![]() Author has written 22 stories for Avengers, Justice League, Batman, Marvel, Spider-Man, Pokémon, Ultimate Marvel, Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes, Injustice: Gods Among Us, Wonder Woman, and Kim Possible. Well, I found this a while ago, got hooked and figured, "Why not take a shot?" So here I go! I am Reborn Dark Phoenix, some may know me from reviews as Reborn Phoenix, but that name was taken when I signed up. I got into comics two years ago and I have been hooked since. Formerly a major in criminal justice, I now pursue a BA in English, thanks to my discovered passion for writing. I hope to one day build a comic company that rivals Marvel & DC. When not working or studying, I create characters, heroes, worlds, universes...anything. I see this website as a way to further my writing skills, see how others respond and react and to let my mind work its imagination into life. Hope you all enjoy the stories and writings I create!! Basic info: Salvadoran-American Male born in NYC, USA, 22 years old college student XXX There is no such thing as a Prime Universe. Every universe thinks they are themselves the Prime Universe. By that logic, all alternate universes consider themselves "Prime Universes." That logic fails, and therefore, there is no Prime Universe, as all universes are variations of another. XXX Fandoms I Enjoy: Marvel, DC, Pokemon, Kim Possible, Godzilla, Criminal Minds Favorite Marvel Characters : Ms. Marvel/Captain Marvel; Thor; Wolverine; Jean Grey/Phoenix; X-23; Beta Ray Bill; Sif; Valkyrie; Spider-Man; Nova {Richard Rider} Favorite DC Characters : Power Girl; Wonder Woman; Batman; Nightwing; Starfire; Green Lantern {John Stewart}; Green Lantern {Kyle Rayner}; Shazam/Captain Marvel; Hawkgirl {Shayera Hol & New 52 versions} Favorite Pokemon Characters: Ash Ketchum, Ash's Pikachu, Dawn, May, Misty, Brock, Brock's Croagunk, Team Rocket Trio, Misty's Psyduck, Ash's Charizard, Ash's Sceptile, Paul, Gary Oak, Cynthia, Lance, Mewtwo (Original Series), Latias (M05), Ash's Totodile, Hunter J, Lugia (M02) Favorite Kaiju: Godzilla (NOT THE 1999 AMERICANIZED VERSION!! THE TRUE GOJIRA!! Seriously, in Final Wars, Godzilla destroyed Zilla in 13 seconds.), Mothra, Baatra, King Ghiddorah, Gigan, Destroyah, SpaceGodzilla, Rodan, MechaGodzilla/KIRYU, Kumonga, Monster X Favorite Marvel Titles: Captain Marvel; Superior Spider-Man Team-Up {to see who, if someone, finds out Peter's gone}; Thor: God of Thunder; Avengers; Mighty Avengers {current series as well as 1st series up to Secret Invasion point}; New Avengers {Vol. 1 & 2}; Fear Itself; Infinity; Uncanny Avengers; Avengers vs. X-Men; Secret Invasion; Ms. Marvel; Fear Itself: The Fearless; The Ultimates; Ultimate Comics: Ultimates Favorite DC Titles: Earth 2 {New 52}; Justice League {New 52}; Justice League of America {New 52}; Power Girl; Trinity War; Forever Evil; Injustice: Gods Among Us comic prelude; Justice; JLA; Blackest Night Favorite Movies: Godzilla series; The Avengers; The Punisher (2004); The Amazing Spider-Man; X-Men Trilogy; X-Men: First Class; The Wolverine; Battle: Los Angeles; Resident Evil: Apocalypse; Resident Evil: Extinction; Justice League: Doom; Spider-Man 2; Blade series; Iron Man trilogy; Priest'; Dark Knight trilogy; Man of Steel; King Kong (2005); Jurassic Park trilogy; Tim Burton's Batman series EXCEPT FOR BATMAN AND ROBIN...; Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe; Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian; Disney's Dinosaur; Lion King 1 & 2; Independence Day; Johnny English; etc etc... Favorite TV Shows: All DCAU shows; The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes; The Batman; RWBY; Pokemon up until Best Wishes {enjoying a bit of XY Series}; Legend of the Seeker; Agents of SHIELD; Criminal Minds; NCIS: Los Angeles; The Spectacular Spider-Man; Spider-Man (90s); X-Men (90s); X-Men: Evolution; Revolution; Walking Dead; Supernatural; etc etc... XXX Pairings I Enjoy & Support: Marvel: Spider-Man/Peter Parker & Ms. Marvel/Captain Marvel/Carol Danvers {OTP} Spider-Man/Peter Parker & Scarlet Witch/Wanda Maximoff Iron Man/Tony Stark & Pepper Potts Thor Odison & Lady Sif, Goddess of War Hawkeye/Clint Barton & Mockingbird/Bobbi Morse Hawkeye/Clint Barton & Black Widow/Natasha Romanoff (occasionally) Winter Soldier/Bucky Barnes & Black Widow/Natasha Romanoff DC: Batman/Bruce Wayne & Wonder Woman/Diana Prince/Princess Diana of Themyscera Nightwing/Dick Grayson & Starfire/Koriand'r Green Arrow/Oliver Queen & Black Canary/Dinah Lance Green Lantern/John Stewart & Hawkgirl/Shayera Hol The Question/Victor Sage & Huntress/Helena Bertinelli Flash/Wally West & Fire/Beatriz Bonilla da Costa {Why is there almost nothing to find on these two?} Pokemon: Pealshipping {Ash & Dawn} Advanceshipping {Ash & May} Luckshipping {Brock & Lucy} Rocketshipping {Jessie & James} BurningLeafshipping {Red & Leaf} ...is there a shipping for the game characters Red and Dawn? RWBY: Bumblebee {Blake & Yang} Arkos {Jaune and Pyrrha}/R.I.P. Pyrrha Other: Kim Possible & Ron Stoppable XXX Quotes: "This is my...BOOMSTICK!!" Ash Williams. Bruce Campbell {Army of Darkness} "I hate you. So much." Rhino to Spiderman {The Spectacular Spiderman TV Show} "Justice without force is powerless. Force without justice is tyrannical." Blaise Pascal {A Criminal Minds quote} "Hi, I'm Ms. Marvel. I'll be beating you senseless this evening." Ms. Marvel {Ms. Marvel Vol.2 #47} "Those who do evil to others—the killers, the rapists, psychos, sadists—will come to know me well. Frank Castle is dead. Call me... the Punisher." Thomas Jane, The Punisher "If more people gave up, there'd be fewer wars." Snowball {Staurt Little 2} "Monsters are real...they live inside us, and sometimes they win." Stephen King "Scars remind us where we've been. They don't have to dictate where we're headed." Joe Mantegna "Sometimes human places can create inhuman monsters." Stephen King "Delay is the deadliest form of denial." C. Northcote Parkinson "Men are more ready to repay an injury than a benefit, because gratitude is a burden and revenge a pleasure." Tacitus "With great power there must also come great responsibility." Stan Lee, Amazing Fantasy #15; 1962 "I don't need people to help me grow up. I DRINK MILK." Ruby Rose, RWBY XXX Current Stories in Progress: 1) Spider-Man & Ms. Marvel: Love & War All it took was one moment, one devastating moment. All it took was one man's law to divide a nation, a community and a team. Spider-Man and Ms. Marvel have been caught right in the middle. 2) Vengeance: Men Among Gods "Tell me, Bats. What are you really afraid of? Failing to save this cesspool of a city?" In a different world, it wasn't Joker that nuked Metropolis. It was Luthor that nuked Gotham. This is a retelling of "Injustice: Gods Among Us," with the roles of Batman and Superman reversed. 3) 919: Earth's Mightiest Heroes There came a day unlike any other, when Earth's Mightiest Heroes found themselves united against a common threat. To fight the foes no single hero could withstand. The Soldier, the Knight, the God, the Monster, the Giant, the Pixie, the Archer, the Spy, the Bird, the King, the Witch, the Speedster, the Ghost, the Weapon, the Assassin, the Marvel and the Spider. On that day...the AVENGERS were born. Bear witness to their origins and adventures as the protectors of Earth. 4) Rise of a Master: Diamond & Pearl After beating a Legendary but losing to his old Rival, Ash decides that it's time to get serious and finally grow up. After a break to train and prep both himself and his Pokemon, he sets his sights on finally winning a League. Get ready, Sinnoh, because here comes Ash Ketchum! Sure, he didn't expect to be another girl's mentor, but maybe it won't be so bad... 5) Chaos and Spiders The Scarlet Witch is hated by her own kind, mistrusted by many of her teammates and abandoned by her former husband. She sees no reason to go on anymore, for she's manipulated and screwed with everyone's lives during House of M and Decimation. The one who should hate her the most for it should be Spider-Man. The thing is...he doesn't. In fact, he makes her feel she matters. 6) Kim Possible: Agent of SHIELD Post *Graduation* Kim quit the spy/agent game after her first encounter with HYDRA scarred her mentally and emotionally. Four years later, Nick Fury and SHIELD call her back into the game. Truth will be revealed as lies as Kim finds herself again and faces foes the likes of which she's never faced before. The worst of the seemingly...unstoppable. 7) Marvel Universe: Dawn of the Dead The Earth has stood strong against all threats that have come its way, victorious thanks to her heroes and protectors. But now, the planet faces a new threat, the likes of which it has ever seen before. What's worse: SHIELD and Earth's heroes seem powerless to stop it. Now, a war must be waged for the survival of mankind, but it seems they have already lost. "When there is no more room in Hell, the dead shall walk the Earth." 8) Ultimate Marvel: Remastered Characters are re-imagined as events are reshaped and retold. Science has begun to reshape the world and the human race. New doors have been opened, allowing a new breed of human to come to light. The world can only watch in wonder, awe and fear as logic-defying beings walk the planet. Can these wonders change the world for the better? Or will they destroy it? 9) A Bat and an Amazon (One Shot series) A one shot series on Batman, Wonder Woman, and the dynamics of their relationship. 10) Marvelous and Amazing (One Shot series) A series of one shots focusing on the dynamic between Carol Danvers (Ms./Captain Marvel) and Peter Parker (Spider-Man) 11) Carol Danvers vs. The Sinister Foes of Spider-Man (One Shot series) Title says it all! Carol, as either Ms. Marvel or Captain Marvel, takes on Spider-Man's enemies in this series of one shots. As a bonus, Peter/Carol moments. Now, let the beat downs begin! Avengers Uniforms in 919: Earth's Mightiest Heroes Captain America/Steve Rogers: "Avengers: Age of Ultron" uniform Iron Man/Tony Stark: Varying armors Hulk/Bruce Banner: Classic Thor: "Marvel: Avengers Alliance" Modern Armor Yellowjacket/Hank Pym: Wasp attire Wasp/Janet van Dyne-Pym: Initiative Wasp Uniform Hawkeye/Clint Barton: "Heroic Age" uniform Black Widow/Natalia Romanova: "Captain America: The Winter Soldier" attire Mockingbird/Bobbi Morse: "Heroic Age" uniform Scarlet Witch/Wanda Maximoff: MarvelNOW! uniform Quicksilver/Pietro Maximoff: Uncanny Avengers Vol 2 (2015)/Avengers Millennium uniform Vision: "Avengers AI" look Black Panther/T'Challa of Wakanda: caped attire Wolverine/James "Logan" Howlett: MarvelNOW! uniform Spider Woman/Jessica Drew: classic Captain Marvel/Carol Danvers: "Marvel Heroes 2015" Captain Marvel uniform Spider-Man/Peter Parker: classic "red-&-blue" with occasional switch to Black in Black suit Teams in "Rise of a Master: Diamond and Pearl" Ash's Pokemon: Pikachu (Male) - Static - Thunderbolt, Thunder, Volt Tackle, Agility, Quick Attack, Iron Tail, Brick Break, Return, Light Screen, Signal Beam, Reflect, Hidden Power (Fire), Electro Ball Charizard (Male) - Blaze - Flamethrower, Shadow Claw, Seismic Toss, Dragon Pulse, Blast Burn, Fly, Flare Blitz, Dragon Tail, Steel Wing, Hidden Power (Electric), Hyper Beam, Solarbeam, Overheat Ivysaur (Male) - Overgrow - Power Whip, Leaf Storm, Solarbeam, Petal Dance, Dig, Frenzy Plant, Sludge Bomb, Energy Ball, Leech Seed, Protect, Sleep Powder, Light Screen, Take Down Wartortle (Male) - Torrent - Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, Rapid Spin, Iron Defense, Aqua Ring, Zen Headbutt, Mirror Coat, Brick Break, Water Pulse, Hydro Cannon, Skull Bash, Bite, Bubble Beam Pidgeot (Female) - Keen Eye - Brave Bird, Steel Wing, Aerial Ace, Twister, Sky Attack, Air Slash, Quick Attack, Giga Impact, Feather Dance, Heatwave, Double Team, Mirror Move, Agility Primeape (Male) - Anger Point - Cross Chop, Bulk Up, Thrash, Dig, Double Team, Close Combat, Stone Edge, Mega Punch, Focus Blast, Thunderpunch, Poison Jab, Outrage, Brick Break Snorlax (Male) - Thick Fat - Hyper Beam, Ice Punch, Heavy Slam, Sleep Talk, Protect, Body Slam, Amnesia, Shadow Ball, Earthquake, Superpower, Rest, Snore, Focus Blast Kingler (Male) - Shell Armor - Crabhammer, Hyper Beam, Ice Beam, Iron Defense, Water Pulse, Mud Shot, Bide, Bubblebeam, Brine, X-Scissor, Rock Tomb, Knock-Off, Hidden Power (Psychic) Muk (Male) - Poison Touch (Hidden Ability) - Sludge Bomb, Body Slam, Mud Bomb, Gunk Shot, Acid Armor, Fire Blast, Pain Split, Ice Punch, Shadow Ball, Dark Pulse, Curse, Disable, Poison Gas Tauros Herd (Male) - Anger Point - Fissure, Horn Attack, Giga Impact, Double Team, Stone Edge, Earthquake, Zen Headbutt, Outrage, Payback, Iron Head, Thrash, Wild Charge, Take Down [In Tauros that battle, Take Down is replaced by a signature move]
Heracross (Male) - Swarm - Megahorn, Aerial Ace, Close Combat, Focus Punch, Shadow Claw, Stone Edge, Hyper Beam, Sleep Talk, Endure, Horn Attack, Pin Missile, Toxic, Iron Defense Meganium (Female) - Overgrow - Power Whip, Leaf Storm, Frenzy Plant, Light Screen, Giga Impact, Body Slam, Energy Ball, Strength, Earthquake, Solarbeam, Heal Pulse, Sweet Scent, Giga Drain Quilava (Male) - Blaze - Flamethrower, Flare Blitz, Flame Wheel, Eruption, Aerial Ace, Smokescreen, Extrasensory, Wild Charge, Lava Plume, Double Team, Endure, Quick Attack, Swift Totodile (Male) - Torrent - Hydro Pump, Water Pulse, Dragon Dance, Ice Fang, Superpower, Ice Punch, Dragon Claw, Slash, Aerial Ace, Bite, Scary Face, Headbutt, Protect Noctowl (Female) - Insomnia - Extrasensory, Sky Attack, Air Slash, Steel Wing, Foresight, Hypnosis, Dream Eater, Shadow Ball, Silver Wind, Reflect, Mirror Move, Psychic, Aerial Ace Donphan (Male) - Sturdy - Rollout, Earthquake, Hyper Beam, Hidden Power (Ghost), Gyro Ball, Stone Edge, Body Slam, Defense Curl, Poison Jab, Thunder Fang, Ice Shard, Counter, Giga Impact Swellow (Female) - Guts - Aerial Ace, Double Team, Quick Attack, Steel Wing, Facade, Ominous Wind, Air Slash, Agility, Protect, Roost, Pluck, Hidden Power (Water), Giga Impact Sceptile (Male) - Overgrow - Leaf Blade, Bullet Seed, Leaf Storm, Quick Attack, Solarbeam, Dragon Claw, X-Scissor, Energy Ball, Swords Dance, Thunderpunch, Agility, Focus Blast, Frenzy Plant Crawdaunt (Male) - Adaptability (Hidden Ability) - Crabhammer, Iron Defense, Bubblebeam, Night Slash, Swords Dance, Water Pulse, X-Scissor, Ice Beam, Vice Grip, Rock Tomb, Aerial Ace, Dig, Metal Claw Torkoal (Male) - White Smoke - Flamethrower, Overheat, Iron Defense, Body Slam, Smokescreen, Heat Wave, Solarbeam, Eruption, Amnesia, Sludge Bomb, Earth Power, Gyro Ball, Will-o-Wisp Glalie (Male) - Inner Focus - Ice Beam, Blizzard, Water Pulse, Double Team, Shadow Ball, Ice Shard, Gyro Ball, Explosion, Iron Head, Light Screen, Hyper Beam, Dark Pulse, Protect Aipom (Female) - Run Away - Fury Swipes, Focus Punch, Double Team, Swift, Iron Tail, Shadow Ball, Tickle, Bounce, Fake Out, Agility, Thunder Wave, Sand Attack, Slam Pupitar (Male) - Shed Skin - Stone Edge, Dark Pulse, Iron Defense, Screech, Hidden Power (Poison), Earthquake, Earth Power Latias (Female) - Levitate - Mist Ball, Draco Meteor, Ice Beam, Giga Impact, Dragon Claw, Energy Ball, Psychic, Dragon Breath, Safeguard, Heal Pulse, Solarbeam, Thunder Starly (Male) - Keen Eye - Quick Attack, Whirlwind, Wing Attack Croagunk (Male) - Anticipation - Poison Sting, Brick Break, Poison Jab, Meditate, Mud Slap xxx Dawn's Pokemon: Piplup (Male) - Torrent -Bubblebeam, Pound, Peck, Bide Buneary (Female) - Klutz - Quick Attack, Bounce, Ice Beam, Dizzy Punch Chimchar (Female) - Blaze - Ember, Fury Swipes, Taunt, Fire Spin Stories to Come: 1) RISE OF A MASTER: ADVENTURES IN UNOVA! -(Tentative Title); possible sequel to ROAM: Diamond and Pearl. |
Community: | A Princess & Her Dark Knight in Shadowy Armor |
Focus: | Comics Justice League |