My Hero Academia: Hero Time

First off, a disclaimer: I do not own My Hero Academia or Ben 10.

Some things to establish:

This story is a slight AU, so you'll see some changes to canon like new characters and a more confident, experienced Izuku. The main pairing of the story is IzuOcha and this is definite. The Omnitrix roster in this story is based off the reboot's but you'll see some changes to the aliens like Wildvine, Water Hazard and Stinkfly.

So without further ado, let's begin.

Chapter 1: The 10 Revealed


In this day and era, 80% of the world's population have superpowers called "Quirks". Each Quirk is unique and powerful in its own right, from lifting objects with one's mind to freezing objects.

Nowadays, people use their Quirks and skills to become either villains who hurt people and break laws for immoral reasons, or heroes who uphold the law and help others for, at best, the greater good or, for worse, popularity and money.

However, there is the 20% of humanity that is Quirkless. In short, they got it rough, facing discrimination in areas like employment opportunities and education. Naturally, Quirkless people normally do not become pro heroes.

However, the hero of this story is an exception.

At the age of four, he learnt that not all people are born equal. Due to his lack of a Quirk, his friend became a bully and his dream of becoming a hero was shattered like glass. All of this changed when he was 10, where through the power of one of the universe's most powerful weapons and his own determination, became one of the greatest heroes ever not only on Earth, but throughout the universe.


Galahad Corp had held a raffle the month before, announcing that the first hundred winners would win a ticket for a scenic flight over Musutafu City on their new airship. It enjoyed a great deal of publicity over the month. Even people from Hokkaido came all the way to experience this one-in-a-lifetime opportunity. On the day of the flight, it seemed that everything would go smoothly.

However, things went sour when the airship was hijacked by the Vulture Gang, a group of three villains known for their armor with an obvious theme and winged jetpacks. They had boarded the airship disguised as crew members, revealed themselves to the civilians and crew ten minutes after the airship took off. Now, they're asking for a ransom of all the yen stored in the Musutafu City Bank or else they would activate several C4 bombs strategically placed in important areas of the airship and bring it down. This wouldn't just kill all of the people onboard, but also the innocents that would be in the way of the crash. As usual, the villains also said that no pro heroes should interfere, creating a standoff between the criminals and law enforcement. The crowd beneath the airship was nervous, muttering could be heard from almost everyone.

Except for a boy in a green hoodie and oversized red shoes named Izuku Midoriya.

The teenager, drawing form his four years of experience, silently deduced that he needed an alien form that, at the very least, could get him up there. "Stinkfly should do the trick," thought the teen as he ran into an alleyway, away from the eyes of the public and the heroes present. The young vigilante also noted that he had to take down all of the members of the Vulture Gand quickly if the hostages were to be unharmed.

After ensuring that he was away from prying eyes, Izuku took a deep breath and raised his left wrist, the tool of his trade shining with green light.

4 years ago

A 10-year-old Izuku Midoriya walked through the thick and dense forest, wishing to take his mind off what happened at the camp.

Earlier that day, his friend-turned-bully, Katsuki Bakugo, had dumped a entire bucket filled with water from the nearby lake in the forest onto his head, all while ranting how weak and useless Izuku was as always due to his lack of a Quirk. As usual, none of the teachers batted an eye, sharing Katsuki's sentiments about the Quirkless.

As the memory of the other children laughing and jeering at him as he tried to find a towel floated about in his head, Izuku failed to notice the large root of a nearby tree. Consequently, said root tripped him, and causing him to fall to the ground with a "thud". Tears began to form in the boy's eyes while he rubbed his bruised knees. "Why couldn't I have been born with a quirk?" asked Izuku in despair to no one but the air.

"Can I... be a hero too?" Izuku shook his head at that memory, there had to be something that could help him reach his dream of becoming a hero that saves people with a smile. No matter what Kacchan, teachers, classmates or doctors.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw something that made him gasp: a bright line traveling across the night sky. "A shooting star!" whispered Izuku in awe. He recalled a conversation with his mother a few months before. She had said that if you wished upon a shooting star, that wish would come true. At the time, Izuku felt that it was nothing more than a fairy tale. Now, he was willing to take a chance. The little boy clasped his hands, closed his eyes and whispered, "Please, I wish to become a hero, one who saves people with a smile." He opened his eyes, for some reason, the shooting star seemed to stop and grow, much to his confusion. How could a shooting star do that? Then, it hit him.

It wasn't staying still and growing, it was coming straight towards him.

The boy screamed in terror and ran as fast as his little legs could. He has just made a wish and now it seemed he was going to die! Why did the universe seem to hate him? When the object crashed, he barely made it out of the impact by jumping at the last second. Izuku panted, tired from running but glad to survive. Just then, a green light shone from behind him. Curious, the boy turned around and saw something that made his hair stand on end. In the middle of the area of impact, there was a half-open silver pod with black lines engraved on it, but it was its contents that caught Izuku's eye.

Inside the pod, there was a black object with green circuitry that was the source of the green light. Izuku was stunned, the child had never seem anything like it. Curiosity and fear battled in his mind. Eventually, curiosity won and he moved closer, intent on inspecting the mysterious object.

Izuku had read stories revolving around objects from the stars, alien technology given to humans both for good and for evil. He always thought that it all belonged to the realm of fiction, yet the very existence of this alien item defied that thought. As he got closer, he could see that the object was similar to a very big wristwatch in design, covered with green circuitry with a dial in the center, an image in the shape of an hourglass sitting on it. "Amazing," said the boy under his breath.

As he reached his left arm towards it, the light coming from the device died and, to Izuku's shock, it suddenly opened up and jumped towards his arm. Izuku tried to pull back, but he wasn't fast enough. The alien watch managed to get itself on his left forearm, just below his wrist and closed up, seemingly undisturbed.

Izuku stayed silent for a while, stunned, then he screamed up to sky, stumbled backwards in a uslesss attempt to get away and eventually tripped. What did the watch just do? Why did it jump at him? What will it do to him? All these questions and more filled his mind.

Izuku began slapping and hitting the watch, trying to get it off his wrist. He certainly didn't want some alien device attached to him, it could it hurt or even kill him! During this, he accidentally hit a green button located next to the dial. Said dial then extended, causing Izuku to stop hitting the watch. His emerald eyes landed on the extended dial, the hourglass replaced with a diamond. On it, a black silhouette of a person that seemed to have a head wreathed in fire.

Izuku was transfixed by this discovery. Slowly but surely, his hand found itself on the dial and pressed it down.

After that, green light flooded his vision, blinding him just for a second. When his vision cleared, the first thing Izuku felt was the fact that he was taller. He, unused to his new height, stumbled as he took a few hesitant steps and had to grab a branch in order to prevent himself from falling. However, imagine the boy's shock and surprise when he looked down and saw that his feet and legs had changed. Where once was flesh and blood, now there was what appeared to be bright yellow magma and dark red rocks. Izuku gasped and raised his hands, only for him to see the equally shocking sight of his new hands, made form the same magma and rocks.

Unable to handle the new sights and feelings, the transformed child let out a primal scream. "I'M ON FIRE! I'M ON FIRE!" After shouting and failing about for a minute or so, Izuku managed to calm down, having realised that all the screaming he was doing would likely attract attention, something he didn't want in this situation.

Raising his transformed hands, the transformed boy began to wonder. "I'm on fire, and... I'm okay," whispered Izuku. "What happened to me?" The would have gone into one of his muttering fits, but at that moment, the child heard footsteps and shouts in the distance.

"Oh no..."

The Present

Izuku could never forget the day his life changed forever. He had transformed into the magma-based lifeform he now called Heatblast. On that day four years ago, Izuku barely made it out with the pod in tow while trying not to cause a forest fire. He had timed out and turned back into a human just in time for the park rangers to do a headcount.

The teenager shook his head, he had to focus on saving the hostages and stopping the Vulture Gang, not reminisce on the past. Izuku then pressed the button on the watch, extending the dial and began searching for his insect-like form, Stinkfly. Once the dial showed his silhouette, Izuku raised his hand and slammed it down.

In his moment, the teenager's DNA began to transform from a quirkless human teen to that not of Izuku's desired form, but to that of a spindly, humanoid plant. When the transformation was complete, Izuku looked down, took note of his body and mentally noted, "Wildvine? On second thought, I could have better luck with him, but instead of flying, I'll have to grapple up there. I could switch, but it'll use up the Omnitrix's power. Can't risk that in a hostage situation." Izuku thought as he began to stretch his fibrous, green arms up to the roof of the building next to him, once he had a good grip, he began pulling himself up onto the roof.

As Izuku got onto the roof, he looked up and saw the Galahad Corp airship just passing by the building he was on. The humanoid plant knew he had to act fast or else he would miss his chance. With a thought, four vines grew out of four of the seeds on his back and each of his legs split apart into two vines each. Izuku then reached out towards a small platform on the side of the airship with his arms and upper two back vines. Once he latched onto the platform, he grew some thorns on the vines used and looped around it, intent on strengthening his grip to prepare for boarding the airship.

"That should do it," muttered Izuku as he launched himself up into the air with the combined power of his four legs and the vines. This drew some gasps from the crowd below him, with some pro heroes present scowling as the vigilante Wildvine jumped in to save the day.

Said vigilante then pulled himself towards the airship, his legs and lower two back vines stretching out to grip the platform's handlebars. Once all ten of his limbs had a good hold, Izuku then climbed on top of the platform. With his one green eye, he spotted a vent in front of him, his entrance into the airship being obvious.


While crawling around in the ventilation system, Izuku knew he needed to search for areas where placing a bomb made it dangerous. Where it could harm people and bring down the airship. After some thought, he narrowed it down to either the control room, near the hostages or the engine room.

He also had to act fast, or else he would time out while dealing with this situation, making it incredible more difficult for him. Luckily, as he cam across the third vent opening in a row, he saw a member of the Vulture Gang with grey armor speaking into what appeared to be a communicator on his wrist, "This is Spike Talon for the 10-minute report...with nothing to report, over." A voice then came over the wrist communicator, "This is flock leader Laser Beak, do not neglect your duty, ensure that the bomb stays safe. After all, we still need something to threaten these hostages with, over and out." After that, Izuku looked behind the man known as Spike Talon and spotted the electronic bomb. It was not armed, but the hero knew he had to eliminate it all the same.

"3, 2, 1!" With a falling vent cover to announce his entrance, Spike Talon looked up and saw not only a cycloptic, humanoid plant over him, but also a large, black seed falling towards him, he barely had time to react as the seed hit the ground and release a cloud of yellowish-green gas which caused him to stumble about and eventually, faint. Wildvine then slotted his body through the vent opening and, as his four, vinelike legs combined back into two, landed onto the floor of the engine room with a 'thump'. He then took a look at his target, grew thorns along his right arm and, with a swing, sliced the inactive bomb in half. After that, Wildvine turned to the unconscious villain and with a raise of his hand, his fingers extended, wrapping themselves around Spike Talon. When the alien ensured that it was tight enough, he detached the upper part of his fingers, separating the wrappings from him.

Wildvine then left the engine room and, with the help of a map on the wall, made his way to the main hall. He knew it had to be the only room that was large enough to hold a hundred hostages. It would also make sense that there would be other members of the Vulture Gang there, he had to be careful.

Just then, the door to the toilet in his path opened, giving a villain a shocking surprise to see a humanoid plant in front of him. Wildvine, also shocked, could not stop him from activating his wrist communicator, "This is Blade Wing, I've finished using the restroom, and I have to report an intruder! It looks like some kind of giant weed, over!"

"A weed? Get a clue, dude. I'm a vine!" exclaimed Izuku, now a little agitated that his presence on the airship was given away.

Blade Wing backed away, shot metal blades from his hands and successfully cut some parts of Wildvine's arms and vines. His victory was short-lived however, the mutilated parts grew back and their owner began punching the criminal before he knew it with elongated arms.

Wildvine, had to admit, he was taken aback from the blades, but after healing, he calmed down quickly enough to knock the Vulture Gang member out cold. He broke into a sprint, now that the leader, who if he recalled correctly from earlier was named Laser Beak, was alerted and might probably be arming the bomb at this very moment.

Eventually, Izuku saw a door with a plaque on it which read "Hall". Without hesitation and steeling himself, he threw open the door with seeds regrown and vines ready. He saw a criminal with a gold vulture helmet and wings and holding the last bomb turn in shock, mentally noting that it must be "flock leader" Laser Beak. Some of the hostages around them screamed at the new arrival in fear while some had smiles to see that someone had come to save them. Laser Beak then smirked and said, "Well if it isn't the giant weed, you might have been able to take out Spike Talon and Blade Wing, but you won't stop my pla-"

The leader of the Vulture Gang was interrupted by two seeds being thrown at him, creating two small explosions upon impact with his armor, throwing him onto the ground and knocking him out cold. Vines then wrapped around him and pulled him towards an approaching Wildvine.

Once they were about a metre apart, Wildvine let out a shocked gasp. The bomb was armed! According to the timer, it would explode in 30 seconds. He knew he couldn't just slice up this bomb like the first one, he couldn't risk setting it off. While holding the Vulture Gang leader tightly with all four of the stretched fingers of his right hand, he looked around seeking a way to safely dispose of the bomb.

Seeing a perfectly good window to his left and the still-active jetpack, Izuku had a plan ready.

Firstly, he launched his left arm towards the aforementioned window and broke it, scattering glass shards over the roof of a passing building. Then, he took the bomb and jetpack of Laser Beak from him and attached them to each other with vines grown from one of his seeds. For the pièce de résistance, he fiddled with the villain's wrist device until the jetpack's thrusters came alive. At that moment, he released his grip on the jetpack, letting it fly out the window and into the sky. Five seconds later, everyone could see the giant explosion in the sky, away from innocents.


Izuku had managed to find the captain of the airship who, despite having a nasty bump on her head and a black eye, was able to stabilise the ship enough for rescue crews to arrive on helicopters.

Now, he was being enjoying applause from the hostages he had saved and some of the rescue crew members. After all, with all of his deeds of helping the people of Mustafa City, people are becoming more open to the presence of vigilantes. Captain Matsuda, whose name Izuku has read on her name tag, went up to him and extended her hand. "Wildvine, was it? Thanks for saving us, you were our hero today." Izuku was pleased to hear that. Thanks to him and his 10 alien forms, both civilians and the authorities have a healthy respect for his heroic forms, even Grey Matter.

"No problem, Captain," said the smiling Florauna. "I'm just someone who wants to help people."

Matsuda then bowed. "Could I please ask a question before you leave?"

"Sure, what is it?"

"Are you really a junior high student?"

The vigilante did a double take at the sound of that, could they know who he was? "Calm down Izuku, maybe you heard wrongly," thought the hero. "What else?" Muttered the captain under her breath. "What did the video say his name was again? Izuku Midoriya?"

Upon hearing that, Izuku turned around to face Captain Matsuda and her assistant who was starting to regain consciousness. While trying to sound innocuous, he took a deep breath and asked, "What was that?" Captain Matsuda, with a quizzical look, turned towards Wildvine and said, "Aren't you Izuku Midoriya, a student of Aldera Junior High?" Said student's heart began racing, "This can't be real, how could anyone find out about my secret identity?" nervously thought Izuku. If someone had really found out his secret and posted it somewhere online, it meant that people knew who he and his family was. His old enemies could find out and go after them! Also, if people know that he was Wildvine, do they also know about his other forms?

"Um, I take it from your silence that you don't know about this? I assumed you did." The captain's assistant then took out his smartphone and started fiddling with it. "I could show you the blog. Apparently, it was set up by someone named HeroMastermind, they're apparently big fan of yours."

"HeroMastermind? Maybe I could use Grey Matter to track them down, " thought Izuku as he began to worry, he had to get back home to check on his mother and sister.

Just as he was at the edge of the window, Wildvine turned to Captain Matsuda and her assistant and said, "Thanks, but now I've got to go," said the hero as he jumped off the edge, his arms latching onto the roof of a nearby building as he began his trip home.


Izuku had timed out a few minutes earlier just as he landed in an alleyway two kilometres from his apartment. As he was walking up the staircase to his home, he thought, "How could this happen? Ive always made sure that I transform and time out while hidden. The most likely scenario is that someone has seen me with the Omnitrix and has made the link between the 'vigilantes' and me. Yes, that had to be it."

When he reached the door, he took out his house keys and stepped inside. As he did so, he was greeted by a twelve-year-old girl shorter than him with short, straight green hair with a pink hair clip. The girl looked at him with worried green eyes and said, "Izuku, you've got to see this! Someone's-"

"Posted a video revealing my secret? I've heard about it Izumi," said Izuku. His younger sister has always been worried about him ever since he became a vigilante. After all, with him putting his safety on the line practically everyday, his family was bound to worry about him. Izuku then calmly told his sister, "I'll probably use Grey Matter to track this guy down, then I'll see what his deal is. How's mom?"

As they walked over to the kitchen, a middle-aged woman by the name of Inko Midoriya came from the kitchen and hurried over to Izuku. "Izuku, have you hear-"

"Mom...he kinda has," sheepishly said Izumi as Izuku then spoke up. "After I saved the staff from the villains on that airship earlier, the captain and her assistant talked about my identity. They even knew I was a junior high student."

A silence then blanked the three members of the Midoriya family as they knew what it meant: Izuku"s enemies may start coming for revenge. Also, the people close to them, schoolmates, neighbors and the people in their neighborhood would know this and react. "Come," said Inko with a calm but firm voice. "Let's have dinner first, we can talk about this later on."

Letting out a sigh, Izuku complied with his mother, as did Izumi. However, as they walked to the dinner table, one thing stood out in their minds like a sore thumb.

Their lives would never be the same.



1. I've based the reveal of Izuku's identity off the same plot point in Ultimate Alien. It was one of the many things I liked about that series.

2. As shown in the story, Izuku received the Omnitrix when he was 10 and became a vigilante. This will have an impact on the story. Izuku's Omnitrix model is that of the original series Omnitrix. The Omnitrix hourglass symbols, on the other hand, are green instead of white.

3. The version of Heatblast is his Omniverse design and voice.

4. Wildvine's design here is a fusion of both the classic and reboot. I just love the classic Wildvine's vine legs and the four vines that sprout from reboot Wildvine's speed pods. So, I combined those designs. In general, this Wildvine resembles his Omniverse design from the waist up except that he has no belt, so the Omnitrix Symbol is on his chest. His legs resemble that of the reboot's but with the Omniverse level of detail. Izuku can choose to split these legs up into the classic design's signature vine legs. This version of Wildvine has his Omniverse voice and has the new ability to merge with plants and control them, even a single finger can do.

5. Izumi Midoriya is one of the original characters created for this story. Her height is 245 cm and, like her brother, has freckles. Unlike her brother, Izumi has straight hair like Inko and her hairstyle resembles that of Gwen's in the original series.

Edits: Fixed grammar mistakes, added more parts of the story to make it feel more "complete" and edited the author's notes above.

See you next time! :)