Reviews for The Difference One Man Can Make
lord of the east chapter 20 . 7/22
This is one amazing fic
GoodChristianBoi chapter 20 . 7/21
update plss
Crest1 chapter 14 . 7/19
I absolutely adore this fanfic and hope it will see completion in the future - or at least a few more chapters...

In this chapter (14) I read something I do not really understand, though. Would a wildling really be ashamed or embarrassed if anyone walked in on him/her having sex? I can't think they would. I see the wildling culture as somewhat pre-feudal, they would most likely not have developed our western taboos and inhibitions, but viewed sex as something completely normal and natural. I do understand that Harry himself, with his British background, would be embarrassed, yes, but not the locals.
x.blink.x chapter 20 . 7/6
read from start to finish. truly an amazing fic thank you for your work it was incredibly enjoyable
Mr.Almond Brown chapter 8 . 6/24
Obsidian or Dragonglass as they called it- can be found in areas around a volcanic environment since lava is the main material for it to be made. Why can't Harry just find one and be done with it rather than seek out in Dragonstone?
RoundLake chapter 1 . 6/23
So conveniently the least popular member of the weasley family dies. Oh also Tonks, another popular character, survives. You have ruined half of your credibility by doing this mate.
thefellcityofdis chapter 20 . 6/21
I spent all of the past two days reading this, and I LOVED IT. Props to you!
DawnScarlet19610 chapter 2 . 6/18
Qhorin Halfhand finds Harry beyond the Wall and just believes him when he says he's not a Wildling. Then he lowers his weapon and starts answering Harry's questions one after another.

I cannot read beyond this point for the simple fact that this makes no sense and would never ever happen. Qhorin would never believe Harry without substantial proof, which Harry wouldn't be able to provide. Anyone the Night's Watch finds beyond the Wall would be believed to be a Wildling no matter what they say, as what else could they be? A story about appearing from black fire or being from another world would not be easily believed, and Qhorin is way too smart and too much of a veteran to lower his weapon to a man he finds beyond the Wall. He also wouldn't just start answering all of Harry's questions without first getting all the information he could.

Lastly, what the hell is Qhorin Halfhand doing 50 miles away from the Wall? That's extremely far and ridiculous even. You need to do more research on the lands North of the Wall.
DawnScarlet19610 chapter 1 . 6/18
Interesting start. Everything was too rushed, in my opinion. I think it would have been better if all the events of chapter 1 happened as a reflection rather than actually going through all of it the way you did. Perhaps starting the story from the moment Harry wakes up in Westeros rather than the rushed listing of events that come before it to avoid giving readers that rushed feeling?

Also, minor error at the end of the first chapter. If Harry was 50 miles away from the Wall, he wouldn't even be able to see it. He'd have to be WAY closer to see even a smidgen of it in the distance, and very close to determine that it's several hundred feet high. It is more than unlikely, however, that he would ever look at the Wall without being told beforehand and think that it's exactly seven hundred feet high. Nobody would ever guess that, and definitely not from a glance 50 miles away.

I'm a bit concerned that Harry's a Gary-Stu. He seems pretty perfect, and also extremely cocky based on his behaviour in the Department of Mysteries. That whole thing made no sense to me, in fact. I'm not sure why you bothered to invent Those of the Blood when Harry could have discovered a way to travel between worlds when studying rare magics, or falling through the Veil or something... Seemed like an utterly pointless battle that resulted in everyone from Harry's world probably assuming he was defeated by none other than Theodore Nott. Plus, why would Kingsley ever let Harry in on the sting operation in the first place? Harry's been gone for 12 years. He has no idea what his capabilities are in battle, and Harry is a civilian untrained as the aurors are. It makes no sense to have him there at all, and seems unnecessary in fact. Harry was also really arrogant during the fight, cocky in his mannerisms and that didn't sit well with me. I would imagine someone who has travelled the world, lost so much and learned so many types of magic and cultures would be a lot more humble, aware of his own limitations and serious in battle.

Harry wasn't calm and rational while fighting, or simply confident in his abilities. He wasn't analytical or fierce. He played it like a joke and like everyone was beneath him, playing with Theo in a duel like some sort of game with no potential consequences. Everything that made him Harry Potter seems to be completely gone. He is so incredibly OOC and more like Tom Riddle than anything. It's also extremely convenient that Harry absorbed all of Tom's memories, which makes me wonder why he even bothered to go off and learn incredible magic abroad if he already has a hoard in his head. It's a huge cheat, and since Harry spends years travelling and learning, is actually not even needed. Also not contacting anyone but Tonks and Teddy for 12 years after everything he and his friends went through, not to mention how important they were to him since he had no family growing up... it seems off to me. The whole reason he was fighting against Voldemort was for his loved ones. Not for his own survival, since he sacrificed himself to save his friends in the Forbidden Forest. There isn't a strong enough reason provided in your story for Harry to just leave Britain and cut off all contact with his loved ones. It would have been better if you justified it as wanting to get away from the media hounding him or something... I dunno. I just feel like you rushed this entire thing just to get on with the Westeros part of the story, and in doing so, weakened your story foundation before building it up.

This story has so much potential, and I'm eager to read more. I hope my comments help you in your future works!
Mohammad 'the truth' S chapter 20 . 6/18
Awwwww man! By melkor's crown what happened to you that stopped the updates? It's the most interesting story I've read that has been left incomplete
Lucusaakers chapter 20 . 6/16
Great story, absolutly love the twists, seems a shame to leave it unfinished.
MAST3R666 chapter 20 . 6/12
One of the best I've ever read .
DirtyCat chapter 20 . 6/9
Can this story be turned into a harem? So Harry also marries Dani? And how will Dani get his dragons from Illyrio this time? Could there be not 3 dragons but more if Harry finds even more dragon eggs? Maybe in this story of eggs there would be 5-7 ? I ask the author to think about this proposal ...
WarriorofMyth chapter 20 . 6/7
Absolutely brilliant and wonderful! I know earlier one you apologized for your chapter lengths being to long, and I have to tell you that there is no need for any remorse! The long the chapters the better! No one can have to much of your masterful writing. I really hope you get a strike of inspiration to continue this story; I happily offer any service of mine (whether it be talking through ideas, reading through things, editing, etc.) because I honestly cannot get enough of your mind!
Guest chapter 4 . 6/6
Great story. wouldve preferred a no romance story, or romance after everything is done, considering the type of place this story takes place in.
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