrounded by a gelatinous type liquid that reeked of sewage. Due to his quirk requiring skin on skin contact, he didn't receive a copy of this person's quirk as they were fully liquidized with no skin at all. He silently thanked whatever deities there were for not receiving this gross and disgusting quirk.
"Hey kid I got All-Might on my ass, and I need a quick hiding spot. Hopefully, you've got a powerful quirk too. This should only take about 45 seconds, so don't worry, it shouldn't be painful….at least too much heh heh heh," Surprised by being caught flat-footed and the giant green goo being sentient and talking, he tries to stop the villain's advances to take over his body by going inside him down his throat. Quickly biting down on the sludge with all his strength, he was able to take a deep breath as the villain screeched cursing, "What the fuck, kid? What did I just tell you?!" He looked me up and down and seems to come to a quick decision saying, "Well fine, if you won't let me go through the easy way…guess I'll go through the back door,"
Feeling the sludge start to work its way into his pants, he begins to panic and instantly comes to the realization of what the villain meant. As a last resort to try and at least stall the villain, Izuku tries to use one of the quirks he had managed to copy through his few years alive; Explosion from Bakugo Katsuki.
The powerful blasts doing nothing but explode green, dark liquid onto the bridge walls. He begins to think with tears in his eyes, 'This is it. This is how I go out. I'm sorry I couldn't be stronger, Mom. I love you.'
"NO NEED TO FEAR, FOR I AM HERE! TEXAS SMAAASHHHH!" All-Might shouts, making his arrival known as he punches forward, sending a massive gust of wind shooting the villain off and away from Izuku as he slowly falls down.
Catching a small, blurry sight of All-Might, his last thought before he fell unconscious, 'All-Might,'
"Young man! Young man are you with me?" Slowly coming to and hearing someone talking, Izuku slowly opens his eyes, the sun blaring into his eyes as he is looking at the large hulking figure in front of him. "A-All-Might! You saved me! T-Thank you so much. Please. C-Could you sign my notebook? I'm a big fan of yours," Swiping to the first free page he could find, he notices All-Might already signed it. "Oh wow, you already did. Thank you sir," he says, bowing down to show his gratitude for both saving his life and for signing his notebook.
"Not a problem young.." he states as he finishes packing up the sludge villain, not having the name of the young man in front of him.
"Oh, Midoriya! Midoriya Izuku!" he says still in awe of actually meeting his idol.
"Not a problem young Midoriya. Now that you are safe, I must go and turn this villain into the police. Good day to you young man and sorry you were caught up in my heroing! Thanks for the continued support!" All-Might states, preparing to take off with a jump to the nearest sky-scraper.
"W-Wait I have a que-AHHHH!" Not being able to finish his sentence because he jumped onto All-Might's leg as he jumped away.
Landing on top of the building All Might looks down to see a shaking Midoriya let go of his leg and fall to the ground. 'Damn I don't have any more time for today. I used it all up,' Starting to steam from his muscles as he began to shrink, he looks over to Midoriya and asks, "Young man, you must not do those sorts of things. You could have fallen and gotten hurt. Now I really must go. I'm sure if you yell and bang on that door loud enough, someone will let you in,"
Izuku feeling he might lose his chance again to ask the question he has always wanted to know the answer to, hurriedly asks his question with a small amount of desperation and hope in his voice, "WAIT! Can I be a hero with a villain's quirk!"
This got All-Might to stop dead in his tracks. Inadvertently, he stopped right as he was maxing out the time in hero form for the day, and it showed as he was shrouded in a cloud of smoke. Slowly the cloud dispersed with the slow blowing wind showing his true form to Izuku. "W-What happened. Where did All-Might go?" he asked, unsure of what to make of the gaunt-looking man in front of him.
"It's me kid, I'm All-Might. You see this scar on my stomach? I got this from a fight with a villain that wasn't ever let known to the public," he stated, lifting up his shirt to show the horrible red X shaped scar beneath it. "I can only do 3 hours a day as the big guy you see and hear about on the news. This body, the other 21 hours of the day, is the real me," Sadly, looking down to avoid the confused and sad face of the young man in front of him, he continues. "Young Midoriya, to answer your question. There is no such thing as a villain's quirk. May I inquire as to why you asked that question? Surely you are a smart boy that can realize this."
Midoriya stays silent, still taking in the news of All-Might's different forms and the injury he acquired fighting a villain. Steeling his resolve, he responds to All-Might, "I've been bullied for having a "villain's quirk"," Forming air quotes with his fingers. "Personally, I don't think I have a villains quirk, but I see how it can give off the notion of being a morally wrong quirk," He pauses, waiting for All-Might to start talking once again.
"Young Midoriya. It doesn't matter what your quirk is. Whether you use it for good or bad is up to you. Nothing is inherently evil, it is nurtured to be good or bad, never born that way. May I ask what your quirk is?" He lets the question hang in the air as he waits for Izuku to respond to him.
Looking at his hand while raising it into the air and squeezing it, he says, "My quirk is the ability to copy other's quirks. And if I wanted to, I can take others quirks away from them,"
All-Might raises his eyebrows at the first part and how it copies quirks of others. When he hears the second ability of the young man's quirk, he instantly recalls the pain that he feels every day thanks to the man that drilled into his stomach with his amalgamation of quirks. The man with the same ability to steal quirks. All-For-One.
Coming back to the present and trying to find a response to Midoriya, he says, "While at first glance, taking away someone's quirk can be seen as evil, it is up to you to figure out what you want to do with your quirk," Smiling at the young teen standing in front of him, he continues, "I don't know about you, but you don't seem like the kind of kid to go out and cause trouble for heroes like me hahaha," He chuckles lightly.
"No, sir. I want to be a hero as great as you are. Able to smile through the fear and to spread positivity and hope amongst everyone who needs a hero. Everyone who can't protect themselves. I want to be there for them," He says, smiling up at the pro hero.
All-Might smiles at the young man. "That's an admirable aspiration you have there. I look forward to seeing you rise among the ranks young Midoriya,"
*BoOm BoOOM*
They were both interrupted from there conversation as a series of explosions echoed around the city. All-Might felt for his pockets to make sure he still had the villain he had captured. Finding nothing in his pocket, All-Might felt what was left of his stomach do a flip.
"That must be the villain I captured," All-Might stated, looking worried as he runs down the stairs of the building to get to where the villain was, hoping heroes over there could apprehend the gross monstrosity.
Izuku, feeling guilty for causing All-Might to drop the villain, starts following him down the stairs down to the empty lobby and shouts. "I'm sorry, All-Might. I didn't mean to cause you to lose the villain!"
All-Might looks at him as he replies. "No need for that my boy. Let's just hope other heroes can apprehend him before he causes too much harm," They continue running through the lobby onto the street. They were close to where the commotion was going on, and as they rounded the next corner, they find where the action was taking place.
Making their way to the front of the line of people, they see what was happening. The sludge villain had managed to escape from the bottle he was trapped in. Not only that, but he had himself wrapped around a hostage, keeping everyone from getting near him. Trying to do what he had tried with Izuku. Staring in horror at the kid that the villain had in his grasp, he rubbed his eyes to make sure he wasn't daydreaming. There in the alleyway, wrapped with the sludge of the villain's quirk, stood Bakugo Katsuki. His bully, eyes uncharacteristically full of fear.
Not being able to stand seeing his tormentor/friend being hurt and used as a puppet while the heroes stood by and did nothing, he jumped over the barrier and barreled straight through to Bakugo to help him get free. Taking his backpack off and throwing it, spraying all his supplies against the villain's eyes, he manages to get close enough to see that he was able to get Bakugo a breath of air.
"Deku! What the hell do you think you're doing! Get the fuck out of here!" Bakugo states, feeling an unsurpassable amount of fury for Deku thinking he can be a hero and save him.
"Sorry Bakugo, but that's not what a hero would do," Grabbing onto Bakugo's hand and applying one of the strength quirks he had copied, he started to pull Bakugo out trying to free him. "I saw the look in your eyes. You were just screaming for help. I couldn't just leave you,"
All while this was happening, All-Might was watching Midoriya with fascination and amazement. 'Him. He…he's the one. There couldn't be anyone more perfect for my successor.' Quickly transforming into his muscle form, surpassing his maximum amount of time for the day, he thinks, 'If young Midoriya can go out there without thinking, then it should be no problem for me to follow him. Heh, look at me, slow to act behind young Midoriya.'
"Well, hello there, villain. Remember me? Who am I to let a citizen do a hero's job? I'm sorry it took so long for me to get here young ones, but I'll clean up what I left behind. MISSOURI SMAASSHHHH!"
The aftermath of the sludge villain incident was nothing too special. Izuku got chewed out for acting without a license, but with no visible quirk usage, they couldn't charge him for anything, so they let him go. Before Izuku left though he got autographs of the three pro heroes that chewed him out: Kamui Woods, Mt. Lady, and Death Arms. He also managed to shake Kamui Woods' hands, whose gloves had burned off from the fire caused by Bakugo's explosions and was able to copy the man's quirk.
New quirk added to quirk inventory: Arbor.
Izuku takes note of the quirks name, to be able to fill out a page in one of his notebooks about this quirk later. 'I'm going to have to test out the limits of this quirk. I have to make sure that I'll be able to control it and progress towards my career as a hero,' he thinks to himself, after leaving the scene of the previous hostage situation.
Starting down the road towards his house, he is interrupted by a screaming mass of pure rage running up behind him.
"Stupid Deku! I didn't need your goddamn help! You were of no use just like always. You didn't save me at all, and the only reason you didn't die was because All-Might was there to save your sorry ass," he finishes breathing deeply, he turns around, not waiting for a reply and stomps on home with shoulders hunched and mumbling things like "stupid nerd" all the way.
Izuku looks at him with a sideways turn of the head. "Interesting," He states, resuming his trek home once again.
"I am here!" All-Might makes himself known from an alley in the street. "AHHHH!" Izuku screams, not expecting All-Might to pop up from an alleyway. "Oh, it's just you All-Might. You scared me."
"Sorry young man. I didn't mean to startle you," he states, transforming back into his smaller form. "I have a proposition for you, and I would like you to hear it," Looking to see Izuku staring at him questioningly, he continues while raising a hand and smiling, "I want you to become my successor. To inherit my power like those before me. What do you say young Midoriya? Will you take my power?"
Welp that's the first chapter. I don't think I did too bad. Iffy on some things, but hey. Lemme know what y'all think in the reviews. Honestly don't know if I want Izuku having OFA so uhhh….let me know what y'all think in the reviews about that. It might be that I don't have him accept it now, but maybe later or not at all. Who knows? I've got to get some stuff sorted out for the rest of this fic though, but I definitely am excited to write more of it.
Review plez and criticize me nicely. *blep*